Idioms Beginning with A

At the riseReferring to the initial phase or beginning of a significant event or development.The documentary captures the energy of communities at the rise of the digital age.
On the riseIndicating an increase or upward trend in something, such as prices or occurrences.Online shopping is on the rise as more consumers prefer convenience.
At the same timeConcurrently; indicating two or more things happening together or in conjunction.She managed to study for her exams and work a part-time job at the same time.
In the same timeReferring to a duration where two events occur over the same period, regardless of their nature.The train travels from city A to city B in the same time as the bus takes from A to C.
At the side of someoneIn comparison to another person; relating to one’s capabilities or qualities alongside someone else.She shines academically at the side of her classmates, often earning top grades.
On the side of someoneProviding support or assistance to someone in a disagreement or conflict.The teacher was always on the side of her students, advocating for their needs.
At the side of somethingPositioned next to or alongside something.The picnic blanket was spread out at the side of the river, perfect for a sunny day.
On the side of somethingRelated to being supportive of an idea or concept, or physically adjacent to something.The artist painted a mural on the side of the building, bringing color to the neighborhood.
At the sight of someoneUpon encountering or seeing a particular person.He felt a surge of relief at the sight of his friend after a long journey.
In the sight of someoneVisible to a person, or regarded in a specific way by someone.The decision was made in the sight of the public, ensuring transparency.
At the startReferring to the beginning phase of an event or situation.At the start of the project, the team set clear goals to guide their efforts.
To start withUsed to introduce the first point in a discussion, often implying importance or relevance.To start with, we need to address the budget constraints before planning further.
At the time of somethingIndicating a specific moment or period during which an event occurs.I was learning French at the time of my travels to Paris.
In the time of somethingDuring a historical period associated with a particular event or condition.In the time of ancient Rome, public baths were a vital part of social life.

At the top of the heapOccupying the highest position in a profession or ranking within a group.After years of hard work, she found herself at the top of the heap in her industry.
On top of the worldFeeling extremely joyful or elated; experiencing great happiness.After receiving the promotion, he felt like he was on top of the world.
At the top of the treeReaching the highest level of success or authority within a certain field.As the CEO, she stood at the top of the tree, making critical decisions for the company.
Up a treeFinding oneself in a difficult situation or facing challenges.When her car broke down in the middle of nowhere, she felt completely up a tree.
At the trailA military position with a rifle carried horizontally at full arm’s length.The troops marched at the trail, ready for any command from their leaders.
On the trailPursuing a path, searching for something, or following a particular lead.The detective was on the trail of the missing jewels, searching for clues in every corner.
At the utmostNot exceeding a specified number or amount; the maximum limit allowed.We can accept five new students at the utmost this semester.
To the utmostTo the greatest extent possible; maximizing efforts or resources.She dedicated herself to the utmost in her studies, determined to graduate with honors.
At the view of someoneUpon seeing a particular person, often resulting in a noticeable reaction.He couldn’t help but smile at the view of his friend after a long separation.
In the view of someoneIn the sight of a person or regarded from someone’s perspective.In the view of the critics, the film was a masterpiece that deserved an award.
At the view of somethingUpon encountering a specific sight or landscape, often inspiring admiration.The hikers stopped at the view of the mountains, captivated by their beauty.
With the view of somethingIntending to achieve a specific goal or outcome through a particular action.She started volunteering with the view of gaining experience in social work.
Idiom Index

Idiom Index


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