An Unusual Food

Question 17: Describe an unusual food you’ve tried. You should say:

      – What is the food, and where did you try it?

      – How did you feel about tasting it?

      – What are the ingredients, and how is it prepared?

      – Would you try it again?

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

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One of the most unusual foods I’ve ever tried was fried grasshopper. I had the opportunity to taste this unconventional delicacy during a visit to Nagaland, my wife’s hometown in Northeast India. It was an experience that left me with a mix of initial disgust and later intrigue.

Grasshoppers are typically consumed by the local community only during the rice harvesting season. They are considered a seasonal treat, as consuming them at other times can be potentially dangerous due to their susceptibility to pesticides and other toxins. The villagers have a unique method of catching these creatures. They venture out into the fields at night with torches, which attract the grasshoppers, and then they skilfully catch them.

The grasshoppers are cleaned and prepared for cooking by removing their legs and wings. They are then seasoned and marinated before being fried to a crispy texture. The thought of eating insects was initially off-putting, and I was quite disgusted at the sight of these creatures. However, my curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to give it a try.

Upon my first bite, I was surprised by the intriguing taste. The fried grasshoppers had a delightful crunchiness and a unique blend of flavours from the seasonings. It was unlike anything I had ever tried before, and I found myself wanting to have more. The locals in Nagaland enjoyed these snacks, and their enthusiasm was infectious.

While I may not have been entirely comfortable with the idea of eating insects, the experience broadened my culinary horizons and gave me a deeper appreciation for the diversity of food cultures around the world. It taught me that what may seem unusual or even unappealing at first glance can turn out to be a surprisingly delightful gastronomic adventure.

If the opportunity arises in the future, I would certainly be open to trying fried grasshoppers again. It’s a unique and memorable food experience from Nagaland, my wife’s place, that I wouldn’t mind revisiting.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Unusual – Not typical or common; out of the ordinary.
  2. Delicacy – A rare or special food, often considered a treat.
  3. Disgust – A strong feeling of dislike or revulsion.
  4. Intrigue – A strong curiosity or fascination.
  5. Consuming – The act of eating or drinking something.
  6. Susceptibility – The likelihood of being affected by something, especially negatively.
  7. Pesticides – Chemicals used to kill pests, often harmful to other organisms.
  8. Toxins – Poisonous substances produced by living organisms.
  9. Venture – To take a risk or go somewhere, often with an element of uncertainty.
  10. Skilfully – Done with proficiency or expertise.
  11. Seasoned – Flavoured or spiced, often to enhance taste.
  12. Marinated – Soaked in a seasoned liquid to enhance flavour.
  13. Crispy – Having a firm, crunchy texture, often from frying.
  14. Off-putting – Unappealing or unpleasant.
  15. Curiosity – A strong desire to learn or know more about something.
  16. Blend – A mixture or combination of different elements.
  17. Enthusiasm – Intense enjoyment, eagerness, or interest.
  18. Infectious – Spreading easily, often referring to enthusiasm or emotions.
  19. Broadened – Expanded or widened, often in terms of experience or knowledge.
  20. Gastronomic – Related to the art and science of good eating.

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A Historical Event

Question 16: Describe a historical event you find significant. You should say:

      – What was the event, and when did it occur?

      – What were the key details and consequences?

      – Why does this event interest you?

      – How has it shaped the world today?

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

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A historical event that I find immensely significant is the Indian independence movement, which culminated in India gaining its independence from British colonial rule. This pivotal event occurred in the mid-20th century and has had profound consequences not only for India but for the world at large.

The Indian independence movement reached its zenith on August 15, 1947, when India finally achieved its long-awaited freedom. This event marked the end of nearly two centuries of British colonial rule in India. The struggle for independence was marked by various key details, including non-violent resistance led by figures like Mahatma Gandhi and the tireless efforts of countless individuals who believed in the cause.

