All posts by Jomon John

Complaint Letter (IELTS semi-formal letter)

Q. You have had a problem with your next-door neighbour. You have not been able to speak to your neighbour about this. Write a letter to this neighbour. In your letter
• Explain the problem
• Suggest a solution
• Say what action you will take if the situation does not improve Begin as follows: Dear … ,

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

Dear Mr. Stafford,

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to address a concern affecting my daily life, seeking your assistance to resolve it amicably.

Recently facing redundancy, I spend much time at home. Unfortunately, disturbances caused by your children’s activities, including playing indoors and loud music, have made finding peace challenging.

While understanding children’s need for enjoyment, I hoped the situation would naturally improve. However, it seems to be escalating, prompting my letter.

I kindly request your assistance in speaking to your children about being mindful of the noise, as it affects others in the building. A simple explanation from you could make a significant difference.

I hope we can resolve this matter amicably without ill-feeling. If the situation persists, regrettably, I may need to explore involving the authorities to ensure a peaceful living environment. I hope it does not come to that, and your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


Jack Smith

Request letter. IELTS General formal letter

Q. You have just started a course in a college which has no sports facilities of its own. Write a letter to the manager of the nearest private sports club. In your letter:
• introduce yourself
• say why you are interested in this sports club
• ask some questions about the club e.g. facilities, members, costs Begin as follows: Dear Sir or Madam,

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I trust this letter finds you well. I am a first-year student at Western College and recently discovered that our college currently lacks sports facilities. In light of this, I came across Snap Fitness as the nearest sports club and am keen to gather more information about its offerings.

Firstly, could you kindly provide an overview of the available facilities? I am particularly interested in whether the club offers sports classes and personal training sessions. Secondly, I would appreciate details about the size of the gym area and the types of equipment available.

Lastly, I am interested in understanding the membership options the club provides. Are there monthly or weekly ticket options, or is it necessary to commit to a more extended membership period?

I would be grateful if you could send the details to my email address. Thank you for your time and assistance in providing this information. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Jack Smith

Fish and meat consumption (IELTS writing task 1 – line graph)

The line graph below shows the consumption of 4 kinds of meat in a European country from 1979 to 2004.

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

The provided line graph illustrates the weekly consumption, in grams, of chicken, beef, lamb, and fish by individuals in a European country over the period spanning from 1979 to 2004.

In general, it is evident that the consumption of chicken steadily increased over the specified period, whereas the intake of beef and lamb significantly declined. The consumption of fish, on the contrary, remained relatively stable, with a slight dip observed.

In 1979, an individual consumed just below 150 grams of chicken. Despite oscillating dramatically, the consumption evidently soared year by year and culminated around 250 grams by the year 2004. The consumption of fish, which was the lowest among all four categories at just above 50 grams per person, experienced a marginal downturn and lingered just under 50 grams by the year 2004.

The beef intake was approximately 220 grams in the year 1979, reaching a peak of around 240 grams by 1984, although there was a notable plummet to around 180 grams in between. From this point onward, the consumption plunged rapidly, despite sporadic but slight inclines. Lamb, despite being the second most consumed item at 150 grams in 1984, experienced a drastic diminution and reached around 60 grams by the year 2004.

Rain water diagram (IELTS AC writing task 1)

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The given diagram meticulously illustrates the various steps that are involved in the conversion of rainwater into potable water in one of the Australian towns.

In general, the procedure encompasses the gathering of rainwater from rooftops, directing it for filtration, storing it underground, conducting treatment, and ultimately distributing it to households for drinking purpose.

Initially, rainwater is harvested from the rooftops of individual households with the help of attached gutters. It is then directed through interconnected drains to a water filtration system in order to remove any contaminants. Once the rain water is filtered, the same is sent to a designated underground storage facility.

The concluding phase involves transferring the stored water to another storage facility for the purpose of chemical treatment. After undergoing the necessary chemical treatment, the water is ready to be consumed. It is then distributed to each household for the purpose of consumption through pipes and fittings.

Bar chart. (Games- global sale) IELTS AC writing task 1

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

The presented bar chart meticulously outlines the global sales trajectories for four distinct categories of digital entertainment: Mobile phone games, online games, console games, and handheld games—spanning from 2000 to 2006. The monetary values are denominated in billion dollars.

Overall, it is patently evident that sales for handheld games, mobile phone games, and online games experienced a pronounced ascension throughout the seven-year period. In stark contrast, console games consistently declined in sales over consecutive years. Notably, handheld games unequivocally dominated the digital gaming market among the four categories.

Zooming in, the sales of Handheld games peaked just below $12 billion in 2000, incrementally ascending to approximately $18 billion by 2006. Online games, introduced in 2001 with initial sales below $0.5 billion, underwent a meteoric upturn, reaching around $9 billion by 2006. Similarly, Mobile phone games, emerging in 2002 with around $1 billion in sales, demonstrated marked escalation, achieving approximately $7 billion in sales by 2006.

In contradistinction, Console games, despite an initial sale of around $6 billion in 2000, exhibited a discernible decrement year on year. Although sales stabilised around $5 billion in 2003 and 2004, they subsequently plummeted to around $3 billion by 2006—almost half of the initial sale.

List of vocabulary used:

1. Presented – shown, displayed
2. Meticulously – carefully, precisely
3. Outlines – describes, depicts
4. Trajectories – trends, paths
5. Distinct – separate, unique
6. Categories – types, classes
7. Spanning – covering, extending
8. Monetary – financial, fiscal
9. Denominated – expressed, stated
10. Patently – clearly, obviously

11. Evident – apparent, noticeable
12. Experienced – underwent, encountered
13. Pronounced – significant, marked
14. Ascension – rise, increase
15. Stark – sharp, clear
16. Contrasts – comparisons, differences
17. Consistently – steadily, reliably
18. Declined – decreased, fell
19. Notably – particularly, especially
20. Unequivocally – clearly, unmistakably

21. Dominated – ruled, prevailed
22. Zooming in – focusing, narrowing down
23. Peaked – reached the highest point, culminated
24. Incrementally – gradually, step by step
25. Ascending – rising, increasing
26. Approximately – about, nearly
27. Underwent – experienced, went through
28. Meteoric – rapid, swift
29. Upturn – increase, improvement
30. Demonstrated – showed, exhibited

31. Marked – significant, noticeable
32. Escalation – increase, rise
33. Emerging – appearing, arising
34. Exhibited – displayed, showed
35. Discernible – noticeable, detectable
36. Decrement – decrease, reduction
37. Stabilised – leveled off, steadied
38. Plummeted – dropped, fell sharply
39. Initial – first, original
40. Sale – revenue, transactions

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IELTS writing task 1 vocabulary and grammar


When tasked with describing trends in IELTS Writing Task 1, whether in a line graph, bar chart, or when comparing multiple charts, two main grammatical structures prove effective.

