All posts by Jomon John

Test 1 – Duolingo read and select

Is this a real English word?

Word Quiz
Time left: 5 seconds

Test 7 – Duolingo interactive reading

Vacation Quiz

Vacation Quiz

Time left: 2:30

Fill in the Blanks:

Susan had long been dreaming of __________ a vacation, but she and her __________ Michael kept postponing it. Finally, they decided on a weekend visit to Ocean City __________ their two children.

Test 6 – Duolingo Interactive Reading

Firefighter Quiz


Time left: 2:30

Fill in the Blanks:

Firefighters are the people who fight fires on a __________ daily basis. They work for fire departments, which __________ organizations of trained professionals that keep the community __________ from fires. When a fire __________ out, firefighters enter buildings to look __________ people and pets, rescue them, and __________ out the fire to prevent __________ from spreading. They also conduct __________ drills and inspections to __________ businesses and agencies safe.

Test 5 – Duolingo Interactive Reading

Rainforest Quiz


Time left: 2:30

Fill in the Blanks:

The rainforest is an exciting place, __________ of many diverse plants and animals. These tropical forests are usually located near the Earth's equator, where the climate is warm with high rainfall __________ the year. Most rainforests are __________ into four layers, and each layer houses unique types of insects, plants, and animals. The topmost layer is called the emergent layer, where trees as tall as skyscrapers __________ for the sun. Beneath this is the canopy layer. This layer is basically a roof, __________ by tree branches and leaves that grow closely to one another. This layer is home to most of the rainforest __________ including colorful birds, monkeys, and insects.

Test 4 – Duolingo – Interactive reading

Biophysics Quiz


Time left: 2:30

Fill in the Blanks:

Biophysics is the study of the physical properties of living things. This field refers to physics, which __________ the science of matter and energy, and also to biology, the science of living __________. Biophysicists study the physical __________ of organisms and the __________ of physical processes on __________ things. For example, biophysicists might study the effect certain chemicals __________ on living cells, determine how tiny structures within cells work, or explain how injuries and diseases __________ the structure of skin. Some biophysicists also __________ the interaction of radiation with __________ systems.

Test 3 – Duolingo – Interactive Reading

Freshwater Pollution Quiz

Freshwater Pollution

Time left: 2:30

Fill in the Blanks:

Some people live near a body of freshwater of some __________, such as a lake or river. Unfortunately, these areas can become polluted, __________ human trash. Trash made of metal, such as bicycles or tools, __________ to the bottom, __________ it can remain for years or decades. As the __________ degrades, it __________ detrimental to aquatic plants and animals living in the ecosystem. One __________ solution to this problem is a relatively new hobby known as magnet fishing. Magnet fishing uses powerful magnets, plus a strong rope, to catch on to pieces of metal, such as iron, nickel, or steel submerged in __________. Magnet fishers often work from a bridge or boat to __________ what they can discover. The thrill is the surprise factor. Usually, it's hard to __________ just what might be lying down below, especially if the water is deep or murky.

Test 2 – Duolingo Interactive reading

Nora’s Tutoring Experience

Nora’s Tutoring Experience

Missing Paragraph:

Nora hesitantly walked up to the bright yellow door of Ms. Trabelsi’s home, uncertainty gnawing at her as she recalled her less-than-successful experiences with previous tutors. Ms. Trabelsi’s warm smile and contagious enthusiasm washed away Nora’s doubts as Ms. Trabelsi took Nora to her kaleidoscopically decorated workspace. As they began their tutoring journey, Nora discovered she had a particular affinity for geometry. Exploring the fascinating world of shapes and angles, the fear of never understanding the seemingly impossible subject dissipated.

Week after week, Nora’s passion for geometry grew, with Ms. Trabelsi expertly guiding her through even the most complex concepts. Once timid, Nora now found herself excited to attend her tutoring sessions, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she tackled her geometric problems. The subject that seemed intimidating before became a solace for Nora, and each success bolstered her self-confidence.

Missing Paragraph:

Emboldened by her newfound passion, Nora began to share her dreams with her family and friends. Their support encouraged her to contemplate a future career that incorporated geometry, such as architecture or engineering. Nora’s parents couldn’t believe the transformation they saw in their daughter, and the pride and newfound hope on their faces shone brighter than any gold. The little seed of her passion for geometry had blossomed into a life-transforming pursuit, all thanks to the guiding hands and compassionate heart of Ms. Trabelsi.


