All posts by Jomon John

COPD – OET role play

Interlocutor. Role play. Setting: Patient’s Home
Your spouse is suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and requires continuous oxygen. Mobility is now a problem. You have been caring for your spouse at home for two years but have recently returned to work. The nurse has just completed an assessment of his/her needs and is discussing full-time care options with you.
 When asked, say you have recently had to go back to work so are balancing being a carer and working full-time. You have put a fridge and microwave in the bedroom, and leave meals out every day, but you are worried it is not enough.
 Admit you knew that eventually your spouse would need more round-the-clock support, but you hoped it wouldn’t be so soon. You have no idea what you are going to do now.
 Say there is no way you can give up work and be a full-time carer as you need the money. Agree that a nursing home is a good option but there is no way your spouse will agree to it.
 Ask how you will know which nursing home to choose.
 Say that you will talk to your spouse about the option of a nursing home and let the nurse know what he/she says
Nurse. Role play. Setting: Patient’s Home
You are making a home visit to a patient who is suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and requires continuous oxygen. Mobility is now a problem. The patient’s spouse has been caring for him/her at home for two years but has recently returned to work. You have just completed an assessment of the patient’s needs and are discussing full-time care options with his/her carer.
 Find out how the spouse has been managing since your last visit.
 Reassure the spouse about his/her situation (doing all he/she can, very difficult to care and work full-time, etc.). Explain your assessment of the patient (e.g., needs constant monitoring, round-the-clock assistance, etc.).
 Outline options (full-time carer or a nursing home). Explore the option of the spouse giving up work again.
 Explain the benefits of a nursing home (high level of round-the-clock care, experienced staff, etc.).
 Advise on choosing a nursing home (make a list of requirements, visit different options, speak to staff/residents, etc.).
Offer to suggest local nursing homes for consideration.

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Hip replacement- OET Role play

PATIENT. Role play. Setting: Home visit.
You’re 76 years old and were discharged from the hospital six weeks ago following your hip replacement. A community nurse visits to check on your progress, so you tell him/her about the fatigue and the headache you’ve been
When asked, say that you are feeling better and walking is easier now. Say you are feeling tired though, as you’ve been sleeping badly the last few nights.
 Say that you aren’t anxious or stressed, but your face feels a bit painful and you’ve had a headache for a few days. You had a cold last week and your nose is badly blocked, which is disturbing your sleep.
 Say that your headache is bad, about a seven out of ten, and feels worse when you lean forward. You don’t have a fever, but you’re eating less as chewing hurts and you’ve lost your sense of taste.
 Say you’ll do what the nurse has suggested, but you think you need to see a GP.
 Say you will try the nurse’s suggestions and see a GP if there’s no improvement.
Nurse. Role play. Setting: Home visit.
You visit a 76-year-old patient to check on his/her progress following hospital discharge six weeks ago after undergoing a right hip replacement. During your visit, the patient reports some symptoms suggestive of sinusitis (fatigue, headache).
 Confirm reason for visit (check-up following right hip replacement). Find out how patient is feeling.
 Explore possible reasons for patient’s poor sleep (anxiety, stress, pain, etc.).
 Find out more about patient’s symptoms (severity of headache, if worse when moving, any fever, change in appetite, loss of sense of taste, etc.).
 Explain symptoms suggest acute sinusitis (inflammation of sinus linings at back of nose). Reassure patient (e.g., condition usually self-resolving, not serious, etc.). Recommend self-help treatments (e.g., high fluid intake to loosen secretions, gentle nose blowing, head elevation when lying down, etc.).
 Stress needs to see GP only if no improvement in one week (e.g., GP to prescribe appropriate treatment, rule out other conditions, etc.). Stress likely effectiveness of self-help treatments.

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

📱 Call/WhatsApp/Text: +91 9886926773

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Syncope – OET Role play

PATIENT. Role play. SETTING: Hospital
You are 44 years old and in hospital following medical assessments for fainting (syncope). The assessments
indicate postural hypotension as the cause. The nurse is explaining the discharge plan with you and reviewing the
instructions for you to monitor your blood pressure when you return home. You express concern about being sent
• When asked, say you are feeling anxious about going home; you think it might be too soon.
• Say the doctor explained when and how to monitor your blood pressure, but you can’t really remember what
he said.
• Agree to follow the instructions and document the readings. Ask what you need to do if you get any abnormal
• Say you live with your spouse, who will be looking after you, and other family live close by.
• Say that you will attend the review appointment in one week’s time and bring the readings with you.
Nurse. Role play. SETTING: Hospital
Your patient is 44 years old and preparing for discharge following medical assessments for syncope (fainting).
Preliminary tests indicate postural hypotension as the cause. You are discussing the discharge plan and reviewing
instructions for the patient to monitor his/her blood pressure (BP) at home.
 Explain reason for seeing patient (discharge discussion). Find out how patient is feeling about going home.
 Reassure the patient about the discharge decision, emphasizing that it was made by a multidisciplinary team and is
dependent on a satisfactory assessment with no danger to their health.
 Explain how to take blood pressure readings (twice daily, at the same time, for one week, and document readings).
 Advise patient to contact doctor if he/she has any concerns about readings. Find out about support patient has at
home (family, friends, neighbours, etc.).
 Reaffirm importance of support network (e.g., family, neighbours, GP, etc.). Advise need for review appointment in
one week’s time (check BP, look at readings, discuss any issues/concerns, etc.).

