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Adam’s Wine IETLS reading test


 A Water is the giver and, at the same time, the taker of life. It covers most of the surface of the planet we live on and features large in the development of the human race. On present predictions, it is an element that is set to assume even greater significance.

B Throughout history, water has had a huge impact on our lives. Humankind has always had a rather ambiguous relationship with water, on the one hand receiving enormous benefit from it, not just as a drinking source, but as a provider of food and a means whereby to travel and to trade. But forced to live close to water in order to survive and to develop, the relationship has not always been peaceful or beneficial. In fact, it has been quite the contrary. What has essentially been a necessity for survival has turned out in many instances to have a very destructive and life-threatening side.

C Through the ages, great floods alternated with long periods of drought have assaulted people and their environment, hampering their fragile fight for survival. The dramatic changes to the environment that are now a feature of our daily news are not exactly new: fields that were once lush and fertile are now barren; lakes and rivers that were once teeming with life are now long gone; savannah has been turned to desert. What perhaps is new is our naive wonder when faced with the forces of nature.

D Today, we are more aware of climatic changes around the world. Floods in far-flung places are instant news for the whole world. Perhaps these events make us feel better as we face the destruction of our own property by floods and other natural disasters.

E In 2002, many parts of Europe suffered severe flood damage running into billions of euros. Properties across the continent collapsed into the sea as waves pounded the coastline wreaking havoc with sea defences. But it was not just the seas. Rivers swollen by heavy rains and by the effects of deforestation carried large volumes of water that wrecked many communities.

F Building stronger and more sophisticated river defences against flooding is the expensive short-term answer. There are simpler ways. Planting trees in highland areas, not just in Europe but in places like the Himalayas, to protect people living in low-lying regions like the Ganges Delta, is a cheaper and more attractive solution. Progress is already being made in convincing countries that the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is causing considerable damage to the environment. But more effort is needed in this direction. 

G And the future? If we are to believe the forecasts, it is predicted that two-thirds of the world population will be without fresh water by 2025. But for a growing number of regions of the world the future is already with us. While some areas are devastated by flooding, scarcity of water in many other places is causing conflict. The state of Texas in the United States of America is suffering a shortage of water with the Rio Grande failing to reach the Gulf of Mexico for the first time in 50 years in the spring of 2002, pitting region against region as they vie for water sources. With many parts of the globe running dry through drought and increased water consumption, there is now talk of water being the new oil. 

H Other doom-laden estimates suggest that, while tropical areas will become drier and uninhabitable, coastal regions and some low-lying islands will in all probability be submerged by the sea as the polar ice caps melt. Popular exotic destinations now visited by countless tourists will become no-go areas. Today’s holiday hotspots of southern Europe and elsewhere will literally become hotspots – too hot to live in or visit. With the current erratic behaviour of the weather, it is difficult not to subscribe to such despair. 

I Some might say that this despondency is ill-founded, but we have had ample proof that there is something not quite right with the climate. Many parts of the world have experienced devastating flooding. As the seasons revolve, the focus of the destruction moves from one continent to another. The impact on the environment is alarming and the cost to life depressing. It is a picture to which we will need to become accustomed. 

Questions 1-8. Reading Passage 1 has eight paragraphs labelled A-I. Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-I from the list of headings below. 

Write the appropriate numbers (i-xiii) in boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet. One of the headings has been done for you as an example. Note: There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use all of them. 

Example: Paragraph A — Answer vii 

List of Headings

i Environmental change has always been with us

ii The scarcity of water

iii Rivers and seas cause damage

iv Should we be despondent? Or realistic?

v Disasters caused by the climate make us feel better

vi Water, the provider of food

vii What is water?

viii How to solve flooding

ix Far-flung flooding

x Humans’ relationship with water

xi The destructive force of water in former times

xii Flooding in the future

xiii A pessimistic view of the future 

1 Paragraph B

2 Paragraph C

3 Paragraph D

4 Paragraph E

5 Paragraph F

6 Paragraph G

7 Paragraph H

8 Paragraph I 

Questions 9-15 Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 9-15 on your answer sheet. 

9 The writer believes that water

A is gradually becoming of greater importance.

B will have little impact on our lives in future.

C is something we will need more than anything else.

D will have even greater importance in our lives in the future. 

10 Humankind’s relationship with water has been

A two-sided.

B one-sided.

C purely one of great benefit.

D fairly frightening. 

11 The writer suggests that

A we are in awe of the news we read and see on TV every day.

B change to the environment leaves us speechless.

C we should not be in awe of the news we read and see on TV every day.

D our surprise at the environmental change brought about by nature is something new. 

12 According to the text, planting trees

A has to be coordinated internationally.

B is more expensive than building sea and river defences.

C is a less expensive answer to flooding than building river defences.

D is not an answer to the problem of flooding in all regions. 

13 By 2025, it is projected that

A at least half the world population will have fresh water.

B the majority of the world population will have fresh water. 

C one-third of the world population will have fresh water.

D fresh water will only be available to half of the world population. 

14 According to the text, in the future low-lying islands

A will still be habitable.

B will not be under water.

C are likely to be under water.

D will probably not be under water. 

15 According to the writer,

A people do not need to get used to environmental damage.

B people will need to get used to climate changes that cause environmental damage.

C people are now more used to environmental damage than they have been in the past.

D the general despondency about environmental changes is ill-founded. 

Section 2 

Is it any wonder that there are teacher shortages? Daily, the press carries reports of schools going on four-day weeks simply because they cannot recruit enough teachers. But why? There is no straightforward answer. For a start, fewer students are entering teacher-training courses when they leave school. But can you blame young people after the barracking faced by the teaching profession in the UK over the last decade? The attack, relentless in the extreme, has been on several fronts. Government inspectors, by accident or design, have been feeding the media a constant stream of negative information about the teaching establishments in this country. Teachers also come in for a lot of flak from politicians. And the government wonders why there are problems in schools. 

The government’s obvious contempt for the teaching profession was recently revealed by one of the most powerful people in government when she referred to schools as ‘bog standard comprehensives’. Hardly the sort of comment to inspire parents or careers advisers seeking to direct young people’s future. Would you want to spend your working life in a dead-end profession? The government doesn’t seem to want you to either. 

On the administrative side, most teachers are weighed down by an increasing flow of bureaucracy. Cynicism would have me believe that this stops teachers from fomenting dissent as they are worn out by useless administrative exercises. Most teachers must then also be cynics! 

Teacher bashing has, unfortunately, spread to youngsters in schools as the recent catalogue of physical attacks on teachers will testify. If grown-ups have no respect for the teaching profession, young people can hardly be expected to think any differently. The circle is then squared when, as well as experienced, competent teachers being driven out of the profession by the increased pressure and stress; fewer students are applying for teacher-training courses. 

Increased salaries are certainly welcome, but they are not the complete answer to a sector in crisis. Addressing the standing of the profession in the eyes of the public is crucial to encourage experienced teachers to remain in the classroom and to make it an attractive career option for potential teachers once again. It might also be a good idea for the relevant ministers to go on a fact-finding mission and find out from teachers in schools, rather than relying overmuch on advisers, as to what changes could be brought about to improve the quality of the education service. Initiatives in the educational field surprisingly come from either politicians who know little about classroom practice or educational theorists who know even less, but are more dangerous because they work in the rarefied air of universities largely ignorant of classroom practice. 

Making sure that nobody without recent classroom experience is employed as a teacher-trainer at any tertiary institution would further enhance the teaching profession. If someone does not have practical experience in the classroom, they cannot in all seriousness propound theories about it. Instead of being given sabbaticals to write books or papers, lecturers in teacher-training establishments should be made to spend a year at the blackboard or, these days, the whiteboard. This would give them practical insights into current classroom practice. Student teachers could then be given the chance to come and watch the specialists in the classroom: a much more worthwhile experience than the latter sitting thinking up ideas far removed from the classroom. Then we would have fewer initiatives like the recent government proposal to teach thinking in school. Prima facie, this is a laudable recommendation. But, as any practising teacher will tell you, this is done in every class. Perhaps someone needs to point out to the academic who thought up the scheme that the wheel has been around for some time. 

In the educational field, there is surprisingly constant tension between the educational theorists and government officials on the one hand, who would like to see teachers marching in unison to some greater Utopian abstraction and, on the other, practising teachers. Any experienced classroom practitioner knows that the series of initiatives on teaching and learning that successive governments have tried to foist on schools and colleges do not work. 

Questions 16-22 Complete the summary below of the first four paragraphs of Reading Passage 2. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 16-22 on your answer sheet. 

Is it surprising that there is a 16______ of teachers? Schools do not have enough teachers, but what are the reasons for this? To begin with, fewer students are going into 17______ after finishing school. But this is not young people’s fault. The 18 ______ of teaching has been under constant attack over the last ten years. The government’s lack of respect for the profession is 19______ . Moreover, administratively, the flow of bureaucracy is 20______. Even pupils in schools have no respect for those who teach them, as a 21______ series of assaults on teachers shows. The growing strain and stress means that, as well as fewer applications for teacher-training courses, teachers who have experience and are 22______ are also being driven out. 

Questions 23-29 In boxes 23-29 on your answer sheet, write 

YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this 

23 More students are entering teacher-training courses.

24 The government is right to be surprised that there are problems in schools.

25 Teachers are too weighed down by administrative duties to stir up trouble.

26 All teachers are cynics.

27 Politicians are not as dangerous as educational theorists, who know even less than the former about educational theory.

28 Any experienced classroom practitioner knows that the initiatives on teaching and learning that governments have tried to impose on schools do not work.

29 The government’s attitude with regard to teachers is of great interest to the general public. 

Question 30 Choose the appropriate letter A-D and write it in box 30 on your answer sheet. 

30 Which one of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?

A Politicians and teachers.

B A profession undervalued.

C Recruitment difficulties in the teaching profession.

D Teacher-training needs improvement. 

Section 3 

In one corner of the room is a mass of tangled rope suspended from the ceiling with some sections dangling to the floor; the first of three encountered pieces of work that have a resounding impact on the viewing public. 

It stops one in one’s tracks: how dare it be there – this mess of nothing! It is like arranged chaos: that is, the confused mixture of varying sizes of rope, dipped in latex, looks as though it might collapse in a heap on the floor at any moment. At the same time, it is held up and in place by a series of fine wires and hooks, giving it a strange sense of… order. 