The consequences of Indian independence were monumental. India became a sovereign nation, free to govern itself and determine its destiny. The event inspired other nations in their quests for freedom and self-determination. It showed the power of non-violent civil disobedience as a force for change and influenced other notable leaders and movements, including the American civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King Jr.

The Indian independence movement is of particular interest to me because it exemplifies the indomitable human spirit and the belief in justice and freedom. The stories of those who sacrificed and persevered, despite daunting odds, are incredibly inspiring. The movement’s commitment to non-violence as a means of achieving change has left an enduring legacy in the world.

In today’s world, the Indian independence movement has shaped the political landscape. India is now the world’s largest democracy, and the principles of democracy and freedom continue to be of paramount importance. The movement has left an indelible mark on the collective consciousness of those who strive for justice and equality, and it serves as a reminder of the power of unity and determination in the face of adversity.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Immense – Extremely large or significant.
  2. Significant – Having great importance or meaning.
  3. Independence movement – A campaign to achieve freedom and self-governance from foreign rule.
  4. Culminated – Reached the highest or final point.
  5. Pivotal – Of crucial importance in relation to something else.
  6. Profound – Deep and far-reaching in effect or meaning.
  7. Colonial rule – Control of a country by a foreign power.
  8. Zenith – The highest point or peak.
  9. Non-violent resistance – Opposition or protest carried out without the use of violence.
  10. Civil disobedience – A form of protest in which people deliberately disobey laws they consider unjust.
  11. Sovereign – Independent and self-governing.
  12. Self-determination – The right of people to choose their own government or political status.
  13. Monumental – Great in importance or size.
  14. Inspired – Motivated or influenced positively.
  15. Indomitable – Unconquerable or impossible to defeat.
  16. Justice – Fairness and the upholding of what is morally right.
  17. Persevered – Continued steadily in spite of difficulties.
  18. Daunting – Intimidating or challenging.
  19. Legacy – Something handed down from the past, such as ideas or achievements.
  20. Indelible – Impossible to remove or forget.

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An Inspirational Person

Question 15: Describe someone who has inspired you. You should say:

      – Who is this person, and how did you come to know them?

      – What qualities or actions about them are inspiring?

      – How have they influenced your life?

      – Have you ever met or communicated with them?

IELTS Speaking task 2- A famous person

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

I’ve read, learned, and heard about many distinguished individuals who have done valiant and admirable things in their lives. Among these, Mahatma Gandhi’s life story particularly captivates me. Gandhi is celebrated for his pivotal role in Indian politics, especially in the monumental struggle to overthrow the British colonisers from Indian soil.

I first learned about Gandhi through history lessons in school and later through various books, documentaries, and films that detailed his life and contributions. His name is often cited among a distinguished few global leaders who have made an indelible impact on society and the world through peaceful means.

What I admire most about Gandhi, among his extraordinary qualities and unparalleled achievements, is his unwavering dedication to non-violence even in the face of brutal oppression. Gandhi’s ability to mobilise millions without wielding a sword or pulling a trigger, advocating instead for peaceful resistance and civil disobedience, was both remarkable and inspiring. He embodied and practiced love, compassion, and tolerance, principles that have left an indelible mark worldwide. His teachings on simplicity, self-reliance, and humility continue to resonate deeply with people around the world.