By paying attention to both the accuracy and range of your grammar usage, you can significantly enhance your IELTS Writing Task 1 score. Remember, the goal is not just complexity for its own sake, but a natural and varied application of grammar that elevates the overall quality of your response.

Apply these simple formulas to your sentence construction and see.

Noun phrase + verb + adverb

Eg: The price of oil rose gradually.
Eg: The price of oil has risen dramatically.

There + be + adj. + noun + in + noun phrase

Eg: There was a gradual rise in the price of oil.
Eg. There has been a sharp drop in the price of oil.

List of possible adjective, adverbs, nouns, and verbs for IETLS writing task 1 sentence formation.

RocketingExceedinglyUpward trendRocket

Represents – synonyms

  1. outline
  2. describe
  3. depict
  4. portray
  5. illustrate
  6. detail
  7. represent
  8. sketch
  9. define
  10. explain
  11. characterize
  12. specify
  13. chart
  14. map out
  15. draw
  16. narrate
  17. express
  18. set forth
  19. articulate
  20. draft
  21. delineates

In contrast synonyms:

  1. On the other hand
  2. Conversely
  3. On the flip side
  4. On the contrary
  5. However
  6. Nevertheless
  7. Nonetheless
  8. But
  9. Yet
  10. While
  11. Whereas
  12. Alternatively
  13. In comparison
  14. In opposition
  15. Differently
  16. Notwithstanding
  17. In spite of that
  18. Nonetheless
  19. Nevertheless

Increased synonyms:

  1. Augmented: Added to or made greater in amount or number.
  2. Elevated: Raised to a higher level or position.
  3. Expanded: Made larger or more extensive.
  4. Enhanced: Improved or intensified in quality, value, or extent.
  5. Heightened: Increased or intensified in degree or intensity.
  6. Intensified: Made more acute, strong, or marked.
  7. Amplified: Made greater in size, volume, or extent.
  8. Boosted: Increased or raised, often through additional support or promotion.
  9. Enlarged: Made larger in size or extent.
  10. Escalated: Increased in intensity or extent, often rapidly.
  11. Extended: Made longer or stretched out.
  12. Strengthened: Made stronger or more robust.
  13. Upgraded: Improved to a higher standard or quality.
  14. Intensified: Made more intense, strong, or extreme.
  15. Upward trend: Showing an increase or improvement over time.
  16. Advanced: Moved forward or progressed to a more developed state.
  17. Grew: Experienced growth or increase.
  18. Developed: Progressed or evolved into a more advanced state.
  19. Surged: Experiencing a sudden and significant increase.
  20. Rose: Increased in level, position, or value.

Decreased synonym:

  1. Decreased: Made less in size, amount, or intensity.
  2. Diminished: Reduced in size, extent, or importance.
  3. Lowered: Brought down or made less in height or position.
  4. Minimized: Reduced to the smallest possible extent or degree.
  5. Cut back: Decreased or reduced in quantity.
  6. Curtailed: Limited or shortened in duration or extent.
  7. Mitigated: Alleviated or lessened the severity or intensity.
  8. Trimmed: Reduced or cut down to a more suitable size or level.
  9. Shrank: Became smaller in size or extent.
  10. Slashed: Cut drastically or substantially.
  11. Subdued: Reduced in strength, intensity, or significance.
  12. Tapered: Gradually reduced in size or intensity.
  13. Lowered: Brought down to a lower level or position.
  14. Dwindled: Gradually became smaller or lessened.
  15. Depleted: Reduced in number or quantity.
  16. Condensed: Made more compact or concentrated.
  17. Eased: Reduced in severity or intensity.
  18. Contracted: Reduced in size, extent, or scope.
  19. Scaled down: Reduced in size or amount.
  20. Moderated: Reduced or lessened the intensity or impact.

Sharply falls synonyms

  1. Plummets: Falls or drops rapidly and steeply.
  2. Drops steeply: Experiences a sudden and substantial decrease.
  3. Declines sharply: Undergoes a sudden and noticeable reduction.
  4. Tumbles: Falls rapidly and uncontrolled.
  5. Slides: Experiences a continuous and often downward movement.
  6. Descends rapidly: Moves downward swiftly.
  7. Sinks: Goes down, often implying a decrease in value or quantity.
  8. Dips significantly: Experiences a notable and sudden decline.
  9. Crashes: Experiences a sudden and severe decrease, often in financial markets.
  10. Nosedives: Plunges downward rapidly, like the steep angle of an airplane.
  11. Collapses: Falls apart or breaks down, suggesting a sudden loss.
  12. Plunges: Drops suddenly and forcefully.
  13. Falls precipitously: Descends abruptly and steeply.
  14. Swoops down: Descends rapidly in a sweeping motion.
  15. Takes a nosedive: Experiences a sudden and steep decline.
  16. Descends abruptly: Moves downward suddenly.
  17. Decreases sharply: Undergoes a rapid and significant reduction.
  18. Dwindles rapidly: Shrinks or diminishes quickly.
  19. Tanks: Experiences a sharp and severe decline.
  20. Shrinks abruptly: Contracts or reduces suddenly.

