Author name: Jomon P John

Jomon P John

Mr Lionel Ramamurthy OET letter

TASK –72: Mr Lionel Ramamurthy, a 63-year-old, is a patient in the medical ward of which you are Charge Nurse.                         […]


Alfred Billy OET letter

TASK – 69     Hospital Royal Perth Hospital           Patient Details Alfred Billy 52 Years old Marital status: married           Wife to be contacted


Mrs Margaret OET letter

TASK – 67: Maggie Goldstein is a 60-year-old female Alzheimer’s disease sufferer currently admitted to North Caulfield Private Hospital for


Aisha Amari OET letter

TASK – 66 Mrs Aisha Amari is a 75-year-old woman presenting in the clinic in which you work. Clinic: Westborough


Mrs. Rose Debham OET letter

TASK – 64     Patient’s name:         Mrs. Rose Debham Date of Birth: 4th July, 1989   Social History:          recently married, no smoking

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