Renewable Energy Sources

Advantage-disadvantage essay:

Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are considered the future of energy production. Examine their benefits and drawbacks.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

Renewable energy sources, including solar and wind power, have gained significant attention as potential game-changers in the energy landscape. In this essay, we will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources and consider their potential as the future of energy production.

One of the primary advantages of renewable energy sources is their environmental friendliness. Unlike fossil fuels, renewables produce little to no greenhouse gas emissions, making them a critical component in the fight against climate change. Solar and wind energy are also inexhaustible, ensuring a long-term and sustainable energy supply. This not only mitigates the impact of resource depletion but also reduces our reliance on geopolitically unstable regions for energy sources.

Furthermore, renewable energy technologies have shown substantial growth, fostering innovation and job creation. The renewable energy sector is becoming a significant driver of economic growth, with new employment opportunities emerging in fields like solar panel installation and wind turbine maintenance.

However, renewable energy sources are not without drawbacks. One significant concern is their intermittent nature. Solar power generation relies on sunlight, which varies throughout the day and is unavailable at night. Wind power depends on wind speed, which is unpredictable and can vary from location to location. As such, energy storage systems or backup sources are necessary to ensure a stable energy supply. The installation and maintenance of renewable energy infrastructure can also be expensive, raising questions about their affordability.

In conclusion, renewable energy sources are crucial for addressing environmental challenges and securing a sustainable energy future. Their capacity to reduce carbon emissions and create economic opportunities is evident. However, the intermittent nature of solar and wind power and their initial costs remain significant challenges. The continued development of renewable energy technologies and supportive policies will be instrumental in maximizing their benefits while minimizing their drawbacks.

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Mobile phones

Advantage-disadvantage essay:

Mobile phones have become an integral part of modern life. Discuss the pros and cons of mobile phone usage.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

Mobile phones have seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we communicate, work, and navigate the world. In this essay, we will explore both the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone usage and consider the implications of this ubiquitous technology.

Mobile phones offer a plethora of advantages that have transformed the way we live and work. Firstly, they enable instant and convenient communication with family, friends, and colleagues regardless of geographical boundaries. This has enhanced our ability to stay connected, fostering stronger relationships. Moreover, mobile phones provide a wide range of applications and tools, making them invaluable for tasks like online banking, navigation, and time management. They also serve as portable entertainment hubs, offering access to music, videos, games, and social media.

Despite their numerous benefits, mobile phones also come with their fair share of disadvantages. One of the most pressing concerns is the negative impact on face-to-face communication. The constant use of mobile phones in social settings can lead to reduced interaction and a decline in essential social skills. Additionally, the addictive nature of these devices can result in issues like decreased productivity and disrupted sleep patterns. There are also concerns about privacy, as mobile phones can be vulnerable to hacking and data breaches.

In conclusion, mobile phones are a powerful and transformative technology that has enriched our lives in many ways. However, their pervasive use also raises concerns about their impact on our social interactions, mental health, and privacy. Striking a balance between reaping the benefits of mobile phone usage and mitigating its drawbacks remains a challenge in our tech-driven world.

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Advantage-disadvantage essay:

Tourism can benefit local economies, but it may also bring negative impacts. Explore the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in detail.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

Tourism is a thriving industry that can have both positive and negative effects on local economies and communities. In this essay, I will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of tourism, shedding light on its complex nature.

The advantages of tourism are multifaceted. First and foremost, it can significantly bolster local economies. Tourists inject money into the community through various means, such as accommodation, dining, and attractions. This, in turn, generates employment opportunities and can contribute to an enhanced quality of life for local residents. Furthermore, tourism often encourages the preservation of cultural heritage and natural resources as these become valuable attractions for visitors.

However, alongside these advantages, there are notable disadvantages associated with tourism. One of the most pressing issues is the strain on infrastructure and the environment. Popular tourist destinations frequently face challenges in accommodating the influx of visitors, leading to overcrowding, traffic congestion, and increased pollution. Additionally, the homogenization of cultures can occur as communities adapt to cater to tourists, potentially diluting their unique traditions and lifestyles.

