All posts by Jomon P John

Guy Hoang Chung OET letter

TASK 48 You are a nurse at North Romand Infant Welfare Centre. You visited this patient at home today for the first time, after a referral from the maternity hospital.

Name  : Guy Hoang Chung               

Date of Birth: 17.05.53 Sex  : Female

Occupation : Home duties

Family Background  Husband works in factory: setting up small import business. English at night school.

Children (boy 13, boy 11m, girl 7) all at school; working hard to adjust. Strong family commitment to school/work/study/business/increasing financial stability/learning English: may not provide necessary assistance to overcome operation and manage new baby. No other family in Australia

Medical History        No operations/ Illness. 6 normal pregnancies previously, birth weight approx. 2.8 kg

Incoordinate contractions and inadequate outlet – Caesarean section

Birth weight 4 kg probably result of recently improved diet/ antenatal care)

Circumstances not       understood      by        patient:            language          barrier/poss.    cultural differences.

20/07/1992      Mother: sutures removed: suture lined healed. Baby: no jaundice: breast feeding satisfactory: normal weight gain. Mother and child discharged from hospital

27/07/1992      1st home visit

Most time since operation depressed and in bed (reasons unclear, but suspect due to circumstances of operation. Physically well. Apparent resistance to medical intervention in hospital (language barrier).

Requirements            Understanding of reasons for Caesarean section Home help

Plan    Refer to social worker; arrange management plan

Writing Task Using the information in the case notes, write a letter of referral to Hoa Tran, who is a Cambodian social worker with Romand Council.

Introduce Mrs.Chueng and explain why you are referring her to the social worker. Discuss reasons for her depression and explain how you think Mrs. Tran can help.

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Mrs. Lisa Bayliss    OET letter

TASK 47        Patient’s name           : Mrs. Lisa Bayliss                 

Date of Birth  : 6th January, 1964

Social History            : Married with 2 children, Heavy smoker, Drinks alcohol occasionally

Past Medical History: not relevant, no previous breast problem

Past Surgical History: Tubal ligation 8 years ago

Menstrual History: Menarche at the age of 11, Menstruation – normal flow, period regular, 3/28 cycle

Family History          : No family history of breast disease


Subjective      : noticed lump in upper part of right breast 2 months ago,

No change in size during menstrual cycle, no discharge from nipple

Objective        : pulse rate-76/min, BP-130/85, an III-defined 1.5 cm lump in upper quadrant of right breast, no lymph node enlargement, overlying skin-normal, no evidence of attachment to surrounding structures, no other abnormal findings on general examination

Assessment    :Breast cancer or Fibroadenoma or cyst

Plan    :Explain possible conditions & consequences, to undergo radiological assessment (Mammogram) and Pathological assessment (Fine needle aspiration or core biopsy)

Subjective      : extremely concerned about the possibility of cancer, difficult to sleep at night, anxious, feeling low, sometimes irritated, pounding heart, unable to cope even household chores, lack of concentration, breast lump-no problem.

Objective        :PR 85/min, BP 140/90, Look anxious, sweaty, other examinations normal, Mammogram-normal, Ultrasound – confirmation of solid lump, Cytological examination – malignant cells, Core biopsy under local anesthesia-adenocarcinoma

Assessment    : Anxiety secondary to breast cancer (adenocarcinoma)

Plan: Break bad news, suggest to take further tests (blood tests, bone scan,CTscans) outline different treatment options available such as surgery radiotherapy and chemotherapy, to refer to general surgeon for operation.

