Bella and the Magic Garden

Word Pronunciation Story


List of vocabulary used:

1. Village
– Meaning: A small community or group of houses in a rural area.
ഗ്രാമം (Grāmam)

2. Surrounded
– Meaning: Enclosed on all sides.
ചുറ്റപ്പെട്ട (Cuṟṟappeṭṭa)

3. Fields
– Meaning: An area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture.
വയലുകൾ (Vayaluḷ)

4. Garden
– Meaning: A piece of ground, often near a house, used for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables.
ഗാർഡൻ. നാമം. ഉദ്യാനം. പൂന്തോട്ടം. ഉപവനം. പച്ചക്കറിത്തോട്ടം. പഴത്തോട്ടം. പഠനാവശ്യത്തിനുള്ള സസ്യോദ്യാനം. വിഹാരസ്ഥലം.
5. Special
– Meaning: Better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual.
പ്രത്യേക (Pratyēka)

6. Place
– Meaning: A particular position or point in space.
സ്ഥലം (Sthalam)

7. Vibrant
– Meaning: Full of energy and life; bright and striking.
പ്രഭാപൂരിതം (Prabhāpūritaṁ)

8. Flowers
– Meaning: The seed-bearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs surrounded by a brightly colored corolla.
പുഷ്പങ്ങൾ (Puṣpaṅṅaḷ)

9. Tall
– Meaning: Of great or more than average height.
റ്റോൽ. നാമം. ഉയരംകൂടിയ

10. Trees
– Meaning: A woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches.
മരം (Maraṁ)

11. Chirping
– Meaning: A short, sharp, high-pitched sound made by small birds or insects.
ചർപ്. ക്രിയ. കൂവുക. നാമം. പക്ഷിശബ്ദം. കൂജനം. ക്രിയ. മൂളുക. നാമം. ചിലപ്പ്. പക്ഷിശബ്ധം. ഉല്ലാസഭരിതം.

12. Birds
– Meaning: A warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate animal distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, and a beak and typically able to fly.
പക്ഷികൾ (Pakṣikaḷ)

13. Magical
– Meaning: Relating to, using, or resembling magic.
മായാജാലം (Māyājālaṁ)

14. Hidden
– Meaning: Kept out of sight; concealed.
മറഞ്ഞ (Maṟañña)

15. Secret
– Meaning: Something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others.
രഹസ്യം (Rahasyam)

16. Sunny
– Meaning: Bright with sunlight.
സൂര്യപ്രകാശമുള്ള. പ്രഭാപൂർവ്വമായ. ആതപപൂർണ്ണമായ. സാതപമായ
17. Afternoon
– Meaning: The time from noon or lunchtime to evening.
ഉച്ചയ്ക്ക് ശേഷം (Uccaykku śēṣaṁ)

18. Playing
– Meaning: Engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.
കളിക്കുന്ന (Kaḷikkunna)

19. Discovered
– Meaning: Find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search.
കണ്ടെത്തി (Kaṇṭeṭṭi)

20. Tiny
– Meaning: Very small.
ചെറുതായ (Ceṟutāya)

21. Sparkling
– Meaning: Shining brightly with flashes of light.
തിളങ്ങുന്ന (Tiḷaṅṅunna)

22. Door
– Meaning: A hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle, or in the framework of a cupboard.
വാതിൽ (Vātil)

23. Base
– Meaning: The lowest part or edge of something, especially the part on which it rests or is supported.
അടിസ്ഥാനം (Aṭisthānaṁ)

24. Ancient
– Meaning: Very old; belonging to the distant past.
പുരാതന (Purātana)

25. Oak
– Meaning: A large tree that typically has lobed deciduous leaves, acorns as fruit, and strong, durable wood.
ഓക്കുമരം. ഓക്കുമരത്തിന്റെ തടി. കരുവേലമരം

26. Tree
– Meaning: A woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches.
മരം (Maraṁ)

27. Curious
– Meaning: Eager to know or learn something.
കൗതുകം (Kautukaṁ)

28. Gently
– Meaning: With a mild, kind, or tender manner.
സാവധാനമായി (Sāvadhānamāyi)

29. Pushed
– Meaning: Exert force on (someone or something) in order to move them away from oneself.

30. Peeked
– Meaning: Look quickly, typically in a furtive manner.
ക്രിയ. ഒളിഞ്ഞുനോക്കുക. കള്ളക്കണ്ണിട്ടുനോക്കുക. എത്തിനോക്കുക. കള്ളക്കണിട്ടു നോക്കുക