Interestingly synonyms

  1. Fascinatingly
  2. Intriguingly
  3. Compellingly
  4. Engagingly
  5. Captivatingly
  6. Entertainingly
  7. Curiously
  8. Stimulatingly
  9. Absorbingly
  10. Remarkably
  11. Unusually
  12. Piquantly
  13. Alluringly
  14. Grippingly
  15. Excitingly
  16. Enthrallingly
  17. Provocatively
  18. Rivetingly
  19. Complicatedly
  20. Uncommonly

Here are some example sentences using the provided words in the context of IELTS Academic Writing Task 1:

1. Adjectives:

   – The gradual increase in the number of tourists visiting the city was attributed to improved infrastructure.

   – There was a sharp decline in the export figures for the third quarter of the year.

2. Adverbs:

   – The population of the urban area has been growing gradually over the past decade.

   – The stock prices fell sharply during the economic downturn.

3. Nouns:

   – A variation in consumer preferences was observed after the introduction of the new product line.

   – The company experienced a significant growth in revenue following the implementation of cost-cutting measures.

4. Verbs:

   – The demand for renewable energy has been rising steadily in recent years.

   – The sales of electric vehicles have jumped since the introduction of government incentives.

You can adapt these sentences based on the specific data or scenario you are describing in your writing task.

Using fractions to describe changes in data:

1. Fractional Decrease:

The unemployment rate decreased by a quarter over the course of six months.

The company’s revenue witnessed a one-third decline from January to March.

2. Fractional Increase:

The student enrolment in the online course tripled within a three-month period.

The sales of electric vehicles quadrupled in just two years.

3. Fractional Change Over Time:

The temperature oscillated, doubling in the summer and halving in the winter.

The website traffic varied, doubling during promotional events and decreasing by two-thirds during maintenance periods.

4. Fractional Proportions:

The market share of the new product increased by three-fifths within the first quarter.

The production efficiency improved, resulting in a two-thirds reduction in waste.

5. Mixed Fractions:

The company’s profit margin doubled, increasing from 5% to 10%.

The crime rate halved, going from 6 incidents per 1,000 people to 3 incidents.

6. Combining Fractions with Time:

The average response time for customer queries halved within a month.

The energy consumption per household decreased by one-fifth in the past year.

How to make comparison of data effectively? Follow these structures:

Example: Fuel Price Comparisons

In examining the fluctuations in fuel prices, distinct trends emerge, shedding light on significant differences in cost.

1. More/few/less + noun + than:

   – Overall, the data indicates that more countries are experiencing an increase in fuel prices than those observing a decrease, emphasizing a widespread trend of rising costs.

2. of one syllable -er + than:

   – A noticeable trend is the presence of higher prices in urban areas compared to rural regions, highlighting the economic disparities in the cost of fuel.

3. More/less + adj. of more than one syllable + than:

   – Interestingly, diesel prices are more volatile than petrol prices, showcasing a greater degree of fluctuation in the cost of this particular fuel type.

4. of one syllable -est:

   – In this dataset, the United States stands out with the highest average fuel price per gallon, signaling a unique economic context within the nation.

5. The most/least + adj. of more than one syllable:

   – Contrary to global expectations, South American countries experience the least stable fuel prices, indicating a region characterized by unpredictability in the cost of fuel.


Above all, English tenses play a major role in the success of your IELTS results. Without proficiency in tenses, it is almost impossible to score a high band score in IELTS. You can study your tenses just by clicking on this link

Enhancing Lexical Resource in IELTS Writing Task 1: Approximations, Percentages, and Fractions

In various IELTS Writing Task 1 scenarios, mastery over expressing percentages in diverse ways can significantly elevate your score. Demonstrating linguistic variety, especially in the ‘lexical resource’ aspect, is crucial for a high score.

Approximations: Utilize approximations to present percentages in a distinctive manner. For example, represent 49% as “almost a half.”

Fractions: Employ fractions to provide a nuanced perspective:

  • 73% – nearly three quarters
  • 51% – just over a half
  • 49% – just under a half
  • 32% – nearly a third
  • 4% – a tiny fraction
  • 50% – exactly a half
  • 26% – roughly one quarter
  • 49% – around a half
  • 24% – almost a quarter
  • 77% – approximately three quarters

Proportions: Diversify your language by using varied terms to describe proportions:

  • 71% – a large proportion
  • 72% – a significant majority
  • 16% – a small minority
  • 4% – an insignificant minority

By incorporating these expressions, you not only enhance the richness of your language but also showcase a nuanced understanding of percentages and proportions, contributing to a more sophisticated and varied response in IELTS Writing Task 1.

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Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The presented pie charts compare the distribution of energy production percentages in France for the years 1995 and 2005 across five sources: Coal, Gas, Petrol, Nuclear, and Other.

Overall, Petrol, Gas, and Coal emerged as the dominant contributors to energy production, while Nuclear and Other sources played a minor role. Interestingly, this percentage distribution exhibited a remarkable degree of consistency in both 1995 and 2005.

The percentage of Coal production showed stability, maintaining close values of 29.80% in 1995 and 30.93% in 2005. Similarly, Gas production witnessed a marginal increase from 29.63% in 1995 to 30.31% in 2005. However, the percentage of the contribution of Petrol, despite being 29.27% in 1995, significantly decreased to 19.55% in 2005.

In contrast, Nuclear energy production nearly doubled, surging from 6.40% in 1995 to 10.10% in 2005. Additionally, the proportion from Other sources experienced a notable rise from 4.90% in 1995 to 9.10% in 2005.

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

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Bar chart. Gross Domestic Product

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

The provided bar chart delineates the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United Kingdom, attributed to the Information Technology (IT) and service industry. The data spans a nine-year period, covering the years 1992 to 2000.

Overall, it is evident that the percentage of GDP witnessed a substantial increase, nearly doubling over the nine-year period for both the Information Technology and Service industries, despite minor fluctuations.

Commencing at slightly above 6% in the year 1992, the IT industry witnessed an upward trajectory, peaking at over 8% in the year 1994. Despite a marginal decline in the year 1996 to just under 8%, the GDP soared, reaching a pinnacle of approximately 15% by the year 2000.

