All posts by Jomon John

An Important Environmental Issue

Question 4: Describe an important environmental issue in your region. You should say:

     – What is the issue, and how does it affect your area?

     – What actions have been taken to address it?

     – What can individuals do to contribute to the solution?

     – Why is this issue important to you?

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

A persistent environmental concern in our region is air pollution, which affects both the environment and the health of our residents. This problem primarily stems from industrial emissions, vehicular exhaust, and the burning of fossil fuels.

Our region once enjoyed better air quality. However, rapid industrialization and urbanization have led to a significant deterioration in air quality. This decline has translated into adverse health effects, including an increase in respiratory illnesses among our community members.

Efforts to counter this issue are steadily progressing. The local government consistently tightens emissions regulations and advocates for the adoption of cleaner energy sources. Simultaneously, community-led initiatives, with their roots in earlier endeavors, focus on expanding tree planting programs and enhancing green spaces, yielding a tangible improvement in air quality.

As we look ahead, it’s evident that addressing air pollution will continue to be paramount for our region. An array of cleaner transportation options, such as electric vehicles (EVs) and solar-powered transportation, promise to significantly reduce emissions and pave the way for a cleaner, more sustainable urban landscape.

Simultaneously, the promotion of public transportation, carpooling, and the adoption of more eco-friendly practices will be essential. Individuals must actively contribute to the cause by reducing their carbon footprint, fostering a collective commitment to sustainability.

This environmental issue remains important to me, as I believe that clean, healthy air is a fundamental right for all. It’s our collective responsibility to protect our environment for the well-being of current and future generations, ensuring a greener, cleaner future for our region.

A Valuable Skill IELTS speaking task 2 question and answer


Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

Embarking on a journey to transcend my introverted nature and conquer limited communication skills, I delved into the intricacies of the English language about five years ago. Not claiming to be the sharpest tool in the shed, I honed my English speaking skills with dedication and persistence, knowing that it could give me an edge, not only in the professional arena but also in forging meaningful connections with a diverse array of individuals.   

This linguistic prowess, particularly in English, I deem as a coveted skill, a veritable ace up the sleeve in the realm of effective communication. The dividends reaped from this proficiency have been manifold.

First and foremost, navigating interviews became a breeze after mastering the art of eloquent expression. The facility to articulate thoughts seamlessly has proven invaluable not only in professional settings but also in addressing diverse audiences and engaging in spontaneous, free-flowing conversations. Gone are the days of hesitation and stumbling over words.

Is this linguistic finesse essential for others to acquire? Absolutely. In an era where the world is a global village, English stands as the lingua franca. Students, in particular, stand to gain significantly as English serves as the conduit for international communication and academic discourse.

Now, let’s delve into the roadmap for cultivating this linguistic finesse. Mastery begins with an understanding of grammatical nuances, encompassing the labyrinth of tenses, verb forms, and subject-verb agreements. Weaving these threads of knowledge together, one can fashion a tapestry of articulate expression. Furthermore, the auditory senses play a pivotal role; regular exposure to native English speakers through podcasts, films, or conversations can be likened to a linguistic workout, enhancing proficiency.

In the tapestry of life, the skill of articulate English speaking can be likened to a vibrant thread that weaves connections, bridges gaps, and opens doors. It’s not merely a skill; it’s a passport to a world of opportunities. So, one can embrace the challenge, navigate the linguistic labyrinth, and let the eloquence of their words become a symphony that resonates across borders.

Idioms and phrases used

The passage incorporates several idioms and phrases that enhance its expressiveness. Here are some identified idioms and phrases:

1. Embarking on a journey:

   – Idiomatic expression indicating the beginning of a new endeavor or experience.

2. Not the sharpest tool in the shed/the sharpest knife in the drawer:

   – Idiomatic phrase used to convey humility or self-awareness about one’s abilities.

3. Ace up the sleeve:

   – Metaphorical phrase suggesting a hidden advantage or resource that can be used strategically.

4. Dividends reaped:

   – Metaphorically referring to the positive outcomes or benefits gained from a particular action or skill.

5. Breeze:

   – Idiomatic expression, “navigating interviews became a breeze,” indicating that something became very easy.

6. Gone are the days:

   – Idiomatic phrase used to emphasize a positive change or improvement from the past.

7. Lingua franca:

   – Phrase referring to a language that is widely used as a common means of communication between speakers of different native languages.

8. Conduit for:

   – Idiomatic use of “conduit” to indicate a medium or means through which something is achieved or conveyed.

9. Roadmap for cultivating:

   – Metaphorical use of “roadmap” to describe a plan or strategy for developing a particular skill.

10. Labyrinth of tenses:

   – Metaphorical expression referring to the complexity and intricacies of grammatical tenses.

