All posts by Jomon John

Mrs Breegi OET listening answer keys


1. Began 2
2. Sinus congestion and (may be) photophobia
3. History of migraine
4. Cranial nerves was intact
5. Cervical muscle spasm
6. Elicited by neck motions

7. Shoulder range of motion
8. Neurovascular compression
9. Carotid bruits
10.vibratory sense
11.without aura
12.therapeutic trial of inderal 40 mg

13.pancreatic mass
14.transient ischemic attack
15.creon 20 three times daily
16.norvasc 5 mg daily
17.pamelor 15 ml every evening
19.bicarbonate 31 bilirubin 3.2
21.hematocrit 26.6
22.lipase less than 10
23.hyponatremia and hypokalemia
24.possibility of endocarditis




31. C
32. B
33. C
34. B
35. A
36. C


37. A
38. B
39. C
40. C
41. C
42. A


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8. IELTS writing task 1 Map. City hospital

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The given map illustrates the developments and alterations that have come about in the amenities of city hospital from 2007 to 2010.

Overall, it is evident that the hospital vicinity underwent significant upgrades, including addition of bus station, car park, and roundabouts.  

In 2007, City Hospital staff lacked designated parking spots and had to park alongside the public in the southeast area, which provided access to the ring road at the right side that encircled the hospital. By 2010, the two parking areas were separated, with public parking relocated to the northeast corner, granting access to the ring road.

Notability, in 2010, the hospital premise got equipped with two new roundabouts, one in the south, and another in the heart of the campus, which interconnected the city road in the south with the adjacent hospital road, the ring road, as well as the bus station in the south west area. This infrastructure improvement greatly enhanced mobility, especially considering that in 2007, bus stops were quite congested, being positioned on both sides of the hospital road.

1. IETLS Bar chart + Table: Foreign students in English speaking countries:

The bar chart and table show information about students from abroad studying in four English-speaking countries in 2004 and 2012. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The provided bar chart and table comprehensively depict the number and proportion of non-native students enrolled in higher education across four prominent English-speaking nations during the years 2004 and 2012: the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. Figures are represented in thousands (1000s).

Evidently, the United States boasted the highest enrolment of international students, starkly contrasting with Canada, which recorded the lowest figures. Notably, Australia exhibited the highest percentage of global student intake, while the United States held the lowest proportion.

Specifically, the United States hosted approximately 180,000 foreign students in 2004, a figure that surged to nearly 250,000 by 2012, consistently representing 2% of the total student populace. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom welcomed 120,000 expat students in 2004, constituting 9% of the national student body, a proportion that expanded to 13% in 2012, nearing a count of 200,000.

Conversely, Canada experienced the most modest numbers, accommodating around 40,000 and 60,000 immigrant students in 2004 and 2012, respectively, constituting 5% and 7% of the overall student populace. Remarkably, Australia exhibited the highest rates, with 19% in 2004 and 24% in 2012, amounting to approximately 120,000 and 190,000 students, respectively.

Duolingo / PTE / IELTS mixed essays

A mixed essay in the context of Duolingo / PTE / IELTS Writing Task 2 typically involves addressing multiple aspects of a given topic within a single essay. This format requires candidates to discuss various elements, such as causes, advantages and disadvantages, or solutions to a problem, within the same essay. For example, a mixed essay prompt might ask candidates to discuss both the causes of a particular issue and the advantages and disadvantages of potential solutions.

Model question: Asked in 16/03/2024

In some countries today, many people decide to have their first child when they are older. What are the reasons? Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

1. Mixed Causes and Effects / Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages:
– What are the factors contributing to the rise in popularity of online learning platforms, and do the benefits of online education outweigh the drawbacks?

2. Mixed Problem-Solution / Discussion:
– Discuss the challenges faced by cities in managing waste disposal and propose solutions to promote recycling and reduce landfill usage.

3. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
– Analyse the benefits and drawbacks of remote work arrangements, and suggest measures to address issues such as isolation and work-life balance.

4. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
– Some people believe that the increasing use of technology in classrooms enhances learning outcomes, while others argue it hinders students’ social skills. What measures can schools take to strike a balance between technology integration and interpersonal development?

5. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
– What are the reasons behind the decline in traditional farming practices, and how can governments support small-scale farmers to maintain agricultural diversity and sustainability?

6. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
– To what extent do the benefits of tourism to a country’s economy outweigh the negative impacts on the environment and local culture? Share your opinion and provide examples to support your view.

7. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
– Discuss the challenges associated with the growing aging population in many countries, and propose strategies to ensure adequate healthcare and social support for elderly citizens.

8. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
– Analyse the factors contributing to the rise in childhood obesity rates, and discuss the role of parents, schools, and governments in addressing this public health issue.

9. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
– Consider the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation on developing economies. Additionally, propose strategies for mitigating the negative impacts of globalisation on local industries and communities.

10. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
– Some argue that strict gun control laws are necessary to reduce gun violence, while others believe in the right to bear arms. What measures can governments take to balance public safety concerns with individual freedoms regarding gun ownership?

11. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
– Examine the reasons behind the increase in urbanization and its effects on rural communities. Discuss how governments can support rural development while managing urban growth sustainably.

12. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
– To what extent do the benefits of social media outweigh the negative effects on mental health and social interactions? Share your opinion and provide evidence to support your viewpoint.

13. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
– Discuss the challenges posed by climate change on agriculture and food security, and propose strategies to promote sustainable farming practices and ensure food sovereignty.

14. Mixed Causes and Effects / Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages:
– Analyze the reasons for the decline in traditional media outlets such as newspapers and television, and assess the benefits and drawbacks of digital media consumption.

15. Mixed Opinion / Discussion:
– Some argue that renewable energy sources are the key to combating climate change, while others advocate for nuclear power. Discuss the merits and drawbacks of both approaches to meeting energy needs in the future.

16. Mixed Causes and Effects / Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages:
– What are the factors contributing to the rise in freelance work, and do the benefits of freelancing outweigh the drawbacks?

17. Mixed Problem-Solution / Discussion:
– Discuss the challenges faced by developing countries in providing access to clean drinking water and propose solutions to ensure universal access to safe water sources.

18. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
– Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of the gig economy, and suggest measures to address issues such as job insecurity and lack of employment benefits.

19. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
– Some argue that stricter penalties for littering are necessary to reduce environmental pollution, while others advocate for increased public awareness campaigns. What measures can governments take to effectively tackle littering?

20. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
– Examine the reasons behind the decline in traditional manufacturing industries in developed countries and discuss the impact on local economies and job markets.

21. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
– To what extent do the benefits of immigration to a country’s economy outweigh the negative impacts on social cohesion and cultural identity? Share your opinion and provide examples to support your view.

22. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
– Discuss the challenges associated with rising healthcare costs and propose strategies to improve access to affordable healthcare for all citizens.

23. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
– Analyse the factors contributing to the decline in public transportation ridership and discuss the implications for traffic congestion and air pollution in urban areas.

24. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
– Consider the advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting for both employers and employees, and propose measures to address common challenges such as communication barriers and social isolation.

25. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
– Some argue that stricter regulations on fast food advertising are necessary to combat rising obesity rates, while others believe in personal responsibility. What measures can governments take to promote healthier eating habits among citizens?

26. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
– Examine the reasons behind the increase in urban sprawl and its effects on land use and natural habitats. Discuss strategies for sustainable urban planning and development.

27. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
– To what extent do the benefits of cultural exchange programs outweigh the risks of cultural appropriation and misrepresentation? Share your opinion and provide evidence to support your viewpoint.

28. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
– Discuss the challenges associated with rising income inequality and propose strategies to promote economic growth that benefits all segments of society.

29. Mixed Causes and Effects / Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages:
– Analyse the reasons for the decline in traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores and assess the benefits and drawbacks of e-commerce and online shopping.

30. Mixed Opinion / Discussion:
– Some argue that stricter immigration policies are necessary to protect domestic job markets, while others believe in the economic benefits of immigration. Discuss the social and economic implications of different approaches to immigration.

31. Mixed Causes and Effects / Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages:
• What are the factors contributing to the rise in popularity of remote work, and do the benefits of telecommuting outweigh the drawbacks?

32. Mixed Problem-Solution / Discussion:
• Discuss the challenges faced by coastal communities due to rising sea levels and propose solutions to mitigate the impacts of climate change on coastal areas.

33. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
• Analyse the benefits and drawbacks of self-driving cars, and suggest measures to address concerns such as safety and job displacement in the transportation sector.

34. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
• Some argue that stricter regulations on social media platforms are necessary to combat online harassment and misinformation, while others advocate for freedom of speech. What measures can be implemented to balance these concerns?

35. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
• Examine the reasons behind the decline in traditional family-owned businesses and discuss the impact on local economies and community cohesion.

36. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
• To what extent do the benefits of renewable energy sources outweigh the challenges of transitioning from fossil fuels? Share your opinion and provide evidence to support your viewpoint.

37. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
• Discuss the challenges associated with inadequate access to healthcare in rural areas and propose strategies to improve medical services and facilities in underserved communities.

38. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
• Analyse the factors contributing to the rise in mental health issues among young adults and discuss the role of social media and societal pressures in exacerbating these problems.

39. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
• Consider the benefits and drawbacks of flexible work schedules, and propose measures to ensure productivity and work-life balance in a remote work environment.

40. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
• Some argue that stricter regulations on the food industry are necessary to combat rising obesity rates, while others believe in promoting healthy eating habits through education and awareness campaigns. What measures can governments take to address this public health issue?

41. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
• Examine the reasons behind the decline in traditional manufacturing jobs in developed countries and discuss the impact on workers and local economies.

42. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
• To what extent do the benefits of AI-driven automation outweigh the risks of job displacement and economic inequality? Share your opinion and provide evidence to support your viewpoint.

43. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
• Discuss the challenges associated with inadequate access to clean water and sanitation in developing countries and propose strategies to improve water infrastructure and hygiene practices.

44. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
• Analyse the factors contributing to the decline in biodiversity and ecosystem loss, and discuss the implications for global ecosystems and human well-being.

45. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
• Consider the benefits and drawbacks of remote learning for students, and propose measures to address issues such as digital divide and academic engagement in virtual classrooms.

46. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
• Some argue that stricter regulations on air pollution are necessary to combat climate change and protect public health, while others advocate for economic growth and job creation. What measures can governments take to balance environmental concerns with economic development?

47. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
• Examine the reasons behind the rise in income inequality and wealth concentration, and discuss the social and economic consequences for society.

48. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
• To what extent do the benefits of globalization outweigh the challenges of economic inequality and cultural homogenisation? Share your opinion and provide evidence to support your viewpoint.

49. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
• Discuss the challenges associated with food insecurity and malnutrition in developing countries and propose strategies to improve agricultural productivity and access to nutritious food.

50. Mixed Causes and Effects / Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages:
• Analyse the reasons for the decline in traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores and assess the benefits and drawbacks of e-commerce and online shopping.

51. Mixed Opinion / Discussion:
• Some argue that stricter immigration policies are necessary to protect domestic job markets, while others believe in the economic benefits of immigration. Discuss the social and economic implications of different approaches to immigration.

52. Mixed Causes and Effects / Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages:
• What are the factors contributing to the rise in popularity of ride-sharing services, and do the benefits of these services outweigh the drawbacks?

53. Mixed Problem-Solution / Discussion:
• Discuss the challenges faced by developing countries in providing access to quality education for all children, and propose solutions to ensure equitable access to schooling.

54. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
• Analyse the benefits and drawbacks of online shopping, and suggest measures to address issues such as data privacy and consumer protection in e-commerce.

55. Mixed Opinion / Problem-Solution:
• Some argue that stricter regulations on plastic usage are necessary to reduce environmental pollution, while others believe in consumer education and voluntary initiatives. What measures can governments take to effectively reduce plastic waste?

56. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
• Examine the reasons behind the decline in traditional music sales and discuss the impact of digital streaming platforms on the music industry.

57. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Opinion:
• To what extent do the benefits of space exploration outweigh the costs? Share your opinion and provide examples to support your view.

58. Mixed Problem-Solution / Reasons and Solutions:
• Discuss the challenges associated with aging infrastructure in urban areas and propose strategies for modernising and maintaining critical infrastructure systems.

59. Mixed Causes and Effects / Discussion:
• Analyse the factors contributing to the rise in mental health issues among adolescents and discuss the role of schools and communities in promoting mental well-being.

60. Mixed Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages / Reasons and Solutions:
• Consider the benefits and drawbacks of artificial intelligence in healthcare, and propose measures to address concerns such as data security and ethical implications.

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Duolingo / PTE / IELTS mixed essay. Delayed parenthood


In some countries today, many people decide to have their first child when they are older. What are the reasons? Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Nowadays, it is customary among many Individuals in certain nations to delay parenthood. While there are a couple of plausible rationales I can think of behind this notion, I firmly believe that the advantages unequivocally outweigh the potential downsides.