Gandhi’s non-violent and humble lifestyle has had a profound impact on me, illuminating my path and urging me to eschew violence and pride. I am confident that his legacy will continue to inspire and enlighten many more lives in the years to come. If only people, societies, and even countries endeavour to embody just a fraction of the values and principles Gandhi exhibited, the world would undoubtedly be a better place.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Distinguished: /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃt/ – Recognized for excellence or achievement.
  2. Valiant: /ˈvæliənt/ – Possessing or showing courage or determination.
  3. Admirable: /ˈædmərəbl/ – Deserving respect and approval.
  4. Captivates: /ˈkæptɪˌveɪts/ – Attracts and holds the interest and attention of.
  5. Celebrated: /ˈsɛlɪbreɪtɪd/ – Widely known and praised.
  6. Pivotal: /ˈpɪvətl/ – Of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something.
  7. Monumental: /ˌmɒnjʊˈmɛntl/ – Great in importance, extent, or size.
  8. Overthrow: /ˌəʊvəˈθrəʊ/ – Remove forcibly from power.
  9. Colonizers: /ˈkɒlənaɪzəz/ – People or countries that establish political control over another country or area.
  10. Indelible: /ɪnˈdel.ə.bəl/ – Making marks that cannot be removed; unforgettable.
  11. Non-violence: /nɒn-ˈvaɪələns/ – The practice of advocating one’s own or others’ rights without physical aggression.
  12. Oppression: /əˈprɛʃ(ə)n/ – Prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.
  13. Mobilize: /ˈməʊbɪlʌɪz/ – Prepare and organize (troops or people) for active service.
  14. Wielding: /wiːldɪŋ/ – Holding and using (a weapon or tool).
  15. Advocating: /ˈadvəkeɪtɪŋ/ – Publicly recommending or supporting.
  16. Resistance: /rɪˈzɪst(ə)ns/ – The refusal to accept or comply with something.
  17. Civil disobedience: /ˈsɪv(ə)l ˌdɪsəˈbiːdiəns/ – The refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy.
  18. Embodied: /ɪmˈbɒdɪd/ – Represented in physical form; personified.
  19. Compassion: /kəmˈpæʃ(ə)n/ – Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
  20. Tolerance: /ˈtɒlərəns/ – The ability or willingness to tolerate something, particularly opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.
  21. Simplicity: /sɪmˈplɪsɪti/ – The quality or condition of being easy to understand or do.
  22. Self-reliance: /ˌsɛlf rɪˈlaɪəns/ – Reliance on one’s own powers and resources rather than those of others.
  23. Humility: /hjuːˈmɪlɪti/ – A modest or low view of one’s own importance; humbleness.
  24. Resonate: /ˈrɛzəneɪt/ – Evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions.
  25. Profoundly: /prəˈfaʊndli/ – To a great depth psychologically.
  26. Illuminated: /ɪˈljuːmɪneɪtɪd/ – Light up; clarify or explain.
  27. Eschew: /ɪsˈtʃuː/- Deliberately avoid using; abstain from.
  28. Conflict resolution: /ˈkɒnflɪkt ˌrɛzəˈluːʃ(ə)n/ – The process of resolving a dispute or a conflict by providing each side’s needs and adequately addressing their interests.
  29. Empathy: /ˈɛmpəθi/ – The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
  30. Principles: /ˈprɪnsɪp(ə)lz/ – Fundamental truths or propositions that serve as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior.
  31. Legacy: /ˈlɛɡəsi/ – Something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past.
  32. Enlighten: /ɪnˈlaɪt(ə)n/ – Give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation.
  33. Purpose: /ˈpɜːpəs/ – The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
  34. Integrity: /ɪnˈtɛɡrɪti/ – The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
  35. Service: /ˈsəːvɪs/ – The action of helping or doing work for someone.

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A Favourite Movie

Question 14: Describe your favourite movie. You should say:

      – What is the title and who directed it?

      – When did you watch it?

      – What is the plot, and why do you like it?

      – Have you recommended it to others?

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

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One of my all-time favourite movies is “Avatar,” directed by James Cameron. I had the pleasure of watching this visually stunning and emotionally captivating film a few years ago, and the experience left a lasting impact on me.

“Avatar” is set in the mid-22nd century on the fictional planet of Pandora. The storyline revolves around the conflict between the indigenous Na’vi people and a human corporation seeking to exploit the planet’s resources. The protagonist, Jake Sully, becomes torn between loyalty to his own kind and his growing connection with the Na’vi and their way of life. The film seamlessly blends science fiction, action, and a poignant ecological message, making it a truly unique and unforgettable cinematic experience.

