All posts by Jomon John

OET listening test – Alejandro answers


1. Shortness Of Breath
2. Pulmonary Infarcts
3. Blood Urea Nitrogen
4. Sodium Level
5. Creatinine Level

6. Poor Perfusion To Right Kidney.
7. Vein Thrombosis
8. Hypercoagulable
9. Intravenous Contrast Materials
10. Renal Scintigraphy

11. Rivaroxaban
12. Dialytic Intervention
13. Hematuria
14. Left And Posterior Bladder Wall
15. Exploratory Laparotomy X2

16. Bladder Biopsy
17. Right Adrenal Lesion
18. Acth Level Measurement.
19. Muscle-invasive Transitional Cell Carcinoma
20. Propria
21. Radical Curative
22. Cystoprostatectomy
23. Lymph Node
24. Mitomycin


25. B
26. B
27. C
28. C
29. C
30. B


31. C
32. B
33. C
34. B
35. A
36. A


37. B
38. B
39. C
40. B
41. C
42. B

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Mrs. Lisa Bayliss  OET letter Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Dr Jacob Kumar
Royal Darwin Hospital
Rocklands Drive, Tiwi
PO Box 41326, Casuarina NT 0811


Dear Dr Kumar,
Re: Mrs. Lisa Bayliss,  06/01/1964

I am writing to refer Mrs. Bayliss, who is in need of assessment and palliative care. She is currently recovering from a grade 2 adenocarcinoma, which has metastasised to her lumbar spine.

On April 13, 2009, Mrs. Bayliss underwent various tests due to concerns about the possibility of breast cancer. Ultrasound confirmed the presence of a solid lump, and cytological examination revealed malignant cells. A core biopsy under local anaesthesia confirmed adenocarcinoma.

Subsequently, on May 4, 2009, Mrs. Bayliss underwent a local excision and axillary clearance, followed by radiotherapy to address residual tumour in her breast for local control. At that time, there was no evidence of metastases, and her hormone receptor status was negative. She was advised to undergo chemotherapy and regular review for metastasis as part of her post-operative recovery.

Today, Mrs. Bayliss reported a sudden onset of extreme, constant lower back pain, causing sleeplessness and loss of appetite, resulting in a weight loss of 4kg. The pain radiates down to major portions of her leg, and she exhibits no knee jerk reaction while her anterior thighs lack sensation. Assessment revealed metastases of the tumour to her lumbar spine.

Based on the above information, I kindly request an assessment and provision of palliative care for Mrs. Bayliss. She is scheduled to undergo a bone scan and CT scan of the chest and abdomen, as well as radiotherapy to manage the pain. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,
Registered nurse.

Writing task:

TASK 47        Patient’s name           : Mrs. Lisa Bayliss                 

Date of Birth  : 6th January, 1964

Social History            : Married with 2 children, Heavy smoker, Drinks alcohol occasionally

Past Medical History: not relevant, no previous breast problem

Past Surgical History: Tubal ligation 8 years ago

Menstrual History: Menarche at the age of 11, Menstruation – normal flow, period regular, 3/28 cycle

Family History          : No family history of breast disease


Subjective      : noticed lump in upper part of right breast 2 months ago,

No change in size during menstrual cycle, no discharge from nipple

Objective        : pulse rate-76/min, BP-130/85, an III-defined 1.5 cm lump in upper quadrant of right breast, no lymph node enlargement, overlying skin-normal, no evidence of attachment to surrounding structures, no other abnormal findings on general examination

Assessment    :Breast cancer or Fibroadenoma or cyst

Plan    :Explain possible conditions & consequences, to undergo radiological assessment (Mammogram) and Pathological assessment (Fine needle aspiration or core biopsy)

Subjective      : extremely concerned about the possibility of cancer, difficult to sleep at night, anxious, feeling low, sometimes irritated, pounding heart, unable to cope even household chores, lack of concentration, breast lump-no problem.

Objective        :PR 85/min, BP 140/90, Look anxious, sweaty, other examinations normal, Mammogram-normal, Ultrasound – confirmation of solid lump, Cytological examination – malignant cells, Core biopsy under local anesthesia-adenocarcinoma

Assessment    : Anxiety secondary to breast cancer (adenocarcinoma)

Plan: Break bad news, suggest to take further tests (blood tests, bone scan,CTscans) outline different treatment options available such as surgery radiotherapy and chemotherapy, to refer to general surgeon for operation.

