All posts by Jomon John

Kenneth Mason OET letter

TASK – 63:   You are the charge nurse in the Emergency Department at Newtown Hospital. Read the case notes below and complete the writing tasks which follows.

Patient’s Details:      

Name: Kenneth Mason          

Address:         8 Stuart Street, Perth, WA 6000

DOB:  February 27, 2000

Social Background:  A secondary student studying in Perth University, a varsity football player.

Medical History:  January 2018- Had right femur fracture sustained during one practice.

March 2015- Suffered Concussion after being hit accidentally with a ball

Allergies to Food: nil Previous medications: nil

Date of Admission: 16 June 2018 Presenting Situation:

Chest pain is increasing especially when coughing

Suffered Chest contusion 20 minutes earlier after playing football. Difficulty of breathing

Diagnosis is chest pneumothorax as confirmed by Chest X-ray. Shortness of breath.   

Assessment:   92% Oxygen Saturation

Has nasal Flaring upon inspection (has difficulty in breathing) Restless

Cannot complete sentences when speaking Oriented, knows his name, age and present location

Has peripheral bluish cast/discoloration in the skin and mucous membrane

Chest Palpation: No mass heaving upon palpation

Chest Auscultation: Normal but still has pain Lung Inspection:        Left lung: Normal

Right lung: present air upon entry

Treatment:    Immediate insertion of ICC and connected to water sealed drainage

IV Fluid of 2li/24 hours Morphine 10 mg given IV stat

Monitoring of any bleeding in the ICC May have free fluids and light meals

Care Plan:     Monitor Blood present in the ICC                   Monitor Vital signs until stable

The nurse will accompany patient in ward to report medical history, current situation, treatment plan, etc.

Writing Task:: Using the information in the case notes write a letter to Ms. Angela Coyne the charge nurse in Surgical Ward A, Newtown Public Hospital, 900 Carrington Street to report medical history, current situation, treatment plan, etc.


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Anna Paro OET letter

TASK 62        MARCH-2018            You are a district nurse (nurse caring patient at homes) taking care of Mrs. Anna Paro, who needs daily dressing for the leg ulcer.

Patient Details:         

Name  : Anna Paro                

Age      : 75 years

Medical History : COPD, Osteoarthritis, Appendoctomy-2009, Suffering with leg ulcer, Taking salbutamol pm, ipratropium 25/250 2 puffs daily

Social History            Lives alone, Husband died      Two children-one native, other overseas

10/03/2018.   Subjective        : SOB increase (especially day activities, not at night), Salbutamol ineffective, Need rest or sit down to hold breath back

Objective        : Comfortable at rest, no sob RR: 18/Mt, BP: 130/80.    Auscultation. Good air entry both sides, little wheeze on left Observed patient’s inhaler use inappropriate

Diagnosis        : SOB worse due to? COPD, inhaler use

Treatment, Ventolin 2 puffs under supervision

Educated about inhaler use with spacer – patient claims “this is not the way my pharmacist told”. Plan. Refer/advise pharmacist re inhaler.

WRITING TASK: Write a referral to Paro’s pharmacist to teach her about inhale

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Steve Gladson OET letter

TASK 61      You are a registered Nurse in the pediatric isolation ward of Calvary Hospital, Bruce Canberra

Patient Details:         

Name   : Steve Gladson (7 years)      

Mother : Susan Gladson         

DOA   : 9/3/14

Reason for Admission : Complaints of high fever, body pain & headache

Rashes, (water-filled blisters) red colour over face, hands and back

Diagnosis                    Chickenpox (1stattack)          

Physical Examination

Height 47.8”               

Weight 50 pounds                  

V/s Temp 39°C, P/r 90/min Resp 18/min

Family background

Lives with mother, grandma and 2 siblings, Mark (10 years), Julian Good family bonding

Father, Glandson Clark worksabroad

Social Background: School going, very active.