A deliberate challenge to the forces of gravity. It is a shambles. It makes one laugh. It is play. It is drawing in the air! Maybe it can move or dance about! Yet, it is hardly there, like something imagined. 

The materials are cheap and disposable. Impermanent, like … the people looking at it. But it is very definitely present! It has a presence. You can see that people want to walk into it and become a part of it – but alas! The gallery guard is hovering nearby. 

To the left of this piece, running along the wall, in two rows on top of each other, is a long series of lid-less boxes. They are mounted at average nose height and are made of fibreglass which gives them a shiny, almost moist, appearance. They are the colour of murky water, absorbing the gallery light with an opacity similar to that of mucus or tree gum. 

They look as though they might be soft and malleable to touch, with their irregular edges and non-conforming sides. This gives the overall impression that they could fall in on themselves or slide down the wall. The structure is puzzlingly familiar, similar to things in the world, and yet it is not like anything in particular. 

In the adjacent corner is the third piece, consisting of a collection of nine cylindrical open-ended objects, slit part way from end to end. They give the appearance of being randomly placed – some lying, some leaning on the wall or on each other-all seeming somehow to be related. Like the boxes, they are a multiple of each other. Made of fibreglass with a shiny surface they look almost like abandoned pods that had once been alive. The associations seem to jump around in one’s head, running between sensations of delight and pleasure, violence and discomfort. 

One has to bend down to be with them more. Driven by the desire to physically interact, one is almost forced to stoop further so that one can touch, or indeed taste, this intriguing surface; but no, the guard is there. 

The visual language apparent in these artworks is unfamiliar, as is the artist, Eva Hesse. Her work is as exciting as it is disturbing. For many, Hesse’s sculpture refers essentially to the body. This, perhaps, does not seem surprising when it is in relation to the body that women are generally assessed. Hesse died of a brain tumour in 1970 at the age of 34. It must be an inescapable inevitability, therefore, that her work was read in the context of its time where it has, until recently, been largely abandoned. 

Given the influence of feminism on our cultural consciousness since that period, it seems paramount that we avoid, or at the very least attempt to avoid, those dramatic facts about her life and family history. We may then be freed from a limited and narrow translation of her art. 

Hesse’s work is much more ambiguous and funny than some rather literal readings would have us believe. Perhaps it is precisely because her use of metaphor in her work is so subtle that it escapes the one-line definitions we so love to employ. 

We are now, more than ever, hungry for the cult of ‘personality’. While Hesse and others before and since can more than fill that demand, we seem in danger of focusing on the life of the artist and not on the life of the art. 

When looking at Hesse’s sculpture, drawings and paintings, the most interesting and challenging aspects lie just there – within the work. And this must be the starting point for any interpretation, not her complex life or untimely death. 

Questions 31-36 In boxes 31-36 on your answer sheet, write 

YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this Example answer: The Guggenheim Art Gallery is in New York. Yes 

31 The first piece of Hesse’s art has little effect on visitors to the gallery. 32 The order inherent in the first piece of Hesse’s art is essential to the understanding of her work.

33 The second piece of art by Hesse is inferior in several significant ways to the first.

34 The second piece by Hesse has several design faults that attract the public.

35 The third piece of work arouses different emotions.

36 Of the three pieces of Hesse’s work described, the first is the writer’s favourite. 

Question 37-40 Choose the appropriate letter A-D and write it in box 30 on your answer sheet. 

37 According to the writer, Eva Hesse

A is not a well-known artist.

B is very familiar, as is her work.

C is not a good artist.

D is strongly attracted by visual language. 

38 The writer concludes that

A Hesse’s work is timeless.

B the understanding of Hesse’s work has until recently been interpreted only in the context of its time.

C Hesse’s work is a product of her time and is not relevant to the modern world.

D Hesse’s work is easy to read. 

39 The writer thinks that it is ……………… to define Hesse’s work.

A not difficult B essential

C not important.

D not easy 

40 In the present climate,

A we may lose sight of Hesse’s art and focus on her life.

B personality is very important.

C art cults are in vogue.

D we may lose sight of Hesse’s life and focus on her art. 

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 A Remarkable Beetle IETLS reading


Some of the most remarkable beetles are the dung beetles, which spend almost their whole lives eating and breeding in dung’. 

 More than 4,000 species of these remarkable creatures have evolved and adapted to the world’s different climates and the dung of its many animals. Australia’s native dung beetles are scrub and woodland dwellers, specialising in coarse marsupial droppings and avoiding the soft cattle dung in which bush flies and buffalo flies breed.

In the early 1960s George Bornemissza, then a scientist at the Australian Government’s premier research organisation, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), suggested that dung beetles should be introduced to Australia to control dung-breeding flies. Between 1968 and 1982, the CSIRO imported insects from about 50 different species of dung beetle, from Asia, Europe and Africa, aiming to match them to different climatic zones in Australia. Of the 26 species that are known to have become successfully integrated into the local environment, only one, an African species released in northern Australia, has reached its natural boundary.

Introducing dung beetles into a pasture is a simple process: approximately 1,500 beetles are released, a handful at a time, into fresh cow pats in the cow pasture. The beetles immediately disappear beneath the pats digging and tunnelling and, if they successfully adapt to their new environment, soon become a permanent, self-sustaining part of the local ecology. In time they multiply and within three or four years the benefits to the pasture are obvious.

Dung beetles work from the inside of the pat so they are sheltered from predators such as birds and foxes. Most species burrow into the soil and bury dung in tunnels directly underneath the pats, which are hollowed out from within. Some large species originating from France excavate tunnels to a depth of approximately 30 cm below the dung pat. These beetles make sausage-shaped brood chambers along the tunnels. The shallowest tunnels belong to a much smaller Spanish species that buries dung in chambers that hang like fruit from the branches of a pear tree. South African beetles dig narrow tunnels of approximately 20 cm below the surface of the pat. Some surface-dwelling beetles, including a South African species, cut perfectly-shaped balls from the pat, which are rolled away and attached to the bases of plants.

For maximum dung burial in spring, summer and autumn, farmers require a variety of species with overlapping periods of activity. In the cooler environments of the state of Victoria, the large French species (2.5 cms long) is matched with smaller (half this size), temperate-climate Spanish species. The former are slow to recover from the winter cold and produce only one or two generations of offspring from late spring until autumn. The latter, which multiply rapidly in early spring, produce two to five generations annually. The South African ball-rolling species, being a subtropical beetle, prefers the climate of northern and coastal New South Wales where it commonly works with the South African tunnelling species. In warmer climates, many species are active for longer periods of the year.

Dung beetles were initially introduced in the late 1960s with a view to controlling buffalo flies by removing the dung within a day or two and so preventing flies from breeding. However, other benefits have become evident. Once the beetle larvae have finished pupation, the residue is a first-rate source of fertiliser. The tunnels abandoned by the beetles provide excellent aeration and water channels for root systems. In addition, when the new generation of beetles has left the nest the abandoned burrows are an attractive habitat for soil-enriching earthworms. The digested dung in these burrows is an excellent food supply for the earthworms, which decompose it further to provide essential soil nutrients. If it were not for the dung beetle, chemical fertiliser and dung would be washed by rain into streams and rivers before it could be absorbed into the hard earth, polluting water courses and causing blooms of blue-green algae. Without the beetles to dispose of the dung, cow pats would litter pastures making grass inedible to cattle and depriving the soil of sunlight. Australia’s 30 million cattle each produce 10-12 cow pats a day. This amounts to 1.7 billion tonnes a year, enough to smother about 110,000 sq km of pasture, half the area of Victoria. 

Dung beetles have become an integral part of the successful management of dairy farms in Australia over the past few decades. A number of species are available from the CSIRO or through a small number of private breeders, most of whom were entomologists with the CSIRO’s dung beetle unit who have taken their specialised knowledge of the insect and opened small businesses in direct competition with their former employer. 

Questions 1-5

Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1? In boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet write

YES if the statement reflects the claims of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

  1. Bush flies are easier to control than buffalo flies.
  2. Four thousand species of dung beetle were initially brought to Australia by the CSIRO.
  3. Dung beetles were brought to Australia by the CSIRO over a fourteen-year period.
  4. At least twenty-six of the introduced species have become established in Australia.
  5. The dung beetles cause an immediate improvement to the quality of a cow pasture. Questions 6-8

Label the tunnels on the diagram below. Choose your labels from the box given with the diagram Reading

Reading Passage 2

Section A

The role of governments in environmental management is difficult but inescapable. Sometimes, the state tries to manage the resources it owns, and does so badly. Often, however, governments act in an even more harmful way. They actually subsidise the exploitation and consumption of natural resources. A whole range of policies, from farm- price support to protection for coal-mining, do environmental damage and (often) make no economic sense. Scrapping them offers a two-fold bonus: a cleaner environment and a more efficient economy. Growth and environmentalism can actually go hand in hand, if politicians have the courage to confront the vested interest that subsidies create.

Section B

No activity affects more of the earth’s surface than farming. It shapes a third of the planet’s land area, not counting Antarctica, and the proportion is rising. World food output per head has risen by 4 per cent between the 1970s and 1980s mainly as a result of increases in yields from land already in cultivation, but also because more land has been brought under the plough. Higher yields have been achieved by increased irrigation, better crop breeding, and a doubling in the use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers in the 1970s and 1980s.

Section C

All these activities may have damaging environmental impacts. For example, land clearing for agriculture is the largest single cause of deforestation; chemical fertilisers and pesticides may contaminate water supplies; more intensive farming and the abandonment of fallow periods tend to exacerbate soil erosion; and the spread of mono-Culture and use of high-yielding varieties of crops have been accompanied by the disappearance of old varieties of food plants which might have provided some insurance against pests or diseases in future. Soil erosion threatens the productivity of land in both rich and poor countries. The United States, where the most careful measurements have been done, discovered in 1982 that about one-fifth of its farmland as losing topsoil at a rate likely to diminish the soil’s productivity. The country subsequently embarked upon a program to convert 11 per cent of its cropped land to meadow or forest. Topsoil in India and China is vanishing much faster than in America.

