Bar chart. (Games- global sale) IELTS AC writing task 1

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

The presented bar chart meticulously outlines the global sales trajectories for four distinct categories of digital entertainment: Mobile phone games, online games, console games, and handheld games—spanning from 2000 to 2006. The monetary values are denominated in billion dollars.

Overall, it is patently evident that sales for handheld games, mobile phone games, and online games experienced a pronounced ascension throughout the seven-year period. In stark contrast, console games consistently declined in sales over consecutive years. Notably, handheld games unequivocally dominated the digital gaming market among the four categories.

Zooming in, the sales of Handheld games peaked just below $12 billion in 2000, incrementally ascending to approximately $18 billion by 2006. Online games, introduced in 2001 with initial sales below $0.5 billion, underwent a meteoric upturn, reaching around $9 billion by 2006. Similarly, Mobile phone games, emerging in 2002 with around $1 billion in sales, demonstrated marked escalation, achieving approximately $7 billion in sales by 2006.

In contradistinction, Console games, despite an initial sale of around $6 billion in 2000, exhibited a discernible decrement year on year. Although sales stabilised around $5 billion in 2003 and 2004, they subsequently plummeted to around $3 billion by 2006—almost half of the initial sale.

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