Many friends, best friend – Cathy (she had chicken pox – possible cause of disease transmission)

Psycho-sexual developmental Stage:Latency

Medical History        Frequent fever, cold   

Fever last month – taken treatment Allergic to eggs and tomato

Immunization schedule incomplete (same for all 3 children)

Treatment Plan         Adequate rest and good food              Tab Ibuprufen. 250 mg TID (↓ fever)

Tab Piritone 5mg BID. Increase fluid intake (fresh juice & water) Emollient calamine lotion for rashes and itching

Precautions (family)

Chicken pox highly contagious

Causative organism Varicella Zoster virus Mode of transmission droplets Incubation period – 11 to14 days

Chances of spreading exist till blisters got healed and dried up. Avoid travelling and close contact with neighbours, friends and relatives Vaccinate siblings (if not vaccinated) within 5 days. Parents -take booster vaccination dose

Writing Task: Using the information in the case notes, write an advice letter to the mother of Steve, informing her about the chances of disease transmission and necessary precautions to be taken.

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Alison Cooper OET letter

TASK 60        You are the school nurse at Toohey Point Primary State School Today’s Date


Patient Details: Alison Cooper Year 5 student DOB: 14/6/2000. Height:138cm

Weight:40 kg Overweight for her age

Eczema outbreaks on hands and mild asthma has ventolin inhaler No other significant illnesses

Youngest in her class

Social History: Father died in motor accident 18 months ago.

Lives with mother, a bank manager, working full time

Middle child- brother, Simon, aged 7 and sister, Lisa, aged 12

Paternal grandmother lives near school – provides after school and holiday care looks after children if unwell

School Medical Record: Regular absences from school dating back to time of father’s death Year 2: 3 days

Year 3: 4 days                        

Year 4: 10 days                      

Year 5: 8 days in first term

School Health Centre Records

2010 February 8: Complained of headache. Have paracetamol, rested and returned to class. eczema on hands red and weepy has ointment at home.February 16: Complained of stomach ache. Called grandmother for pick up. February 22: Complained of aching legs. Called grandmother for pick up. March 4: Complained of headache. Have paracetamol, rested 1 hour, still had headache. Called grandmother for pickup

March 6: Feeling nauseous eczema on hands red and weepy. Called grandmother for pick up.

2009 February 15: Complained of toothache. Called grandmother for pick up April 4: Complained of headache. Have paracetamol-rested 1 hour. May 14: Headache, eczema on hands red and weepy, rested 1 hour not better called grandmother for pick up. July 25: Feeling nauseous. Called grandmother for pick up. August 16: Slight fever. Called grandmother for pick-up. September 22: Feeling unwell. Eczema irritation. Called grandmother for pick up. October 23: Complained of stomach ache. Rested 1 hour, returned to class November 27: Complained of headache. Have paracetamol, rested 30 minutes.

Social History: Alison started school well but since Grade 3 has had trouble concentrating rarely participates in class activities unless encouraged. Avoids sporting activities – standard of her school work is declining. Has few friends and is often teased by her classmates. Embarrassed about hands which don’t seem to be responding well to ointment suggested by chemist. Mother was contacted by class teacher regarding these issues. Says Alison is also becoming withdrawn at home. Alison was very close to her father – often talks to her about him and cries because she misses him. Seeks comfort in food like chips and cakes after school.

Plan: Refer her to the school psychologist to find out whether Alison has underlying grief related or other psychological problems

WRITING TASK: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to refer this girl to the school psychologist, Barnaby Webster, to assess her. Outline the purpose of the referral. Provide details of significant factors which will assist the psychologist to make this assessment.