What sets “Avatar” apart for me is the groundbreaking use of 3D technology and visual effects. When I first watched it in 3D, it felt like I had stepped into the lush and vibrant world of Pandora. The attention to detail, the vibrant colors, and the immersive nature of the 3D experience were awe-inspiring. It was not just a movie; it was a journey into another world.

The film’s message about environmental preservation and the consequences of unchecked corporate greed resonated deeply with me. It serves as a stark reminder of the impact of human actions on the planet and the importance of respecting and protecting the natural world.

“Avatar” is a film that I’ve enthusiastically recommended to many of my friends and family. Its combination of groundbreaking visuals, a thought-provoking storyline, and powerful emotional connections makes it a must-watch for anyone who appreciates cinematic artistry and storytelling.

In essence, “Avatar” is not just a movie; it’s an immersive experience that transports you to a different realm and leaves you with a profound message about the importance of our connection to nature. It’s a film that I will cherish and continue to recommend to others for years to come.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Visually stunning – Extremely impressive or beautiful to look at.
  2. Emotionally captivating – Engaging or holding one’s attention through emotional impact.
  3. Impact – A strong effect or influence.
  4. Indigenous – Native to a particular region or environment.
  5. Exploits – Takes advantage of or uses something in a selfish way.
  6. Protagonist – The main character in a story or film.
  7. Torn – Divided or conflicted between two choices or feelings.
  8. Loyalty – Faithful allegiance or support.
  9. Blends – Combines or mixes different elements.
  10. Poignant – Evoking a strong sense of sadness or emotion.
  11. Groundbreaking – Innovative or pioneering; introducing new ideas or methods.
  12. Immersive – Completely surrounding or engaging one’s attention.
  13. Awe-inspiring – Causing a feeling of reverence or wonder.
  14. Resonated – Evoked a deep or emotional response.
  15. Preservation – The act of maintaining or protecting something from harm or decay.
  16. Unchecked – Not controlled or restrained.
  17. Greed – Intense desire for material gain, often at the expense of others.
  18. Stark – Complete, sharply clear, or harsh.
  19. Thought-provoking – Stimulating careful consideration or reflection.
  20. Artistry – Creative skill or craftsmanship.

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A Recent Achievement

Question 13: Describe an achievement you’re proud of from the past year. You should say:

      – What was the achievement?

      – How did you accomplish it?

      – Why is it significant to you?

      – How has it impacted your life?

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Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

In the past year, one of my most significant achievements was successfully completing my master’s degree in English. This accomplishment holds a special place in my heart for various reasons, and the journey to attain it was both challenging and rewarding.

The achievement itself was obtaining a master’s degree in English, a goal that I had long aspired to achieve. It was a testament to my dedication and commitment to personal and academic growth. To accomplish this feat, I had to balance a full-time job in my business with the rigorous demands of academic coursework. The path was not without its challenges, and I often found myself juggling work responsibilities, classes, and assignments. It required meticulous time management and unwavering determination.

The significance of this achievement to me is multifaceted. Firstly, it represents a culmination of years of academic pursuit and a deep-seated passion for the English language and literature. It symbolizes personal growth and the capacity to overcome obstacles to reach my goals. Secondly, it has opened doors to new opportunities and expanded my horizons, both in my professional and personal life. Having a master’s degree in English has enhanced my communication skills, critical thinking abilities, and research acumen, which I can apply in various aspects of my life.

This accomplishment has had a profound impact on my life. It has boosted my self-confidence, knowing that I can overcome challenges and achieve my ambitions. It has also broadened my career prospects, providing me with the potential for career advancement and more extensive job opportunities. Additionally, the knowledge and skills I gained during my studies have enriched my personal life, allowing me to appreciate literature and language on a deeper level.

