Idioms Beginning with A

At a HeatReferring to accomplishing something intensely and quickly, often in a single effort without breaks.The author wrote the first draft of her novel at a heat, finishing the entire manuscript in just three weeks.
In HeatDescribing animals during their breeding season when they are sexually receptive and may exhibit specific behaviors.The dog was acting restless and vocal, clearly in heat and looking for a mate.
At a MomentReferring to a specific point in time among many possibilities or experiences.She caught a glimpse of her childhood friend at a moment when they both happened to be visiting the same café.
At the MomentDescribing the current situation or a specific time that is happening right now.At the moment, the café is packed, but we should be able to find a table soon.
At a PriceReferring to something that is either very costly in terms of money or involves significant sacrifice or effort.The luxurious vacation was enjoyable, but it came at a price—his savings were nearly depleted.
At the PriceIndicating that something is available at a specified cost or can be obtained only by sacrificing something else.This brand of coffee is fantastic at the price, but it may not be affordable for everyone.
At a PushDescribing a situation where something can be done, but only if absolutely necessary or under certain conditions.We could fit ten people in the car at a push, but it wouldn’t be comfortable for anyone.
At One PushReferring to completing something in a single action without hesitation or interruption.She completed the puzzle at one push, not stopping until every piece was in place.
At a RunIndicating movement at a fast pace, often suggesting urgency or excitement.He arrived at a run, breathless and excited to share the news of his promotion.
On the RunReferring to being busy or in a state of continuous activity, often implying a sense of urgency or chaos.As a freelance writer, she found herself on the run, juggling multiple deadlines and client meetings.
On the TrotSimilar to “on the run,” indicating being busy or moving quickly from task to task.During the festival, the organizers were on the trot, making sure everything was in place for the event.
At a StretchReferring to doing something continuously or to the limit of one’s ability or resources.I can manage to study for three hours at a stretch, but anything more than that leads to burnout.
On the StretchDescribing something that is continuously extended or strained, often referring to a tense or busy situation.The team was on the stretch as they tried to finalize the project before the looming deadline.

At an EndReferring to something that is finished, depleted, or no longer ongoing; often indicates a conclusion.After weeks of negotiations, the discussions were finally at an end, and everyone could move forward.
At the EndIndicating the final part of something, either physically or temporally, often suggesting a completion or conclusion.The book had a surprising twist at the end that left the readers in awe.
At Any CostEmphasizing a determination to achieve something, regardless of the sacrifices or efforts required.She was committed to completing her marathon training at any cost, pushing through injuries and exhaustion.
At Any PriceSimilar to “at any cost,” but can also imply a refusal to accept certain conditions under any circumstances.The peace talks fell apart, as one side insisted on winning at any price, ignoring the needs of the other.
At Any One TimeReferring to occurrences or actions that can happen individually during separate instances rather than simultaneously.Customers could only purchase a limited number of items at any one time to ensure fairness during the sale.
At Any TimeIndicating flexibility in timing; something can happen whenever needed or desired, or any time someone chooses.The library is open for questions at any time, welcoming patrons to seek assistance as needed.
At Arm’s LengthDescribing a physical distance one can reach with an outstretched arm, often used metaphorically to indicate emotional distance.He kept his colleagues at arm’s length, preferring to maintain a professional relationship without personal ties.
Close at HandIndicating proximity, either in physical distance or impending events, suggesting availability or readiness.With the deadline close at hand, the team worked late into the night to finalize the project.
At BestReferring to the most favorable conditions possible, often implying that the situation may still be inadequate.The weather for the picnic was predicted to be sunny at best, but rain was still a possibility.
At One’s BestReferring to someone performing or appearing in their optimal state, showcasing their capabilities.He played the piano beautifully, demonstrating his talent even when he wasn’t at his best due to fatigue.
Idiom Index

Idiom Index


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