11. Weaving these threads together:

   – Metaphorical phrase suggesting the integration or combination of different elements to create a cohesive whole.

12. Linguistic workout:

   – Metaphorically comparing exposure to native English speakers to a workout, emphasizing its beneficial impact on language proficiency.

13. Tapestry of life:

   – Metaphorical use of “tapestry” to symbolize the interconnected and varied experiences of life.

14. Bridges gaps:

   – Idiomatic expression indicating the act of connecting or overcoming differences.

15. Opens doors:

   – Idiomatic phrase suggesting opportunities or possibilities becoming available.

16. Passport to a world of opportunities:

   – Metaphorical use of “passport” to represent access or entry into a realm of various opportunities.

17. Navigate the linguistic labyrinth:

   – Metaphorical expression describing the process of skillfully managing the complexities of language.

18. Symphony that resonates:

   – Metaphorically comparing the eloquence of words to a harmonious musical composition that has a lasting impact.

Tenses used:

Let’s break down the speech and identify the tenses used for each part, sentence, and phrase:

1. Embarking on a journey:

   – Present participle (gerund): “Embarking”

2. I delved into the intricacies:

   – Past simple: “delved”

3. Not claiming to be the sharpest tool in the shed:

   – Present participle (gerund): “claiming”

   – Present simple: “am”

4. I honed my English speaking skills:

   – Past simple: “honed”

5. Knowing that it could give me an edge:

   – Present participle (gerund): “Knowing”

   – Present simple: “could give”

6. This linguistic prowess, particularly in English, I deem as a coveted skill:

   – Present simple: “deem”

7. The dividends reaped from this proficiency have been manifold:

   – Present perfect: “have been”

8. Navigating interviews became a breeze:

   – Past simple: “became”

9. The facility to articulate thoughts seamlessly has proven invaluable:

   – Present perfect: “has proven”

10. Gone are the days of hesitation and stumbling over words:

    – Present perfect: “are”

11. Is this linguistic finesse essential for others to acquire?:

    – Present simple: “Is”

12. English stands as the lingua franca:

    – Present simple: “stands”

13. Students, in particular, stand to gain significantly:

    – Present simple: “stand”

    – Infinitive: “to gain”

14. Now, let’s delve into the roadmap:

    – Present simple: “let’s delve”

15. Mastery begins with an understanding:

    – Present simple: “begins”

16. Encompassing the labyrinth of tenses, verb forms, and subject-verb agreements:

    – Present participle (gerund): “Encompassing”

17. Weaving these threads of knowledge together:

    – Present participle (gerund): “Weaving”

18. One can fashion a tapestry of articulate expression:

    – Present simple: “can fashion”

19. Furthermore, the auditory senses play a pivotal role:

    – Present simple: “play”

20. Regular exposure to native English speakers through podcasts, films, or conversations can be likened to a linguistic workout:

    – Present simple: “can be likened”

21. The skill of articulate English speaking can be likened to a vibrant thread:

    – Present simple: “can be likened”

22. It’s not merely a skill; it’s a passport:

    – Present simple: “It’s”

23. So, one can embrace the challenge, navigate the linguistic labyrinth:

    – Present simple: “can embrace,” “navigate”

24. And let the eloquence of their words become a symphony that resonates across borders:

    – Present simple: “let become,” “resonates”

An Unforgettable Trip IELTS speaking Task 2 question.

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

Traveling is not my cup of tea. I’ve been avoiding it at any given opportunity, and I remember, I’d made a terrible mistake not so long ago. Recently, I had made a trip to Nagaland with my wife. Embarking on the journey, I started feeling a bit green around the gills in the beginning of the trip itself. It took me almost three days to reach there by train. I was very happy to meet a lot of friends there and my in-laws.

People in Nagaland eat different kinds of food, especially insects. The second day, though reluctant at first, I started savouring on some local cuisines, and it felt quite nice. However, after two or three hours, I started feeling some kind of uneasiness, and to make the long story short, I was hospitalized immediately. The chips were down, and everybody was on pins and needles, particularly my dear wife. It was found out that I was actually allergic to the food I was offered. However, by the grace of God, I was able to come out of the hospital in one piece.

After this journey, I made a decision that I would never ever travel, especially to any places that are far away, and I would never ever ingest any unfamiliar or exotic foods. This incident has been a disastrous but learning moment in my life, and it changed my perspective about food and travel. I will just settle for things that familiar to me and only explore proximal sites for my own wellbeing.

Note: this is a made up, spontaneous story and was framed by Jomon during one of the IELTS sessions. There is nothing to be feared when comes to Naga food.