In conclusion, tourism is a double-edged sword that can provide significant economic benefits but also bring about environmental and cultural challenges. To harness the advantages of tourism while minimizing its downsides, it is essential to implement sustainable and responsible tourism practices. Local governments and communities should collaborate to strike a balance that ensures long-term benefits without compromising the well-being of their environment and culture.

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Fast Food

Advantage-disadvantage essay:

Fast food is widely consumed, but it has its share of advantages and disadvantages. Discuss both aspects.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

Fast food has become a staple in many societies, offering quick and convenient meal options. However, like any other aspect of modern life, it comes with both advantages and disadvantages.

On the positive side, one of the most significant advantages of fast food is its convenience. Fast food restaurants are easily accessible, and their quick service allows people to grab a meal on the go, making it particularly suitable for those with hectic schedules. Additionally, fast food is often more affordable than dining at full-service restaurants, making it an attractive option for individuals and families on a budget. Furthermore, the variety and choice offered by fast food chains are appealing to many consumers. These establishments typically have extensive menus, accommodating different tastes and preferences. This variety is especially important in culturally diverse societies.

Despite these advantages, fast food also has its share of disadvantages. One of the most prominent concerns is the health impact of consuming fast food regularly. Many fast food items are high in calories, saturated fats, sugars, and sodium, which can contribute to health issues such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Another disadvantage is the environmental impact of the fast food industry. The production and transportation of fast food ingredients have been associated with carbon emissions and deforestation. Additionally, the excessive use of disposable packaging contributes to plastic waste and environmental pollution.

In conclusion, fast food offers convenience, affordability, and variety, making it a popular choice for many. However, its disadvantages, including health concerns and environmental impact, cannot be ignored. As with any dietary choice, moderation and awareness of the potential drawbacks are essential for making informed decisions about fast food consumption.

Sample answer 2

Fast food has become a norm in today’s fast-paced world, with people globally favouring it for various reasons. While it offers convenience and support in many aspects, it also comes with its fair share of disadvantages.

People often choose fast food for its convenience, making life easier on multiple levels. For instance, relying on fast food instead of homemade meals saves a significant amount of time, particularly for those with limited time for household chores. This is particularly true for individuals with minimal cooking knowledge and familiarity with recipes. Additionally, the diverse shapes and flavours of fast food attract people, making them prefer it over home-cooked meals, which may lack variety and taste. Renowned brands such as KFC, Pizza Hut, and McDonald’s offer high-quality, exquisitely crafted fast-food options globally.

While fast food offers convenience, its consistent and excessive consumption can have detrimental physiological effects. Primarily, the allure of fast food often relies on the use of chemicals and unhealthy ingredients, which, when consumed regularly, may lead to various health issues. Elevated levels of oil, salt, and fat in fast food are associated with obesity and lifestyle diseases. A recent incident in Kerala, where multiple deaths were reported due to the consumption of a particular meat roll prepared in unsanitary conditions, underscores the potential risks. It serves as a stark reminder that regular and unfortunate instances of fast-food consumption can lead to severe consequences, including fatalities.

In conclusion, although fast food provides convenience and a range of flavours, continual reliance on it may result in significant physiological challenges. It is crucial for individuals to prioritise regular consumption of nutritious meals while indulging in fast food occasionally. Balancing dietary choices ensures both variety and taste without compromising long-term health.

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Social Media

Advantage-disadvantage essay:

Many individuals use social media platforms for various reasons. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

The utilization of social media platforms has become an integral part of modern life, with individuals employing them for a multitude of purposes. This essay delves into the advantages and disadvantages of this trend, shedding light on the impacts of social media on society.

Advocates of social media often emphasize its ability to foster connectivity and communication. These platforms have revolutionized the way people interact, enabling users to stay in touch with friends and family across the globe. Social media has also provided a platform for businesses to promote their products and services, enhancing their visibility and customer reach. Moreover, it has become a powerful tool for disseminating information, facilitating social and political movements, and raising awareness about various causes.

