Can I book OET using a debit card in India?

The short answer is Yes.

If you debit card is “International transaction” enabled, you can book your OET exam using it.

If not, you do need a Credit Card (International) to book your test.

Acceptable Cards: Visa, MasterCard

This is the fastest and easiest way to enrol in a course, as once payment is made, you will have immediate access to your course.

IF you are Australia and do not have a credit or debit card, Online Bank Transfer is a good option. This method of payment transfers money from your bank account directly to OET Online, but can only be accessed online from your banking website. After payment is made, please send a remittance slip confirming payment and you will be enrolled in your requested course.

If you are in India or Sri Lanka and can access a Commonwealth Bank, you can use this method of transfer.

For more information, please click here

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