Test 2 – Duolingo Interactive reading

Nora’s Tutoring Experience

Nora's Tutoring Experience

Time left: 2:30

Fill in the Blanks:

Nora hesitantly __________ up to the bright yellow door of Ms. Trabelsi's home, uncertainty gnawing at her as she recalled her less-than-successful experiences with previous tutors.

Ms. Trabelsi's warm smile and contagious enthusiasm washed away Nora's doubts as Ms. Trabelsi __________ Nora to her kaleidoscopically decorated workspace.

As they began their tutoring __________, Nora discovered she had a particular affinity for geometry.

Exploring the fascinating world of shapes and angles, the __________ of never understanding the seemingly impossible subject dissipated.

Week after week, Nora's passion for geometry grew, with Ms. Trabelsi expertly __________ her through even the __________ complex concepts.

Once timid, Nora now __________ herself excited to attend her tutoring sessions, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she __________ her geometric problems.

Test 1 Duolingo Interactive Reading



Time left: 2:30

Fill in the Blanks:

A supernova is a powerful and luminous explosion of a __________.

A supernova occurs during the last evolutionary stages of a massive star, or when a white dwarf is triggered into runaway __________ fusion.

The original object, called the progenitor, either collapses to a neutron star or __________ hole, or is completely destroyed to form a diffuse nebula.

The peak optical luminosity of a supernova can be comparable to that of an entire __________ before fading over several weeks or months.

Duolingo Describe image (typing) – women and snow

Describe the image

Image Description Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Time: 01:00
Words Typed: 0
Typing Speed: 0 words per minute
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

In this picture, a woman is sitting alone on a bench by a road, seemingly anticipating her transportation. She faces a line of majestic, towering mountains in the distance that brush against the passing white clouds, covering a large portion of the blue sky behind them. The horizontal line of trees in front of the mountains is scenic. Apart from the carpet of snow stretching as far as the eye can see and a leafless tree next to the woman, there is no one else present in the picture. Overall, it is an intriguing and serene image.

Describe image – speaking

In this serene and contemplative scene, a woman sits alone on a bench by the roadside, patiently awaiting her transportation. Her posture suggests quiet anticipation as she gazes towards a majestic line of towering mountains in the distance. These mountains stand proudly against the backdrop of a vast blue sky adorned with passing white clouds, creating a breathtaking natural vista.

A horizontal line of trees frames the base of the mountains, enhancing the scenic beauty of the landscape. The mountains themselves are adorned with a carpet of snow, extending as far as the eye can see, adding to the tranquil and picturesque atmosphere of the setting.

Apart from the woman and the solitary leafless tree beside her, the scene is devoid of any other human presence, amplifying the sense of solitude and peacefulness. The absence of distractions allows the viewer to fully appreciate the grandeur of nature and the quiet beauty of the moment captured in the photograph.

Overall, this image evokes a sense of intrigue and serenity, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the beauty of the natural world and contemplate the peaceful solitude experienced by the woman in this picturesque setting.

List of vocabulary used

  1. Image: A visual representation of something.
  2. Sitting: Being seated.
  3. Bench: A long seat for several people.
  4. Apparently: As far as one knows or can see.
  5. Anticipating: Expecting or looking forward to something.
  6. Transportation: The action of moving from one place to another.
  7. Majestic: Having or showing impressive beauty or scale.
  8. Towering: Extremely tall or high, especially relative to surroundings.
  9. Brush: To lightly touch or sweep against.
  10. Passing: Moving past something or someone.
  11. Horizontal: Parallel to the horizon; level.
  12. Scenic: Providing or relating to beautiful natural scenery.
  13. Carpet: Used metaphorically to describe a continuous, extensive surface.
  14. Leafless: Without leaves.
  15. Intriguing: Arousing curiosity or interest; fascinating.
  16. Serene: Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
  17. Apparently: As far as one can see or understand.
  18. Anticipating: Looking forward to something; expecting.
  19. Towering: Very high or tall.
  20. Brush: To lightly touch in passing.
  21. Majestic: Having a lofty, grand, or impressive appearance.
  22. Scenic: Providing or relating to picturesque views.
  23. Carpet: A layer or covering resembling a carpet.
  24. Leafless: Without any leaves.
  25. Intriguing: Fascinating and captivating.
  26. Serene: Calm, peaceful, and tranquil.
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Duolingo – Image description

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