However, the advantages of social media come hand in hand with certain drawbacks. One of the foremost disadvantages is the erosion of privacy. The vast amount of personal data shared on these platforms makes individuals vulnerable to privacy breaches and identity theft. Furthermore, the addictive nature of social media has raised concerns about its impact on mental health. Excessive usage can lead to issues like anxiety, depression, and a constant need for validation through “likes” and comments. Cyberbullying is another grave concern, as it often goes unchecked and can have severe consequences on the well-being of individuals, particularly teenagers.

In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages of social media reflect the dual nature of this technology. While it serves as an excellent means of communication, business promotion, and information sharing, it also poses threats to privacy, mental health, and security. The impact of social media largely depends on how it is used and its regulation, making it essential for individuals and society to strike a balance in reaping its benefits while addressing its pitfalls.

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Online Learning:

Advantage-disadvantage essay:

Some people believe that online learning is advantageous, while others think it has drawbacks. Discuss both perspectives.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

Online learning, also known as e-learning, has gained popularity as a flexible educational approach. However, opinions on its advantages and disadvantages are divided. In this essay, I will discuss both perspectives on online learning.

Online learning offers several advantages. Firstly, it provides flexibility and convenience, enabling individuals to study at their own pace and in the comfort of their chosen environment. This convenience is especially beneficial for those with busy schedules or other commitments. Secondly, online platforms offer a wide range of courses, many of which may not be accessible in local educational institutions, allowing learners to access specialized knowledge. Thirdly, it often comes at a lower cost than traditional in-person education, making it more affordable for many. Lastly, self-paced learning in online courses allows students to revisit materials as needed, fostering a better understanding of the content.

Conversely, there are disadvantages to online learning. Firstly, it may lead to a lack of motivation and discipline as students must manage their time and learning independently. This can result in procrastination and reduced accountability. Secondly, online learning can lack the interactive and social aspects of traditional education, potentially leading to a sense of isolation among learners. Thirdly, there may be issues with the quality of online courses, as not all institutions or platforms maintain the same academic standards. Lastly, technological issues or lack of internet access can pose barriers to online learning for some individuals.

In conclusion, online learning has distinct advantages, including flexibility, access to diverse courses, cost savings, and self-paced learning. However, it also presents disadvantages, such as challenges with motivation, social interaction, course quality, and technological barriers. The effectiveness of online learning largely depends on an individual’s discipline, learning style, and the quality of the courses and resources available.

Guy Hoang Chung – OET letter



Time allowed: 40 minutes

Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.

You are a nurse at North Romand Infont Welfare Centre. You visited this patient at

“home today for the first time, after a referral from the maternity hospital.

Name: Guy Hoang Chung

Date of Birth: 17.05.53.


Occupation: Home dütles –

Personal History

Recently migrated (1/1991) with husband and 3 children (survivors of 6 pregnancies) from Vietnam to Australia.

Family Background:

Husband works in factory, setting up small import business:

English at night school.

Children (boy 13, boy 11, girl 7) all at school; working hard to adjust.

Strong family commitment to school/work/study /business/increasing financial stability/learning English: may not provide necessary assistance to overcome operation

and manage new baby

“No other family in Australia.

Medical History

No operations/Illnesses

• 6 normal pregnancies previously, birth weight approx. 2.8 kg.


Incoordinate contractions and inadequale outlet -> Casarean section

Birthweight 4 kr (probably result of recently improved diet/antenatal care).

? Circumstances not understood by pauent: language barrter / poss. cultural diffepences.


Mother: sutures removed; suture lined healed.

Baby: ‘no jaundice; breast feeding satisfactory; normal weight gain.

Mother and child discharged from hospital.


1st home visit.

Most time since operation depressed and in bed (reasons unclear but suspect due to circumstances of operation). Physically well. Apparent resistance to medical intervention in hospital (language barrier).


? Understanding of reasons for Caesarean section.

? Home help,


Refer to social worker, arrange management plan.


Using the Information In the case notes, write a referral letter to Hoa Tran, who is a Cambodian social worker with Roman Council.