Concurrently, the Service Industry’s GDP, starting at 4 percentage in the year 1992, exhibited a consistent upward trend, culminating in a figure slightly surpassing 8 percentage by the conclusion of the period in the year 2000.

List of vocabulary used:

1. Provided – supplied, given
2. Delineates – describes, outlines
3. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – national income, economic output
4. Attributed – related, linked
5. Information Technology (IT) – computing, tech industry
6. Service industry – service sector, tertiary sector
7. Data – information, statistics
8. Spans – covers, extends over
9. Period – timeframe, duration
10. Overall – generally, in summary

11. Evident – clear, obvious
12. Witnessed – observed, experienced
13. Substantial – significant, considerable
14. Increase – rise, growth
15. Nearly – almost, close to
16. Doubling – increasing twofold, multiplying
17. Fluctuations – variations, changes
18. Commencing – beginning, starting
19. Slightly – marginally, a little
20. Upward trajectory – increasing trend, rising path

21. Peaking – reaching the highest point, hitting a maximum
22. Marginal – slight, minor
23. Decline – decrease, drop
24. Soared – skyrocketed, surged
25. Pinnacle – peak, summit
26. Approximately – about, nearly
27. Concurrently – at the same time, simultaneously

28. Exhibited – displayed, showed
29. Consistent – steady, reliable
30. Culminating – resulting, ending
31. Figure – amount, number
32. Surpassing – exceeding, going beyond
33. Conclusion – end, final point

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

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We are here to help and provide you with personal advice on any matters connected with your bill or any other queries regarding your gas and electricity supply.

Moving home: Please give as much notice as possible if you are moving home, but at least 48 hours is required for us to make the necessary arrangements for your gas and electricity supply. Please telephone our 24-hour line on 01316 753219 with details of your move. In most cases we are happy to accept your meter reading on the day you move. Tell the new occupant that Eastern Energy supply the household, to ensure the service is not interrupted. Remember we can now supply electricity and gas at your new address, anywhere in the UK. If you do not contact us, you may be held responsible for the payment for electricity used after you have moved.

Meter reading: Eastern Energy uses various types of meter ranging from the traditional dial meter to new technology digital display meters. Always read the meter from left to right, ignoring any red dials. If you require assistance, contact our 24-hour line on 0600 7310 310.

Energy Efficiency Line: If you would like advice on the efficient use of energy, please call our Energy Efficiency Line on 0995 7626 513. Please do not use this number for any other enquiries.

Special services: Passwords – you can choose a password so that, whenever we visit you at home, you will know it is us. For more information, ring our helpline on 0995 7290 290.

Help and advice: If you need help or advice with any issues, please contact us on 01316 440188.

Complaints: We hope you will never have a problem or cause to complain, but, if you do, please contact our complaints handling team at PO Box 220, Stanfield, ST55 6GF or telephone us on 01316 753270.

Supply failure: If you experience any problems with your electricity supply, please call free on 0600 7838 836,24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Question 1-7. Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text on page 104? In boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet, write:
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE: if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN: if there is no information on this

1. Customers should inform Eastern Energy of a change of address on arrival at their new home.

2. Customers are expected to read their own gas or electricity meters.

3. It is now cheaper to use gas rather than electricity as a form of heating.

4. Eastern Energy supplies energy to households throughout the country.

5. The Energy Efficiency Line also handles queries about energy supply.

6. All complaints about energy supply should be made by phone.

7. Customers are not charged for the call when they report a fault in supply.

Questions 8-14. The text on page below has seven sections, A-G. Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below. Write the correct number; i-x, in boxes 8-14 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

I Re-heating
ii Foods with skins
iii Keeping your oven clean
iv Standing time
v Rapid cooking times
vi Using a thermometer
vii Small quantities of food
viii Deep fat frying
ix Foods low in moisture
x Liquids

8. Section A
9. Section B
10. Section C
11. Section D
12. Section E
13. Section F
14. Section G


A As microwave cooking times are much shorter than other cooking times, it is essential that recommended cooking times are not exceeded without first checking the food.

B Take care when heating small amounts of food as these can easily burn, dry out or catch fire if cooked too long. Always set short cooking times and check the food frequently.

C Take care when heating ‘dry’ foods, e.g. bread items, chocolate and pastries. These can easily burn or catch fire if cooked too long.

D Some processed meats, such as sausages, have non-porous casings. These must be pierced by a fork before cooking, to prevent bursting. Whole fruit and vegetables should be similarly treated.

E When heating soup, sauces and beverages in your microwave oven, heating beyond boiling point can occur without evidence of bubbling. Care should be taken not to overheat.

F When warming up food for a second time, it is essential that it is served ‘piping hot’, i.e. steam is being emitted from all parts and any sauce is bubbling. For foods that cannot be stirred, e.g. pizza, the centre should be cut with a knife to test it is well heated through.

G It is important for the safe operation of the oven that it is wiped out regularly. Use warm, soapy water, squeeze the cloth out well and use it to remove any grease or food from the interior. The oven should be unplugged during this process.

SECTION 2. Question 15-27. Read the text below and answer Question 15-20.


What you need: Three factors dominate the priorities of small businesses looking for premises: cost, cost and cost. Nobody ever has enough money, so there is an overwhelming temptation to go for the cheapest property. It is a mistake that can take decades to rectify – and even threaten the future of a promising business. Ironically some firms swing too far in the other direction, committing themselves to a heavy initial outlay because they believe in the importance of image – and that does not come cheap. Finding the right premises is the real secret. That can, and will, vary enormously according to the type of business. But there are some general rules that apply to any operation.

Location: High street premises are important for shops which rely on passing trade – but these are expensive. Rents fall quickly within a few metres of main roads. Offices, however, need not be located centrally, particularly if most business is done on the phone or via email.

Manufacturing and storage relies heavily on access. Think about how vans and lorries will deliver and collect goods from the premises. Nearby parking can be important for staff, and public transport can be even more so, as traffic restrictions tighten.