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Ms Patricia Styles OET letter

TASK 59. You are a nurse visiting Ms Styles at her home who is taking self care at home

PATIENT HISTORY. Name: Ms Patricia Styles

Age:04/08/1955 (63 years)

MEDICAL BACKGROUND: Hypertension diagnosed in 2012, on Carpinol medicine, blood pressure 2014 (190/100) Now BP under control (140/90)

Diabetes Mellitus diagnosed in 2009 (Type II), taking oral hypoglycemic (Metformin+Glipizide)

Depression diagnosed first in 2015, depressed after her husbands

death, attends medical counseling for mood swings and diabetes mellitus management

SOCIAL BACKGROUND: Hobbies walking, reading

Lives alone, no close relatives, her cousin helps her sometimes Medications

Carpino! 6.25 x 2 times daily Metformin- 500mg x 2 times daily Glipizide 10mh x I daily

MEDICAL HISTORY: On 07/04/2018 she admitted in Green Valley Hospital with chest pain (pleuritic),shortness of breath(SOB), tiredness.

Management: Glucose monitored regularly, sugar and BP (well controlled)

Blood test: ESR (24). Creat (2.0). Platelets (Stress/inflammation)

Oral throat swab Type B influenza Chest X-ray Normal Echocardiogram Pericarditis

Diagnoşis: Type B influenza plus pericarditis          

Treatment:  IV saline, Antibiotics

Discharged on 09/04/2018 advising further follow up home visits

She was on self home care after discharge. She was keeping well and the home nurse left her 2 days ago.

14/04/2018 Home visit: Subjective:Ms Styles feels tired and has chest pain Examination Unwell, Chest pain (when sitting), SOB, fatigue Vital signs Mild temperature (38), HR-122, RR-28. BP-180/90 Assessment ?? Relapse/Complication pericarditis

Plan: Refer patient to Newtown Hospital Emergency Department (nearest hospital) Inform emergency doctor about patients: Medical history Medications Past history

WRITING TASK: Write a referral letter for MS Styles to the Emergency Doctor on Duty requesting urgent assessment and management of her pericarditis. Address the letter to: Emergency Doctor on Duty. Newtown Hospital, Comer Street, Newtown 1104.

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Mr. James Tung OET letter


You are a Nurse in Community health clinic, Brisbane, Mr. James Tung is a regular patient at your clinic

Name: Mr. James Tung

Age:70 Years


Social History: Aged pensioner lives in a Storey House. Wife died 2 years ago, I son in USA Working as software engineer. Used to play bridge, chess but now doesn’t go out much

Medical History: Appendectomy at the age of 45 due to acute appendicitis

Pneumonia 2016 August.  Fall while going to shop, Broken arm

28/11/2017: Complained of worsening back pain for 2 weeks Only able to walk 10 minutes

pain diminishes when sitting. pain radiates – Lower-spine to hip and legs

X-ray taken: Ref to neurosurgeon Ref to physiotherapist

3rd December: X-ray-spinal stenosis. Neurological Assessment-severe lower back pain affecting lower legs.

Treatment options discussed; surgery epidural steroid injections and physiotherapy Patient refused physiotherapy, surgery. Prescribed ibuprofen. Dose of epidural steroid injection methylprednisolone 50mg with 1% Procaine

25/12/2017: Minor improvement in pain

has been taking double dose in medication. Not doing exercise as suggested

Explained not to taken more than required dose. Next epidural in March

13/12/2018: Patient extremely angry.   Wants to increse the dose of medication Decreased Mobility

Unable to stand long time for shower. Unorganized dressing.

Suggested OT Assessment but patient refused. Community nurse to Monitor his medication compliance, Assess his needs. Encourage him to see OT and physiotherapist Meals delivery service to be arranged.

Writing Task: Write a letter to a community nurse Ms.Pansford, Community Nursing, Center, 78 Masterson St.Acacia Brisbane 4110, pay home visit twice a week

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Stanley Williams OET letter

TASK 57:
Patient Name: Stanley Williams.   D.O.B – 20.03.1956

Patient History– Stanley Williams is a Builder and regular patient your country medical centre in Mildura, 350 km north of Melbourne. Present occasionally with lower back pain clears no with anti inflammatories. Had spinal X-ray 1 year ago – showed some narrowing of L4-5 and sign of osteoarthritis in L5-ST)

las NIDOM controlled by diet and exercise

23.02.2007: Sudden onset lower back pain yesterday while working. Worse than usual back pain.