In retrospect, this achievement has been a testament to the idiom “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” It exemplifies that with determination and diligent effort, one can overcome obstacles and reach their aspirations. The journey to attaining my master’s degree was a transformative experience that has shaped my character and expanded my horizons. It has reaffirmed my belief in the importance of setting and pursuing ambitious goals, and it serves as a constant reminder that personal growth is a lifelong journey.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Significant – Important or meaningful.
  2. Accomplishment – A successful achievement or completion of something.
  3. Aspired – Strongly desired or aimed for.
  4. Testament – Evidence or proof of something.
  5. Dedication – The quality of being committed or devoted to a task or purpose.
  6. Rigorous – Thorough, harsh, or demanding.
  7. Juggling – Managing multiple tasks or responsibilities at once.
  8. Meticulous – Showing great attention to detail.
  9. Unwavering – Steady and resolute; not changing.
  10. Culmination – The final result or climax of something.
  11. Deep-seated – Strongly established or ingrained.
  12. Obstacles – Challenges or barriers to progress.
  13. Horizons – The range or scope of one’s experience or knowledge.
  14. Acumen – The ability to make quick and good judgments.
  15. Self-confidence – A belief in one’s abilities or judgment.
  16. Broadened – Made broader or more expansive.
  17. Career prospects – Opportunities for professional growth or advancement.
  18. Enriched – Made more meaningful or rewarding.
  19. Retrospect – Looking back on or reflecting upon past events.
  20. Diligent – Showing careful and persistent effort or work.

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An Interesting Animal

Question 12: Describe an interesting animal you’ve encountered. You should say:

      – What type of animal was it?

      – Where did you encounter it?

      – What made it interesting?

      – How did you feel about the encounter?

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

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I was never particularly fond of dogs growing up. In fact, I always considered myself more of a cat person, preferring their independent nature over the constant attention that dogs seemed to demand. However, my perspective completely changed when I met a Siberian Husky at my friend’s place in Bangalore.

I had visited my friend on a cool evening, as Bangalore’s weather is known to be relatively chilly, which was perfect for meeting a dog like a Husky. My friend had recently adopted a Siberian Husky named Shadow, and I was curious but cautious about how I would feel around him. Huskies are known for their striking appearance, with their thick, double-layered coats and piercing blue eyes that give them a majestic, wolf-like look. I remember feeling a little intimidated at first by his size and energy, but that soon faded as Shadow greeted me with enthusiasm and curiosity.

What truly surprised me was how affectionate and intelligent Shadow was. Unlike the aloof dogs I had encountered in the past, Shadow was friendly, well-trained, and very responsive to commands. He knew several tricks, including “sit,” “stay,” and even “roll over,” all of which he executed effortlessly. His playful nature and the bond he shared with my friend made me realise that my perception of dogs had been quite narrow.

However, I also quickly learned that owning a Siberian Husky is not a simple task. Huskies are bred for colder climates, and despite Bangalore’s generally cool weather, Shadow needed to be kept in air-conditioned rooms most of the time. The maintenance of such a dog, with the constant need for climate control and the high cost of proper care, was something I hadn’t considered before. My friend mentioned that keeping Shadow comfortable, especially during warmer months, was expensive and required a lot of attention to ensure he was in the best health.

Despite these challenges, my encounter with Shadow made me realise that I would love to own a Siberian Husky in the future. The idea of having such a loyal, intelligent, and playful companion is something that now excites me. Of course, I would need to ensure I could provide the right environment for the dog, including an air-conditioned space and the necessary resources to care for such an active breed.