4/05/2009        Subjective      : for regular follow-up, had local excision and axillary clearance with radiotherapy to residual right breast for local control

Objective        : general condition-well, no evidence of metastases, hormone receptor negative

Assessment : post-operation recovery of grade 2 adenocarcinoma

Plan    : chemotherapy, regular reviews for cancer spread, to contact local breast cancer foundation for further information

22/01/2010 Subjective : sudden onset of severe low back pain, suffering from mild back pain 4 weeks ago, constant pain, keeping her awake at right, exacerbated by movement, radiate down back of left leg, 4 kg weight loss, the pain “got rid of her appetite”

Objective : pain distribution in front of thigh, inner aspect of thigh, knee & leg, sensory loss in anterior aspect of thigh, absence of knee jerk

Assessment : Tumour spread to lumbar spine

Plan    : Bone scan, CT scan of chest & abdomen, radiotherapy to control pain, refer to an oncologist for assessment & palliative care

Writing Task Using the information in the relevant case notes, write a letter of referral to Dr. Jacob Kumar at the Royal Darwin Hospital, Rocklands Drive, Tiwi, PO Box 41326, Casuarina NT 0811

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Ms. Kylie Weiss   OET letter

TASK 46 You are the registered nurse on the Cardiology Unit at St Luke’s Hospital, Adelaide. Ms. Kylie Weiss is a patient in your care.

Today’s date: 09/07/2017                  Patient details

Name: Ms. Kylie Weiss                     DOB: 21/05/1952

Address: 8758, pulteney Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000            

Telephone: (04)7649 5748

Date of Admission: 07/07/2017                               

Presenting complaint: BIBA – brought in by ambulance

2-hours history of intermittent discomfort in jaw and heaviness in both forearms constant discomfort-pale, clammy, nauseated         IV access in ambulance, 10mg IV. Morphine on route, Aspirin 300 mg chewed, Glytrin spray x 3                   ECG showing ST elevation

Diagnosis: Myocardial infarction Medical History               

Weigh: 85kg               Height: 10cm

Diet: Rarely cooks at home-eats muffins or pancakes for breakfast

Like eating fast foods – fries, hamburgers, sausages, lobster, onion rings, ice cream, steak

Ex-smoker-1994 Non drinker

Medical History: Mild osteoarthritis.

Mid asthma – no exacerbations within last 5 years Dyslipidaemia – (Raised cholesterol) – not treated

Medications: NIL

Family history: Brother CABG 70 years Sister MI 60 years           

Mother angina

Social history:                      

Married with one daughter

Husband-Peter Weiss, 67 years, retired, aged pensioner Daughter, Ryena Weiss, lives in London

Occupation: Works as a taxi driver,Mixed shifts

Medical treatment: Blood tests – Troponin 1 (indicative of damage to heart muscle in most instances) performed by nursing staff along with CBC- Hs TNI> 50000(N˃16 female)

ECG- ECG on arrival to ED by nurse, shows ST elevation -Leads V1, V2, V3, V4 Elevation,Anterior Mi Emergency Medication– IV Morphine, Oxygen Clexane, loading dose of Ticegralor,Emergency Angioplasty – Due to presentation of pain, ST elevation on ECG-Direct stenting proximal LAD

Echocardiogram – to indicate damage to heart muscle and treatment.Ejection fraction 35%.Pain/Discomfort – managed. Fluids encouraged to flesh dye decrease risk of AKI (Acute Kidney Injury)

Fasting blood (lipids, Diabetes TNI, CBC, Biochem) – High cholesterol levels identified

Commenced on Atorvastatin 40mg OD, Ticegralor 90 mg BD, Glytrin spray for chest pain

Nil further pain/discomfort cardiac status stable Radial site, nil ooze, swelling, pain discomfort

Pt seemed Confused regarding diagnosis, reality of near-death experience

Educated re event, MI diagnosis and modifications to risk factors (Cholesterol, wt. loss)

R/V by dietician – diet to promote weight loss and lower cholesterol levels Concerned about being unable to manage home on her husband’s pens- S/W (social worker) input required for this

09/07/2017: preparing for discharge

Discharge Medications: Commenced on Atorvastatin 40 mg OD metoprolol 23.75 mg OD

Cilazipril 0.5 mg OD, Aspirin 100 mg OD,Ticegralor 90 mg BD Glytrin spray PRN for chest pain

Discharge plan: No driving motor vehicle for 6 weeks.