Introduce Mrs Chueng and explain why you are referring her to the social worker. Discuss reasons for her depression and explain how you think Mrs Tran can help.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Hoa Tran

Social worker

Romand Council


Dear Tran,

Re: Mrs Guy Hoang Cheung, 17/05/1953.

Mrs Cheung requires your assistance and management in order to help her to overcome depression and to arrange home help. She is currently recovering from a caesarean session that she underwent in our hospital on 10/07/1992 to deliver her 4th child.

Apart from the neonate, Mrs Cheung is a mother of 3 other children and is a survivor of total 6 pregnancies. However, this time, due to incoordinate contractions and inadequate outlet, caesarean session had to be carried out. The baby weighed 4kg at birth. Mr Cheung has not yet understood the need for the caesarean session due to her cultural and linguistic differences. As a result, since the operation, she is depressed and is in bed, nor does she comply with medical intervention.

Healthwise, the mother and the child are doing well. As there were no complications, they were discharged on 20/07/1992.

Mrs Cheung, along with her husband and 3 children, had migrated from Vietnam to Australia last year. Her husband works in a factory and struggles to manage their expenses. He also learns English at night school.

Based on the above, please communicate with Mrs Cheung. Encourage her and help her to understand the reasons for the caesarean session. Kindly arrange for them necessary home help.

Should you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely Registered nurse

(Words used: 201)

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Gerald baker OET letter

Mr Gerald Baker is a 79-year-old patient on the ward of a hospital in which you are Charge Nurse.

Patient Details:

Marital Status:  Widower (8 years)

Admission Date: 3 September 2010 (City Hospital)

Discharge Date: 7 September 2010

Diagnosis: Left Total Hip Replacement (THR) Ongoing high blood pressure

Social Background:

  • Lives at Greywalls Nursing Home (GNH) (4 years) No children
  • Employed as a radio engineer until retirement aged 65 Now aged-pensioner
  • Hobbies: chess, ham radio operator
  • Sister, Dawn Mason (66), visits regularly; v supportive – plays chess with Mr Baker on her visits
  • No signs of dementia observed


  • Aspirin 100mg mane (recommenced post-operatively)
  • Ramipril 5mg mane
  • Panadeine Forte (co-codamol) 2 qid prn

Medical Background:  2008 – Osteoarthritis requiring total hip replacement surgery

Nursing Management and Progress:

  • 1989 – Hypertension (ongoing management)
  • 1985 – Colles fracture, ORIF
  • daily dressings surgery incision site
  • Range of motion, stretching and strengthening exercises
  • Occupational therapy
  • Staples to be removed in two wks (21/9)
  • Also, follow-up FBE and UEC tests at City Hospital Clinic
  • Good mobility post-operation


  • Weight-bearing with use of wheelie-walker; walks length of ward without difficulty
  • Post-operative disoriention re time and place during recovery, possibly relating to anaesthetic – continued observation recommended
  • Dropped Hb post-operatively (to 72) requiring transfusion of 3 units packed red  blood cells; Hb stable
  • (112) on discharge – ongoing monitoring required for anaemia

Discharge Plan:

  • Monitor medications (Panadeine Forte)
  • Preserve skin integrity
  • Continue exercise program
  • Equipment required: wheelie-walker, wedge pillow, toilet raiser. Hospital to provide walker and pillow. Hospital social worker organised 2-wk hire of raiser from local medical supplier.

Writing task:

Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to Ms Samantha Bruin, Senior Nurse at Greywalls Nursing Home, 27 Station Road, Greywalls, who will be responsible for Mr Baker’s continued care at the Nursing Home.

In your answer:

expand the relevant notes into complete sentences

do not use note form

use letter format

The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Ms Samantha Bruin,

Senior Nurse Greywalls Nursing Home

27 Station Road, Greywalls.


Dear Ms Bruin,

Re: Mr Gerald Baker, aged 79 years.

Mr Baker requires continuity of care and management, following his discharge today. He is currently recovering from a Left Total Hip Replacement surgery that he underwent in our hospital.

At present, Mr Baker shows good mobility, and he can walk short distances with the help of a wheeliewalker. Hospital is providing him a wheelie-walker, wedge pillow as well as a toilet raiser; the latter has to be returned after 2 weeks.

