Can I use any connector/ conjunctions (but, so, and, also) in OET writing?

Yes, you can I use any connector/ conjunctions (but, so, and, also) in OET writing. However, OET does not recommend beginning a new sentence with some simple connectors, such as:

· also, so, and, but

These are fine to include in the middle of the sentence, but choose a more formal alternative for the start of your sentence, such as:

· Additionally, Therefore, However

What connectors/ Conjunctions should I avoid?

Remember, writing a healthcare care letter to another healthcare professional is not the same as writing an essay task or academic report. Some candidates make the mistake of using the same connectors as they did for academic tasks at school or university. These may be less appropriate in the context of OET.

Some connectors are less suitable for healthcare letter writing. These include:

· Academic connectors: furthermore, moreover

· Informal connectors: besides, meanwhile, apart from that, later on

 . Outdated connectors:  hence, thus, thereafter 

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