Idioms Beginning with A

Again and AgainThis phrase refers to the act of doing something repeatedly, often implying persistence or a strong preference for that action.She listened to her favorite song again and again, finding comfort in its familiar melody.
Every Now and AgainThis expression suggests that something happens occasionally or sporadically, highlighting its irregularity in frequency.Every now and again, he treats himself to a movie night, enjoying some popcorn and a good film.
Agree on SomethingThis means reaching a mutual understanding or consensus about a specific topic or decision, indicating harmony among opinions.After a long discussion, they finally agreed on the best approach to improve the project’s efficiency.
Agree to SomethingThis phrase denotes accepting or approving a suggestion or proposal, often after careful consideration.The board members decided to agree to the new policy changes after reviewing the benefits thoroughly.
Agree with SomethingThis indicates supporting or sharing the same opinion as someone else regarding a particular statement or belief.I agree with the teacher’s approach to hands-on learning; it really engages the students.
Ahead of One’s TimeThis describes someone or something that is significantly more advanced or progressive than what is typical or accepted at a given moment.The artist’s work was ahead of its time, blending styles that wouldn’t become popular until decades later.
Before One’s TimeThis refers to events or circumstances that occurred prior to a person’s existence, or to things that seem premature in nature.The classic novel was published before my time, but I’ve read about its impact on literature.
Ahead of TimeThis means completing a task or project earlier than expected, often viewed as a positive accomplishment.Finishing the report ahead of time allowed him to focus on other important tasks.
Before TimeThis indicates doing something too early or prematurely, sometimes with negative implications regarding timing.The renovation was completed before time, leaving some details unfinished.
Aim at SomethingThis phrase refers to directing attention or efforts toward achieving a specific goal or target.The marketing team aims at increasing brand awareness through social media campaigns.
Aim for SomethingThis expression means to strive toward a particular goal or aspiration, indicating ambition and focus.She aims for a promotion within the next year, working hard to exceed her targets.
Air BoatThis term can describe a type of boat designed for travel on water, often powered by an aircraft engine, allowing for maneuverability in shallow areas.The air boat glided smoothly across the marsh, providing a unique perspective of the wildlife.
Inflatable BoatA lightweight, portable boat made from flexible materials that can be inflated for use, commonly employed in emergencies or leisure activities.The rescue team used an inflatable boat to reach stranded hikers on the flooded trail.

Air GunA type of weapon that uses compressed air to propel projectiles, often used for target practice or in competitions, rather than traditional gunpowder.He practiced his aim every weekend with his air gun, targeting cans set up in the backyard.
Air GunnerA member of an aircraft crew responsible for operating gunfire equipment, typically in military contexts, where precision and coordination are essential.After retiring from active flight duty, she found fulfillment as an air gunner, ensuring safety during missions.
Air LaneA designated path in the sky that aircraft follow during flight, essential for managing air traffic and maintaining safety in crowded airspaces.The air lane above the city was busy with planes heading to different destinations, creating a visual spectacle.
AirlineA commercial organization that provides air transport services for passengers and cargo, or a system of air ducts used in vehicles for heating and cooling.The airline offered attractive deals for holiday travelers, making it a popular choice among vacationers.
Air LetterA lightweight sheet designed for sending letters via airmail, typically more economical and streamlined for international correspondence.She chose to send her birthday wishes using an air letter, hoping it would reach her friend faster.
Airmail LetterA letter specifically prepared for air delivery, often distinguished by its packaging and higher postage rates to ensure quicker transport.The airmail letter arrived within three days, much to her surprise, bringing delightful news from abroad.
Alien from SomethingDescribes something that is fundamentally different from a particular set of beliefs, cultures, or practices, often highlighting a lack of connection.His views on spirituality felt alien from the traditional values of his upbringing.
Alien to SomethingRefers to concepts, practices, or ideas that are contrary to or incompatible with existing norms or traditions.The proposal seemed alien to the community, stirring debates and discussions about its implications.
Alive to SomethingBeing conscious or aware of a particular situation or potential danger, indicating vigilance and awareness.She was alive to the risks of the project, ensuring that safety protocols were strictly followed.
Alive with SomethingDescribes a place or situation that is bustling with energy, activity, or life, conveying a sense of vibrancy and excitement.The market was alive with sounds and colors, filled with shoppers and vendors selling their goods.
All AlongRefers to something that has been true or present from the very beginning, often suggesting a realization or confirmation of a long-held belief.She realized she had been right about the project’s potential all along, despite initial doubts.
All Along the LineIndicates that something has been consistent or true at every stage of a process, highlighting the reliability or continuity of a situation.The new policy has been effective all along the line, benefiting every department in the organization.
All at OnceRefers to something happening suddenly or simultaneously, often leading to unexpected or overwhelming situations.The thunderstorm hit all at once, catching everyone outside by surprise.
At OnceSuggests immediate action or simultaneous occurrence, emphasizing urgency or the need for promptness.He knew he needed to leave at once to catch the last train home.
All ButIndicates something that is nearly complete or almost true, often used to emphasize a near-totality of a condition.The renovation is all but finished; just a few touches remain before it’s ready to show off.
Anything ButA phrase used to emphasize that something is not true or that a particular characteristic is completely absent.Her response was anything but polite, leaving everyone shocked by her rudeness.
All Day and Every DayThis means continuously or consistently over an extended period, often used to express routine or a strong commitment to an activity.He practices the piano all day and every day, aiming to master his craft.
All the Days of One’s LifeRefers to a span of time that covers an entire lifetime or a significant portion of it, often emphasizing the enduring nature of an experience.She hoped to spread kindness all the days of her life, leaving a lasting impact on everyone she met.
Idiom Index

Idiom Index


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