4/05/2009        Subjective      : for regular follow-up, had local excision and axillary clearance with radiotherapy to residual right breast for local control

Objective        : general condition-well, no evidence of metastases, hormone receptor negative

Assessment : post-operation recovery of grade 2 adenocarcinoma

Plan    : chemotherapy, regular reviews for cancer spread, to contact local breast cancer foundation for further information

22/01/2010 Subjective : sudden onset of severe low back pain, suffering from mild back pain 4 weeks ago, constant pain, keeping her awake at right, exacerbated by movement, radiate down back of left leg, 4 kg weight loss, the pain “got rid of her appetite”

Objective : pain distribution in front of thigh, inner aspect of thigh, knee & leg, sensory loss in anterior aspect of thigh, absence of knee jerk

Assessment : Tumour spread to lumbar spine

Plan    : Bone scan, CT scan of chest & abdomen, radiotherapy to control pain, refer to an oncologist for assessment & palliative care

Writing Task Using the information in the relevant case notes, write a letter of referral to Dr. Jacob Kumar at the Royal Darwin Hospital, Rocklands Drive, Tiwi, PO Box 41326, Casuarina NT 0811


OET Listening test 41. Lizaveta Answers


1. Adult Hydrocephalus
2. Stooped Posture
3. Syncope
4. Hypertension
5. Thyroid Abnormalities
6. Hysterectomy

7. Colon cancer
8. Caltrate Plus D
9. Heart Rate 87
10. Mild Ventriculomegaly
11. Sylvian Aqueduct
12. Cerebral Spinal Fluid Leakage
13. Antibiotics And Prednisone
14. Pleurisy
15. Splenomegaly

16. Diffuse Hypermetabolic Lymph Nodes
17. Peripheral Smear
18. Tubal Ligation
19. Migraines
20. Emphysema
21. Arrhythmia
22. Lunesta
23. Cyclophosphamide
24. Allopurinol


25. C
26. B
27. A
28. C
29. C
30. B


31. A
32. C
33. B
34. C
35. A
36. C


37. A
38. B
39. A
40. B
41. C
42. B

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Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

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IELTS Writing task 1. Line graph: Birth and death rates in New Zealand

The graph below gives information about changes in the birth and death rates in New Zealand between 1901 and 2101. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The provided line graph delineates the fluctuations in New Zealand’s mortality and childbirth rates from 1901 to 2101, with figures presented in thousands.

Overall, it is evident that the mortality rate exhibits a consistent upward trend over the given time frame, while the birth rate displays significant fluctuations, including a decline after the midpoint.

In 1901, the mortality rate stood at approximately 8,000 deaths in New Zealand. This figure steadily increased with minor annual fluctuations, reaching around 28,000 deaths by 2001. Subsequently, a sharp rise is predicted, nearly doubling to almost 59,000 by 2061. Despite this surge, stability is anticipated until 2081, followed by a slight decrease to almost 56,000 by 2101.

Conversely, birth rates in 1901 were approximately 20,000, rising to nearly 30,000 in 1921 amidst notable fluctuations. The figures peaked at around 65,000 in 1961 before experiencing substantial fluctuations, ultimately declining to around 50,000 by 1981. By midway through 2001, a rebound to around 60,000 occurred. However, a subsequent decline is observed, with fluctuations, leading to an estimated figure of only around 43,000 by 2101.

IELTS Writing task 1. Bar chart.

Industries’ percentage share of Brazil’s economy

The bar chart below illustrates five different industries’ percentage share of Brazil’s economy in 2009 and 2019 with a forecast for 2029. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The provided bar chart outlines the percentage of contribution by five sectors of industries—finance, food processing, manufacturing, tourism, and oil, coal, and gas—towards the economy of Brazil in three different years: 2009, 2019, and including a prediction for 2029.

As a whole, it is observed that out of all the given five sectors, the Finance sector contributes the highest percentage, while the food processing and manufacturing sectors supply the least. Moreover, the finance sector is the only one that displays a consistent upward trajectory in terms of percentage over the years.

The finance sector, in the year 2009, accounted for around 30% of the economy. This share intensified to above 35% in the year 2019 and is expected to further increase to above 40% in 2029. Oil, coal, and gas, on the other hand, shared around 25% in 2009 and increased to above 30% in 2019. However, the percentage is predicted to plunge back to around 25% in 2029.

Food processing and manufacturing, being the least economic contributors, shared around 10% and 20% in the year 2009. While the percentage of food processing almost doubled to around 20%, the share of manufacturing shrunk to around 15% in the year 2019. Both food processing and manufacturing sectors are forecasted to share even less towards the economy in 2029, around 10% and 5%, respectively. Tourism, which accounted for around 25% of the economy in 2009, slightly decreased to around 20% in 2019. The value is predicted to remain the same in 2029.