Worse L side with radiation down back of L.thigh. Took Nurofen which settled pain but worse this morning. Couldn’t go to work puts hand on L hip when walking, Walks slowly. Tender around lower spine and spinal muscles. SLR positive on L side at 45 degrees. Legs normal power and reflexes. Pain inhibiting lumbar flexibility and extension

Assessment: Possible disc prolapse or nerve root irritation from facet joint dysfunction

Treatment: Bed rest 2 days, paracetamol and anti inflammatory 50 mg and daily with food, hot water bottle on back, come back in 2 days

25.02.2007: No change in pain in the back or leg pain, neurological examination done

In pain but says it’s no worse than before, still some difficulty with Lside SLR 40-45 degrees

Assessment : No improvement of symptoms but no worsening

Treatment: Continue treatment as before.NSAIDS increased to 3 x daily. Return in 2 days for review

27.02.2007: No change in back pain, radiating leg pain worse, most constant, esp at night, urine test showed glycosuria 2 + (usually none). Obviously in pain, difficulty with movement, walks slowly. Still tender and with decreased motion. SLR 30 degrees L side. Random blood glucose taken 12 mmol worse.

Assessment: Symptoms worse. Inactivity making diabetes symptoms. Treatment: Continue treatment as before Review in 5 days. Paracetamol/Codeine 30 mg x 6 hourly. Reason for diabetes symptoms worsening exolained diet modification recommended because of inactivity

29.02.2007: Called urgently to patient’s home, pain increased overnight in back and down L.leg, pain not controlled by any medications, lower Leg has become numb.

-Pain caused inability to get out of bed. SLR 10 degrees L.leg and 30-40 degrees R. leg. L. leg also no ankle reflex, decreased toes extension, decreased ankle flexion, decreased pin prick sensation in areas. Random blood glucose increased to 14mmol

Assessment – Condition not relieved by medications Signs Indicate nerve root compression and disc prolapse

Treatment: Ambulance transport to Royal Melbourne Hospital emergency department arranged, phoned orthopaedic registrar and arranged for hospitalisation and orthopaedic assessment.

Writing Task: Using the information in the case notes, write a letter of referral to Dr. Kate Murray, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Grattan Street, Royal Park 3054

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Gemma Brown OET letter


Today’s’ Date  ; 26/05/2017   

Patient Details:     

Name     : Gemma Brown.     

DOB      :            19/01/1990

You are the nurse in charge of mental health ward at Robina Private Hospital. Gemma Brown is under your care as she was admitted with severe depression & anxiety due to her recent life circumstances

Medical History Bipolar disorder Depression. 16 weeks pregnant

Medications: Valium 5-15mg PRN Seroquel 25 mg

Social History: Lives in share accommodation house with 3 other friends in Murwillumbah Parents live locally but no contact with them for the last 6 months. They are not aware of her pregnancy situation: She had been involved in a relationship for 10 months that

Current Admission 24/04/2017: Admitted to the young adult mental health ward at Robina Private Hospital with severe depression & anxiety due to unexpected pregnancy. Father of child not willing to recognise child as he already has a family. He ceased all contact after finding out about the pregnancy. She doesn’t want the baby upset she can’t afford abortion. States: “she wants to die”. Refuses to get out of bed, cries continuously and avoids any social contact. Reports weight loss of 10 kg over the last 2 months. Emotionally unstable, anxious about the pregnancy, current situation and the future.

Requires iron transfusion due to severe anemia malnutrition.           

Food & fluid 24hr supervision commenced

HOSPITALISATION  25/04/17-26/05/17

Ongoing treatment with psychiatrist & psychologist. Receives Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy for depression. Her mood is now stable, accepts the pregnancy and keeping the baby. 5KG weight gain with improved appetite. Still anxious about the near future after discharge. Still refuses to contact her family& inform them about her situation Discussed social worker help & requested referral

Discharge date planned: 30/05/2017

Discharge Plan: Social worker referral. Accommodation arrangements after discharge suitable for a baby. Discuss the importance of family support with pregnancy after labor

Assist her managing her financial situation & applying for financial support Referral to community social services for single mothers & community services GP regular appointments organised to check pregnancy and health status.