In conclusion, my encounter with Shadow, the Siberian Husky, completely changed my view on dogs. It made me appreciate the companionship and joy they can bring, especially a breed as unique and intelligent as a Husky. While owning one in the future would require careful consideration and investment, I now look forward to the possibility of having a Husky as part of my family.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Fond – Liking or having affection for something.
  2. Independent – Not reliant on others; self-sufficient.
  3. Perspective – A particular attitude or point of view.
  4. Chilly – Cold or cool in temperature.
  5. Cautious – Careful to avoid danger or mistakes.
  6. Striking – Very noticeable or impressive.
  7. Piercing – Intense or sharp, often referring to eyes.
  8. Majestic – Grand or impressive in appearance.
  9. Aloof – Distant or reserved in manner.
  10. Well-trained – Taught to behave in a disciplined way.
  11. Effortlessly – Without difficulty or exertion.
  12. Perception – A way of understanding or interpreting something.
  13. Bred – Brought into being through reproduction, especially for specific qualities.
  14. Maintenance – The process of keeping something in good condition.
  15. Comfortable – Providing physical ease or well-being.
  16. Loyal – Showing strong support or allegiance.
  17. Excites – Causes strong feelings of enthusiasm or eagerness.
  18. Companion – A person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time.
  19. Investment – The action or process of putting resources into something for future benefit.
  20. Consideration – Thoughtful attention or regard for something.

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A Favourite Childhood Toy

Question 11: Describe your favourite childhood toy. You should say:

      – What was the toy?

      – How did you get it?

      – Why was it your favourite?

      – What happened to it?

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

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The favourite childhood toy that I’d like to talk about is my bicycle. It was a bright red bicycle with a sturdy frame and black accents, which my parents gave me as a surprise on my tenth birthday.

I still remember the moment I first saw it. My parents had planned the surprise perfectly, and when they unveiled it, I was overwhelmed with excitement. It was a gift that I hadn’t expected but had always dreamed of. They told me it was my reward for doing well in school that year, which made it even more special.

This bicycle was my favourite for several reasons. First and foremost, it gave me a sense of freedom that I hadn’t experienced before. I could explore the neighbourhood, visit my friends, and even go to the nearby park on my own. It also became a tool for bonding with my friends, as we would organise small races and group rides. I vividly remember decorating it with colourful streamers and a small bell, making it uniquely mine.

Learning to ride it wasn’t easy at first. I fell several times and scraped my knees, but the determination to master it made the process all the more rewarding. Once I got the hang of it, it felt like I was flying, and that feeling of independence was unmatched.

As I grew older, I eventually outgrew my beloved bicycle. While I no longer use it, I couldn’t bring myself to give it away. It’s still stored in my parents’ garage, and every time I see it, it brings back a flood of memories of carefree rides and endless adventures.

In conclusion, my bicycle wasn’t just a toy; it was a gateway to independence, friendship, and unforgettable childhood experiences. Even now, it remains a treasured part of my past that I’ll always look back on fondly.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Childhood – The period of being a child.
  2. Sturdy – Strongly built or durable.
  3. Accents – Decorative details or features.
  4. Unveiled – Revealed or made known.
  5. Overwhelmed – Overcome with emotion.
  6. Reward – Something given in recognition of achievement.
  7. Freedom – The state of being free or independent.
  8. Explore – To travel through an area to discover it.
  9. Bonding – Forming a close relationship.
  10. Streamers – Long, narrow strips of decorative material.
  11. Determination – The resolve to achieve something.
  12. Master – To become skilled or proficient in something.
  13. Independence – The ability to act on one’s own.
  14. Outgrew – Became too large or mature for something.
  15. Beloved – Dearly loved or cherished.
  16. Garage – A building or space for storing vehicles or items.
  17. Flood – A large number or amount of something.
  18. Carefree – Free from worries or responsibilities.
  19. Gateway – A means of access or entry.
  20. Treasured – Highly valued or cherished.

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A Cultural Celebration

Question 10: Describe a cultural celebration or festival you’ve attended. You should say:

      – What is the name of the celebration or festival?

      – When and where did you attend it?

      – What customs or traditions are associated with it?

      – How did you feel during the celebration?

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

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One of the most enchanting cultural celebrations I’ve had the privilege of attending is Christmas, a globally cherished festival that unites people in the spirit of joy and giving. I was fortunate to experience this festival in a wholly different context in Nagaland, my wife’s birthplace.

Christmas is traditionally celebrated on the 25th of December, but in Nagaland, the festivities extend over several days, creating a unique and vibrant celebration. The sense of anticipation and joy begins to fill the air long before Christmas day.