31. Inside
– Meaning: The inner part of something.
അകത്ത് (Akaṯh)

32. Amazement
– Meaning: A feeling of great surprise or wonder.
അത്ഭുതം (Atbhutam)

33. Found
– Meaning: Past tense of ‘find’; discover by chance.
കണ്ടെത്തി (Kaṇṭeṭṭi)

34. Magical Garden
– Meaning: A fantastical, enchanting garden that contains magical elements.
മായാജാല തോട്ടം (Māyājāla tōṭṭaṁ)

35. Beautiful
– Meaning: Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.
സുന്ദരമായ (Sundaramāya)

36. Brightest
– Meaning: Emitting or reflecting a lot of light; shining.
ഏറ്റവും പ്രകാശമുള്ള (Eṭavum prakāśamuḷḷa)

37. Colours
– Meaning: The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light.
നിറങ്ങൾ (Niṟaṅṅaḷ)

38. Fragrance
– Meaning: A pleasant, sweet smell.
സുഗന്ധം (Sugandhaṁ)

39. Air
– Meaning: The invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen.
വായു (Vāyu)

40. Sweetest
– Meaning: Having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey; not salty, sour, or bitter.
ഏറ്റവും മധുരമുള്ള (Eṭavum madhuramuḷḷa)

41. Walked
– Meaning: Move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn.
നടന്നു (Naṭannu)

42. Friendly
– Meaning: Kind and pleasant.
സൗഹൃദപരമായ (Sauhr̥daparamāya)

43. Animals
– Meaning: A living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.
മൃഗങ്ങൾ (Mr̥gaṅṅaḷ)

44. Wise
– Meaning: Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
ബുദ്ധിമാനായ (Buddhimānāya)

45. Owl
– Meaning: A nocturnal bird of prey with large forward-facing eyes surrounded by facial disks, a hooked beak, and typically a loud call.
നാമം. ഊമൻ. മൂങ്ങ. ഗംഭീരഭാവക്കാരൻ. ഉലൂകം. ബുദ്ധിമാന്റെ വേഷംകെട്ടുന്ന മരമണ്ടൻ. കൂമൻ. കൗശികൻ. ദിവാന്ധൻ

46. Playful
– Meaning: Fond of games and amusement; lighthearted.
തമാശയായി; കളിയായി; വിനോദത്തിനായി

47. Rabbit
– Meaning: A small burrowing mammal with long ears, long hind legs, and a short tail.
മുയൽ (Muyal)

48. Tiny
– Meaning: Very small.
ചെറുതായ (Ceṟutāya)

49. Talking
– Meaning: Engaging in speech.
സംസാരിക്കുന്ന (Sansāriccunna)

50. Butterfly
Meaning: An insect with two pairs of large, typically brightly colored wings that are covered with microscopic scales.

51. Swirling
– Meaning: Move in a twisting or spiraling pattern.
ചുറ്റി തിരിയുന്ന (Cuṟṟi tiriyunna)

52. Around
– Meaning: Located or situated on every side.
ചുറ്റും (Cuṟṟuṁ)

53. Magic
– Meaning: The power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
മായാജാലം (Māyājālaṁ)

54. Told
– Meaning: Past tense of ‘tell’; communicate information to someone.
പറഞ്ഞു (Paṟaññu)

55. Excited
– Meaning: Very enthusiastic and eager.
ആവേശപൂർണ്ണമായ (Āvēśapūrṇamāya)

56. Home
– Meaning: The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.
വീട്ടിൽ (Vīṭṭil)

57. Dreams
– Meaning: A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep.
സ്വപ്നങ്ങൾ (Svapnaṅṅaḷ)

58. Wishes
– Meaning: A desire or hope for something to happen.
ആഗ്രഹങ്ങൾ (Āgrahaṅṅaḷ)

59. Came True
– Meaning: (Of a hope, wish, etc.) be realized.
സഫലമായി (Saphalamāyi)

60. Prosperity
– Meaning: The state of being successful, especially in financial or material terms.
സമൃദ്ധി (Samr̥ddhi)

61. Wonder
– Meaning: A feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar.
അത്ഭുതം (Atbhutam)

62. Kindness
– Meaning: The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
ദയ (Daya)

63. Secret
– Meaning: Something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others.
രഹസ്യം (Rahasyam)


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