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

📱 Call/WhatsApp/Text: +91 9886926773

📧 Email: [email protected]

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Visit us in person by following the directions on Google Maps. We look forward to welcoming you to the Lifestyle Training Centre.

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Thank you very much!

Discussion essay- space programs vs poverty

Some individuals argue that governments should allocate more resources to space programs, while others contend that the government’s primary focus should be on alleviating poverty. Discuss both perspectives and provide your own opinion

In the ongoing debate over government priorities, there are two prominent perspectives regarding the allocation of resources: investing more in space programs or focusing on eradicating poverty. Each viewpoint carries its own merits and drawbacks.

Supporters of increased investment in space programs argue that exploration and research beyond Earth’s boundaries contribute to technological advancements and scientific knowledge. The space industry has historically yielded numerous technological spin-offs, including advancements in telecommunications, medical imaging, and materials science. Advocates contend that by pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and capabilities, space programs can stimulate innovation and economic growth, ultimately benefiting society as a whole.

On the other side of the spectrum, proponents of poverty eradication emphasize the pressing need to address socio-economic disparities and uplift marginalized communities. They argue that directing funds toward poverty alleviation programs can lead to immediate and tangible improvements in the quality of life for a significant portion of the population. Investments in education, healthcare, and infrastructure in impoverished areas are seen as essential for creating a more equitable and just society.

In my opinion, while space exploration and poverty eradication may seem like divergent priorities, they are not mutually exclusive. Governments can strike a balance by investing in both areas, recognizing the potential benefits of space programs while addressing the immediate needs of their citizens. Effective governance involves careful resource allocation to ensure that scientific exploration contributes to societal development and well-being.

In conclusion, the debate between investing in space programs and poverty eradication reflects the complex challenges governments face in allocating limited resources. Striking a balance between these priorities is crucial to fostering a society that embraces both technological progress and social equity.

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

📱 Call/WhatsApp/Text: +91 9886926773

📧 Email: [email protected]

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OET writing task 30: Sandra Peterson

TASK 30 Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.

Today’s Date: 22/03/2014

Hospital:  Spirit Hospital Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) Admission Date          : 20/03/2014-

Discharge Date            : 22/03/2014

Patient Details                                   Name  : Sandra Peterson Date of birth: 01/01/1923

Address           : 258 Addison St. Applethorpe Marital Status: Widowed 25 Years

Next of kin : Daughter- Ann Macarthur, Ph: 0438856277

Diagnosis: URTI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection) – dehydration, bi-basal crackles heard on chest, SOB

Polypharmacy– on 24 medication encouraged by her daughter.

History of Presenting Illness

13/03/2014 : Coughing (yellow sputum)

18/03/2014 : led mobility, found in a sitting position on the floor in her room, no injuries.

19/03/2014 : led confusion had another fall in the toilet, no injuries. 20/03/2014 : BP 190/90, SOB, dizziness, the 3rd fall, an ambulance was called

Past Medical History

Moderate dementia, HTN, Incontinent of urine- Occasionally

Social History: Lives in 2 bed room flat with her daughter and son-in-law

Daughter is overly supportive, overreacting and anxiety about her mother’s health.

Religion: Orthodox Christianity, attends church weekly with daughter.

Hobbies: Listening to classical music, watching movies.

Requires some assistance with bathing, dressing and toileting.

Homecare worker visit 2 x wkly (bathing).

Medical Progress: X-Ray-normal; FBC-WCC 9.0, Hb 115g/l

CT-brain- no acute changes; Commenced on Augmentin 500 mmg x BD. per os.

Now intermittent dry cough; IV normal Saline for 24 hrs

Medications rationalized by doctor as detailed in discharge plan.

BP 150/70 – after adjustment of anti- hypertensive.

Nursing management

Vital signs : afebrile, haemodynamically stable, saturating 96% room air.

Mobility : Short distance-independently ambulant with a seat walker, long distance wheelchair x 1 assistant.

Hygiene : full assistance require with bathing, some assistance with dressing and grooming.

Psycho/ Social : Mild confusion, but co-operative.

