Idioms Beginning with A

Any WayIn any manner or method possible; open to multiple approaches or means.They were determined to win the game any way they could, even if it meant changing strategies halfway through.
AnywayRegardless of previous events or conditions; in spite of everything.She was exhausted, but she finished her assignment anyway because she didn’t want to miss the deadline.
Appear as SomeoneTo take on a specific role or character, especially in performance or public appearances.The actor appeared as Julius Caesar in the school play, captivating the audience with his performance.
Appear for SomeoneTo represent or act on behalf of someone, typically in a legal or official capacity.The lawyer appeared for the defendant in court, arguing passionately on their behalf.
Apply Oneself to SomethingTo devote full attention and effort to a task or activity in order to achieve success.If you apply yourself to your studies, you’ll see significant improvement in your grades.
Apply to SomethingTo submit a formal request or be relevant to a specific situation, organization, or rule.She applied to three different universities, hoping to get accepted into her top choice.
Approve of SomethingTo have a favorable opinion of or express support for something.Her parents didn’t approve of her decision to move abroad, but they respected her independence.
Approve SomethingTo officially authorize or give formal consent to something.The board approved the new budget after a lengthy discussion on potential cuts.
Apt at Doing SomethingTo be skilled or proficient in performing a specific task.He is apt at solving complex math problems and often tutors his classmates.
Apt to Do SomethingTo have a natural tendency or inclination to behave in a certain way.She is apt to forget her keys when she’s in a rush, which has led to a few frustrating mornings.
Archaic WordA word that is no longer commonly used in modern language, often found in historical texts.The novel was filled with archaic words that gave it an old-world charm but required readers to look up definitions.
Archaistic WordA deliberately old-fashioned word used to evoke a sense of the past or historical context.The author sprinkled archaistic words throughout the dialogue to make the characters sound more authentic.
Arm in ArmWalking closely together with arms linked, often symbolizing closeness or companionship.The couple strolled arm in arm through the park, enjoying the crisp autumn air.
Hand in HandTo be closely associated or work in cooperation with another person or concept.Innovation and creativity go hand in hand when designing new technology.
Armchair GeneralA person who criticizes or gives opinions on complex matters, especially military strategy, without any real experience.He talks like an armchair general, always suggesting how the government should handle conflicts, but he’s never been in the military.
Armchair PilotSomeone who enjoys flight simulation games or discussing aviation without actually being a pilot.His flight simulator setup made him the ultimate armchair pilot, even though he had never flown a real plane.

Armed ForcesThe military branches of a country, including the army, navy, and air force, tasked with national defense and security.After graduating, he decided to join the armed forces to serve his country and travel the world.
Armored ForcesMilitary units equipped with heavily armored vehicles, such as tanks, designed for front-line combat and defense.The armored forces advanced through the desert, their tanks rumbling across the dunes toward the enemy.
Around the BendSomething that is either imminent or used informally to describe someone who is mentally unstable or eccentric.After months of planning, the wedding is finally around the bend, and we’re all excited for the big day.
Around the CornerDescribes something that is about to happen soon or is very close in proximity.The holidays are just around the corner, and the stores are already decorated with festive lights.
Arrive Dead on TimeTo arrive precisely at the scheduled or expected moment, neither early nor late.The train arrived dead on time, pulling into the station exactly as the clock struck 9 AM.
Be Dead on ArrivalTo be doomed or have no chance of success from the beginning, often due to poor planning or execution.The new policy was dead on arrival, as it faced immediate opposition from both sides of the political spectrum.
Art FilmA movie made with an emphasis on artistic expression, often experimental, and not necessarily aiming for commercial success.The director’s latest project is an art film, focusing on abstract themes and unconventional storytelling.
Artful FilmA movie that is masterfully crafted, showcasing skill and creativity in both its storytelling and production techniques.The artful film captivated critics with its stunning cinematography and intricate plot twists.
Art WorkA piece of visual art, such as a painting or sculpture, created primarily for aesthetic or artistic purposes.The gallery featured a stunning art work by a local artist, drawing in crowds with its vibrant colors and textures.
Work of Art1. A piece of art created with great skill. 2. Something crafted with extreme care and attention to detail, often used figuratively.His handmade wooden furniture was a true work of art, each piece carefully carved and polished to perfection.
As a Last ResortThe final option or solution when all other methods have failed.We tried everything we could to fix the situation, but as a last resort, we had to hire a mediator.
In the Last ResortUltimately, when all other factors or options have been considered.In the last resort, it’s up to the voters to decide the outcome of the election.
As a Man1. Acting as a unified group. 2. In terms of someone’s character or personal integrity. 3. In a manner befitting men.He was respected not only as a leader but also as a man who stood by his principles.
Like a Man1. Acting with courage, integrity, or responsibility. 2. Returning to one’s normal state or feeling empowered.After facing his fears head-on, he walked away from the confrontation feeling like a man.
Idiom Index

Idiom Index


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