Section D

Government policies have frequently compounded the environmental damage that farming can cause. In the rich countries, subsidies for growing crops and price supports for farm output drive up the price of land. The annual value of these subsidies is immense: about $250 billion, or more than all World Bank lending in the 1980s.To increase the output of crops per acre, a farmer’s easiest option is to use more of the most readily available inputs: fertilisers and pesticides. Fertiliser use doubled in Denmark in the period 1960-1985 and increased in The Netherlands by 150 per cent. The quantity of pesticides applied has risen too; by 69 per cent in 1975-1984 in Denmark, for example, with a rise of 115 per cent in the frequency of application in the three years from 1981. In the late 1980s and early 1990s some efforts were made to reduce farm subsidies. The most dramatic example was that of New Zealand, which scrapped most farm support in 1984. A study of the environmental effects, conducted in 1993, found that the end of fertiliser subsidies had been followed by a fall in fertiliser use (a fall compounded by the decline in world commodity prices, which cut farm incomes). The removal of subsidies also stopped land-clearing and over-stocking, which in the past had been the principal causes of erosion. Farms began to diversify. The one kind of subsidy whose removal appeared to have been bad for the environment was the subsidy to manage soil erosion. In less enlightened countries, and in the European Union, the trend has been to reduce rather than eliminate subsidies, and to introduce new payments to encourage farmers to treat their land in environmentally friendlier ways, or to leave it follow. It may sound strange but such payments need to be higher than the existing incentives for farmers to grow food crops. Farmers, however, dislike being paid to do nothing. In several countries they have become interested in the possibility of using fuel produced from crop residues either as a replacement for petrol (as ethanol) or as fuel for power stations (as biomass). Such fuels produce far less carbon dioxide than coal or oil, and absorb carbon dioxide as they grow. They are therefore less likely to contribute to the greenhouse effect. But they die rarely competitive with fossil fuels unless subsidised – and growing them does no less environmental harm than other crops.

Section E

In poor countries, governments aggravate other sorts of damage. Subsidies for pesticides and artificial fertilisers encourage farmers to use greater quantities than are needed to get the highest economic crop yield. A study by the International Rice Research Institute Of pesticide use by farmers in South East Asia found that, with pestresistant varieties of rice, even moderate applications of pesticide frequently cost farmers more than they saved. Such waste puts farmers on a chemical treadmill: bugs and weeds become resistant to poisons, so next year’s poisons must be more lethal. One cost is to human health, every year some 10,000 people die from pesticide poisoning, almost all of them in the developing countries, and another 400,000 become seriously ill. As for artificial fertilisers, their use world-wide increased by 40 per cent per unit of farmed land between the mid 1970s and late 1980s, mostly in the developing countries. Overuse of fertilisers may cause farmers to stop rotating crops or leaving their land fallow. That, In turn, may make soil erosion worse.

Section F

A result of the Uruguay Round of world trade negotiations is likely to be a reduction of 36 per cent in the average levels of farm subsidies paid by the rich countries in 1986-1990. Some of the world’s food production will move from Western Europe to regions where subsidies are lower or non-existent, such as the former communist countries and parts of the developing world. Some environmentalists worry about this outcome. It will undoubtedly mean more pressure to convert natural habitat into farmland. But it will also have many desirable environmental effects. The intensity of farming in the rich world should decline, and the use of chemical inputs will diminish. Crops are more likely to be grown up in the environments to which they are naturally suited. And more farmers in poor countries will have the money and the incentive to manage their land in ways that are sustainable in the long run. That is important. To feed an increasingly hungry world, farmers need every incentive to use their soil and water effectively and efficiently.

Questions 14-18

Reading Passage 2 has six sections A-F. Choose the most suitable headings for sections A-D and F from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers i-ix in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i The probable effects of the new international trade agreement

ii The environmental impact of modern farming

iii Farming and soil erosion

iv The effects of government policy in rich countries

v Governments and management of the environment

vi The effects of government policy in poor countries

vii Farming and food output

viii The effects of government policy on food output

ix The new prospects for world trade

14 Paragraph A

15 Paragraph B

16 Paragraph C

17 Paragraph D

18 Paragraph F

Questions 19-22

Complete the table below using the information in sections B and C of Reading Passage 2. Choose your answers AG from the box below the table and write them in boxes 19-22 on your answer sheet.

Questions 23-27

Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 23-27 on your answer sheet.

23 Research completed in 1982 found that in the United States soil erosion

A reduced the productivity of farmland by 20 per cent.

B was almost as severe as in India and China.

C was causing significant damage to 20 per cent of farmland.

D could be reduced by converting cultivated land to meadow or forest.

24 By the mid-1980s, farmers in Denmark

A used 50 per cent less fertiliser than Dutch farmers.

B used twice as much fertiliser as they had in 1960.

C applied fertiliser much more frequently than in 1960.

D more than doubled the amount of pesticide they used in just 3 years.

25 Which one of the following increased in New Zealand after 1984?

A farm incomes

B use of fertilizer

C over-stocking

D farm diversification

26 The writer refers to some rich countries as being ‘less enlightened’ than New Zealand because

A they disapprove of paying farmers for not cultivating the land.

B their new fuel crops are as harmful as the ones they have replaced.

C their policies do not recognise the long-term benefit of ending subsidies.

D they have not encouraged their farmers to follow environmentally friendly practices.

27 The writer believes that the Uruguay Round agreements on trade will

A encourage more sustainable farming practices in the long term.

B do more harm than good to the international environment.

C increase pressure to cultivate land in the rich countries.

D be more beneficial to rich than to poor countries.

Question 28

From the list below choose the most suitable title for Reading Passage 2. Write the appropriate letter A-E in box 28 on your answer sheet.

A Environmental management

B Increasing the world’s food supply

C Soil erosion

D Fertilisers and pesticides – the way forward

E Farm subsidies

The Concept of Role Theory

Role set

Any individual in any situation occupies a role in relation to other people. The particular individual with whom one is concerned in the analysis of any situation is usually given the name of focal person. He has the focal role and can be regarded as sitting in the middle of a group of people, with whom he interacts in some way in that situation. This group of people is called his role set. For instance, in the family situation, an individual’s role set might be shown as in Figure 6. The role set should include all those with whom the individual has more than trivial interactions.

Role definition

The definition of any individual’s role in any situation will be a combination of the role expectations that the members of the role set have of the focal role. These expectations are often occupationally denned, sometimes even legally so. The role definitions of lawyers and doctors are fairly clearly defined both in legal and in cultural terms. The role definitions of, say, a film star or bank manager, are also fairly clearly defined in cultural terms, too clearly perhaps.

Individuals often find it hard to escape from the role that cultural traditions have defined for them. Not only with doctors or lawyers is the required role behaviour so constrained that if you are in that role for long it eventually becomes part of you, part of your personality. Hence, there is some likelihood that all accountants will be alike or that all blondes are similar – they are forced that way by the expectations of their role.

It is often important that you make it clear what your particular role is at a given time. The means of doing this are called, rather obviously, role signs. The simplest of role signs is a uniform. The number of stripes on your arm or pips on your shoulder is a very precise role definition which allows you to do certain very prescribed things in certain situations. Imagine yourself questioning a stranger on a dark street at midnight without wearing the role signs of a policeman!

In social circumstances, dress has often been used as a role sign to indicate the nature and degree of formality of any gathering and occasionally the social status of people present. The current trend towards blurring these role signs in dress is probably democratic, but it also makes some people very insecure. Without role signs, who is to know who has what role?

Place is another role sign. Managers often behave very differently outside the office and in it, even to the same person. They use a change of location to indicate a change in role from, say, boss to friend. Indeed, if you wish to change your roles you must find some outward sign that you are doing so or you won’t be permitted to change – the subordinate will continue to hear you as his boss no matter how hard you try to be his friend. In very significant cases of role change, e.g. from a soldier in the ranks to officer, from bachelor to married man, the change of role has to have a very obvious sign, hence rituals. It is interesting to observe, for instance, some decline in the emphasis given to marriage rituals. This could be taken as an indication that there is no longer such a big change in role from single to married person, and therefore no need for a public change in sign.

In organisations, office signs and furniture are often used as role signs. These and other perquisites of status are often frowned upon, but they may serve a purpose as a kind of uniform in a democratic society; roles without signs often lead to confused or differing expectations of the role of the focal person.

Role ambiguity

Role ambiguity results when there is some uncertainty in the minds, either of the focal person or of the members of his role set, as to precisely what his role is at any given time. One of the crucial expectations that shape the role definition is that of the individual, the focal person himself. If his occupation of the role is unclear, or if it differs from that of the others in the role set, there will be a degree of role ambiguity. Is this bad? Not necessarily, for the ability to shape one’s own role is one of the freedoms that many people desire, but the ambiguity may lead to role stress which will be discussed later on. The virtue of job descriptions is that they lessen this role ambiguity.

Unfortunately, job descriptions are seldom complete role definitions, except at the lower end of the scale. At middle and higher management levels, they are often a list of formal jobs and duties that say little about the more subtle and informal expectations of the role. The result is therefore to give the individual an uncomfortable feeling that there are things left unsaid, i. e. to heighten the sense of role ambiguity.

Looking at role ambiguity from the other side, from the point of view of the members of the role set, lack of clarity in the role of the focal person can cause insecurity, lack of confidence, irritation and even anger among members of his role set. One list of the roles of a manager identified the following: executive, planner, policy maker, expert, controller of rewards and punishments, counsellor, friend, teacher. If it is not clear, through role signs of one sort or another, which role is currently the operational one, the other party may not react in the appropriate way — we may, in fact, hear quite another message if the focal person speaks to us, for example, as a teacher and we hear her as an executive.

Questions 29-35

Do the following statements reflect the views of the writer in Reading Passage 3? In boxes 29-35 on your answer sheet write

YES if the statement reflects the views of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to know what the writer thinks about this

29 It would be a good idea to specify the role definitions of soldiers more clearly.

30 Accountants may be similar to one another because they have the same type of job.

31 It is probably a good idea to keep dress as a role sign even nowadays.

32 The decline in emphasis on marriage rituals should be reversed.

33 Today furniture operates as a role sign in the same way as dress has always done.

34 It is a good idea to remove role ambiguity.

35 Job descriptions eliminate role ambiguity for managers.

Questions 36-39

Choose ONE OR TWO WORDS from Reading Passage 3 for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 36-39 on your answer sheet.

