Headache OET role play

Interlocutor: SETTING: School Clinic
PATIENT: You are an athletic 18-year-old runner. You have a headache following an athletics event. In order to be able to run faster you reduced your breakfast this morning. You are visiting the school nurse to see what is wrong.
When asked, explain that your headache developed after the third race.
Admit when questioned to having a small glucose drink and an energy food bar rather than your usual full breakfast.
Insist that the headache has nothing to do with your breakfast and you want to know what to do now.
Agree to gradually increase fluids/foods and see if you feel better this afternoon.
Accept the nurse’s advice to eat a full breakfast in the future to avoid headaches.
SETTING: School Clinic:
NURSE: You are speaking to a student, an athletic 18-year-old runner, who has a headache following an athletics event. He/she is visiting you to see what is wrong.
Find out when the headache began.
Find out about the student’s food intake today (e.g., amount/type of food, volume/type of fluids, etc.).
Reassure the student that dehydration with excessive exercise is common if intake is insufficient.
Suggest that the student begins to eat/drink a small amount now (e.g., full, water, juice, etc.) and increase gradually.
Encourage the student to see how he/she feels in two hours and report back to you if the headache persists.
Give suggestions to help the student avoid getting this type of headache in the future (e.g., sufficient breakfast, fluids, etc.)

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