COPD – OET role play

Interlocutor. Role play. Setting: Patient’s Home
Your spouse is suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and requires continuous oxygen. Mobility is now a problem. You have been caring for your spouse at home for two years but have recently returned to work. The nurse has just completed an assessment of his/her needs and is discussing full-time care options with you.
 When asked, say you have recently had to go back to work so are balancing being a carer and working full-time. You have put a fridge and microwave in the bedroom, and leave meals out every day, but you are worried it is not enough.
 Admit you knew that eventually your spouse would need more round-the-clock support, but you hoped it wouldn’t be so soon. You have no idea what you are going to do now.
 Say there is no way you can give up work and be a full-time carer as you need the money. Agree that a nursing home is a good option but there is no way your spouse will agree to it.
 Ask how you will know which nursing home to choose.
 Say that you will talk to your spouse about the option of a nursing home and let the nurse know what he/she says
Nurse. Role play. Setting: Patient’s Home
You are making a home visit to a patient who is suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and requires continuous oxygen. Mobility is now a problem. The patient’s spouse has been caring for him/her at home for two years but has recently returned to work. You have just completed an assessment of the patient’s needs and are discussing full-time care options with his/her carer.
 Find out how the spouse has been managing since your last visit.
 Reassure the spouse about his/her situation (doing all he/she can, very difficult to care and work full-time, etc.). Explain your assessment of the patient (e.g., needs constant monitoring, round-the-clock assistance, etc.).
 Outline options (full-time carer or a nursing home). Explore the option of the spouse giving up work again.
 Explain the benefits of a nursing home (high level of round-the-clock care, experienced staff, etc.).
 Advise on choosing a nursing home (make a list of requirements, visit different options, speak to staff/residents, etc.).
Offer to suggest local nursing homes for consideration.

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