In Nagaland, Christmas customs and traditions take on a distinct flavour. It’s a time when people come together for extended celebrations that include baking traditional cakes, grilling pork, and enjoying campfires. The traditional attire adds a splash of color and cultural significance to the festivities. People engage in traditional Naga dance, and the sense of community is palpable.

One of the most delightful aspects of celebrating Christmas in Nagaland is the communal spirit of togetherness. Families and neighbors come together to celebrate, and it’s a time when the spirit of giving and sharing is truly exemplified. The festivities include stand-up comedy, music performances, and storytelling, all contributing to the jovial atmosphere.

As I joined in the celebrations in Nagaland, I couldn’t help but be swept up in the cultural richness and the warmth of the people. The experience was a blend of tradition and modernity, where Naga customs seamlessly merged with the joy and goodwill of Christmas.

In essence, celebrating Christmas in Nagaland is a unique and heartwarming experience, where traditions and modern customs come together in a tapestry of love and togetherness. This experience in my wife’s birthplace has enriched my understanding of cultural diversity, and it has left an enduring mark on the hearts of those who partake in its festivities.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Enchanting – Delightfully charming or captivating.
  2. Privilege – A special right or advantage.
  3. Cherished – Held dear or valued greatly.
  4. Festival – A special event or celebration.
  5. Anticipation – Expectation or looking forward to something.
  6. Customs – Traditional practices or ways of doing things.
  7. Distinct – Clearly different or unique.
  8. Flavour – A characteristic quality or atmosphere.
  9. Attire – Clothing or garments.
  10. Palpable – So intense it feels tangible.
  11. Communal – Shared by all members of a community.
  12. Togetherness – The state of being close or connected with others.
  13. Exemplified – Shown or demonstrated by example.
  14. Jovial – Cheerful and friendly.
  15. Seamlessly – Smoothly and without interruption.
  16. Richness – Abundance or diversity, often cultural.
  17. Tradition – Customs or beliefs passed down through generations.
  18. Modernity – The quality of being modern or up-to-date.
  19. Tapestry – A rich and complex combination or mixture.
  20. Enduring – Long-lasting or lasting over time.

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A Gift You Received

Question 9: Describe a memorable gift you received. You should say:

     – What was the gift, and who gave it to you?

     – On what occasion did you receive it?

     – How did you feel when you received the gift?

     – How has it impacted your life?

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

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A truly remarkable gift that has etched a lasting impression on my life is an exquisite wristwatch, a precious keepsake that was generously bequeathed to me by my grandfather on the auspicious occasion of my eighteenth birthday.

This wristwatch is more than just a timekeeping device; it’s a revered heirloom with a storied history. It once graced the wrist of my great-grandfather and has gracefully traversed through time, passing from one generation to the next. It symbolizes enduring family legacies and timeless values. My grandfather, a man of sagacity and grace, saw fit to entrust me with this invaluable gift as I crossed the threshold into adulthood.

The instant I received the watch, I was inundated with a profound sense of gratitude and a profound connection to my family’s heritage. The weight of the watch on my wrist felt like a responsibility, a constant reminder of the values and principles that have guided our family through the vicissitudes of time.

This watch has left an indelible mark on my life, nurturing my appreciation for tradition, the significance of passing down stories and heirlooms, and the depth of family bonds. With every fleeting second, it imparts an enduring lesson on the significance of honoring our roots and upholding the values embraced by generations before me.