36 A new headmaster of a school who enlarges his office and puts in expensive carpeting is using the office as a ………………….

37 The graduation ceremony in many universities is an important……………….

38 The wig which judges wear in UK courts is a………………….

39 The parents of students in a school are part of the headmaster’s………………………

Question 40

Choose the appropriate letter A-D and write it in box 40 on your answer sheet. This text is taken from

A a guide for new managers in a company.

B a textbook analysis of behaviour in organisations.

C a critical study of the importance of role signs in modern society.

D a newspaper article about role changes.

How did it go? Please share your feedback in the comment section below:

View answers: A Remarkable Beetle

A Disaster of Titanic Proportions IELTS reading

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1—13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. 

A. At 11:39 p.m. on the evening of Sunday, 14 April 1912, lookouts Frederick Fleet and Reginald Lee on the forward mast of the Titanic sighted an eerie, black mass coming into view directly in front of the ship. Fleet picked up the phone to the helm, waited for Sixth Officer Moody to answer, and yelled:“Iceberg, right ahead!” The greatest disaster in maritime history was about to be set in motion.

B. Thirty-seven seconds later, despite the efforts of officers in the bridge and engine room to steer around the iceberg, the Titanic struck a piece of submerged ice, bursting rivets in the ship’s hull and flooding the first five watertight compartments. The ship’s designer, Thomas Andrews, carried out visual inspection of the ship’s damage and informed Captain Smith at midnight that the ship would sink in less than two hours. By 12:30 a.m., the lifeboats were being filled with women and children, after Smith had given the command for them to be uncovered and swung out 15 minutes earlier. The first lifeboat was successfully lowered 15 minutes later, with only 28 of its 65 seats occupied. By 1:15 a.m., the waterline was beginning to reach the Titanic’s name on the ship’s bow, and over the next hour, every life boat would be released as officers struggled to maintain order amongst the growing panic on board.

C. The dosing moments of the Titanic’s sinking began shortly after 2 a.m., as the last lifeboat was lowered and the ship’s propellers lifted out of the water, leaving the 1,500 passengers still on board to surge towards the stern. At 2:17 a.m., Harold Bride and Jack Philips tapped out their last wireless message after being relieved of duty as the ship’s wireless operators, and the ship’s band stopped playing. Less than a minute later, occupants of the lifeboats witnessed the ship’s lights flash once, then go black, and a huge roar signaled the Titanic’s contents plunging towards the bow, causing the front half of the ship to break off and go under. The Titanic’s stem bobbed up momentarily, and at 2:20a.m., the ship finally disappeared beneath the frigid waters.

D. What or who was responsible for the scale of this catastrophe? Explanations abound, some that focus on very small details. Due to a last-minute change in the ship’s officer line-up, iceberg lookouts FrederickFleet and Reginald Lee were making do without a pair of binoculars that an officer transferred off the ship in Southampton had left in a cupboard onboard, unbeknownst to any of the ship’s crew. Fleet, who survived the sinking, insisted at a subsequent inquiry that he could have identified the iceberg in time to avert disaster if he had owned the binoculars.

E. Less than an hour before the Titanic struck the iceberg, wireless operator Cyril Evanson California, located just 20 miles to the north, tried to contact operator Jack Philips on the Titanic to warn him of pack ice in the area. “Shut up, shut up, you’re jamming my signal,” Philips replied. “I’m busy.” The Titanic’s wireless system had broken down for several hours earlier that day, and Philips was clearing a backlog of personal messages that passengers had requested to be sent to family and friends in the USA. Nevertheless, Captain Smith had maintained the ship’s speed of 22 knots despite multiple earlier warnings of ice ahead. It has been suggested that Smith was under pressure to make headlines by arriving early in New York, but maritime historians such as Richard Howell have countered this perception, noting that Smith was simply following common procedure at the time, and not behaving recklessly. 

F. One of the strongest explanations for the severe loss of life has been the fact that the Titanic did not carry enough lifeboats for everyone on board. Maritime regulations at the time tied lifeboat capacity to the ship size, not to the number of passengers on board. This meant that the Titanic, with room for 1,178 of its 2,222 passengers, actually surpassed the Board of Trade’s requirement that it carry lifeboats for 1,060 of its passengers. Nevertheless, with lifeboats being lowered less than half full in many cases, and only 712 passengers surviving despite a two-and-a-half-hour window of opportunity, more lifeboats would not have guaranteed more survivors in the absence of better training and preparation. Many passengers were confused about where to go after the order to launch lifeboats was given; a lifeboat drill scheduled for earlier on the same day that the Titanic struck the iceberg was cancelled by Captain Smith to allow passengers to attend church. 

Questions 1-6 

Complete the table below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 1—6 on your answer sheet.

Time Person’s Position Action 
11:39 p.m 1 ………………… 2 ………………… A reported sighting of the iceberg 
3 ……………… Andrews Ship’s designer Reported how long the Titanic could stay afloat 
12:15 a.m Smith Captain Ordered 4……………….. to be released 
2:17 a.m Bride & Philips 5 ……………… Relayed final 6………………… 

Questions 7-13 

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? In boxes 7—13 on your answer sheet, write 

TRUE, if the statement agrees with the information 

FALSE, if the statement contradicts with the information 

NOT GIVEN, if there is no information on this 

7. The binoculars for the men on watch had been left in a crew locker in Southampton. 

8. The missing binoculars were the major factor leading to the collision with the iceberg. 

9. Philips missed notification about the ice from Evans because the Titanic’s wireless system was not functioning at the time. 

10. Captain Smith knew there was ice in the area. 

11. Howell believed the captain’s failure to reduce speed was an irresponsible action. 

12. The Titanic was able to seat more passengers in lifeboats than the Board of Trade required. 

13. A lifeboat drill would have saved more lives. 

Reading Passage 2 

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below. Questions 14-19 

Reading Passage 2 has six sections, A-F. 

Write the correct number i-x in boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet. Choose the correct headings for sections A-F from the list of headings below. 

List of Headings 

i. Construction of special cinemas for 3-D 

ii. Good returns forecast for immediate future 

iii. The greatest 3-D film of all time 

iv. End of traditional movies for children 

v. Early developments 

vi. New technology diminishes art 

vii. The golden age of movies 

viii. In defence of 3-D 

ix. 3-D is here to stay 

x. Undesirable visual effects 

14. Section A 

15. Section B 

16. Section C 

17. Section D

18. Section E

19. Section F 

Three – Dimensional Films 

A. In the theatre of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, on the evening of 27 September 1922, a new form of film-making made its commercial debut: 3-D. The film – The Power of Love was then shown in New York City to exhibitors and press but was subsequently not picked up for distribution and is now believed to be lost. The following three decades were a period of quiet experimentation for 3-D pioneers, as they adapted to new technologies and steadily improved the viewing experience. In 1952, the “golden era” of 3-D is considered to have begun with the release of Bwana Devil, and over the next several years, audiences met with a string of films that used the technology. Over the following decades, it waxed and waned within the film-making circles, peaking in the 1970s and again in the 1990s when IMAX gained traction, but it is only in the last few years that 3-D appears to have firmly entered mainstream production. 

B. Released worldwide in December 2009, the fantasy film Avatar quickly became the highest-grossing film ever made, knocking Titanic from the top slot. Avatar, set in 2154 on a planet in a distant solar system, went on to become the only film to have earned US$2 billion worldwide and is now approaching the $3 billion mark. The main reason for its runaway popularity appears to be its visual splendour; though most critics praised the film, it was mostly on account of its ground-breaking special effects. Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times praised Avatar’s “powerful” visual accomplishments, but suggested the dialogue was “flat” and the characterizations “obvious”. A film analyst at Exhibitor Relations has agreed, noting that Avatar has cemented the use of 3-D as a production and promotional tool for blockbuster films, rather than as a mere niche or novelty experiment. “This is why all these 3-D venues were built,” he said. “This is the one. The behemoth… The holy grail of 3-D has finally arrived .” 

C. Those who embrace 3-D note that it spices up a trip to the cinema by adding a more active “embodied” layer of experience instead of the viewer passively receiving the film through eyes and ears only. A blogger on Animation Ideas writes, “…when 3-D is done well, like in the flying scenes in Up, How to Train Your Dragon, and Avatar, there is an added feeling of vertigo. If you have any fear of heights, the 3-D adds to this element…” Kevin Carr argues that the backlash against 3-D is similar to that which occurred against CGI several years ago, and points out that CGI is now widely regarded as part of the film-maker’s artistic toolkit. He also notes that new technology is frequently seen to be a “gimmick” in its early days, pointing out that many commentators slapped the first “talkie” films of the early 1920s with this same label. 

D. But not everyone greets the rise of 3-D with open arms. Some ophthalmologists point out that 3-D can have unsettling physical effects for many viewers. Dr. Michael Rosenberg, a professor at Northwestern University, has pointed out that many people go through life with minor eye disturbances – a slight muscular imbalance, for example – that does not interrupt day-to-day activities. In the experience of a 3-D movie, however, this problem can be exacerbated through the viewer trying to concentrate on unusual visual phenomena. Dr. Deborah Friedman, from the University of Rochester Medical Center, notes that the perception of depth conjured through three dimensions are not complement the angles from which we take in the world. Eyestrains, headaches and nausea are, therefore, a problem for around 15% of a 3-D film audience. 

E. Film critic Roger Ebert warns that 3-D is detrimental to good film-making. Firstly, he argues, the technology is simply unnecessary; 2~D movies are “already” 3-D, as far as our minds are concerned. Adding die extra dimension with technology, instead of letting our minds do the work, can actually be counter- purposeful and make the overall effect seem clumsy and contrived. Ebert also points out dial the special glasses dim the effect by soaking up light from the screen, making 3-D films a slightly duller experience than they might otherwise be. Finally, Ebert suggests that 3-D encourages film-makers to undercut drama and narrative in favour of simply piling on more gimmicks and special effects. “ Hollywood is racing headlong toward the kiddie market,” he says, pointing to Disney’s announcement that it will no longer make traditional films in favour of animation, franchises, and superheroes. 