Writing Task: You are the nurse looking after Gemma Brown in the young adult mental health ward at Robina Private Hospital. Using the information provided, write a referral letter to the social worker in charge of the mental health ward, in Robina Private Hospital, 375 Stuart Street, Robina, QLD 4221 requesting assessment of Gemma’s situation and help with living arrangements after discharge.

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Sanithy Lionel OET letter


You are a registered Nurse at Geriatric Assessment and Rehabilitation Unit MS Sanithy Lionel is a patient admitted in the ward where you are a Charge Nurse

Patient Details           Name  :Sanithy Lionel Age: 82 Years          

Family :Married, Lives with husband

2 daughters and 3 grandchildren live in the same area

Medical History: H/o DM diagnosed 2002 Metformin 850mg/day.   Osteoarthritis diagnosed 2005, Voltaren

Visits her GP regularly.         

Complaint with diet, medication and exercise regime

Recent Medical history 27/10/2017:               

Onset of tenderness, swelling and pain in R lower leg last night

R and L leg pain swelling itchy burning sensation both legs swollen and flaky.     Ulcer on R leg excdates

Rigor, last night.          Temp 37.7 , BP 132/82 RR32 HR 80.  Referred to Dr.Dean Mills Department Head

Geriatric Assessment and Rehabilitation Unit for urgent assessment

Diagnosis : cellulitis


Started penicillin IV               

Paracetamol tab                      

Panadol for pain, inj lasix

Complaints of pain      Rigors, swelling stabled         

Itchiness decreased limited burning sensation

Cleaned ulcer dressing done

29/10/2017      Observations redness of eyes and swollen puffy face Wounds red less itchy

Still has burning sensation and edema No fever.       

Patient allergic to penicillin changed to ceplax IV

30/10/2017      No redness of eyes decreased face swelling and puffiness Ulcer clear fluids drained

Changed injce plax to tab cepalax, Tab peracetamol continued


Fluids clear edema reduced itchiness reduced No fever or rigors

Dressing done by nurse Continued medications

Discharge Plan           Continue all medications as prescribed Monitor for side-effects.      Monitor L&R leg for further complications. Dressing should be done regularly by a practice nurse Report local GP if any complications. Include the referral letter from Head of Geriartric Assessment and Rehabilitation Unit, Dr.Dean Mills to her local family G.P.          Review in Out Patient Department after 5 days

Writing Task Using information in the case notes write a referral letter to the Practice Nurse at Newtown Medical Centre regarding MS Lionel, include present medical history and plan.

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Mrs. Anita Ramamurthy OET letter

TASK 54:

Mrs. Anita Ramamurthy, a 59-year-old woman, is a patient in the (IPD) In-patient- department of a hospital in which you are charge nurse.                                     

Hospital          : Sydney Women’s Hospital

Patient Details          

Marital status            : Married        

Height : 5’4”   Weight            : 87 kg

BM1    : 33-Obese

Address for correspondence: #648, Bourke Street, Sydney

Admitted        : 18/06/2017  

Date of discharge      : 23/06/2017  

Diagnosis        : Acute appendicitis with appendicular lump

Treatment: Conservative management with IV antibiotics    (Planned for interval appendectomy in 6 weeks).

Social background    : Business woman (Education Consultant) – Hectic life, travels a lot due to work. Lives with her husband, Mr. Krishnan Ramamurthy, Two daughters both married. Elder daughter stays in India- about three hours away, works as an Entrepreneur; younger daughter in Canada, works as a dentist. Husband primary caregiver, elder daughter visits with husband once in a year, Scared of hospitalization, prone to anxiety related to this food of eating our, rarely cooks at home, sedentary lifestyle, complains of no time to exercise due to work, does not drink or smoke.

