Guy Hoang Chung – OET letter



Time allowed: 40 minutes

Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.

You are a nurse at North Romand Infont Welfare Centre. You visited this patient at

“home today for the first time, after a referral from the maternity hospital.

Name: Guy Hoang Chung

Date of Birth: 17.05.53.


Occupation: Home dütles –

Personal History

Recently migrated (1/1991) with husband and 3 children (survivors of 6 pregnancies) from Vietnam to Australia.

Family Background:

Husband works in factory, setting up small import business:

English at night school.

Children (boy 13, boy 11, girl 7) all at school; working hard to adjust.

Strong family commitment to school/work/study /business/increasing financial stability/learning English: may not provide necessary assistance to overcome operation

and manage new baby

“No other family in Australia.

Medical History

No operations/Illnesses

• 6 normal pregnancies previously, birth weight approx. 2.8 kg.


Incoordinate contractions and inadequale outlet -> Casarean section

Birthweight 4 kr (probably result of recently improved diet/antenatal care).

? Circumstances not understood by pauent: language barrter / poss. cultural diffepences.


Mother: sutures removed; suture lined healed.

Baby: ‘no jaundice; breast feeding satisfactory; normal weight gain.

Mother and child discharged from hospital.


1st home visit.

Most time since operation depressed and in bed (reasons unclear but suspect due to circumstances of operation). Physically well. Apparent resistance to medical intervention in hospital (language barrier).


? Understanding of reasons for Caesarean section.

? Home help,


Refer to social worker, arrange management plan.


Using the Information In the case notes, write a referral letter to Hoa Tran, who is a Cambodian social worker with Roman Council.

Introduce Mrs Chueng and explain why you are referring her to the social worker. Discuss reasons for her depression and explain how you think Mrs Tran can help.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Hoa Tran

Social worker

Romand Council


Dear Tran,

Re: Mrs Guy Hoang Cheung, 17/05/1953.

Mrs Cheung requires your assistance and management in order to help her to overcome depression and to arrange home help. She is currently recovering from a caesarean session that she underwent in our hospital on 10/07/1992 to deliver her 4th child.

Apart from the neonate, Mrs Cheung is a mother of 3 other children and is a survivor of total 6 pregnancies. However, this time, due to incoordinate contractions and inadequate outlet, caesarean session had to be carried out. The baby weighed 4kg at birth. Mr Cheung has not yet understood the need for the caesarean session due to her cultural and linguistic differences. As a result, since the operation, she is depressed and is in bed, nor does she comply with medical intervention.

Healthwise, the mother and the child are doing well. As there were no complications, they were discharged on 20/07/1992.

Mrs Cheung, along with her husband and 3 children, had migrated from Vietnam to Australia last year. Her husband works in a factory and struggles to manage their expenses. He also learns English at night school.

Based on the above, please communicate with Mrs Cheung. Encourage her and help her to understand the reasons for the caesarean session. Kindly arrange for them necessary home help.

Should you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely Registered nurse

(Words used: 201)

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