Writing Tasks Using the information given in the case notes write a referral letter to Ms. Nina Gill, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse Specialist, Cardiac Rehabilitation- Compliance with risk factor management (wt. loss, low cholesterol diet), medications, education re about MI and its management.

Using the information in the case notes, write a referral letter to Mr. Barney Dyer, Occupational Therapist, Home Occupational Therapy services, 85 Flinders Street, Adelaide requesting him to visit Ms. Weiss at home and provide guidelines for returning to work, driving and normal daily activities.

Refer to social worker-due to inability to work for 6 weeks, 6weeks recovery from MI, assess eligibility for sickness allowance /benefits from the Australian Government Department of Human Service.

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Mr. Tej Singh Randhawa OET letter

TASK 45 Mr.Tej Singh is a 41-year-old man who has been a patient at a clinic, you are working in as a head purse,                                              

Today’s date  : 31/01/2017   Name  : Mr. Tej Singh Randhawa

DOB    : 09/09/1976              

Address          : 28, Raymond Street, Romaville

Medical history         : Hypothyroidism thyroid replacement

No history of trauma or weight loss Hospitalized (2010) due to appendicitis No POHx (No previous ocular history) No allergies Immunizations are current Smoker (Cigarettes & Cigars) Teetotaler

Social history    a systems Analyst

Arrived in Australia from India with wife in 2012 as a permanent resident Lives In own home

Married – Wife Mona Randhawa aged 37 1 daughter

10/01/2017      Subjective: Headache, right-sided, no cough, no dizziness, denied vomiting and nausea.

HA accompanied with significant nasal discharge.

Objective: P 96, BP 130/70, T 101.0 f, neuro exam normal, neck supple.

General Assessment: Alert, Well-nourished, well-developed man, infectious sinusitis.

Plan: Given Augmentin (Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid)

24/01/2017 Subjective: Complaints of severe headaches (HA), right-sided, throbbing, radiating to light eye, teeth, and jaw lasting 15 mins to < 2 hrs, persistent HA intermittent episodes, pt described pain as “like someone has put red hot poker in my head.” Pain so severe (10/10) that pt. unable to stand still, sit down or go to bed, no effect when light/noise avoided rhinorrhoea, no nausea, no vomiting.

Objective: P 105, BP 150/90, physical & Neuro exam normal, neck tender right side.

Assessment: Cluster Headache.                          

Plan: Given acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory.


Subjective: Pt accompanied by wife, Mona

Previous complaints of severe headaches- occurring in episodic attacks associated with rhinorrhoea and epiphora.

Right eye “Droopy and sometimes as “sunken” eyelid, first noted by Mona 1 day ago, facial flushing before and during HA.

Objective: Right eye upper eyelid drooping, constriction of pupil right eye in dark lighting, decreased sweating on right side o face. P 95 BP 130/85                                  

Assessment: possibility of Horner’s syndrome.

Referral plan: referral to ophthalmologist for further evaluation and management

WRITING TASK Using the information given in the case notes, write a referral letter to Dr John Dyer, an ophthalmologist at west suburban Eye care Centre, 396 Remington Boulevard, Suite 340, Romaville requesting him to look into this case.

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Mrs. Jasmine Thompson    OET letter

TASK 44 You are a Registered Nurse preparing Mrs. Jasmine Thompson’s discharge. Mrs. Thompson has had a right total shoulder replacement. She is to be discharged home today with assistance from ‘In home Nursing Service’.

Patient            : Mrs. Jasmine Thompson                  

Address          : 73 White Road, Bayview

DOB    : 01.07.1942                                                   

Age      75

Social Family background:  Lives in single-storey house with large garden Utilises cleaning services once a month. Widow. 1 daughter- lives in Bayview, 1 son -married with 2 children, lives in Stillwater.

Daughter will stay with mother for 1 month post-surgery

Medical history                     R humerus fracture- 1997

Osteoarthritis-R shoulder which has not responded to conservative treatment Chronic R shoulder pain-↓ movement and ability to carry out activities of daily living (ADL)

Current medications             Voltaren 50mg daily (ceased 14 days pre-operatively)

Panadeine Forte (codeine/paracetamol) 30/500 mg x 2, 6hrly p.r.n.