Size: This is a crucial decision. Health and Safety laws provide basic guidance on how much room is required per office desk or manufacturing operation. But remember to allow for growth.

Growth: Every small business aims to become a big business, but this prospect can be obstructed if the wrong decisions are made early on. It is important to consider flexibility from the start. Can a building be physically altered internally by knocking down walls or by extending outwards or adding extra floors? Is there spare land next door to expand later if necessary?

Landlords obviously have to agree to any changes so it is important that the contract includes details of what will be allowed and how much extra will be charged on top of the costs of rebuilding or alteration. Planning rules must also be considered. Local authorities are not always open to discussion about the future of premises. They may have rigid rules about increasing density of development. The building may be in a conservation area or near housing, in which case it will be much more difficult to consider changes.

15 Some people choose expensive premises because they want to create an impressive……………for their company.

16 Businesses which depend on………………..need to be on or near the principal shopping areas.

17 Businesses which produce goods must check there is……………………to the premises for delivery vehicles.

18 When choosing a building for your premises, find out whether………………could be removed to create more room.

19 Make sure that the………………….states what type of building alterations might be permitted.

20 If business premises are located close to………………, extensions may not be allowed.

Read the text below and answer Question 21-27


Payday: Employees are paid every other Friday. If Friday is a holiday, payday will be the following Monday. Generally employees pick up the pay checks in their department if not they may be picked up at the Business Office.

Overtime: All time worked over eight hours in one day and forty hours in a workweek, and also the first eight hours worked on the seventh day of work in a workweek is considered overtime for non-exempt employees. The supervisor must approve all overtime before overtime occurs. Hours in excess of eight hours on the seventh day and in excess of twelve hours in one day will be paid at double time. Exempt employees receive no additional compensation for overtime hours.

Parking: All employees who will be parking in a staff parking zone must obtain a parking permit. A monthly pre-tax payroll deduction can be made by visiting Human Resources. If you wish to pay cash, present your staff I.D. and license number to the Cashier’s Office.The Safety Department will ticket cars without a parking permit and a fine will be applied.

I.D. Card: All employees are required to carry an I.D. card. If an employee loses his/her card, there will be an automatic charge of $5.00 to issue a duplicate. If an employee gives up employment, his/her I.D. card must be returned prior to release of final paycheck.

Holidays: All regular and temporary full-time employees generally receive approximately 13 paid holidays during the course of each calendar year Regular part-time employees will receive holiday benefits worked out using a prorated system.The holiday schedule is initiated annually

Personal Holiday: Each employee is granted one extra day as a Personal Holiday at the time of hire, and at the beginning of each calendar year Personal Holiday hours must be taken at one time (eight hours full-time or prorated based on the employee’s time). Employees requesting Personal Holiday will be required to complete ‘Leave Request’ forms. No more than one Personal Holiday is authorized annually

Birthday Holiday: All regular and temporary full-time or part-time employees are entitled to take their birthday off with pay. An employee has a fifteen-day span before and following his/her birthday to take the paid day off. What is known as a grace period through January 15th is given to those employees whose birthdays fall between December 16th and end of the year.

Question 21-27. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet.

21. Where do most employees collect their wages?

22. Who has to authorise any overtime an employee wishes to do?

23. Who is not paid extra for working more than 40 hours a week?

24. Where should employees go if they wish to have the parking charge taken off their salary?

25. What method is used to calculate part-time employees’ holidays?

26. Which documents must employees fill in to select their Personal Holiday?

27. What is the name of the special entitlement provided to employees with birthdays in the second half of December?

SECTION 3. QUESTION 28-40. Read the text below and answer Question 28-40.


Florence is one of a new breed of dog who is making the work of the Australian Customs much easier

It is 8.15 a.m. A flight lands at Melbourne’s Tullamarine International Airport. Several hundred pieces of baggage are rushed from the plane onto a conveyor belt in the baggage reclaim annexe. Over the sound of roaring engines, rushing air vents and grinding generators, a dog barks. Florence, a sleek black labrador, wags her tail.

Among the cavalcade of luggage passing beneath Florence’s all-smelling nose, is a nondescript hardback suitcase. Inside the case, within styrofoam casing, packed in loose pepper and coffee, wrapped in freezer paper and heat-sealed in plastic, are 18 kilograms of hashish.

The cleverly concealed drugs don’t fool super-sniffer Florence, and her persistent scratching at the case alerts her handler. Florence is one of a truly new breed: the product of what is perhaps the only project in the world dedicated to breeding dogs solely to detect drugs. Ordinary dogs have a 0.1% chance of making it in drug detection. The new breeding programme, run by the Australian Customs, is so successful that more than 50% of its dogs make the grade.

And what began as a wholly practical exercise in keeping illegal drugs out of Australia may end up playing a role in an entirely different sphere – the comparatively esoteric world of neurobiology. It turns out that it’s not Florence’s nose that makes her a top drug dog, but her unswerving concentration, plus a few other essential traits. Florence could help neurobiologists to understand both what they call ‘attention processing’, the brain mechanisms that determine what a person pays attention to and for how long, and its flip side, problems such as Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). As many as 3 to 5% of children are thought to suffer from the condition in the US, where the incidence is highest, although diagnosis is often controversial.
The Australian Customs has used dogs to find drugs since 1969. Traditionally, the animals came from pounds
and private breeders. But, in 1993, fed up with the poor success rate of finding good dogs this way, John Vandeloo, senior instructor with the Detector Dog Unit, joined forces with Kath Champness, then a doctoral student at the University of Melbourne, and set up a breeding programme.

Champness began by defining six essential traits that make a detector dog. First, every good detector dog must love praise because this is the only tool trainers have at their disposal, but the dog must still be able to work for long periods without it. Then it needs a strong hunting instinct and the stamina to keep sniffing at the taxing rate of around 300 times per minute. The ideal detector is also fearless enough to deal with jam-packed airport crowds and the roaring engine rooms of cargo ships.

