COPD OET role play

Interlocutor: SETTING: Patient’s Home
CARER: Your spouse is suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and requires continuous oxygen. Mobility is now a problem. You have been caring for your spouse at home for two years but have recently returned to work. The nurse has just completed an assessment of his/her needs and is discussing full-time care options with you.
When asked, say you have recently had to go back to work so are balancing being a carer and working full-time. You have put a fridge and microwave in the bedroom, and leave meals out every day, but you are worried it is not enough.
Admit you knew that eventually your spouse would need more round-the-clock support, but you hoped it wouldn’t be so soon. You have no idea what you are going to do now.
Say there is no way you can give up work and be a full-time carer as you need the money. Agree that a nursing home is a good option but there is no way your spouse will agree to it.
Ask how you will know which nursing home to choose.
Say that you will talk to your spouse about the option of a nursing home and let the nurse know what he/she says
SETTING: Patient’s Home
NURSE: You are making a home visit to a patient who is suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
and requires continuous oxygen. Mobility is now a problem. The patient’s spouse has been caring for him/her at home for two years but has recently returned to work. You have just completed an assessment of the patient’s needs and are discussing full-time care options with his/her carer.
Find out how the spouse has been managing since your last visit.
Reassure the spouse about his/her situation (doing all he/she can, very difficult to care and work full-time, etc.). Explain your assessment of the patient (e.g., needs constant monitoring, round-the-clock assistance, etc.).
Outline options (full-time carer or a nursing home). Explore the option of the spouse giving up work again.
Explain the benefits of a nursing home (high level of round-the-clock care, experienced staff, etc.).
Advise on choosing a nursing home (make a list of requirements, visit different options, speak to staff/residents, etc.). Offer to suggest local nursing homes for consideration.

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