Bladder infection 

You have a suspected bladder infection and the doctor has requested a urine sample. You need to get a urine sample from your daughter, who’s only four. When asked, say you need to check the procedure for getting the urine. 
 Confirm that you just need to get her to pee into a container, and then collect the sample from that. 
 Say you’ll follow the nurse’s instructions and ask how quickly you need to bring the urine sample to the clinic. 
 Mention that your daughter keeps getting bladder infections and you don’t think this problem will be resolved soon. 
 Say the doctor gave you lots of advice about hygiene, which you have been following. Admit it’s really difficult to get your daughter to drink anything and she doesn’t like using the toilet at nursery. 
 Mention that you’re glad it’s just a phase and you’ll get the sample done as quickly as possible. 
You see the parent of a 4-year-old girl who has a suspected urinary tract infection (UTI), which she gets frequently. You give the parent a sample bottle and advice on the procedure for collecting a urine sample, which the doctor has requested. 
• Find out the reason for the parent’s request to see you. 
• Outline the urine collection process (e.g., get girl to drink water to fill bladder, collect mid-stream, use sterile sample bottle, etc.). Stress importance of not contaminating the sample (e.g., unreliable test results, cause of bladder infections not identified, etc.). 
• Outline the next steps after sample collection (taken to the clinic within 12 hours, initial dipstick test, full lab analysis if needed, etc.). 
• Give information about bladder infections in children (e.g., common, caused by reluctance to pee/lack of hydration, etc.). Establish what advice the doctor gave the parent (hygiene, cotton underwear, unscented/unperfumed products, etc.). 
• Reassure the parent about the child not using the toilet at nursery (e.g., common phase, will grow out of it as she gets used to the teachers, etc.). Give advice on hydration (e.g., fruit, ice blocks, etc.). 

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