Henry O’Keefe – OET letter

TASK 31 Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows:

You are a nurse with the Blue Skies Home Nursing Centre. You visited this patient at home today for the first time following a referral from the Mater Public Hospital. He was discharged from hospital on 17.3.08.

Name  : Henry O’Keefe

Address          : 12 Donaldson Street, Greenslopes 4121 Phone        : (07) 3941 2267

Date of Birth: 2 February 1925

Admitted        : 14.3.08

Diagnosis        : Malignant Melanoma Left Shoulder

Medical History: Large lesion successfully removed 14.3.08.

Discharged 17.3.08

Needs assistance with showering and to dress wound prior to removal of sutures at Mater Public Hospital on 24.3.08

Family History: Married aged pensioner. Lives in housing commission home with wife Dorothy also an aged pensioner. No children

18.3.08 1st Home visit: Showered patient. Wound dressed- healing satisfactory no sign of infection Balance a little shaky- complaining of increased arthritic pains in hands and legs. Currently taking Glucosamine & Chondroitin Supplement recommended by GP. Pain relieved with 2 Panadol 3 times daily. Confused about (why he had operation).Dorothy concerned about future. Tells you she will be 83 in August. Says Henry has not been himself since the surgery. Keeps forgetting things. She finds it difficult to manage the house and garden. Neighbours are helping with shopping. Kitchen and bathroom disordered- trouble finding clean towels- dishes piled in sink, bed unmade.

19.3.08 Henry showered and wound dressed. Still a little unbalanced. Rests most of the day. Does not remember being showered yesterday. House still disorganised, washing piled up in bathroom.

Dorothy says she would be lost without help from neighbours who also appear to be cooking meals for the couple.

Concerns: Provided there are no complications with the wound healing, your role in providing nursing care ends when sutures are removed on 24 March. You consider that Jim and Dorothy need to be assessed for further on-going assistance in managing the house and garden and with shopping and the preparation of cooking.

Plan: Request a home visit by the Aged Care Assessment Team as soon as possible to fully assess their needs and to arrange for appropriate further assistance to be provided.

WRITING TASK: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to The Director, Aged Care Assessment Team, Brisbane South Region, 78 Masterson St. Acacia Ridge, Brisbane 4110. Explain why you are writing and what types of assistance may be required

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