Admission diagnosis:              R shoulder osteoarthritis

Medical treatment record:

11.07.17          R Total Shoulder replacement (TSR)

Medical progress: Post-op R shoulder X-rays confirm position of TSR Post-op exercise regime – compliant with physiotherapy Post-op bloods – within normal limits  Post-op pain management-analgesia, cold compress R shoulder R shoulder wound-clean & dry, drain site-clean & dry

15.07.17 Plan for discharge home with daughter today -home nurse to assist at home

Nursing management           Observations – T, P, R, BP (all within normal range)

Neurovascular observations – colour, warmth, movement, sensation Oral analgesia    Wound care and observations

Cold compress/shoulder-brace 4 hours per day ADL assistance as required

Physiotherapy management

Exercises as per TSR protocol- Neck range of movement exercises Elbow and hand ROM exercises.

Pendular shoulder exercises               

Cryo cuff (cold compress) 4 hours per day Discharge education

Follow-up physiotherapy outpatients appointments Referral to community hydrotherapy

Discharge plan                                  

Patient discharge education – Post TSR:                    

R arm sling for 4 weeks

Strictly no lifting for 4 weeks            

Physiotherapy outpatients x 2 per week, plus hydrotherapy x 1 per week

10 days post-op-staples removal, follow-up appointment in Orthopaedic Joint Replacement Outpatient Department

Orthopaedic Joint Replacement Nurse Specialist contactable by calling hospital, Mon-Fri for any concerns

Referral to ‘In- Home Nursing Service’- assist with showering, administration of LMWH (Clexane) subcutaneous for 4 days as DVT (deep vein thrombosis) prophylaxis

Writing Task: Using the information given in the case notes write a letter of referral to Ms. Roberts, a home nurse, Informing her of the patient’s situation and requesting appropriate care. Address the letter to Ms. Nita Roberts, In-Home Nursing Service, 79 Beachside Street, Bayview.

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Ms. Margaret Helen Martin OET letter

TASK 43 You are a ward nurse in the cardiac unit of Greenville Public Hospital. Your patient, Ms. Martin, is due to be discharged tomorrow.

Patient            : Ms. Margaret Helen Martin              Address          : 23 Third Avenue, Greenville

Age      : 81 years old (DOB: 25 July 1935)                Admission date          : 15 July 2017

Social/ family background: Never married, no children

Lives in own house in Greenville Financially independent

Three siblings (all unwell) and five nieces/nephews living in greater Greenville area

Contact with family intermittent No longer drives

Has ‘meals on wheels’ (meal delivery service for elderly)

Mon-Fri (lunch and dinner), orders frozen meals for weekends

Diagnosis        : Coronary artery disease (CAD) angina

Treatment      : Angioplasty (Repeat-first 2008) Discharge date    : 16 July 2017, pending cardiologist’s report Medical information  : Coeliac disease                     Angioplasty 2008

Anxious about health-tends to focus on health problems Coronary artery disease → aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix) Hypertension→ Metoprolol (Betaloc), ramipril (Tritace) Hypercholesterolemia (8.3) → atorvastatin (Lipitor) Overweight (BMI 29.5)           Sedentary (orders groceries over phone to be delivered, neighbour walks dog)

Family history of coronary heart disease (mother, 2 of 3 brothers)                Hearing loss-wears hearing aid

Nursing management and progress during hospital stay:

Routine post-operative recovery Tolerating light diet and fluids

Bruising at catheter insertion site, no signs of infection/bleeding noted post- procedure

Pt anxious about return home, not sure whether she will cope

Discharge plan Dietary

Low-calorie, high-protein, low-cholesterol, gluten-free diet (supervised by dietitian, referred by Dr)