F. Whether or not 3-D becomes a powerful force for the film-maker’s vision and the film-going experience, or goes down in history as an over-hyped, expensive novelty, the technology certainly shows no signs of fading in the popularity stakes at the moment. Clash of the Titans, Alice in Wonderland, and How to Train Your Dragon have all recently benefited at the box office due to the added sales that 3-D provides, and with Avatar’s record set to last some time as a total of 3-D’s commercial possibilities, studios are not prepared to back down. 

Questions 20—26 

Look at the following statements (Questions 20—26) and the list of people below. 

Match each statement with the correct person, A-G. 

Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 20-26 on your answer sheet. 

NB. You may use any letter more than once. 

NB. Some options may not be used. 

20. 3-D conflicts with the mental construct of our surroundings. 

21. 3-D encourages an over-emphasis on quick visual thrills. 

22. Effective use of 3-D technology may increase our sensation of elevation. 

23. 3-D viewing can worsen an existing visual disorder. 

24. Avatar is the most powerful example of 3-D yet to arrive in cinemas. 

25. Avatar’s strength is found in its visual splendour, not in aspects of the story. 

26. People already have the mental capacity to see ordinary movies in three dimensions. 

List of people 

A. Kenneth Turan 

B. Exhibition Relations’ analyst 

C. Animation Ideas’ blogger 

D. Kevin Carr 

E. Dr.Michael Rosenberg 

F. Dr.Deborah Friedman 

G. Roger Elbert 

Reading Passage 3 


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below. 

A. The practice of homoeopathy was first developed by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. During research in the 1790s, Hahnemann began experimenting with quinine, an alkaloid derived from cinchona bark that was well known at the time to have a positive effect on fever. Hahnemann started dosing himself with quinine while in a state of good health and reported in his journals that his extremities went cold, he experienced palpitations, “infinite anxiety”, a trembling and weakening of the limbs, reddening cheeks and thirst. “In short,” he concluded, “all the symptoms of relapsing fever presented themselves successively…” Hahnemann’s main observation was that things which create problems for healthy people cure those problems in sick people, and this became his first principle of homoeopathy: similia similibus (with help from the same). While diverging from the principle of apothecary practice at the time, which was contraria contrariis (with help from the opposite), the efficacy of similia similibus was reaffirmed by subsequent developments in the field of vaccinations. Hahnemann’s second principle was minimal dosing – treatments should be taken in the most diluted format which they remain effective. In case it negated any possible toxic effects of similia similibus. 

B. In 1988, the French immunologist Jacques Benveniste took minimal dosing to new extremes when he published a paper in the prestigious scientific journal. Nature in which he suggested that very high dilutions of the antibody could affect human basophil granulocytes, the least common of the granulocytes that make up about 0.01% to 0.3% of white blood cells. The point of controversy, however, was that the water in Benveniste’s test had been so diluted that any molecular evidence of the antibodies no longer existed. Water molecules, the researcher concluded, had a biologically active component that a journalist later termed “water memory”. A number of efforts from scientists in Britain, France and the Netherlands to duplicate Benveniste’s research were unsuccessful, however, and to this day, no peer-reviewed study under broadly accepted conditions has been able to confirm the validity of “water memory”. 

C. The third principle of homoeopathy is “the single remedy”. Exponents of this principle believe that it would be too difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain the potential effects of multiple homoeopathic remedies delivered simultaneously. If it did work, they suggest, one could not know quite why it worked, turning homoeopathy into an ambiguous guessing game. If it did not work, neither patient nor practitioner would know whether the ingredients were all ineffective, or whether they were only ineffective in combination with one another. Combination remedies are gaining in popularity, but classical homoeopaths who rely on the single remedy approach warn these are not more potent, nor do they provide more treatment options. The availability of combination remedies, these homoeopaths suggest, has been led by consumers wanting more options, not from homoeopathic research indicating their efficacy. 

E. Homoeopathy is an extremely contentious form of medicine, with strong assertions coming from both critics and supporters of the practice. “Homoeopathy: There’s nothing in it” announces the tag line to 10:23, a major British anti-homoeopathy campaign. At 10:23 am on 30 January 2010, over 400 supporters of the 10:23 stood outside Boots pharmacies and swallowed an entire bottle of homoeopathic pills in an attempt to raise awareness about the fact that these remedies are made of sugar and water, with no active components. This, defenders of homoeopathy say, is entirely the point. Homoeopathic products do not rely on ingredients that become toxic at high doses, because the water retains the “memory” that allows the original treatment to function. 

F. Critics also point out the fact that homoeopathic preparations have no systematic design to them, making it hard to monitor whether or not a particular treatment has been efficacious. Homoeopaths embrace this uncertainty. While results may be less certain, they argue, the non-toxic nature of homoeopathy means that practitioner and patient can experiment until they find something that works without concern for side effects. Traditional medicine, they argue, assaults the body with a cocktail of drugs that only tackles the symptoms of a disease, while homoeopathy has its sights aimed at the causes. Homoeopaths suggest this approach leads to kinder, gentler, more effective treatment. 

G. Finally, critics allege that when homoeopathy has produced good results, these are exceedingly dependent on the placebo effect, and cannot justify the resources, time and expense that the homoeopathic tradition absorbs. The placebo effect is a term that describes beneficial outcomes from a treatment that can be attributed to the patient’s expectations concerning the treatment rather than from the treatment itself. Basically, the patient “thinks” himself into feeling better. Defenders suggest that homoeopathy can go beyond this psychological level. They point to the successful results of homoeopathy on patients who are unconscious at the time of treatment, as well as on animals. 

Questions 27-32 

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-K, below. 

Write the correct letter, A-K, in boxes 27-32 on your answer sheet. 

27. In the late 18th century, Hahnemann discovered that quinine was able to …………………. 

28. The effectiveness of vaccinations also helps to ……………….. 

29. Benveniste argued in the journal Nature that water molecules possess the ability to ………………… 

30. Attempts to verify Benveniste’s findings were unable to …………………. 

31. The purpose of the single remedy is to ……………….. 

32. Classical homoeopaths suggest combination remedies have been created to …………………… 

A. avoid the unpredictable outcome of combining many remedies at once 

B. explain the success of 18th-century apothecary, medicine. 

C. produce fever-like symptoms in a healthy person. 

D.keep antibody molecules active in parts as low as 0.01%. the notion of similia similibus.

F.offer more remedial choice.

G.produce a less effective dose.

H.recreate the original results.

I.retain qualities of an antibody to which they were previously exposed.

J.satisfy the demand for hovers.

K.treat effectively someone with a fever.

Questions 33-40 

Complete the table below. 

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 33-40 on your answer sheet.  

Arguments against homoeopathy Arguments for homoeopathy 
Has no 33 …………………… ingredients Does not become 34 …………….. when taken in large quantities. 
Lack of a 35 ……………….. makes success or Remedies can be trialed with no risk of 37 ……………….. treatments 
Failure of treatments difficult to 36 ……………… tackle causes and not just 38 ………………… 
Too much reliance on the 39 …………………. Proven to work on people who are 40………………… Works psychologically but not physically 

View answer keys: A Disaster of Titanic ProportionsIELTS ACADEMIC READINGIELTS LISTENING TESTS

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Reading passage 1.

A. One of the most critically renowned paintings of the 19th-century modernist movement is the French painter Edouard Manet’s masterwork, A Bar at the Folies. Originally belonging to the composer Emmanuel Chabrier, it is now in the possession of The Courtauld Gallery in London, where it has also become a favourite with the crowds.

B. The painting is set late at night in a nineteenth-century Parisian nightclub. A barmaid stands alone behind her bar, fitted out in a black bodice that has a frilly white neckline, and with a spray of flowers sitting across her décolletage. She rests her hands on the bar and gazes out forlornly at a point just below the viewer, not quite making eye contact. Also on the bar are some bottles of liquor and a bowl of oranges, but much of the activity in the room takes place in the reflection of a mirror behind the barmaid. Through this mirror we see an auditorium, bustling with blurred figures and faces: men in top hats, a woman examining the scene below her through binoculars, another in long gloves, even the feet of a trapeze artist demonstrating acrobatic feats above his adoring crowd. In the foreground of the reflection a man with a thick moustache is talking with the barmaid.

C. Although the Folies (-Bergère) was an actual establishment in late nineteenth-century Paris, and the subject of the painting was a real barmaid who worked there, Manet did not attempt to recapture every detail of the bar in his rendition. The painting was largely completed in a private studio belonging to the painter, where the barmaid posed with a number of bottles, and this was then integrated with quick sketches the artist made at the Folies itself.

D. Even more confounding than Manet’s relaxed attention to detail, however, is the relationship in the painting between the activity in the mirrored reflection and that which we see in the unreflected foreground. In a similar vein to Diego Velazquez’ much earlier work Las Meninas, Manet uses the mirror to toy with our ideas about which details are true to life and which are not. In the foreground, for example, the barmaid is positioned upright, her face betraying an expression of lonely detachment, yet in the mirrored reflection she appears to be leaning forward and to the side, apparently engaging in conversation with her moustachioed customer. As a result of this, the customer’s stance is also altered. In the mirror, he should be blocked from view as a result of where the barmaid is standing, yet Manet has re-positioned him to the side. The overall impact on the viewer is one of a dreamlike disjuncture between reality and illusion.

E. Why would Manet engage in such deceit? Perhaps for that very reason: to depict two different states of mind or emotion. Manet seems to be conveying his understanding of the modern workplace, a place – from his perspective – of alienation, where workers felt torn from their ‘true’ selves and forced to assume an artificial working identity. What we see in the mirrored reflection is the barmaid’s working self, busy serving a customer. The front-on view, however, bears witness to how the barmaid truly feels at work: hopeless, adrift, and alone.

F. Ever since its debut at the Paris Salon of 1882, art historians have produced reams of books and journal articles disputing the positioning of the barmaid and patron in A Bar at the Folies. Some have even conducted staged representations of the painting in order to ascertain whether Manet’s seemingly distorted point of view might have been possible after all. Yet while academics are understandably drawn to the compositional enigma of the painting, the layperson is always likely to see the much simpler, more human story beneath. No doubt this is the way Manet would have wanted it.

Questions 1–5. Reading Passage 1 has six paragraphs, A–F. Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter, A–F, in boxes 1–5 on your answer sheet.

1.a description of how Manet created the painting
2.aspects of the painting that scholars are most interested in
3.the writer’s view of the idea that Manet wants to communicate
4.examples to show why the bar scene is unrealistic
5.a statement about the popularity of the painting

Questions 6–10. Answer the questions below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 6–10 on your answer sheet.