Primarily, financial instability emerges as a significant deterrent to early parenthood for many individuals. Taking on the role of parents in a later stage in life definitely would mean more financial freedom and less pecuniary pressures. For instance, it is pervasive that most marriages end up in divorce primarily due to financial constraints. Additionally, emotional maturity or readiness play a vital role here. With age comes wisdom. Thus, this delay supposedly benefits couples who will get ample time to equip themselves before embarking on the journey towards child rearing. Finally, the desire for personal freedom and space has become increasingly important for young couples, who prioritise their independence and lifestyle choices over the commitments associated with raising children. This would, thus, benefit in marital fulfilment and less worry over bringing up offspring during one’s prime.  

While the aforementioned benefits of delaying parenthood are valid, there are minor setbacks to consider. Firstly, advancing age can have an impact on fertility, potentially reducing the success rate of conception. In other words, as individuals grow older, the likelihood of successfully conceiving a child decreases. Secondly, older parents may encounter challenges in effectively nurturing and deeply engaging with their children, particularly in activities that demand physical fitness, as age could pose a barrier to active involvement. However, these potential downsides can be counteracted with the help of modern technology and by maintaining an active and fit lifestyle. Nowadays, young women have even the option to harvest and save their eggs for use in the later stage of their life.

To conclude, while there are certain downsides to delaying pregnancy and upbringing of children motivated by factors such as financial freedom, maturity, and marital fulfilments and freedom, the benefits of such choices far outweigh the potential demerits. If more people consider these factors, marriages could experience more success rates, financial freedom, and fulfilment.

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Duolingo mock tests

Free Duolingo Sponsorship Invitation from Lifestyle Training Centre! Add LTC to your DET profile for faster results and exclusive benefits.

Mock test on 08-03-2024. Score 155

Explore the Benefits of Our Duolingo Training Package at Lifestyle Training Centre! Click Here to Learn More.

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IELTS process diagram. Generating electricity from wave.

4. IELTS process diagram. Generating electricity from wave.

The diagrams below show a structure that is used to generate electricity from wave power. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre Band 9

The provided process diagram meticulously illustrates the complex mechanisms, components, and steps that are involved in harnessing tidal wave energy, for the production of clean electricity.

As a whole, the process encompasses tidal waves, a conduit chamber, a column, and a turbine that rotates and produces electricity. While the first image showcases how electricity is produced using flood tide, the second, ebb tide.

The Flood tide, channelled through the chamber, as it moves toward the shore, pushes out the trapped air in the connected column, which is built on a cliff or sea wall. Consequently, a turbine located in the middle of the column rotates clockwise, inducing the production of electricity.  

In contrast, during ebb tide, the receding tidal waves create a vacuum within the chamber. As a result, the air inside moves downward, driving the turbine clockwise and generating electricity. The generated electricity can then be harvested and used.

(Word count: 150)

Rheumatoid arthritis OET Reading




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Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

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Rheumatoid arthritis OET Reading answers


2 .D






8. chemokines

9. Th17 cytokines

10. wide variation in anti-SSA prevalence across different RA populations.

11. Anti SSA


13. serum chemokines

14. relation between RF seropositivity & CXCL10 levels

15. Serum Chemokine


17. Seropositivity

18. Cxcl10 And Cxcl13

19. Anti- Ssa In Aa


Reading test – Part B: Answer Key

1. Steps to improving interpersonal communication with patients.
2 is associated with various anomalies.
3. Can have a detrimental effect on elderly people.
4. Future course of action.
5. The majority of patients remained hospitalized for 5 days or more
6. The majority of the patients were females.

Reading test – Part C: Answer Key
Text 1 – Answer key 7 – 14
7. Affects a higher number of men than women.
8. Arthritis in its final stage.
9. Rebuilding of bone is accelerated.
10. Lower back pain, loss of hearing and discomfort.
11. Correct Answer Is: Pagets disease, is both heritable and inheritable.
12. Increase is indicative of the development of the bone at a rapid speed.
13. Should be taken only during the morning.
14. Correct Answer Is: Surgery can get rid of Pagets disease.

PART C. Text 2 – Answer key 15 – 22
15. Benign and malignant
16. When harmful tumors invade and destroy other healthy tissues of the body.
17. Exocrine gland
18. Exocrine gland
19. Cancerous tissues in the pancreas
20. Genetic mutations
21. Pesticides, dyes and chemicals used for refining metals
22. Pulmonary edema and enlargement of the gallbladder