The remaining two traits are closely related and cognitive in nature. A good detector must be capable of focusing on the task of searching for drugs, despite the distractions in any airport or dockside. This is what neurobiologists call ‘selective attention’. And finally, with potentially tens of thousands of hiding places for drugs, the dog must persevere and maintain focus for hours at a time. Neurobiologists call this ‘sustained attention’.

Vandeloo and Champness assess the dogs’ abilities to concentrate by marking them on a scale of between one and five according to how well they remain focused on a toy tossed into a patch of grass. Ivan scores a feeble one. He follows the toy, gets half-way there, then becomes distracted by places where the other dogs have been or by flowers in the paddock. Rowena, on the other hand, has phenomenal concentration; some might even consider her obsessive. When Vandeloo tosses the toy, nothing can distract her from the searching, not other dogs, not food. And even if no one is around to encourage her, she keeps looking just the same. Rowena gets a five.

A person’s ability to pay attention, like a dog’s, depends on a number of overlapping cognitive behaviours, including memory and learning – the neurobiologist’s attention processing. Attention in humans can be tested by asking subjects to spot colours on a screen while ignoring shapes, or to spot sounds while ignoring visual cues, or to take a ‘vigilance test’. Sitting a vigilance test is like being a military radar operator. Blips appear on a cluttered monitor infrequently and at irregular intervals. Rapid detection of all blips earns a high score. Five minutes into the test, one in ten subjects will start to miss the majority of the blips, one in ten will still be able to spot nearly all of them and the rest will come somewhere in between.

Vigilance tasks provide signals that are infrequent and unpredictable – which is exactly what is expected of the dogs when they are asked to notice just a few odour molecules in the air, and then to home in on the source. During a routine mail screen that can take hours, the dogs stay so focused that not even a postcard lined with 0.5 grams of heroin and hidden in a bulging sack of letters escapes detection.

With the current interest in attentional processing, as well as human conditions that have an attention deficit component, such as ADHD, it is predicted that it is only a matter of time before the super-sniffer dogs attract the attention of neurobiologists trying to cure these conditions.

Questions 28-32. Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. Write the correct letter in boxes 28-32 on your answer sheet.

28. The drugs in the suitcase
A were hidden inside the lining.
B had pepper and coffee around them.
C had previously been frozen.
D had a special smell to repel dogs.

29. Most dogs are not good at finding drugs because
A they don’t work well with a handler.
B they lack the right training.
C the drugs are usually very well hidden.
D they lack certain genetic qualities.

30 Florence is a good drug detector because she
A has a better sense of smell than other dogs.
B is not easily distracted.
C has been specially trained to work at airports.
D enjoys what she is doing.

31. Dogs like Florence may help scientists understand
A how human and dog brains differ.
B how people can use both sides of their brain.
C why some people have difficulty paying attention.
D the best way for people to maintain their focus.

32. In 1993, the Australian Customs
A decided to use its own dogs again.
B was successful in finding detector dogs.
C changed the way it obtained dogs.
D asked private breeders to provide more dogs.

Question 33-36. Choose FOUR letters, A-J Write the correct letters in boxes 33-36 on your answer sheet.

The writer mentions a number of important qualities that detector dogs must have. Which FOUR of the following qualities are mentioned by the writer of the text?

A a good relationship with people
B a willingness to work in smelly conditions
C quick reflexes
D an ability to work in noisy conditions
E an ability to maintain concentration
F a willingness to work without constant encouragement
G the skill to find things in long grass
H experience as hunters
I a desire for people’s approval
J the ability to search a large number of places rapidly

Questions 37-40. Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text? In boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet, write:
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information.
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

37. Methods of determining if a child has ADHD are now widely accepted.

38. After about five minutes of a vigilance test, some subjects will still notice some blips.

39. Vigilance tests help improve concentration.

40. If a few grams of a drug are well concealed, even the best dogs will miss them.

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Dear Friend,
Please join us for our annual Walk for Charity. Starting in Weldown, pu and your friends can choose a
delightful 10, 20 or 30 kilometre route.
The money raised will provide support to help people all over the world. Start collecting your sponsors now  and then simply come along on the day. Please read the instructions below carefully, ewecialty if you require transpolt to and from Weldown.
See you on Sunday 14 May,
V Jesop
Walk Co-ordinator
P S. Well done to last year’s walkers for helping to raise a grand total of 21,000. The money has already been used to build a children’s playground.
30 km: 8-10 am
20 8- 10.30 am
10 km: 8 – 11.30 am
The organisers reserve the right to refuse late-comers.
CLOTHING should be suitable for the weather. If rain is forecast, bring some protection and prepared for
all eventualities. It is better to wear shoes that have been worn in, rather than ones that are new.
ROUTE MAPS will be available from the registration point. The route win be sign-posted and marshalled.
Where the route runs along the road, walkers should keep to one side in single file, facing oncoming traffic at all times. If you need help along the route, please inform one of the marshals.
Free car parking available in car parks and on streets in Weldown.
Buses: For the 10 and 20 km routes, a bus will be waiting at Fenton to take walkers back to Weld-own; The bus will leave every half-hour starting at midday. The service is free and there is no need to book.

Questions 1-7. Look at the information on the given page about a walk for charity. Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the text for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.
1. What is the starting point for the 30 km walk?

2. What is the latest start time for the 20 km walk?

3. Regarding footwear, what are you warned against wearing?

4. What are the officials who help participants on the route called?

5. Where does the 20 km walk finish?

6. What is the frequency of the Fenton to Weldown bus?

7. Which walk does not pass through Lower Brene?

Question 8-14. Read the information below and answer question 8-14


A Wild Rose (Tuesday 19.00). This TV drama is about a young private detective employed by a team of New York businessmen who send her to Brazil to look into a series of hotel robberies. When she gets there, she discovers that the hotels, which are owned by the businessmen, have been empty for the last two years and the local authorities have no record of any robberies.

B Animal Planet (Wednesday 23.00). This is a classic black-and-white film from the forties in which astronaut Charlie Huston crash-lands on a planet ruled entirely by animals. It is a first-class suspense adventure which also looks at the human condition, although this is not always a successful part of the film.