6.Who was the first owner of A Bar at the Folies?
7.What is the barmaid wearing?
8.Which room is seen at the back of the painting?
9.Who is performing for the audience?
10.Where did most of the work on the painting take place?

Questions 11–13. Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A–F, below. Write the correct letter, A–F,in boxes 11–13 on your answer sheet.

11.Manet misrepresents the images in the mirror because he
12.Manet felt modern workers were alienated because they
13.Academics have re-constructed the painting in real life because they

A.wanted to find out if the painting’s perspective was realistic
B.felt they had to work very hard at boring and difficult jobs
C.wanted to understand the lives of ordinary people at the time
D.felt like they had to become different people
E.wanted to manipulate our sense of reality
F.wanted to focus on the detail in the painting

Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete the Reading test! You should spend about 20 minutes on each of the three sections.

Reading passage 2.

Questions 14–19. Reading Passage 2 has six paragraphs, A–F. Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A–F from the list of headings below. Write the correct number, i–ix, in boxes 14–19 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings

i. A legacy is established
ii. Formal education unhelpful
iii. An education in two parts
iv. Branching out in new directions
v. Childhood and family life
vi. Change necessary to stay creative
vii. Conflicted opinions over Davis’ earlier work
viii. Davis’ unique style of trumpet playing
ix. Personal and professional struggles

14. Paragraph A
15. Paragraph B
16. Paragraph C
17. Paragraph D
18. Paragraph E
19. Paragraph F

An iconoclast is somebody who challenges traditional beliefs or customs

A. At the age of thirteen, Miles Davis was given his first trumpet, lessons were arranged with a local trumpet player, and a musical odyssey began. These early lessons, paid for and supported by his father, had a profound effect on shaping Davis’ signature sound. Whereas most trumpeters of the era favoured the use of vibrato (a wobbly quiver in pitch inflected in the instrument’s tone), Davis was taught to play with a long, straight tone, a preference his instructor reportedly drilled into the young trumpeter with a rap on the knuckles every time Davis began using vibrato. This clear, distinctive style never left Davis. He continued playing with it for the rest of his career, once remarking, ‘If I can’t get that sound, I can’t play anything.’

B. Having graduated from high school in 1944, Davis moved to New York City, where he continued his musical education both in the clubs and in the classroom. His enrolment in the prestigious Julliard School of Music was short-lived, however – he soon dropped out, criticising what he perceived as an over-emphasis on the classical European repertoire and a neglect of jazz. Davis did later acknowledge, however, that this time at the school was invaluable in terms of developing his trumpet-playing technique and giving him a solid grounding in music theory. Much of his early training took place in the form of jam sessions and performances in the clubs of 52nd Street, where he played alongside both up-and-coming and established members of the jazz pantheon such as Coleman Hawkins, Eddie ‘Lockjaw’ Davis, and Thelonious Monk.

C. In the late 1940s, Davis collaborated with nine other instrumentalists, including a French horn and a tuba player, to produce The Birth of Cool, an album now renowned for the inchoate sounds of what would later become known as ‘cool’ jazz. In contrast to popular jazz styles of the day, which featured rapid, rollicking beats, shrieking vocals, and short, sharp horn blasts, Davis’ album was the forerunner of a different kind of sound – thin, light horn-playing, hushed drums and a more restrained, formal arrangement. Although it received little acclaim at the time (the liner notes to one of Davis’ later recordings call it a ‘spectacular failure’), in hindsight The Birth of Cool has become recognised as a pivotal moment in jazz history, cementing – alongside his 1958 recording, Kind of Blue – Davis’ legacy as one of the most innovative musicians of his era.

D. Though Davis’ trumpet playing may have sounded effortless and breezy, this ease rarely carried over into the rest of his life. The early 1950s, in particular, were a time of great personal turmoil. After returning from a stint in Paris, Davis suffered from prolonged depression, which he attributed to the unravelling of a number of relationships, including his romance with a French actress and some musical partnerships that ruptured as a result of creative disputes. Davis was also frustrated by his perception that he had been overlooked by the music critics, who were hailing the success of his collaborators and descendants in the ‘cool’ tradition, such as Gerry Mulligan and Dave Brubeck, but who afforded him little credit for introducing the cool sound in the first place.

E. In the latter decades of his career, Davis broke out of exclusive jazz settings and began to diversify his output across a range of musical styles. In the 1960s, he was influenced by early funk performers such as Sly and the Family Stone, which then expanded into the jazz-rock fusion genre – of which he was a frontrunner – in the 1970s. Electronic recording effects and electric instruments were incorporated into his sound. By the 1980s, Davis was pushing the boundaries further, covering pop anthems such as Cyndi Lauper’s Time After Time and Michael Jackson’s Human Nature, dabbling in hip hop, and even appearing in some movies.

F. Not everyone was supportive of Davis’ change of tune. Compared to the recordings of his early career, universally applauded as linchpins of the jazz oeuvre, trumpeter Wynston Marsalis derided his fusion work as being ‘not true jazz’, and pianist Bill Evans denounced the ‘corrupting influence’ of record companies, noting that rock and pop ‘draw wider audiences’. In the face of this criticism Davis remained defiant, commenting that his earlier recordings were part of a moment in time that he had no ‘feel’ for any more. He firmly believed that remaining stylistically inert would have hampered his ability to develop new ways of producing music. From this perspective, Davis’ continual revamping of genre was not merely a rebellion, but an evolution, a necessary path that allowed him to release his full musical potential.

Questions 20–26. Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 2? In boxes 20–26 on your answer sheet, write
Yes – if the statement agrees with the views of the writer
No – if the statement contradicts the views of the writer
Not Given – if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

20.Davis’ trumpet teacher wanted him to play with vibrato.
21.According to Davis, studying at Julliard helped him to improve his musical abilities.
22.Playing in jazz clubs in New York was the best way to become famous.
23.The Birth of Cool featured music that was faster and louder than most jazz at the time.

24.Davis’ personal troubles had a negative effect on his trumpet playing.
25.Davis felt that his contribution to cool jazz had not been acknowledged.
26.Davis was a traditionalist who wanted to keep the jazz sound pure.

Reading passage 3. Questions 27–40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.


A. In the early days of mountaineering, questions of safety, standards of practice, and environmental impact were not widely considered. The sport gained traction following the successful 1786 ascent of Mont Blanc, the highest peak in Western Europe, by two French mountaineers, Jacques Balmat and Michel-Gabriel Paccard. This event established the beginning of modern mountaineering, but the sole consideration over the next hundred years was the success or failure of climbers in reaching the summit and claiming the prestige of having made the first ascent.

B. Toward the end of the nineteenth century, however, developments in technology spurred debate regarding climbing practices. Of particular concern in this era was the introduction of pitons (metal spikes that climbers hammer into the rock face for leverage) and the use of belaying techniques. A few, such as Italian climber Guido Ray, supported these methods as ways to render climbing less burdensome and more ‘acrobatic’. Others felt that they were only of value as a safety net if all else failed. Austrian Paul Preuss went so far as to eschew all artificial aids, scaling astonishing heights using only his shoes and his bare hands. Albert Mummery, a well known British mountaineer and author who climbed the European Alps, and, more famously, the Himalayas, where he died at the age of 39 attempting a notoriously difficult ascent, developed the notion of ‘fair means’ as a kind of informal protocol by which the use of ‘walk-through’ guidebooks and equipment such as ladders and grappling hooks were discouraged.

C. By the 1940s, bolts had begun to replace pitons as the climber’s choice of equipment, and criticism surrounding their use was no less fierce. In 1948, when two American climbers scaled Mount Brussels in the Canadian Rockies using a small number of pitons and bolts, climber Frank Smythe wrote of their efforts: ‘I still regard Mount Brussels as unclimbed, and my feelings are no different from those I should have were I to hear that a helicopter had deposited its passenger on the summit of that mountain just so that he could boast that he had trodden an untrodden mountain top.’

D. Climbing purists aside, it was not until the 1970s that the general tide began to turn against bolting and pitons. The USA, and much of the western world, was waking up to the damage it had been causing to the planet, and environmentalist campaigns and new government policies were becoming widespread. This new awareness and sensitivity to environmental issues spilled over into the rock climbing community. As a result, a stripped-down style of rock climbing known as ‘clean climbing’ became widely adopted. Clean climbing helped preserve rock faces and, compared with older approaches, it was much simpler to practise. This was partly due to the hallmark of clean climbing – the use of nuts – which were favoured over bolts because they could be placed into the rock wall with one hand while climbers maintained their grip on the rock with the other.

E. Not everyone embraced the clean climbing movement, however. A decade later, debates over two more developments were erupting. The first related to the practice of chipping, in which climbers chip away pieces of rock in order to create tiny cracks in which to insert their fingers. The other major point of contention was a process that involves setting bolts in reverse from the top of the climb down. Rappel bolting makes almost any rock face climbable with relative ease, and as a result of this new technique, the sport has lost much of its risk factor and sense of pioneering spirit; indeed, it has become more about muscle power and technical mastery than a psychological trial of fearlessness under pressure. Because of this shift in focus, many amateur climbers have flocked to indoor climbing gyms, where the risk of serious harm is negligible.

F. Given the environmental damage rock climbing can cause, this may be a positive outcome. It is ironic that most rock climbers and mountaineers love the outdoors and have great respect for the majesty of nature and the impressive challenges she poses, but that in the pursuit of their goals they inevitably trample sensitive vegetation, damaging and disturbing delicate flora and lichens which grow on ledges and cliff faces. Two researchers from a Canadian university, Doug Larson and Michelle McMillan, have found that rock faces that are regularly climbed have lost up to 80% of the coverage and diversity of native plant species. If that were not bad enough, non-native species have also been inadvertently introduced, having been carried in on climbers’ boots.

G. This leaves rock climbing with an uncertain future. Climbers are not the only user group that wishes to enjoy the wilderness – hikers, mountain bikers and horseback riders visit the same areas, and more importantly, they are much better organised, with long-established lobby groups protecting their interests. With increased pressure on limited natural resources, it has been suggested that climbers put aside their differences over the ethics of various climbing techniques, and focus on the effect of their practices on the environment and their relationship with other users and landowners.