Post operatively, Mr Baker had felt disorientated, probably due to anaesthetic. In addition, his haemoglobin level had dropped temporarily; therefore, he should be watched as well as monitored for anaemia. He was commenced on occupational therapy: a range of motion, stretching and strengthening exercises, which needs to be continued.

Based on the above information, please continue the care for Mr Baker. Kindly monitor his medication regimen: Aspirin, 100mg in the morning and Panadeine Forte/co-codamol, 4 times, as required. Please maintain his skin integrity. On 21/9/2010, he needs to go for FBE and UEC follow-up tests at City Hospital Clinic, and his staples need to be removed.

Should you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Registered nurse

(Words count: 189)

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Dylan Charles OET letter

Read the case notes below and complete the writing task that follows.

Time allowed : 40 minutes

You are a Maternal and Child Health Nurse working at the Romaville Community Child Health Service.

Today’s date: 15 January 2012

Patient History

  • Baby boy: Dylan Charles
  • DOB: 04/12/11
  • Born: Romaville Maternity Hospital
  • First baby of Raymond and Sylvia Charles
  • Address: 19 Mayfield St, Romaville
  • Discharged 8/12/11

Family History

  • Mother: Aged 24 First Child
  • Father: Aged 25 Soldier Currently away from home on duty

Birth Histor

  • Normal vaginal birth at term
  • Birth weight: 3400gm
  • Apgar score at 5 min: 9
  • No antenatal or postnatal complications

15/01/12 Subjective

  • Silvia and baby attended for routine 6 week check-up. Silvia says she is concerned about constipation: once every three days, hard stool. Mother is asking about stool softener or prune juice for baby.
  • Breast fed for first three weeks after birth.
  • Baby became unsettled during summer heatwave in December.
  • Silvia got sick and had a fever for a few days. Mother-in-law (Mary Charles) came to visit and advised changing baby to formula feeds. Mary advised extra powder in formula feeds to improve weight gain.
  • Silvia worried she does not have enough breast milk and now gives extra formula feeds as well as breast feeding. Dylan difficult to bottle feed.
  • Silvia wishes to breast feed properly as she believes it would be the best thing for her son.
  • Mary Charles plans to stay with the family for at least a further month to help with baby. Tensions developing between mother and mother-in-law over what is best feeding method for Dylan.


  • Reflexes normal
  • Slightly lethargic
  • No abdominal tenderness
  • Heart Rate: 174
  • Respirations: 56
  • Temperature: 37.1
  • Weight: 4200gms
  • 3 wet nappies in last 24 hours
  • Urine dark
  • Mild constipation and dehydration


  • Increase breast feeds
    • Refer to breast feeding support service
    • Check formula is correctly prepared
    • If continuing formula feeds, advise to supplement with water (boiled and cooled)
    • Advise on keeping baby cool in hot weather
    • Return for review in 48 hours.

Writing Task

Please write a referral letter to the Lactation Consultant at the Breast Feeding Support Centre, 68 Main Street, Romaville.

  • In your letter expand the relevant case notes into complete sentences
    • Do not use note form
    • The body of your letter should be approximately 180~200 words
    • Use correct letter format.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Lactation Consultant

Breast Feeding Support Centre,

68 Main Street, Romaville


Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Dylan Charles, 04/12/11

I am writing to refer baby Dylan, who suffers from mild constipation and dehydration; and also his mother, Sylvia, who requires education on breast feeding.

Dylan was breastfed the initial three weeks of birth and had no complications. Sylvia, then, switched to formula feed as per her mother-in-law’s advice as she got sick for a few days. She also mixes extra powder in formula feed, hoping to improve his weight, 4200gms.

Dylan is difficult to be bottle fed, and Sylvia prefers breast feeding over formula feed. However, she is concerned that she doesn’t have enough breast milk. Therefore, please teach Sylvia proper breast feeding technique and correct preparation of formula feed. If formula feed should be continued, boiled and cooled water needs to be added in the feed.