Frequent small meals or snacks Drink plenty of fluids

Physiotherapy: Daily light exercise(e.g.,      15-minute        walk,   exercise           plan     monitored by physiotherapist)          No heavy lifting for 12 weeks

Other: Monitor wound site for bruising or infection Monitor adherence to medication regime Arrange regular family visits to monitor progress

Anticipated needs of Pt: Need home visits from community Health / district nurse – monitor adherence to post-operative medication, exercise, dietary regime Regular monitoring by Dr, Dietitian, physiotherapist Danger of social isolation (infrequent family support)

Writing Task: Using the information in the case notes write a letter to the Nurse-in-Charge of the District Nursing Service outlining Ms. Martin’s situation and anticipated needs following her return home tomorrow. Address the letter to Nurse-in-Charge, District Nursing Service, Greenville Community Health Care Centre, 88 Highton Road, Greenville.

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Mary Bell OET letter

TASK 42 You are a registered nurse working at Newtown Community Hospital. Your patient, Ms. Mary Bell, is being discharged today.         Patient: Mary Bell (Ms.)                    Age      : 66 Years

Marital status            : Single                                   Family            : Nil

First admitted           : 24 June 2017, Newtown Community Hospital        Discharge       : 15 July 2017

Diagnosis        : Unstable diabetes mellitus.              

Small infected (left) foot ulcer

Medical history         : Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus -15 years.

Medications   : Glibenclamide (Glimel) 5mg daily.

Metformin (Diabex) 850mg t.d.s. Amoxycillin/clavulanate (Augmentin Duo Forte) 875/125mg    orally, b.d.

Social/family background: Retired at 65 from managerial position 2016.

Lives alone in own four bedroom home.

Income: small pension – much lower than pre-retirement income.

Reports no relatives or close friends. Reports no outside interests.

Since retirement alcohol intake has increased and dietary quality has decreased.

Periodic           problems         with     self-administration      of hypoglycaemic medication.

Nursing management and progress: Medical hypoglycaemic agent (glibenclamide) to continue Antibiotic therapy (Augmentin Duo Forte) for review at completion of current course. Ulcer daily saline dressing, monitor wound margins, observe for signs of complications, review healing progress, etc.

Discharge plan: Monitor medication compliance, blood sugar levels, alcohol intake, diet. Encourage moderate exercise programme. Suggest establishment of income-producing activity Encourage establishment of social activities. Prepare a letter to the community nurse, emphasising the need for an overall life- style plan, and suggesting involvement of community social worker service.

Writing Task: Using the information given in the case notes, write a letter of discharge to Ms. Jane Rudik, the community nurse at Newtown, Community Health Centre, informing her about the patient’s condition and her medical and social needs, Address your letter to Ms. Jane Rudik, Community Nurse, Newtown Community Health Centre, Newtown

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Brett Davis OET letter

TASK 41        Brett Davis

This patient has been in your care and is now going home from the Royal Children’s Hospital, Read the case notes below and complete the writing task that follows.

Patient            : Brett Davis – 18 months old

Admitted          : 10 August 2016

Discharged : 12 August 2016

Brett’s parents instructed to take the child to the Surry Hills

Community Health Clinic – appointment with the Maternal & Childcare Nurse. Diagnosis : Chronic Nasal Congestion / AURTI

SOCIAL BACKGROUND: Brett is the 2nd child in the family- one sister (Emily) aged 5 years

Mother           : June Davis – 23 y.o. Working as a waitress; late night shifts

Father: Malcolm Davis – 24 y.o. Construction worker: works during daytime

Lives in rental accommodation, a two-bedroom apartment


Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST) administered – normal development

Antibiotics: Amoxicillin 50mg/kg 8 hourly, commenced 12 noon, 12 Aug 2016

Nasal and ear clearing before feeds and as required                        

 A-febrile after 36 hours

Free fluids given which were well tolerated                                      

Congestion restricted his sucking ability


Support Mrs. Davis in improving parenting skills

Continue antibiotics (complete 14 day course)                      

Continue free fluids

Continue ear and nasal clearing as required                          

Observe for signs of elevated temperature

WRITING TASK:     Brett’s parents have been instructed to take Brett to the Surry Hills Community Health Clinic. Write a letter of referral to Sr Mary Bouvier, Maternal & Childcare Nurse, Surry Hills Community Health Clinic, Main Road, Surry Hills, New South Wales 2010 requesting she arrange for Brett to be monitored until antibiotics are completed; Community Nurse to make sure both parents are instructed in proper procedure for ear and nasal clearing. Letter should be 180 to 200 words long / only the first 25 lines will be considered.

