Idioms Beginning with A

At this minuteReferring to the current moment or time.She’s busy preparing dinner at this minute, so she can’t talk right now.
This minuteIndicating urgency or the need for immediate action.We need to leave for the airport this minute to catch our flight.
At this timeReferring to the present moment or specific period.At this time, the project is still in its planning phase.
This timeReferring to a specific occasion or event.This time, the concert was even better than the last one I attended.
At workEngaged in a job or activity; present at a place of employment.He’s currently at work, so he won’t be available for lunch.
In workHaving a job or project in progress; also refers to a horse in training.She’s happy to be in work again after being unemployed for several months.
Attach oneself to someoneTo closely associate or become a companion to someone.She tends to attach herself to her friends during challenging times.
Attach to someoneRefers to blame or responsibility being linked to a person.A lot of suspicion attaches to the new employee after the incident.
Attached homeA house that shares a wall with another house, often found in suburban settings.They live in an attached home, which is part of a row of similar houses.
Semi-detached houseA type of housing where one side of the house is connected to another, commonly used in the UK.My friend just moved into a semi-detached house with a lovely garden.
Attempt at somethingAn effort or endeavor to accomplish a specific goal.This is our first attempt at organizing a charity event for the community.
Attempt on somethingRefers to trying to achieve something challenging, or an act of trying to harm someone.His attempt on the high jump record was impressive, but he fell short.

Attend on someoneTo provide assistance or care to someone, often in a service capacity.The staff members were there to attend on the guests throughout the event.
Attend to someoneTo focus on or care for someone, especially in a nurturing or supportive role.Please attend to your homework before watching television.
Attend somethingTo be present at an event or gathering; to go regularly to a place.She was excited to attend the concert with her friends this weekend.
Attend to somethingTo manage or deal with a specific task or responsibility.We need to attend to the maintenance of the car before the trip.
Attract someone’s attentionTo catch the interest or notice of someone.He waved his hands to attract the attention of the passing cars.
Draw someone’s attentionTo make someone notice or focus on something specific.The vibrant colors of the painting drew everyone’s attention in the gallery.
Au faitBeing knowledgeable or well-informed about a particular subject.To excel in the meeting, she made sure she was au fait with the latest updates.
In factUsed to introduce a statement that emphasizes or clarifies a previous point; it often indicates the truth of a situation.He seemed unfazed by the challenge; in fact, he thrived under pressure.
Aural signalA sound cue intended to convey information or alerts; often used in contexts like alarms or notifications.The fire alarm emits a loud aural signal to alert the building’s occupants.
Oral signalA communication or instruction conveyed through spoken words.The captain gave oral signals to the crew during the emergency drill.
Austral EnglishA variation of English used in Australia and New Zealand, characterized by unique phrases and pronunciations.Austral English includes distinct slang that can confuse outsiders.
Australian EnglishThe specific form of English spoken in Australia, noted for its regional idioms and accents.Australian English often incorporates indigenous words and expressions.
Autograph bookA book designed for collecting signatures, often from famous individuals.She cherished her autograph book filled with signatures from celebrities she admired.
Autographed bookA book that has been signed by its author, making it a collectible item.The autographed book by the author was a prized possession for many fans.
Idiom Index

Idiom Index


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