Dylan suffers from constipation, and his stool is hard every three days; the urine appears dark. He only had 3 wet nappies in the last 24 hours. Since he had become unsettled during summer wave, he needs to be kept hydrated and cool in hot weather. His reflexes and vitals are normal, but he is slightly lethargic.

In view of the above, we request you to assess the baby and help Sylvia to improve breast feeding. Please return them for review in 48 hours. Should you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,
Maternal and Child Health Nurse.

(Words count: 213)

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Darwish Woods OET letter

Occupational English Test: WRITING SUB-TEST: NURSING


WRITING TIME:             40 MINUTES

You are a Surgical Nurse in a post-operative ward. Your patient is ready for discharge today after CABG surgery.


Patient Details

Name: Mr Darwish Woods

Age: 77 years

Diagnosis: Coronary artery bypass graft

Family History

Married, carer for his wife (registered blind)

Daughter, married with children and lives overseas

Hobbles: Reading, cooking daily

Past History

Hypertension since 2011 (perindopril 1tab/daily)

High cholesterol since 2009 (atorvastatin 1 tab/dally)

Arthritis since 2007 (paracetamol 1 gm daily 4times

CAD (ECG, stress test, angiogram

Surgery: off pump CABG


Admitted to hospital and underwent surgery on 24/05/2021 (graft from left leg)

Admitted in ICU for 24 hours

Administered IV antibiotics , analgesics and antithrombolytic agents

Chest tube insitu, drainage 20ml

Temp-37. 7C, PR-78/mt, RR-22/mt, Spo2-100°/o, BP-130/80 mm of Hg

Dressing in graft site

Provided elastic stockings and elevated leg for 24 hours


Transferred to ward

Chest tube removed, wounds WNL

Complaints of pain over the chest and shoulder (administered Brufen)

Daily physiotherapy (deep breathing exercises, walking 4-5 mts 4times per day)

Exercise data sheet provided

Temp-37C, PR- 84/mt, RR-18/mt, BP-120/76 mm of Hg


Ready for discharge (planned transfer to rehabilitation unit for 3 weeks) Follow up appointment:07/06/2021

Discharge instructions:

•          Assess wound over the chest and graft site

•          Dressing over the wound 2/weekly until sutures removed

•          Sutures removal after 2 weeks

•          Continue deep breathing exercises, walking 4-5 mts increase gradually

•          Avoid heavy lifting

•          Arrange carer and meals before discharge to home


Using the information in the case notes, write a transfer letter to Ms Smith Brown, head of nursing, rehabilitation centre. Address this letter to Ms Brown, Head of Nursing, Brisbane OLD, Australia 4001.

In your answer:

•          Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences

•          Do not use note form

•          Use letter format

The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Ms Smith Brown

Head of Nursing

Brisbane QLD

Australia 4001


Dear Ms Brown,

Re: Darwish Woods, aged 77 years.

I am writing to transfer Mr Woods who requires rehabilitative care and management for the subsequent 3 weeks. He is currently recovering from a coronary artery bypass graft that he underwent in our hospital on 25/04/2001.

During hospitalisation, Mr Woods was treated with IV antibiotics, analgesics, and antithrombotic agents. His graft site, left leg, was dressed.  Daily physiotherapy, deep breathing, and walking for 4-5 mts, 4 times a day, were started. He was administered Brufen for chest pain. His recovery was good.

Mr woods has been hypertensive since 2011. He also suffers from Arthritis and high cholesterol since 2007 and 2009, respectively. He follows his medication regime for the same.

Mr woods is the only care taker for his wife, who is a registered blind. His daughter, with her family, lives abroad.

Based on the above, kindly receive him and provide on-going care. His wound over the chest and graft site requires daily monitoring and dressing twice every week. His sutures need to be removed at the end of 2 weeks. He needs to continue his deep breathing exercises and should gradually increase his daily walk. He must avoid heavy lifting. Prior to his discharge, please arrange a carer and provision for meals at his residence. His follow-up appointment will be on 07/06/2021.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Surgical nurse. 

(words count: 219)

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Loving people