H. In any event, there can be no doubt that the era of the rock climber as a lone wolf or intrepid pioneer is over. Like many other forms of recreation, rock climbing has increasingly come under the fold of institutional efforts to curb dangerous behaviour and properly manage our natural environments. This may have spoiled the magic, but it has also made the sport safer and more sustainable, and governing bodies would do well to consider heightening such efforts in the future.

belaying: fastening or controlling of a climber’s rope by wrapping it around a metal device or another person

Questions 27–32. Reading Passage 3 has eight paragraphs, A–H. Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter, A–H, in boxes 27–32 on your answer sheet.

27.examples of the impact of climbers on ecosystems account of how politics affected rock climbing
29.a less dangerous alternative to climbing rock faces
30.a recommendation for better regulation
31.a reference to a climber who did not use any tools or ropes for assistance
32.examples of different types of people who use the outdoors for recreation

Questions 33–39. Complete the flow chart below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 33–39 on your answer sheet.


Late 19th century
Some climbers discuss whether pitons and ropes should only be considered 33……..
34………calls for guidelines based on unwritten rules which discourage climbing aids.

New equipment becomes controversial. Frank Smythe says that Mt Brussels is effectively 35 ……………….. because of the techniques that were used in order to scale the mountain.

36 ……………….. is more environmentally friendly. 37……………… are introduced as a climbing aid.

1980s – today
Climbers discuss the merits of new techniques for making hand holds, and also of 38……………… Many say
that climbing is now a test of physical strength and 39………………, rather than of courage.

Question 40. Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. Write the correct letter in box 40 on your answer sheet. Choose the most appropriate title for the reading passage.
A. A history of rock climbing
B. Ethics and issues in rock climbing
C. Current trends in rock climbing
D. Sport climbers versus traditional climbers



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Martin Wilson OET letter by Lifestyle Training Centre

Time allowed: Reading time: 5 minutes

Writing time: 40 minutes

Read the case notes and complete the writing task which follows.


Hospital: Lyell McEwin Hospital

Patient Details: Name: Martin Wilson

Age: 62

Admission Date: 13 October 2009

Discharge Date: 24 October 2009

Diagnosis: Attempted suicide – overdose of Mogodol

Past Medical History: Heavy smoker (40 cigarettes/day)

Bronchitis (multiple episodes)

Underweight – 66kg, BMI 18


Social History: Retired 2 years ago (bookkeeper with Holden Car Company)

Lives with wife, Joan, and adult son in housing trust maisonette in

Elizabeth. Wife works at Coles, son unemployed. 2 married daughters and 5 grandchildren. Regular social drinker

Depression related to gambling addiction

Began gambling 2 years ago

Has lost a lot of money including superannuation funds and is in debt.

Wife and family previously unaware of addiction – very angry but also upset about suicide attempt

Patient remorseful and ashamed

Wants to overcome addiction

Used to be a keen lawn bowls player

Has lost friends as result of gambling

Nursing Management: Weak and depressed. Anti-depressants prescribed – Lovan 200g. BP 130/95. Diagnosed with Type II diabetes.

Diabetes education regarding diet and oral medications

Wheelchair use from 20/10

Psoriasis on Torso and scalp – Diprosone OV cream 2x/day,

Ionil T Shampoo

Poor appetite

Physically unfit

Discharge Plan: Encouragement to maintain anti-depressant medication routine as the SSRI is established. Mrs Wilson will help with supervision

Monthly follow-up appointments with psychologist Dr Brian Murphy, Lyall McEwen Hospital

Social worker appointment to be made for gambling addiction therapy

Strong encouragement and assistance to join Gambling Addiction Action Group, Elizabeth Community Centre

Contact with Quitline needs to be encouraged

Wheel chair required for another week. Frame advised after this Maintain psoriasis treatment

Maintenance of low GI diet for diabetes – involvement of wife necessary

Encouragement in social sporting activities eg lawn bowls?

Writing Task

Using the information in the notes, write a letter to the social worker, Ms Jennifer Adams, at the Elizabeth Community Health Centre, 125 Munno Parra Avenue, Elizabeth, 5098 requesting followup care. Stress that Mr Wilson’s case needs urgent attention. In your answer:

expand the relevant case notes into complete sentences

do not use note form

use letter format

The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.

Sample letter by Lifestyle Training Centre

Ms Jennifer Adams,

Elizabeth Community Health Centre,

125 Munno Parra Avenue,

Elizabeth, 5098


Dear Ms Adams,

Re: Mr Martin Wilson, aged 62 years.

I am writing to refer Mr Wilson who requires your urgent attention and follow-up care, particularly to overcome gambling addiction, following his discharge today. He is currently recuperating from an attempted suicide, overdose of Mogodol.

At present, Mr Wilson is weak, physically unfit and depressed. He is remorseful, ashamed and wants to overcome his addiction; he is under anti-depressants. He suffers from Bronchitis, Psoriasis, Type II diabetes and has poor appetite. 

Mr Wilson started gambling 2 years ago, following his retirement, without the knowledge of his family at first. Eventually, he lost his friends as well as a lot of money including superannuation funds, ending up in debt, which led him to depression.

Mr Wilson lives with his wife and son. He heavily smokes as well as drinks alcohol.  He used to play lawn bowl.

Based on the above, please provide therapy and help Mr Wilson to recover from his gambling addiction. Actively assist and encourage him to join the Gambling Addiction Action Group in Elizabeth Community Centre as well as to connect with Quitline. Encourage him to take part in social sporting activities such as lawn bowls as well as to continue his anti-depressant medication regimen. He needs the use of wheel chair for another week and walking frame thereafter.

Should you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Registered nurse.

(words count: 221)

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Henry O’Keefe OET letter by Lifestyle Training Centre

Case Notes: Henry O’Keefe

Time allowed: 40 minutes

Today’s Date 19/3/12

Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows:

You are a nurse with the Blue Skies Home Nursing Centre. You visited this patient at home following a referral from the Spirit Public Hospital. He was discharged from hospital on 17/03/12.

Name: Henry O’Keefe

Address: 12 Donaldson Street, Greenslopes 4121

Phone: (07) 3941 2267

Date of Birth: 2 February 1929

Admitted: 14/3/12

Diagnosis: Malignant Melanoma Left Shoulder

Medical History: Large lesion successfully removed 14/3/12

Discharged 17/3/12

Needs assistance with showering and to dress wound prior to removal of sutures at Mater Public Hospital on 24/3/12

Family History: Married aged pensioner. Lives in housing commission home with wife Dorothy also an aged pensioner. No children

18/3/12 1st Home visit

Showered patient. Wound dressed – healing satisfactory no sign of infection Balance a little shaky – complaining of increased arthritic pains in hands and legs. Currently taking Glucosamine & Chondroitin Supplement recommended by GP. Pain relieved with 2 Panadol 3 times daily. Confused about why he had operation. Dorothy concerned about future. Tells you she will be 83 in August. Says Henry has not been himself since the surgery. Keeps forgetting things. She finds it difficult to manage the house and garden. Neighbours are helping with shopping. Kitchen and bathroom disordered – trouble finding clean towels dishes piled in sink, bed unmade.


Henry is showered and wound dressed. Still a little unbalanced. Rests most of the day. Does not remember being showered yesterday. House still disorganised, washing piled up in bathroom. Dorothy says she would be lost without help from neighbours who also appear to be cooking meals for the couple.

Concerns: Provided there are not complications with the wound healing, your role in providing nursing care ends when sutures are removed on 24 March. You consider that Henry and Dorothy need to be assessed for further on-going assistance in managing the house and garden and with shopping and the preparation of cooking.

Plan: Request a home visit by the Aged Care Assessment Team as soon as possible to fully assess their needs and to arrange for appropriate further assistance to be provided.

WRITING TASK Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to The Director, Aged Care Assessment Team, Brisbane South Region, 78 Masterson St. Acacia Ridge, Brisbane 4110. Explain why you are writing and what types of assistance may be required.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The Director,

Aged Care Assessment Team,

Brisbane South Region,

78 Masterson St. Acacia Ridge,

Brisbane 4110.

19 March 2012

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Henry O’Keefe, 2 February 1929.

I am writing to request a home visit for Mr O’Keefe and his wife, Dorothy, in order to assess their living condition and to provide on-going assistance in managing their home. Mr O’Keefe underwent a large lesion removal on 14/3/12 secondary to Malignant Melanoma of left shoulder and is currently under our care.

At present, his wound is healing well and has no signs of infection. However, he complains of excess arthritic pains in his hands and legs. He complies with his medication. During home visits, he is assisted with shower, and his wound is dressed daily. His balance is slightly unbalanced.

The couple lives on old-age pension and has no children. They suffer from impaired memory and find it difficult to manage their home and garden. Their house is totally disorganised and is piled up with unwashed cloths and dishes. However, their neighbours seem to be helping them with cooking and shopping.

Based on the above description, please visit the couple at their residence promptly in order to fully assess their needs and to provide assistance with cooking, gardening, shopping and managing the house. Our nursing care will come to an end at the removal of O’Keefe’s sutures on 24 March in Mater Public Hospital. Their home address is attached with this letter.

Your faithfully,

Registered Nurse

Blue Skies Home Nursing Centre

(words count: 214)       

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Harry Kovacs OET letter by Lifestyle Training Centre

Read the case notes and complete the writing task which follows


Harry Kovacs is a 5 year old boy who is the son of one of your newly referred patients in the community mental health centre where you are a mental health case manager.

Date of birth:                                   15 April 2006

Place of birth:                                   Sydney Children’s Hospital, Sydney

School year:                                    Kindergarten

Religion & ethnicity:                           Catholic & both parents Australian born Hungarian

Mother’s name:                                Elizabeth Kovacs

Mother’s community admission date: 16 May 2011

Diagnosis:                                     Mother – Major depression with psychotic features Son – ? Early onset separation anxiety disorder

Family/Psychosocial:                     * Elizabeth suffered PND – depressed since

*She sometimes hears voices calling her and sees ‘men’ running around her house – nil serious psychosis in functional terms.

* Recently 1st psych admission for 6/52after high lethality DSH attempt.

*Harry’s psychological status ok until DSH and hospitalisation; after this +++ signs of separation anxiety

*Father is self employed and works long hours 7/7. Rarely sees Harry & dismissive of Harry’s emotional states, ‘He’s like a bloody girl now!’ he told us.