Idioms and phrased used:

  1. “Not my cup of tea”: Indicates something is not to one’s liking or preference.
  2. “Green around the gills”: Describes looking pale or sickly, often due to nausea or illness.
  3. “The chips were down”: Suggests that the situation became difficult or critical.
  4. “On pins and needles”: Expresses feeling nervous, anxious, or tense.
  5. “In one piece”: Indicates emerging from a difficult situation without harm or injury.
  6. “Embarking on the journey”: Refers to starting a journey or undertaking a new endeavor.
  7. “Savouring on some local cuisines”: Enjoying or tasting local foods.
  8. “To make the long story short”: Used before summarizing or providing a brief version of a lengthy story.

List of vocabulary used

  1. Cup of tea – something one likes or is good at.
  2. Avoiding – keeping away from or preventing something from happening.
  3. Embarking – beginning a journey or undertaking.
  4. Green around the gills – looking or feeling ill.
  5. Reluctant – unwilling and hesitant.
  6. Savouring – enjoying and appreciating something, especially food.
  7. Cuisines – styles or methods of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment.
  8. Uneasiness – a feeling of discomfort or anxiety.
  9. Hospitalized – admitted to a hospital for treatment.
  10. The chips were down – a situation in which things are not going well.
  11. On pins and needles – in a state of nervous anticipation or anxiety.
  12. Allergic – having an allergy to a substance.
  13. By the grace of God – a phrase expressing gratitude or relief that something fortunate has happened.
  14. In one piece – safe and unharmed after a dangerous experience.
  15. Disastrous – causing great damage or distress.
  16. Perspective – a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something.
  17. Ingest – take food or drink into the body.
  18. Exotic – originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country; unusual and exciting.
  19. Learning moment – an experience from which one gains knowledge or insight.
  20. Proximal – situated nearer to the center of the body or the point of attachment; in this context, meaning close or nearby.
  21. Wellbeing – the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.

Tenses used: Break down.

Traveling is not my cup of teaidiom. simple present

I’ve been avoiding it at any given opportunity, – present perfect continuous

and I remember, – simple present

I’d made a terrible mistake not so long ago. – past perfect

Recently, I had made a trip to Nagaland with my wife. – past perfect

Embarking on the journeyphrase, I started feeling a bit green around the gills in the beginning of the trip itself. – simple past

It took me almost three days to reach there by train. – Simple past

I was very happy to meet a lot of friends there and my in-laws. – Simple past

People in Nagaland eat different kinds of food, especially insects. – simple present

The second day, though reluctant at first, I started savouring on some local cuisines, – simple past

and it felt quite nice. – simple past

However, after two or three hours, I started feeling some kind of uneasiness, – simple past

and to make the long story short, I was hospitalized immediately. – simple past

The chips were down, idiom – Simple past

and everybody was on pins and needles, – idiom – Simple past particularly my dear wife.

It was found out that I was actually allergic to – Simple past passive

the food I was offered.- Simple past passive

However, by the grace of God, I was able to come out of the hospital in one piece- phrase. – Simple past passive

After this journey, I made a decision – Simple past

that I would never ever travel, – Simple future

especially to any places that are far away, and

I would never ever ingest any unfamiliar or exotic foods. – Simple future

This incident has been a disastrous – Present perfect

but learning moment in my life, and it changed my perspective about food and travel. – Simple past

I will just settle for things that familiar to me – Simple future

and only explore proximal sites for my own wellbeing. – Simple future

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A Relaxing Place Near Water

Question 1: Describe a relaxing place near water that you like to visit. – You should say: –
Where is this place located? –
How do you usually get there? –
What do you do when you visit this place? –
Why do you like it so much?

Sample answer:

One of my favorite places to visit for relaxation is a secluded beach located on the southern coast of [Name of the Location]. This beautiful spot is known as [Name of the Beach], and it holds a special place in my heart.

To get there, I usually take a leisurely drive along the coastal highway. The journey itself is quite enjoyable, as the road offers stunning views of the ocean and the surrounding landscape. It takes me approximately [X hours] to reach the beach, depending on traffic conditions.

When I arrive at [Name of the Beach], I immediately feel a sense of calm wash over me. The beach is usually not very crowded, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore is incredibly soothing. I often bring a beach chair, a good book, and some snacks with me. I love to spend hours sitting by the water’s edge, reading, and occasionally taking a dip in the refreshing sea. Sometimes, I also bring along a picnic and enjoy a meal while watching the sunset.

What makes this place so special to me is the sense of serenity it provides. The combination of the sound of the waves, the gentle sea breeze, and the breathtaking views creates the perfect environment for relaxation and reflection. It’s a place where I can escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life and simply unwind.

In conclusion, [Name of the Beach] is a tranquil haven that I love to visit whenever I need to recharge and find inner peace. The natural beauty and tranquility of this place make it a perfect spot for relaxation, and that’s why I cherish it so much.