In essence, this wristwatch is more than a mere chronometer; it embodies the legacy, love, and the timeless connection that transcends generations. It has added layers of meaning to my life that cannot be encapsulated in words and stands as a testament to one of the most meaningful gifts I’ve ever received.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Remarkable – Worthy of attention; extraordinary.
  2. Etched – Impressed or engraved.
  3. Exquisite – Extremely beautiful and carefully crafted.
  4. Keepsake – An item kept in memory of the person who gave it.
  5. Bequeathed – Passed on or handed down, especially in a will.
  6. Auspicious – Conducive to success; favourable.
  7. Revered – Deeply respected.
  8. Heirloom – A valuable object passed down through generations.
  9. Storied – Having a long, significant history.
  10. Traversed – Travelled or moved through.
  11. Sagacity – Wisdom or sound judgement.
  12. Threshold – A point of entry or beginning.
  13. Inundated – Overwhelmed or flooded.
  14. Profound – Deep and meaningful.
  15. Vicissitudes – Changes or variations, often difficult ones.
  16. Indelible – Unable to be erased or forgotten.
  17. Chronometer – An instrument for accurately measuring time.
  18. Legacy – Something handed down by predecessors.
  19. Encapsulated – Summed up or enclosed.
  20. Testament – Evidence or proof of something.

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A Place You’d Like to Live

Question 8: Describe a place you’d like to live in the future. You should say:

     – Where is this place located?

     – What attracts you to this location?

     – How do you envision your life there?

     – What changes would you need to make to move there?

Model answers by Lifestyle Training Centre

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A place I’ve always yearned to call home in the future is the United Kingdom, with a particular fascination for the vibrant city of London. This remarkable location holds a magnetic appeal for a myriad of reasons.

What draws me to London like a moth to a flame is its status as a global melting pot, where diverse cultures come together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. The city’s rich history, iconic landmarks, and thriving arts scene have always been a profound source of fascination. Moreover, the prospect of daily interaction with native English speakers is like music to my ears, offering the perfect environment to sharpen my language skills and gain insights into the local culture.

In terms of envisaging my life there, I see myself in a cozy apartment in one of London’s historic neighborhoods, perhaps with a picturesque view of the Thames River. My days would be filled with exploration, from strolling through the charming streets of Notting Hill to catching world-class theater productions in the West End. I’d relish London’s multicultural cuisine, visit renowned museums and galleries, and savor the changing seasons, including the crisp winters, which would be a breath of fresh air.

Nevertheless, this transition wouldn’t be all sunshine and rainbows. Relocating to London would necessitate acclimating to a faster-paced urban lifestyle, securing a work opportunity or a sustainable source of income, and navigating the labyrinth of immigration requirements. It would also involve getting a grasp of the nuances of British culture and social etiquette.

In short, my aspiration to settle down in London, United Kingdom, is driven by the desire to immerse myself in a dynamic, multicultural environment, enhance my language proficiency by rubbing shoulders with native speakers, and experience the city’s unique lifestyle and seasons. While the prospect of change brings its fair share of twists and turns, the promise of personal growth and cultural enrichment makes it an exhilarating prospect for my future.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Yearned – Longed for something with great desire.
  2. Fascination – A strong feeling of intense interest or attraction.
  3. Magnetic – Having the power to attract or charm.
  4. Melting pot – A place where various cultures, styles, or ideas come together.
  5. Jigsaw puzzle – A complex situation or thing that requires effort to understand or complete.
  6. Iconic – Widely recognized and regarded as representative of something.
  7. Thriving – Growing, developing, or being successful.
  8. Prospect – The potential or possibility of something happening in the future.
  9. Relish – To enjoy or take great pleasure in something.
  10. Acclimating – Becoming accustomed to a new climate or environment.
  11. Navigating – Finding one’s way through a difficult or complex situation.
  12. Labyrinth – A complicated and confusing network or arrangement.
  13. Etiquette – The customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group.
  14. Immersing – Involving oneself deeply in an activity or interest.
  15. Rubbing shoulders – Interacting or mingling with people.
  16. Exhilarating – Making one feel very happy, animated, or elated.
  17. Transition – The process of changing from one state or condition to another.
  18. Twists and turns – Unpredictable or complicated changes or events.
  19. Envisioning – Imagining or visualising something in the future.
  20. Sustainable – Capable of being maintained or continued over time.

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