Discharge Plan

Community nurse referral; Continue 500 mg tablet of Augmentin BD 5/7, should be taken at the start of a meal.

Metoprolol 25 mg BD.; Candesartan 16 mg mane

Medications- monitoring and assistance.; Daughter requires education/monitoring due to Hx of polypharmacy.

Ongoing care with personal hygiene required.


You are the charge nurse on the MAU where Mrs. Sandra Peterson has resided during her hospital stay. Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to the Community Nurse at Spirit Community Health Centre. Cnr Bell & burn Streets Applethorpe, NSW, 2171. In your letter explain relevant background and medical history and provide information about discharge requirements.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

OET writing task 29: Maeve Greerson

Task 29 Today’s Date: 01/08/09

You are Sarina Chai, a registered nurse at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH). Maeve Greerson is a patient in your care.

Patient Details           Name: Maeve Greerson          Address: Unit 6, 45 Walter St, Holland Park 4121

Phone 🙁 07) 3942 1658                      Date of Birth: 9 October 1951 Country of birth: Australia.

Social History:           Widowed, no children.

Next of kin: Brian Hewson (brother) 67 Bridge Street, Toowoomba Ph (07) 4693 6558

Family and patient have requested no further treatments be used, other than those necessary to maintain comfort and dignity and to relieve pain.

Medical History

March 2009: Laparotomy. Found to have cancer of the lower intestine with wide spread metastases.

Partial bowel resection and colostomy performed.

April 2009: 6 weeks radiation therapy for relief of symptoms. Prognosis: Not expected to survive more than 3-4 months.

24/07/09: Admitted to RBWH following collapse at home. Dehydration, nausea, severe pain IV fluids commenced – transdermal patch for pain, light low fibre foods only.

25/07/09. Nausea less severe- tolerating jelly, low fat yoghurt Occasional break through pain – pain medication increased Severe oedema of ankles and lower legs, bladder incontinence.

Does not feel she will recover sufficiently to leave hospital. Requests visit from Social Worker

28/07/09 Generally pain free, very weak and disoriented at times. Rejecting solids but able to tolerate fluids requests apple juice and lemonade.Social Worker contacted brother Advises place available at Glen Haven Hospice in Toowoomba from 1 August 2008

01/08/09  Transferred via ambulance to Glen Haven Hospice

Writing Task: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to the Director of Nursing, Glen Haven Palliative Care Hospice, 971 Arthur Street, Toowoomba, introducing this patient. Using the relevant case notes, give her background, medical history and treatment required.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

OET writing task 28: Shannon Warne

TASK 28: Shannon Warne, 23, is a university student who involved in a car accident three months previously. He has been in the Royal Adelaide Hospital for three months and is ready to be transferred to the Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre.

Name: Shannon Warne

Age: 23 years     Admitted: April 6, 2007.                 Discharged: June 14, 2007

Diagnosis:    Broken neck and fractured pelvis.

Probable permanent neurological damage affecting mobility, speech and memory areas

Social background:  Single. 3rd year architectural studies student at Adelaide University

Was living in flat but now needs long term rehabilitation

Parents living and willing to care for him; may eventually return home. Currently eligible for disability pension

Nursing management and progress:

Has made good progress but will need high level care for some time. Recently started using a wheelchair

Needs daily physiotherapy, hydrotherapy 2x a week and speech therapy 3x a week. Was suffering bed sores but improving with increased mobility. Frequent headaches Nurofen 200g max 4x a day

Discharge plan:

Depression needs to be treated with activities and interests; likes reading & writing

Contact university for possible continuation of studies externally

Needs contact with people his own age-community access? No special dietary requirements

Writing task: Write a letter to Su Yin Lee, Sister in Charge, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, 695 Hampstead Road, Greenacres 5029 using the information in the case notes Do not use note form in the letter; expand the relevant case notes into full sentences.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

OET writing task 27: Ted Watson

TASK 27 Read the case notes and complete the writing task which follows.

Hospital          :North West Hospital Roehampton Unit

Patient Details        :Name: Ted Watson,Age 12 yo

Marital status :widowed 10 yrs

Next of kin     : daughter-Margaret Alwood ph. 98253899 Admission Dates           : 10 May 2007

Discharge Date          :12 August 2007

Diagnosis        :↓ed mobility-surgical repair (dynamic hip screw) of # R Neck of Femur (1 May 2007 at Newtown Hospital)

Past Medical History: NB: Medical Alert + +

Anaphylactic reaction to amoxicillin/penicillin (antibiotics) 1997

Social History/Supports: Retired store man Ramsay’s Ltd; Lives alone: ground floor flat in public housing

Hobbies: quiet reading/listening to ‘big band’ music/TV sports All home aids installed by O.T.

