Idioms Beginning with A

At One’s Time of LifeRefers to a particular age or stage in life, often highlighting considerations or challenges specific to that age.At my time of life, I find it essential to prioritize my health and well-being over adventurous pursuits.
In One’s LifetimeDescribes events or experiences that occur during a person’s life, often emphasizing significance or rarity.In my lifetime, I’ve witnessed technological advances that have fundamentally changed how we communicate.
At One’s WorstIndicates a state of being at the lowest point or in a particularly undesirable situation, often used descriptively.She was at her worst during the argument, her frustration evident in every word she spoke.
At the WorstRefers to the most negative or least favorable outcome possible, often used when discussing potential scenarios.If you forget your umbrella, you might get wet; at the worst, you’ll need to change your clothes afterward.
At PlayDescribes a state of engagement in leisure activities or games, often emphasizing creativity or light-heartedness.The children were at play in the backyard, their laughter echoing through the garden.
In PlayRefers to factors that are actively influencing a situation, or actions that are meant for fun and not taken seriously.During the meeting, several strategies were in play that could shape the future of the project.
At PresentIndicates the current moment or situation, often suggesting that this state may change.At present, the weather is lovely, making it the perfect day for a picnic.
In the PresentRefers to the current period of time we are experiencing, often emphasizing awareness of ongoing events.She struggles to understand how life was different in the past compared to the present.
At QuietDescribes a state of calmness or tranquility, often used to highlight peace after turmoil.The forest was at quiet, with only the rustling of leaves breaking the silence.
On the QuietRefers to actions or events that occur secretly or discreetly, often to avoid drawing attention.They organized a surprise party on the quiet, ensuring the guest of honor had no idea.
At Short HandIndicates a quick or immediate approach to a problem or situation, often used when discussing time constraints.The project fell short because we tried to address complex issues at short hand without thorough analysis.
In Short HandRefers to a method of writing that uses symbols or abbreviations to represent words, often used for efficiency.The journalist took notes in short hand during the press conference to capture every detail.
At SightRefers to immediate action upon seeing something, often related to recognition or instant response.The artist can play complex pieces at sight, impressing everyone in the audience.
In SightIndicates visibility or the likelihood of something happening soon, often used in various contexts.After a long hike, we finally had the cabin in sight, boosting our spirits as we approached.

At the Back of SomethingRefers to the position behind something, either physically or metaphorically, indicating origin or responsibility.At the back of the project is a team of dedicated volunteers who have worked tirelessly for its success.
On the Back of SomethingDescribes an occurrence following another event, often highlighting the continuity or connection between them.After the holiday season, on the back of increased sales, the company decided to expand its product line.
At the BeginningIndicates the initial stage of a situation or process, emphasizing how things have changed over time.At the beginning of their journey, they were filled with excitement and anticipation for the adventure ahead.
To Begin WithUsed to emphasize the most important point or to introduce the initial consideration in a discussion.To begin with, we need to ensure that everyone is on the same page before moving forward with the project.
At the Bottom of SomethingRefers to the lowest part of an object or situation, often indicating the least favorable position or cause.At the bottom of the hill, they found a hidden cave that had been long forgotten.
In the Bottom of SomethingRefers to the lowest inner part of an object, often used to describe the contents within.The treasures were hidden in the bottom of the chest, waiting to be discovered.
At the Bottom of the BagIndicates the last remaining option or resource, often used when discussing limited choices.After trying every option available, I found my old journal at the bottom of the bag as a last resort.
At the Bottom of the BarrelRefers to the least desirable members or options in a group, often implying a low standard or quality.The organization had to hire at the bottom of the barrel due to budget constraints, which affected the overall quality of work.
At the ConclusionRefers to the end of an event or discussion, often summarizing the outcomes or lessons learned.At the conclusion of the workshop, participants expressed a desire for more interactive sessions in the future.
In ConclusionUsed to summarize or wrap up a discussion, often highlighting the final thoughts or main points.In conclusion, the research indicates a strong correlation between diet and health, emphasizing the need for better nutrition awareness.
At the ConferenceIndicates involvement or participation in a formal gathering or event for discussion and networking.At the conference, the speakers shared valuable insights on the future of technology in education.
In ConferenceDescribes being engaged in a formal meeting for discussion, often implying a focused exchange of ideas.The board members were in conference all morning to finalize the new policy changes before the vote.
Idiom Index

Idiom Index


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