Rheumatic Heart Disease OET reading answers



1. B

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. A

6. C

7. A

8. Stroke

9. Prophylaxis

10. Intramuscular LA Bicillin

11. 6-12

12. Second

13. Heart failure

14. Phenoxymethylpencillin

15. Acute Rheumatic Fever

16. Prophylaxis

17. Mitral and Aortic valves

18. Severe valve lesion

19. Dental assessment

20. Administering Bicillin



1. B

2. C

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. C

8. C

9. C

10. B

11. C

12. A

13. B

14. B

15. D

16. B

17. A

18. B

19. A

20. A

21. A

22. A


Psoriasis OET Reading answers

 Part A – Answer key 1 – 7

1: B

2: C

3: D

4: B

5: A

6: A

7: B 

8: UVB / UVA

9: diabetes, cardiovascular disease

10: biologic therapies

11: creams

12: experience physical and mental disabilities

13: PHAROS EX-308 Excimer Laser

14: arthritis symptoms 

15: depression

16: psychological

17: Cardiovascular diseases

18: Regular systemic treatments

19: itchy lesions

20: 3.8 to 7.5 times greater 

Reading test – part B – answer key

1: B If there are too many myeloma cells in the bone marrow.

2: A Finding a monoclonal immunoglobulin in the blood may be the first step in diagnosing multiple myeloma.

3: A Ratio of kappa and lambda is 1:1.

4: B. FISH and its effectiveness.

5: C The higher the Cr levels, the greater is the effect on the kidney.

6: C Helps detect myeloma. 

Reading test – part C – answer key 

Text 1 – Answer key 7 – 14

7: A. An excess of iron in the blood.

8: B It can be more fatal as the quantity of the iron increases more and more ‘

9: D Retaining 20 times more than the iron required.

10: C Rid off

11: A May show the presence of defective genes from both the parents.

12: A Take the helm

13: C .Hereditary hemochromatosis

14: C Joint pain 

Text 2 – Answer key 15 – 22

15: B Only acute leukemia can be much more fatal than chronic leukemia.

16: B Lackadaisical

17: C Progression of CML.

18: A The gene that grows out of the fusion of genes from chromosomes 9 and 22 plays a crucial role in multiplication of the blood cells which eventually leads to CML

19: D How CML is diagnosed

20: C If the reports are suggestive of cancer, then a bone marrow biopsy is performed Your Answer Is:

21: B Differences among targeted therapy, chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants

22: B Go for broke 


Management of burns OET reading answers


1 B

2 C

3 D

4 D

5 A

6 tissue damage

7 scarring

8 sensation

9 hot clothing

10 hypothermia

11 tetanus

12 blisters

13 antibiotics

14 burn thickness

15 2 /two

16 20ml

17 10% / ten percent

18 Tramadol

19 orally

20 72 hours



1 A failure to do so would put other people in danger.

2 B ensure that the patient’s personal care plan is also transferred.

3 C care providers being unaware of an issue.

4 B can order medicines from the pharmacy in some cases.

5 C the ICU is fully responsible for a patient in their care.

6 B speculating on the possible causes of the incident.


7 C can cause debilitating symptoms.

8 D The distinction between them and allergies is not widely appreciated.

9 C why the skin-prick test may not accurately diagnose food intolerance.

10 A the factors triggering an allergic reaction still remain unclear.

11 B They directly contradict each other.

12 D the order of events most commonly found prior to allergic attacks

13 C It may be avoidable if certain precautions are taken.

14 A attempts to improve eating habits.


15 A reference to some recent findings relating to heart disease

16 D reduced growth.

17 A Their focus has been too narrow.

18 B to assess the relative significance of two risk factors for newborns

19 A Lower-income mothers generally give birth to lower weight babies.

20 D Poorer residents have a genetic advantage over those with higher incomes.

21 C an explanation for a finding.

22 D the speed with which results are seen


IELTS Writing task 1. Map. Southwest Airport

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The provided map intricately details both the current structural layout and the proposed post-development plan for the Southwest airport.

Evidently, the proposed plan prominently features several enhancements and additions, encompassing an expansion of gates, the integration of a sky train, ATM facilities, car hire services, and a designated bag drop area.

Presently equipped with eight gates, the airport is poised for substantial growth, with plans to expand to an impressive total of 18 gates. This expansion includes doubling both the arrival and departure gates from one each. Furthermore, to enhance passenger convenience, a modern sky train will replace the existing walkway, facilitating seamless navigation between gates for travellers. While the security passport control and passport control customs remain the same, shops will be added next to the former.

While the present amenities include a café in the departures, there will be an additional café in the arrivals with an ATM and car hire next to it. The checking will be moved to where the old café was, and a dedicated bag drop zone will be integrated to the proposed plan.