Diet:  Whole Milk, Ice-cream shakes, Fruit drinks, Doughnuts,Pancakes, Waffles, Pizzas, Cheeseburgers, Biscuits, muffins, Cajun Fries, Hash brown

Medical background: Known case of Essential Hypertension (2014) and Diabetes Mellitus type-2 (2010) (not compliant with diabetic medication)

Admission diagnosis: Complaints of pain in abdomen in right iliac fossa since 17/06/2017 Pain was sudden onset, acute in nature and was non-radiating fever (documented up to 101-degree F), aversion to food, evaluated outside where USG Abdomen revealed Acute Appendicitis, admitted for further evaluation and management.

Physical examination:  Conscious, oriented, No pallor, or icterus, No Clubbing, No Lymphadenopathy, no pedal Oedema BP: 126/84, Temp-afebrile, Pulse 72/tnin, RR 22/min SP 02 98%, CNS-NAD, Chest – Bilateral entry equal, No added sounds.

Nursing management and progress

18/06/2017: Abdomen CT (plain) 18/06/2017 – acute appendicitis with hypoclensearea in the region of base of appendix at its attachment with vacuum? Phlegtnonous collection.

Possibility of scaled perforation cannot be ruled out; total leucocyte count- 21,000/cumin. 1/V Fluids, broad spectrum antibiotics (Intipenem), PPI, Analgesics, antipyretics, other supportive treatment (6/6), Regular Blood Sugar Monitoring (6/6)

19/06/2017: TLC – 8,000/cumm; complaints of considerable pain in abdomen, headache, sips of water, extremely distressed, constipation, unable to pass gas.

20/06/2017: TLC-14,000/cumin; complaints of insomnia, headache, tenderness in abdomen, weakness, tolerating sips of coconut water and tea.

21/06/2017: TLC-11,000/cumin; tolerating soft diet, can ambulate with assistance, complains of weakness, Rev. Dietician re diabetic diet.

22/06/2017: TLC-8,000/enmm, able to ambulate slowly, independent with ADÇs.

23/06/2017: Pt. stable, accepting orally well, adequate urine output, TLC showing improving trend. Pt. stable, Rev. Endocrinologist – regular chart BSL, INJ Human Mixtard. Subcutaneously bd (12 hourly) 8 units (1 wk.) AC Breakfast and 6 units AC dinner.

Assessment    : Pt. stable with plan for interval appendectomy (6 weeks).

Medications TAB Ddlo (Paracetamol) 650 mg, t.i.d. (8 hrly) for 3 days then PRN. TAB Pantocid (Pantoprazole) 40 mg mane for 10 days.

Tab Tenorid 25 mg (Ateno 101) mane. Tab Supradyn (multivitamin) mane Tab Farobact 200 b.d.

Discharge Plan: Avoid strenuous activities/Travel. Advised to lose weight (exercise program to start after appendectomy). Normal Diabetic diet and low-fat diet – Pt. requests more information, esp. simple recipes that can be easily prepared at home. Monitoring of tinting and postprandial blood sugars (Present chart during Follow- up consultation). Follow up in OPD on 30/06/2017 at 3 PM. Husband advised to contact us immediately in case of persistent high grade Fever/pain (at 03492250); Pt. concerned re monitoring of blood glucose levels and insulin injections Husband requests home visit for demonstration

WRITING TASK 1:  Using the information given in the case notes, write a referral letter to Ms. Prabha, Shrishti Nursing Home Care Agency, Sydney, requesting a home visit to provide instructions on self-monitoring of blood glucose levels and administering insulin injections following Mrs. Ramamurthy discharge.

WRITING TASK 2: The patient has requested advice on simple recipes for low-fiat diabetic diet. Write a letter to Ms. April, Dietician, 258, George Street, Sydney on the patient’s behalf. Use the relevant case notes to explain Ms. Ramamurthy’s condition and information he needs. Include medical history, BMI, and lifestyle. Information should be sent to her home address.

WRITING TASK 3: Using the information provided in the case notes, write a letter detailing the post- discharge care required for the patient to the patients husband, Mr. Krishnan Ramamurthy, #648, Bourke Street, Sydney

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