Describe an image – Duolingo – boat at sea

Image Description Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Time: 01:00
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Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The image captures a beautiful coastal scene with people enjoying a sunny day. A sleek blue boat, anchored near the sandy shore, is equipped with a wakeboarding tower. A boy in a blue outfit is boarding the boat, helped by a man in dark blue. A woman in a white top and green skirt smiles from the beach, while a man in pink and beige watches calmly. A lush palm tree and crystal-clear water enhance the tranquil, tropical ambiance. Overall, it’s an intriguing and captivating image.

Describe an image – Speaking

The image captures an idyllic coastal scene where a group of individuals relishes a delightful day by the waterfront. Dominating the right side of the frame is a sleek, state-of-the-art blue boat, anchored gracefully near the sandy shore. The boat, outfitted with a robust wakeboarding tower, exudes modernity and appears meticulously maintained, tailored for aquatic adventures and leisurely pursuits.

In the center of the image, a vibrant tableau unfolds: a young boy, clad in a vibrant blue shirt and matching shorts, is in the process of boarding the boat. A man standing on the boat, dressed in a dark blue shirt and shorts, extends a helping hand, ensuring the boy’s safe boarding.

At the beach, a woman stands barefoot on the sand, her attire consisting of a crisp white top paired with a bright green skirt. She watches the boy with a gentle smile, embodying a sense of care and enjoyment. Further back, another man, attired in a pink shirt and beige shorts, wearing shades, stands with a relaxed demeanour, observing the unfolding activities with an air of tranquility.

The backdrop is adorned with a lush palm tree, which amplifies the tropical essence of the locale. The water, serene and crystal clear, gently caresses the shore, adding to the soothing ambiance. The overall scene is a picturesque portrayal of relaxation and joy, capturing the essence of a sun-drenched day spent in a beautiful coastal paradise.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Idyllic: Extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.
  2. Coastal: Relating to or located near the coast.
  3. Relishes: Enjoys greatly.
  4. Delightful: Causing delight; charming.
  5. Waterfront: A part of a town or city that is next to an area of water such as a river or the sea.
  6. Dominating: Having a commanding position or influence over others.
  7. State-of-the-art: Incorporating the newest ideas and the most up-to-date features.
  8. Anchored: Secured (a boat) in position with an anchor.
  9. Gracefully: In an elegant and smooth manner.
  10. Sandy: Covered in or consisting mostly of sand.
  11. Robust: Strong and healthy; vigorous.
  12. Wakeboarding: A water sport in which a rider is towed behind a motorboat on a wakeboard.
  13. Modernity: The quality or condition of being modern.
  14. Meticulously: Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
  15. Maintained: Kept in good condition.
  16. Aquatic: Relating to water.
  17. Adventures: Exciting or unusual experiences.
  18. Leisurely: Acting or done at leisure; unhurried or relaxed.
  19. Pursuits: Activities engaged in regularly.
  20. Vibrant: Full of energy and life.
  21. Tableau: A picturesque grouping of persons or objects; a striking scene.
  22. Clad: Clothed or covered.
  23. Attire: Clothes, especially fine or formal ones.
  24. Crisp: Fresh, clean, and looking new or attractive.
  25. Gentle: Mild in temperament or behavior; kind or tender.
  26. Embodies: Gives a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling).
  27. Care: The provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.
  28. Enjoyment: The state or process of taking pleasure in something.
  29. Attired: Dressed in clothes of a specified kind.
  30. Demeanor: Outward behavior or bearing.
  31. Tranquility: The quality or state of being calm and peaceful.
  32. Backdrop: The setting or background of an event or scene.
  33. Adorned: Made more beautiful or attractive.
  34. Lush: Growing luxuriantly.
  35. Amplifies: Increases in size, volume, or significance.
  36. Locale: A place where something happens or is set.
  37. Serene: Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
  38. Crystal clear: Completely transparent and unclouded.
  39. Caresses: Touches or strokes gently or lovingly.
  40. Soothing: Having a calming or relieving effect.
  41. Ambiance: The character and atmosphere of a place.
  42. Picturesque: Visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.
  43. Portrayal: A depiction or description of someone or something.
  44. Sun-drenched: Receiving a great deal of sunlight.
  45. Paradise: A place of extreme beauty, delight, or happiness.
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