C Strange Encounter (Saturday 21.00). Suspense is skillfully built up in this clever, small-scale supernatural story. A young couple view a deserted old house that they are interested in buying. They meet a strange old lady who tells them of the mystical powers of the house and haw previous owners have been able to travel back through the centuries to meet their ancestors.

D The Longest Walk (Tuesday 21.30). Ffyona Campbell is nearly there. All she has to do now is walk the length of France and Britain and she has succeeded in walking around the world. Tonight she drinks coffee in a tent and tells her story to Janet Street-Porter before she sets off for the Pyrenees mountains.

E Rubicon 5 (Thursday 20.30). This is a TV film being used to launch a new science fiction series. It has impressive special effects and a strong, believable cast of characters who travel to the twenty-third century. The action takes place in underground cities where the environment is controlled by computers.

F New Science (Friday 19.30). This popular half-hour science magazine continues into its twenty-ninth year, proving itself to be a hardy survivor in the television world. Tonight it is presented by Carol Vorderman who introduces five reports, which include computer-driven cars and in-flight ten-pin bowling.

G There and Back Again (Sunday 22.00). Paul Theroux’s account of his recent journey from London to Japan and back makes ideal material for this evening’s travel slot. Based on his own novel, the progress of his journey on the railways of Europe and Asia (Victoria station, Paris, Istanbul…) acts as a fascinating travelogue as the inhabitants gradually shift from the West to the East.

Questions 8-14. Look at the seven television programmes A-G on the given page and answer Questions 8-14.
For which programme are the following statements true? Write the correct letter A-G in boxes 8-14 on your answer sheet. NB You may use any letter more than once.

8. This programme is in the form of a personal interview.

9. This programme is a documentary about technological developments.

10. These TWO programmes are about time travel.

11. This programme is taken from a book.

12. This film is the introduction to a set of programmes.

13. These TWO programmes are about present-day travellers.

14. This programme is about investigating a possible crime.



International Students’ Orientation Programme. What is it? It is a course which will introduce you to the College and to Bingham. It takes place in the week before term starts, from 24th – 28th September inclusive, but you should plan to arrive in Bingham on the 22nd or 23rd September.

Why do we think it is important? We want you to have the best possible start to your studies and you need to find out about all the opportunities that college life offers. This programme aims to help you do just that. It will enable you to get to know the College, its facilities and services. You will also have the chance to meet staff and students.

How much will it cost? International students (non-European Union students) For those students who do not come from European Union (EU) countries, and who are not used to European culture and customs, the programme is very important and you are strongly advised to attend. Because of this, the cost of the programme, exclusive of accommodation, is built into your tuition fees.

EU students: EU students are welcome to take part in this programme for a fee of £195, exclusive of accommodation. Fees are not refundable.

Accommodation costs (international and EU students): If you have booked accommodation for the year ahead (41 weeks) through the College in one of the College residences (Cambourne House, Hanley House, the Student Village or a College shared house), you do not have to pay extra for accommodation during the Orientation programme. If you have not booked accommodation in the College residences, you can ask us to pre-book accommodation for you for one week only (Orientation Programme week) in a hotel with other international students. The cost of accommodation for one week is approximately £165. Alternatively, you can arrange your own accommodation for that week in a flat, with friends or a local family.

What is included during the programme? Meals: lunch and an evening meal are provided as part of the programme, beginning with supper on Sunday 23rd September and finishing with lunch at midday on Friday 28th September. Please note that breakfast is not available.
Information sessions: including such topics as accommodation, health, religious matters, welfare, immigration, study skills, careers and other ‘essential information’.
Social activities: including a welcome buffet and a half-day excursion round Bingham.
Transport: between your accommodation and the main College campus, where activities will take place.

Questions 15-20. Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text above. In boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet, write:
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

15. Participants are advised to arrive one or two days early.

16. The cost of the programme for European Union students, excluding accommodation, is £195.

17. The number of places available is strictly limited.

18. Some students are not charged extra for accommodation during the programme.

19. The College will arrange accommodation with local families.

20. You can obtain breakfast at the College for an extra charge.


The College offers five basic accommodation options. Here is some information to help you make your choice

A. CAMBOURNE HOUSE – self-catering, student residence, located in the town centre about 2 miles from the main College campus. Up to 499 students live in 6, 7 and 8 bedroom flats, all with en-suite shower rooms. Rent is £64 per week, including bills (not telephone). Broadband Internet connections and telephones, with communal kitchen/dining and lounge areas. Parking space is available, with permits costing £60 per term.

B. STUDENT VILLAGE – features 3, 4, 5 and 7 bedroom, self-catering shared houses for 250 students close to the main College campus. Rent is £60 per week inclusive of bills (except telephone). Parking is available with permits costing £90 for the academic year.

C. HANLEY HOUSE – a second, modern, self-catering residence in the town centre for 152 students. Eighteen rooms per floor with communal kitchens, lounges, bathrooms and toilets. Rent is £53 per week including bills (not telephone). There is no space for parking nearby.

D. GLENCARRICK HOUSE – a privately-owned and managed student residence in the town centre above a multi-storey car park, close to a major nightclub and housing 120 students. Rooms are allocated by the College Accommodation Service. Rents range from £58.50 to £68.50 for a single en-suite room or larger en-suite room respectively. A small extra charge is made for electricity.

E. HOUSE SHARES – this recent initiative is a range of shared houses for 140 students, conforming to standards set by us to meet all legal safety requirements. A room in a shared house costs between £45 and £55 per week, exclusive of bills, and will be within a 4-mile radius of both campuses. As with halls of residence, the rent is payable termly.

Questions 21-27. Look at the accommodation options A-E on previous page for which options are the following statements true? Write the correct letter A-E in boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet. NB You may use any letter more than once.