Vary supportive daughter, visits frequently – ? anxious how father will manage when returns home

Local day centre 2 x wkly. Local council home support visits

Medical Progress: Slow due to:

Febrile episode→ periods of contusion. Caused by urinary tract infection.

Treated w. trimethoprim (antibiotic), Ural urinary alkalizer) and paracetamol (analgesic). Now fully resolved.

Onset of large arterial leg ulcer R ankle. Regular dressings, now ling in size.

Nursing Management: Vital observations: stable, afebrile. Mobility: v. slow – independent ambulation with pick up frame. Hygiene: max assistance with showering/dressing.

Continence: self-care with permanent indwelling catheter.

Skin integrity: DuoDerm (occlusive) dressing wkly to ulcer.Psycho/social: alert, reserved.

Discharge Plan: Continue with all home supports Community nurse referral

-for hygiene: assistance with showering/dressing -wound management -urinary catheter change 6-wkly

-ongoing monitoring and care

WRITING TASK: You are the charge nurse on the hospital ward where Mr Ted Watson has resided during his hospital stay. Using the information given in the case notes, write a letter referral to the Community Nurse Supervisor at the Community Nursing Centre, Newtown, who will be attending to Mr Watson following his discharge.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

OET writing task 26: Rosalind Hinds

TASK 26 Rend the case notes and complete the writing task which follows

Patient            :Rosalind Hinds                     Age       :6 days

Next of kin     :Genette Keating (Mother).    Date of birth   :22 April 2011

Discharge Date          :28 April 2011             Diagnosis        :Low birth weight & opioid dependence

Family            :Will live with mother at maternal grandmother’s house

Background   :Mother (22 years) heroin dependent 2 yrs

Mother, single and recently worked as a sex worker

Estranged from father of Rosalind as alleged domestic violence towards her during pregnancy

Genette’s mother supportive First child;  Department of Community Services involved but approve discharge living situation as long as with grandmother

Medical History and Medications: See Dr’s notes (to be forwarded)

Management and Progress during Hospitalisation:

Both mother and baby completed heroin withdrawal without complications Baby 2.0kg at birth; 2.3kg 28/4/11

Bottle feeding erratically? ↓ appetite Poor bonding between mother and baby. Genette often needs prompting to care for baby. Drug and alcohol team involved in managing Genette’s ongoing addiction issue.

Discharge plan: Daily visits until pt stable weight and feeding stable Ensure safe environment for baby and update Department of Community Services if risks present Monitor mother’s coping and psychosocial state Educate mother and grandmother on infant care.  Liaise with drug and alcohol team to provide integrated support for mother to decrease risk of heroin use.

Writing task: You are the Charge Nurse on the maternity ward where Rosalind Hinds was born and need to write a letter to the local community midwifery team outlining relevant information and requesting discharge follow-up. Address the letter to Maitland Maternal and Child Health Centre, Maitland

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)

OET writing task 25: Mrs Jane Lapaglia


Read the case notes and complete writing task which follows                       Name: Mrs Jane Lapaglia Age: 71

Culture & religion data: Italian & Catholic, speaks functional English Admission Date  :4th March 2011- Prince Albert Hospital Discharge Date          : 28th April 2011

Diagnosis        :Renal failure 2˚ to dehydration, mild dementia, pneumonia

Social /Medical Family :Lives with 80 yr old husband /carer, Joe, in a 4 bdrm unit

Joe not coping with pt’s or his own care needs. House filthy, both have poor hygiene and nutrition

One son, Andrew, a mechanic, visits Tuesday and Sunday. Interests include classical music, ballet and AFL

Medical History and Medications: See Dr’s notes (to be forwarded)

Management and Progress during Hospitalisation: Initially comatose, ventilated in ICU 7/7

Given dialysis 3/52 which ↓ urea & creatinine, stable now

Hospital acquired pneumonia 2/24 chest physio for 2/52, still requiring O2 2 litres via nasal prongs but non infective for 3/52

↑confusion post ICU but now back to usual mild level and is quite settled. Needs prompting to eat, drink, dress, walk, toilet & tend to personal hygiene but can independently do these

Family conference 25/3/11. Consensus decision: pt will move to nursing home & Joe will live in adjoining hostel-nil beds for either till 28/4/11

Discharge Plan: Transfer to nursing home

Husband will live in hostel next door, both accepting of this Continue 02 therapy as per 02 sats

Encourage independence, pt capable of self-care with ++prompting Ensure adequate hydration to prevent ↓ renal function; Repeat electrolyte, urea & creatinine blood test weekly

Writing task You are the Charge Nurse on the medical ward where Ms LaPaglia has spent most of her hospital stay as a patient. Using the information in the case notes, write a referral letter to the Charge Nurse at Boronia

Nursing Home, Coogee where Mrs Jane LaPaglia will be discharged to from your ward.

Submit your OET letters for correction: (for a minimal fee)