Coordinating conjunctions

Do not start a sentence with coordinating conjunctions. Use them in between

A coordinating conjunction is a word that is used to connect two or more words, phrases, or clauses of equal syntactical importance. These conjunctions are used to link two or more independent clauses, coordinate adjectives, or coordinate phrases or words. Coordinating conjunctions are also known as coordinators, and they are used to create compound sentences.


(1) F: for കാരണം

Example: He scored good marks, for he had studied well.

(2) A: and മാത്രമല്ല

Example: He came early, and he slept off.

If you share the subject: He came early and slept off.

(3) N: nor അതും ഇല്ല

Example: He did not come to the party, nor did he call to inform that he was not coming.

(4) B: but പക്ഷെ

Example: I drink tea, but I do not use sugar.

(5) O: or അല്ലെങ്കിൽ

Example: You can try IELTS, or you can try OET.

If you share the subject: You can try IELTS or OET.

(6) Y: yet: എന്നിട്ടും

Example: He came early, yet he didn’t get the bus.

If you share subject: He came early yet didn’t get the bus.

(7) S: so: അതുകൊണ്ട്

Example: He studied well, so he passed the exam.

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