Bunion surgery OET role play

Interlocutor Role Play Card Setting: Hospital Ward
NOK: You are the son/daughter of an 82-year-old woman, who had bunion surgery two weeks ago. Your mother is coming to live with you for six months, so you can care for her while she recovers.
Respond to the nurse’s question by saying you are not sure what level of care will be required.
Respond in surprise and concern at the amount of care required – worried you will make a mistake or won’t be able to manage physically or emotionally.
Find out why your mother needs to wear a surgical boot.
Ask the nurse to explain the medicine and how it should be taken.
Candidate Role Play Card Setting: Hospital Ward
Nurse: You are speaking to the son/daughter of an 82-year-old female patient who had bunion surgery two weeks ago. The patient will be in the son/daughter’s care for the six-month recovery period.
Find out how prepared the son/daughter feels about their mother’s discharge to their home.
Explain the mother’s needs for the first eight weeks (NSAIDs/painkillers, dressing changes, mobility, personal hygiene, meal preparation).
Reassure the son/daughter that it is manageable and give advice on strategies which will make caring for their mother easier (set up a routine, get a medicine organizer, ensure she has everything she needs nearby, wear a surgical boot).
Explain the role of the surgical boot (protects the foot).
Explain the painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs x 1 naproxen (painkiller and anti-inflammatory) every 12 hours, ibuprofen (painkiller and anti-inflammatory) x 2 every 4 hours, not to exceed 8/day.

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