Bar chart. Gross Domestic Product

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

The provided bar chart delineates the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United Kingdom, attributed to the Information Technology (IT) and service industry. The data spans a nine-year period, covering the years 1992 to 2000.

Overall, it is evident that the percentage of GDP witnessed a substantial increase, nearly doubling over the nine-year period for both the Information Technology and Service industries, despite minor fluctuations.

Commencing at slightly above 6% in the year 1992, the IT industry witnessed an upward trajectory, peaking at over 8% in the year 1994. Despite a marginal decline in the year 1996 to just under 8%, the GDP soared, reaching a pinnacle of approximately 15% by the year 2000.

Concurrently, the Service Industry’s GDP, starting at 4 percentage in the year 1992, exhibited a consistent upward trend, culminating in a figure slightly surpassing 8 percentage by the conclusion of the period in the year 2000.

List of vocabulary used:

1. Provided – supplied, given
2. Delineates – describes, outlines
3. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – national income, economic output
4. Attributed – related, linked
5. Information Technology (IT) – computing, tech industry
6. Service industry – service sector, tertiary sector
7. Data – information, statistics
8. Spans – covers, extends over
9. Period – timeframe, duration
10. Overall – generally, in summary

11. Evident – clear, obvious
12. Witnessed – observed, experienced
13. Substantial – significant, considerable
14. Increase – rise, growth
15. Nearly – almost, close to
16. Doubling – increasing twofold, multiplying
17. Fluctuations – variations, changes
18. Commencing – beginning, starting
19. Slightly – marginally, a little
20. Upward trajectory – increasing trend, rising path

21. Peaking – reaching the highest point, hitting a maximum
22. Marginal – slight, minor
23. Decline – decrease, drop
24. Soared – skyrocketed, surged
25. Pinnacle – peak, summit
26. Approximately – about, nearly
27. Concurrently – at the same time, simultaneously

28. Exhibited – displayed, showed
29. Consistent – steady, reliable
30. Culminating – resulting, ending
31. Figure – amount, number
32. Surpassing – exceeding, going beyond
33. Conclusion – end, final point

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  1. Pingback: IELTS bar charts – Writing task 1 Academic. | Lifestyle Training Centre®

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