Idioms Beginning with A

Ancient WorldRefers to the early civilizations, particularly Greek and Roman, and the regions known during ancient history.The pyramids of Egypt are one of the greatest architectural marvels of the ancient world.
Old WorldRefers to Europe, Asia, and Africa, or a previous way of life rich in traditions and customs.After living in the modern city for years, he returned to the Old World charm of his hometown in Europe.
And AllUsed to indicate the inclusion of everything associated with something or the entirety of a situation.She packed her clothes, shoes, and all into a single suitcase for the weekend trip.
And All ThatA casual phrase used to refer to additional things that are implied but not explicitly stated.They talked about politics, the economy, and all that during dinner.
Angel-WaterA type of perfume or cosmetic made from plants, particularly Angelica, used to enhance beauty.In the 18th century, many women used angel-water to maintain their skin’s softness and glow.
Holy WaterWater that has been blessed by a priest, often used in religious rituals or ceremonies.The priest blessed the congregation with holy water during the Sunday service.
Another Kettle of FishRefers to a completely different situation, often more complex or challenging than expected.Learning to cook for a large crowd is one thing, but catering an event is another kettle of fish entirely.
Another Turn of the ScrewAn action or event that worsens an already difficult situation, often to apply pressure on someone.The news of a pay cut was just another turn of the screw for the struggling employees.
Answer for SomethingTo be held responsible or accountable for an action or decision.He will have to answer for his poor decisions when the board meets next week.
Answer to SomethingTo respond to, satisfy, or match a particular need, requirement, or description.The new software answers to all the technical specifications we were looking for.
The Answer is a LemonUsed when the solution to a problem is unsatisfactory or non-existent.When asked how they would fix the situation, their response was vague; clearly, the answer is a lemon.
It’s a LemonRefers to something, especially a product like a car, that is defective or of poor quality.The car I bought last month has broken down three times already—it’s a lemon!

Answer One’s CallingTo pursue a profession or activity that one feels naturally drawn to, often due to a talent or passion.After years of trying different jobs, she finally answered her calling and became a teacher.
Answer the Call of NatureA polite or humorous way to say that someone needs to use the bathroom.During the long road trip, they had to stop frequently so everyone could answer the call of nature.
Answer SomeoneTo respond verbally to a person’s question or statement.When she asked him why he was late, he didn’t know how to answer her.
Answer to SomeoneTo be responsible or accountable to a person in a position of authority.As the project manager, she answers directly to the CEO.
Ant’s Pants(Australian slang) Refers to something or someone considered highly fashionable or impressive.His new shoes were the ant’s pants; everyone was talking about how cool they looked.
Have Ants in One’s PantsTo be restless, anxious, or unable to sit still, often due to excitement or nervousness.He couldn’t wait for the concert to start and was fidgeting like he had ants in his pants.
Anxious About SomethingTo feel nervous or uneasy about a potential event or outcome.She was anxious about the upcoming job interview and couldn’t sleep the night before.
Anxious for SomethingTo eagerly desire or wish for something to happen.They were anxious for the results of the competition to be announced.
Any DayUsed to indicate that something could happen at any moment or to express a preference or certainty.I’d choose to work with Mark any day; he’s the most reliable person on the team.
Any TimeRefers to something that can happen at any moment or at one’s convenience, also used as a polite response to “thank you.”The baby is due any time now, and the parents are excited.
Any OneRefers to a single person or thing from a group or set.You can pick any one of the books on the shelf to take home with you.
AnyoneRefers to any person, without specification or limitation.Is there anyone here who can help me carry these boxes?
Any PlaceRefers to any location, often emphasizing an unrestricted or broad choice.If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go?
AnyplaceAn informal variation of “any place,” meaning anywhere, often used in casual conversation.You can find great coffee anyplace in the city if you know where to look.
Idiom Index

Idiom Index


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