Describe an image – Duolingo model questions and answers

During the “describe an image” task in the Duolingo English Test, you’ll have 20 seconds to prepare and then 90 seconds to speak about the picture. Take advantage of this time to carefully examine the image and plan your description. When speaking, use simple language to explain what you see in the picture, such as people or objects. It’s important to speak clearly and in an organised manner within the 90-second timeframe. This task evaluates both your ability to understand English and effectively communicate your observations.

How to score maximum for Duolingo “describe an image” questions?

Observe Carefully: Take the initial 20 seconds to observe the image closely. Pay attention to details such as people, objects, locations, and actions depicted in the picture.

Identify Key Elements: Quickly identify the main elements or focal points of the image. These could include people, objects, scenes, emotions, or activities.

Organize Your Thoughts: Before speaking, mentally organize your thoughts. You might consider dividing your response into an introduction, main points, and conclusion to maintain coherence.

Describe What You See: Begin by providing a brief description of the image. Mention key details such as the setting, the people involved, their actions, and any notable objects or features.

Express Opinions or Reactions: Share your opinions, feelings, or reactions to the image. This could include expressing likes or dislikes, surprise, admiration, or any other emotions evoked by the picture.

Use Descriptive Language: Enrich your speech by using descriptive language to paint a vivid picture for the listener. Employ adjectives, adverbs, and figurative language to enhance your descriptions.

Provide Context or Background: If applicable, offer some context or background information related to the image. This could help clarify any ambiguous elements or provide additional insight into the subject matter.

Speak Clearly and Confidently: Speak clearly and confidently, maintaining a steady pace. Try to minimise pauses and fillers such as “um” or “uh,” as these can detract from your overall fluency.

Use Correct Grammar and Vocabulary: Aim to use correct grammar and appropriate vocabulary throughout your response. Avoid overly complex sentences that may lead to grammatical errors or confusion.

Practice Speaking About Images: Practice speaking about various types of images beforehand to improve your fluency and confidence. This could involve describing photographs, paintings, illustrations, or other visual materials.

Some useful sentence formations for Duolingo image description

Well-lit and Clear Picture:

While the background is quite blurred, the picture itself is well-lit and clear.

Cradling an Object:

While she cradles [object] in her [hand], she [action].

Canvas on a Frame:

While the canvas is cradled on a wooden frame, the artist has [tool] in his/her [hand], ready to [action].

Room Lighting:

The room is [adverb] lit.

The room is poorly lit.

Lush Green Pasture:

I can see an image of [description], playing on a lush green pasture.

Background Description:

In the backdrop, I can see [description].

Skin Color Description:

[Subject] has [skin colour] complexion.


I can see [subject] from [location].

Wearing a Hat:

[Subject] has a hat on.

Wall Colors Contrast:

In the backdrop, I can see a wall in stark contrast to an adjacent [colour] wall.

Vegetation and Trees Description:

In the backdrop, I can see [description] in the distance.

Sky Description:

In the horizon, I can see [description].

Sample Duolingo imageCows

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