21. This is possibly inconvenient for car owners.

22. This is best if you like surfing the Web.

23. Of the College residences, this has the fewest students.

24. This is a new option offered by the College.

25. You have to organise parking a year at a time.

26. This accommodation does not belong to the College.

27. Here you definitely do not have your own bathroom.



The glow-worm belongs to a family of beetles known as the Lampyridae or fireflies. The fireflies are a huge group containing over 2000 species, with new ones being discovered all the time. The feature which makes fireflies and glow- worms so appealing is their ability to produce an often dazzling display of light. The light is used by the adult fireflies as a signal to attract a mate, and each species must develop its own ‘call-sign’ to avoid being confused with other species glowing nearby. So within any one area each species will differ from its neighbours in some way, for example in the colour or pattern of its light, how long the pulses of light last, the interval between pulses and whether it displays in flight or from the ground.

B The firefly’s almost magical light has attracted human attention for generations. It is described in an ancient Chinese encyclopaedia written over 2000 years ago by a pupil of Confucius. Fireflies often featured in Japanese and Arabian folk medicine. All over the world they have been the inspiration for countless poems, paintings and stories. In Britain, for example, there are plenty of anecdotes describing how glow-worms have been used to read by or used as emergency bicycle lamps when a cyclist’s batteries have failed without warning. Early travellers in the New World came back with similar stories, of how the native people of Central America would collect a type of click beetle and release them indoors to light up their huts. Girls threaded them around their feet to illuminate the forest paths at night.

Fireflies very similar to those we see today have been found fossilised in rocks which were formed about 30 million years ago, and their ancestors were probably glowing long before then. It is impossible to be sure exactly when and where the first firefly appeared. The highest concentrations of firefly species today are to be found in the tropics of South America, which may mean either that this is where they first evolved, or simply that they prefer the conditions there. Wherever they first arose, fireflies have since spread to almost every part of the globe. Today members of the firefly family can be found almost anywhere outside the Arctic and Antarctic circles.

C As with many insects, the glow-worm’s life is divided into four distinct stages: the egg, the larva (equivalent to the caterpillar of a butterfly), the pupa (or chrysalis) and the adult. The glow-worm begins its life in the autumn as a pale yellow egg. The freshly laid egg is extremely fragile but within a day its surface has hardened into a shell. The egg usually takes about 35 days to hatch, but the exact time varies according to the temperature, from about 27 days in hot weather to more than 45 days in cold weather. By the time it is due to hatch, the glow-worm’s light organ is fully developed, and its glow signals that the egg will soon hatch.

After it has left the egg, the larva slowly grows from a few millimetres into the size and shape of a matchstick. The larval stage is the only time the insect can feed. The larva devotes much of its life to feeding and building up its food reserves so that as an adult it will be free to concentrate all its efforts on the task of finding a mate and reproducing. Throughout its time as a larva, approximately 15 months, the glow-worm emits a bright light. The larva’s light is much fainter than the adult female’s but it can still be seen more than five metres away.

In the final stage of a glow-worm’s life, the larva encases itself in a pupa) skin while it changes from the simple larva to the more complex adult fly. When the adult fly emerges from the pupa the male seeks a female with whom it can mate. After mating, the female lays about 120 eggs. The adult flies have no mouth parts, cannot eat and therefore only live a few days. When people talk of seeing a glow-worm they normally mean the brightly glowing adult female.

D In some countries the numbers of glow-worms have been falling. Evidence suggests that there has been a steady decrease in the British glow-worm population since the 1950s and possibly before that. Possible causes for the decline include habitat destruction, pollution and changes in climate. Thousands of acres of grassland have been built upon and glow-worm sites have become increasingly isolated from each other. The widespread use of pesticides and fertilisers may also have endangered the glow-worm. Being at the top of a food chain it is likely to absorb any pollutants eaten by the snails on which it feeds. The effect of global warming on rainfall and other weather patterns may also be playing a part in the disappearance of glow-worms. A lot more research will be needed, however, before the causes of the glow- worm’s gradual decline are clear.

E Although glow-worms are found wherever conditions are damp, food is in good supply and there is an over-hanging wall, they are most spectacular in caves. For more than 100 years the glow-worm caves in New Zealand have attracted millions of people from all over the world. The caves were first explored in 1887 by a local Maori chief, Tane Tinorau, and an English surveyor, Fred Mace. They built a raft and, with candles as their only light, they floated into the cave where the stream goes underground. As their eyes adjusted to the darkness they saw myriad lights reflecting off the water.

Looking up they discovered that the ceiling was dotted with the lights of thousands of glow-worms. They returned many times to explore further, and on an independent trip Tane discovered the upper level of the cave and an easier access. The authorities were advised and government surveyors mapped the caves. By 1888 Tane Tinorau had opened the cave to tourists.

Questions 28-37. The passage has five sections labelled A-E. Which section contains the following information? Write the correct letter A-E in boxes 28-33 on your answer sheet. NB You may use any letter more than once.

28. threats to the glow-worm

29. ways in which glow-worms have been used

30. variations in type of glow-worm

31. glow-worm distribution

32. glow-worms becoming an attraction

33. the life-cycle of a glow-worm

Questions 34-40. Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage. In boxes 34-40 on your answer sheet, write:
TRUE: if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE: if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN: if there is no information on this

34. Scientists have only recently been able to list the exact number of glow-worm species.

35. The first fireflies appeared 30 million years ago.

36. Glow-worm populations are decreasing faster in some countries than in others.

37. Heat affects the production of glow-worm larvae.

38. Adulthood is the longest stage of a glow-worm’s life.

39. The exact reason why glow-worm numbers are decreasing is unknown.

40. Glow-worms are usually found in wet areas.

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Show answers
Walk for charity

 1. Weldown 

2. 10.30 (am) 

3. new shoes 

4. (the) marshals 

5. Fenton 

6. every half hour 

7. 10 kilometre (walk) // 10 kilometer (walk) 

8. D 

9. F 

10. C, (and) E [in either order] 

11. G 

12. E 

13. D, (and) G [in either order] 

14. A 15. TRUE 

16. TRUE 


18. TRUE 

19. FALSE 

20. FALSE 

21. C 

22. A 

23. D 

24. E 

25. B 

26. D 

27. C 28 D 

29 B 

30 A 

31 B 

32 E 

33 C 




37 TRUE 


39 TRUE