*Harry loves soccer and playing with his dog, ‘Rusty’.

Medical History:

Serous otitis media – required grommets at 18 mths Hearing NAD now.

Medication        :                                                Nil meds

Case management care and progress:

  • Elizabeth new to our area (from Parramatta) & referred to us post D/C from Bankstown MH inpatient unit 2/52 ago

*We will provide her with long term MH case management.

*Harry now 1) cries and panics whenever Mum leaves his sight 2) Socially withdrawn & refusing to attend kindergarten 3) ↑ insomnia & nightmares 4) preoccupied re Mum’s daily activities & that she might leave him again.

  • This is greatly ↑pressure on Elizabeth when her MH is already fragile.
  • Father, John, uninterested in meeting in person or discussing problems in detail.

*Harry attended initial assessment with Elizabeth and separation anxiety behaviour very obvious

Referral plan:                           * Referral to early childhood mental health team for assessment and management of Harry’s ? early onset separation anxiety disorder.

*Request joint meeting with case manager and Elizabeth.

You are the Case Manager caring for Harry Kovac’s depressed mother but due to his psychological issues need to write a referral for him to John Dyer, Clinical Psychologist on the Bankstown early childhood mental health team at Bankstown Hospital.

In your answer:

  • Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences
  • Do not use note form
  • Use letter format

The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

John Dyer

Clinical Psychologist

Early childhood mental health team Bankstown Hospital.


Dear Mr Dyer,

Re: Harry Kovacs, 15/04/2006

I am writing to refer Harry, who requires your assessment and management. He is suspected to have early onset separation anxiety disorder, following his mother, Mrs Elizabeth Kovacs’, mental illness and hospitalization.

Harry’s psychological status got affected and then it worsened after his mother’s high lethality self-harm attempt. His mother is diagnosed with major depression along with psychotic features, including hallucination. At present, she is admitted to our facility and will undergo long-term mental health care.

Harry cries and panics if his mother leaves his sight. He sticks with her and is afraid to lose her. He is socially withdrawn and refuses to attend kindergarten. He suffers from insomnia and nightmares. He has history of eczema and serous otitis media, but currently his hearing is fine.

Harry’s father, John, shows no interest in his current situation or emotional state ; he is busy, self- employed and rarely sees Harry.

Considering the above, it will be greatly appreciated if you could assess Harry and provide support. If a joint meeting with Mrs Elizabeth will help Harry’s situation, kindly arrange it.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Nurse case manager

(word count:180)

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Jonathon Singh OET letter by Lifestyle Training Centre



Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.


Hospital: Flinders Medical Centre

Patient Details:

Name: Mr Jonathon Singh

Age: 63 years Address: 51 Parsons Road, Woodville West

Marital Status: married

NOK: Mrs Megan Singh ph 0433 917825

Admission date: 22/10/08

Discharge date: 26/10/08

Diagnosis: Carbon monoxide poisoning- home kerosene heater Past

Medical History:

Cataract surgery 12/5/99

Surgical repair for Prostate Hypertrophy 29/9/05

Psoriasis Constipation Impaired vision- glasses

Social History /Supports:Retired bank employee- Commonwealth Bank Lives with wife and adopted daughter- both overseas at present

Day 1- 22/10/08/ On examination: widely dilated pupils Unconscious Cold clammy skin, cherry red lips and skin Dyspnoea Physical examination. Assessed for head injury or other Precipitating factors causing coma- negative result. Blood test for blood sugar to ? diabetic coma- negative result.

Treatment: 0₂ Sats at 98% on 2 L/min via nasal specs Hyperbaric oxygenation Hourly assessment of vital signs Calm environment NG tube inserted for feeding Monitored for asphyxia Registrar visit 2pm Knees flexed using pillows Foot board to prevent foot drop Pressure Area Care: frequent change in position and back rub In- dwelling catheter Skin care for psoriasis

Observation:Patient comatose, but no other physical injuries. No asphyxia

Day 2- 23/10/08 Treatment:0₂ Sats at 98% on 2 L/min via nasal specs Hyperbaric oxygenation ceased at 1900 Hourly assessment of vital signs Calm environment NG tube Skin specialist assessment re psoriasis Skin care for psoriasis Foot board to prevent foot drop Pressure Area Care: frequent change in position and back rub. Skin intact IDC draining moderate amounts

Observation:Patient regained consciousness with right hemi-plegia 1800

Day 3- 24/10/08 Treatment: Assessment for consciousness GCS 14 but varies Hourly assessment of vital signs Calm environment Good ventilation NG tube removed- liquid diet per oral Mobility assessment Right sided weakness Speech affected, vision as per normal for this patient Small pillow placed on affected right side for prevention of adduction of arm Physiotherapist assessment and commencement of passive exercises Pressure Area Care: frequent change in position and back rub Removal of IDC

Observation:Level of consciousness with right-sided weakness. Comfortable, depressed and anxious re prognosis

Days 4- 25/10/08 Treatment:Assessment for conscious GCS 15 2 Hourly assessment of vital signs Physiotherapist visit- passive exercise continued Range of motion gradually increased Pressure Area Care: patient encouraged to move off sacrum as it is a little red Full ward diet and fluids

Observation:Patient mentally stable, but depressed. Making steady physical progress. Doctor has advised discharged tomorrow and further rehabilitation at The General Repatriation Hospital

Nursing Management: Provided comfortable stable environment Output, skin integrity, diet monitored Assistance in regaining physical health.

Discharge plans:Daily assessment and support from physiotherapist and possibly occupational therapist for increased mobility and physical ability Psychiatrist visits to be initiated regarding depression caused by loss of mobility and independence following the accident

Writing Task:Write a letter of referral to the Director, General Repatriation Hospital, Daw Park, using the information above.

In your answer:Expand the relevant case notes into complete sentences Do not use note form Use letter format. The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre


General Repatriation Hospital,

Daw Park


Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Mr Jonathon Singh, aged 63 years.

I am writing to refer Mr Singh who requires rehabilitative care and management at your hospital, following his discharge today. He is currently recovering from Carbon monoxide poisoning out of a home kerosene heater.

Mr Singh was admitted to our hospital on 22/10/08 unconscious, with cherry red lips and cold and clammy skin. He suffered from Dyspnoea; his pupils were widely dilated.

During hospitalization, he underwent Hyperbaric oxygenation and was monitored for asphyxia. He had initially required in-dwelling catheter and was fed using NG tube. He was provided Pressure Area Care and skin care for psoriasis.

On 24/10/08, Mr Singh regained consciousness with right hemi-plegia. He was commenced on passive exercises after physiotherapy assessment, which has improved his range of motion. He has right sided weakness, and his speech is impaired. Pillows were used to prevent his arm adduction. He was commenced on full ward diet and fluids.

Mr Singh is a retired bank employee, and his wife and adopted daughter live overseas at present. You can reach his NOK, Mrs Megan Singh, on 0433-917825 if required.

Although Mr Singh is now mentally stable and making steady physical progress, he is depressed, owing to his physiological state. Therefore, please arrange psychiatrist visits for him. In order to improve his mobility and functionality, he also requires daily assessment and support of a physiotherapist and occupational therapist.

Should you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,

Registered Nurse

(Word count: 224)

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Space Exploration

Duolingo / PTE / IELTS writing task 2 – Outweigh essay

Discuss the merits and demerits of space exploration. To what extent do the benefits outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

Space exploration comes with numerous merits and demerits. However, upon careful examination, it becomes evident that the benefits of space exploration significantly outweigh the disadvantages.

First and foremost, space exploration drives scientific advancement. It encourages research and innovation, leading to discoveries and technologies that have applications beyond space missions. Examples include advancements in telecommunications, medical technology, and materials science.

Secondly, space exploration offers insights into the origins and potential future of our planet. Studying other celestial bodies helps scientists better understand Earth’s history, climate, and potential threats from space, such as asteroid impacts. Thirdly, space exploration can provide solutions to global challenges. Technologies developed for space missions can be repurposed for challenges on Earth, such as water purification systems, sustainable agriculture practices, and renewable energy solutions.

On the other hand, space exploration is costly. Developing and executing space missions requires significant financial resources, which can divert funds from other critical needs on Earth, such as education and healthcare. Furthermore, there are ethical concerns related to the potential contamination of celestial bodies. Space missions may inadvertently introduce terrestrial microorganisms to other planets, compromising scientific research and the integrity of extraterrestrial environments.

In conclusion, the advantages of space exploration far outweigh the disadvantages. It fuels scientific progress, provides insights into Earth’s history and potential future, and offers solutions to global challenges. While cost and ethical concerns exist, the knowledge and innovations gained from space exploration benefit humanity in numerous ways. Space exploration represents a pioneering and essential endeavor for our understanding of the universe and the improvement of life on Earth.

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Working from Home

Duolingo / PTE / IELTS writing task 2 – Outweigh essay

 Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of working from home. Do the benefits of remote work outweigh the drawbacks?

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

Working from home, or remote work, presents both advantages and disadvantages. Upon analysis, it becomes clear that the benefits of remote work often outweigh the drawbacks.

First and foremost, remote work offers flexibility and work-life balance. It allows employees to better manage their time, reduces commuting stress, and enhances their overall well-being. This flexibility often leads to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

Secondly, remote work can reduce commuting time and costs. Without the need to travel to a physical office, employees save on transportation expenses and contribute to a reduction in traffic congestion and air pollution. Thirdly, remote work is a solution for global challenges. It can enable businesses to tap into a wider talent pool by hiring individuals from various locations, thereby fostering diversity and inclusivity in the workforce.

On the other hand, remote work can lead to social isolation. The lack of face-to-face interactions with colleagues can result in feelings of loneliness and disconnection, affecting both mental health and team cohesion. Furthermore, distractions at home can impede productivity. Home environments may not be as conducive to focused work as office spaces, leading to potential work inefficiencies.

In conclusion, the advantages of working from home often outweigh the disadvantages. Remote work provides flexibility, reduces commuting burdens, and addresses global workforce challenges. While social isolation and distractions can be concerns, they can be mitigated through proper work-from-home strategies and policies. Remote work is a viable and beneficial option for both employees and employers in the modern workplace.

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

📱 Call/WhatsApp/Text: +91 9886926773

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