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Mary White OET letter

TASK 40 Mary White- resident at Kingsville Retirement Village

You are a registered nurse employed by the Kingsville Retirement Village. It is your duty to attend to call outs from the residents in the Independent Living Units as well as assisting the staff in the Low Level Care unit. It is 7 pm (19:00 hours) and you receive a call from the daughter of one of the residents. She has just visited her mother and found that she cannot rouse her. You go to the unit, open the door with your key and find the lady unconscious, face down on the floor. The daughter telephones the Ambulance Service. You examine the lady (Mary White) and find the following:

CNS: rousable only to pain                

Respiratory: slow, laboured breathing.

CVS – dusky purple colour to face, good capillary refill to fingers, pulse slow and full.

Urogenital- has been incontinent of urine

Musculoskeletal – flaccid muscles, is able to be moved onto side in the Recovery position to move.

You perform the following measurements:   

PR & BP-37 degrees C; 58; 14; 150/90                     


Her past history includes:               

Pregnancies x4 with live births (30 years ago)          


Widowed 6 years ago             

Cataracts in both eyes, awaiting surgery

Cardiac arrhythmias for which she takes Digoxin

The ambulance arrives and you verbally hand over the information; they then decide to transport Mary to hospital. Her daughter has packed all her medication with the overnight bag.

Your task:      Write an introductory letter for the Admissions Officer (AO) at the Kingsville Hospital, 150 Bridge Road, Richmond, Victoria 3121, they can plan Mary’s care.


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Beverly Williams OET letter

TASK 39 Bev Williams

This 68-year old patient has been in your care for the past 10 years. During the past 8 years, Mrs. Williams has developed diabetes. It is not well controlled. You are now referring her on to a Public Health Nurse for a health education program.

Relationships                                  Has four children – all adults – all married

Gets on well with husband                  Likes visiting her daughter in the country

Has active social life – visits friends regularly

Medical History                 Type II Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes – onset 8 years ago

Prescribed tablets soon after diagnosis           No problems with sugars or infections

Has monitored urine with sticks at home        Not always well controlled

Does not care about diet regime                     High BP for past 5 years-on medication

Overweight for past 30 years (BMI 32)          Vision OK                   Has worn spectacles for past 20 years

Grandmother had Diabetes; died of gangrene of the foot              Husband is also Diabetic

Diabetic Plan          No special diet            Tries not to have sugar                        Buys diabetic cordial

Taste food while preparing meals in kitchen  Eats cream cakes at afternoon tea time                      Loves fruit

Unaware of consequences of careless diet      Had trouble Losing weight

Very little exercise walks around the neighbourhood occasionally   Likes a glass of wine with evening meal.

Treatment Plan           Monitor urine – Monitor bleed sugar levels with   glucometer

Needs to be educated re: Diabetes and importance of special diet

Needs to attend formal diabetic education program (daytime classes at Hospital)

Increase Daonil from 15 to 20mg per day                                  

Needs vision checked every two to three months

Needs to lose weight – has increased 3.5kg in last 6 months.  Suggest a suitable exercise program? Swimming

Writing Task: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter of referral to: Ms. Michella Mansoura, Public Health Nurse, 125 Canterbury Road, Ringwood, Victoria 3134 Australia, DO NOT use notes form- use complete sentences. Expand the relevant notes in the treatment plan requesting that Ms. Mansoura take over the management of this patient. Letter should be no more than 25 lines long,

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