All posts by Jomon John

Grammar quiz – Subordinating conjunctions

At Lifestyle Training Centre, we teach the entire English grammar in just one week. Join us today and become an expert English speaker.
Subordinating conjunctions

Time left: 03:00

Select the correct subordinating conjunction

1. __________ it was raining, we went for a walk.

2. He is very tall, __________ his brother is short.

3. She left early __________ she should miss the train.

4. You can stay __________ you keep quiet.

5. __________ I see him, he is always busy.

6. You can come __________ you are on time.

7. Finish your homework __________ you go out to play.

8. __________ he started working here, he has been promoted twice.

9. We will go out __________ the rain stops.

10. Stay here __________ I call you.

11. __________ you finish your work, you can leave.

12. He studied hard __________ he could pass the exam.

13. __________ it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the picnic.

14. We didn't go out __________ it was raining.

15. She was reading a book __________ he was watching TV.

16. Take an umbrella __________ it rains.

17. You can't go out __________ you finish your homework.

18. He talks __________ he knows everything.

19. __________ the project is completed, we can start the new one.

20. __________ he is rich, he is very humble.

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Advanced English Grammar Quiz – 3

At Lifestyle Training Centre, we teach the entire English grammar in just one week. Join us today and become an expert English speaker.

Time left: 03:00

1. If I __________ about the meeting, I would have attended it.

2. In order to succeed, you __________ work harder.

3. If he __________ here, he would help us.

4. By the end of the day, they __________ the project.

5. If I __________ rich, I would travel the world.

6. She __________ to the party, but she was too tired.

7. __________ had he arrived than it started raining.

8. Study hard __________ you fail.

9. If he __________ present, he would be angry.

10. Had I __________ the truth, I would have acted differently.

11. You __________ informed me earlier.

12. I __________ I had more time to finish the work.

13. It __________ beneficial to learn a second language.

14. He looked __________ he had seen a ghost.

15. I packed some food __________ we got hungry.

16. Being __________ the circumstances, he acted wisely.

17. I wish I had __________ about the meeting earlier.

18. She __________ there if it hadn't been for the storm.

19. __________ had he spoken than everyone clapped.

20. He acts __________ he knew everything.

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Advanced English Grammar Quiz – 2

At Lifestyle Training Centre, we teach the entire English grammar in just one week. Join us today and become an expert English speaker.

Time left: 3:00

1. If he had known, he __________ able to come.

2. He __________ left early, given the time he arrived.

3. If I had known about the party, I __________.

4. She denied __________ there at the time of the incident.

5. If it hadn’t been for you, I __________ able to finish on time.

6. She __________ all day when I called.

7. By the time he returns, he __________ the book.

8. He is __________ intelligent but also very hardworking.

9. Despite __________ sick, he went to work.

10. If he __________ ask you for help, would you assist him?

11. You __________ me the truth earlier.

12. I __________ my decision to not go on that trip.

13. If only I __________ more time, I would have completed the project.

14. I won’t leave __________ you arrive.

15. I’ll lend you the book __________ you promise to return it.

16. __________ had he finished his speech when the audience applauded.

17. Study hard __________ you fail the exam.

18. Take an umbrella with you __________ it rains.

19. __________ the work, she left the office.

20. I __________ I had known about the meeting earlier.

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Test 6 – Advanced

At Lifestyle Training Centre, we teach the entire English grammar in just one week. Join us today and become an expert English speaker.
English Grammar Quiz

English Grammar Quiz

Time left: 03:00

Conditional Simple (First Conditional)

1. He __________ finished his homework before going out to play.

2. The meeting, which __________ postponed twice, finally took place.

3. By this time next year, she __________ her degree.

4. Neither the manager nor the employees __________ aware of the changes.

5. If I __________ you, I would reconsider that decision.

Conditional Continuous (Second Conditional)

6. Scarcely __________ he sat down when the phone rang.

7. She acts as if she __________ everything.

8. They suggested that he __________ more carefully in the future.

9. The book, along with the pen and the notebook, __________ on the table.

10. He demanded that the proposal __________ immediately.

Conditional Perfect (Third Conditional)

11. Hardly __________ I entered the room when everyone started clapping.

12. I wish I __________ him before the meeting.

13. The results will be announced once all the votes __________ counted.

Modals and Similar Expressions

14. It’s high time you __________ responsibility for your actions.

15. The committee agreed that the rules __________ changed.

16. She behaves as though she __________ the owner of the company.

17. If only he __________ harder, he might have succeeded.

18. Suppose he __________ late, what would you do?

19. Look! They __________ football in the garden.

20. By the time he arrived, they __________ already left.

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IELTS listening test 107

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IELTS listening test 107 answers

1. B
2. Smith
3. B
4. D
5. better mood

6. exercise bikes
7. rowing machines
8. B
9. video project
10. Clark

11. royal parks
12. A
13. Great Exhibition
14. 1851
15. A

16. Speakers’ Corner
17. Albert
18. Houses of
19. 10 am
20. Royal Naval College

21. C
22. E
23. open-ended
24. A
25. B

26. C
27. D
28. F
29. saltwater
30. economic slowdown

31. B
32. D
33. A
34. C
35. E

36. 38
37. other European
38. North America
39. C
40. late 1940s

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IELTS listening 119

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IELTS listening 119 answers

Section 1

1.         B

2.         A

3.         D

4.         C

5.         C

6.         B

7.         (course) fees

8.         Special introductory rate

9.         hour helpline

10.       5 (o’clock)

Section 2

11.       13%

12.       9 %

13.       leafy

14.       28,000

15.       greenest

16.       third campus

17.       live and work

18.       Student Union Building

19.       private housing database

20.       frequently asked question

Section 3

21.       voice

22.       make friends

23.       current and previous

24.       patient

25.       dress tidily

26.       confirmation

27.       study routine

28.       criticise teacher

29.       blame

30.       enjoyable

Section 4

31.       an extended answer

32.       relevant

33.       explanations

34.       analysts

35.       assess the value

36.       Western countries

37.       A, C

38.       C

39.       B

40.       A

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Duolingo / PTE / IELTS Direct essay. Social media and mental health issues.

Question 20. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement that social media contributes to the rise in mental health issues among young people?

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Duolingo / PTE / IELTS Double question essay. Behaviour and clothes.

Question 10.       Some young people like to copy the behaviour and clothes of famous people today. Why might this be the case? What problems can it cause?

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

Young people often find themselves greatly influenced by individuals they admire, often mirroring not just their behaviour but also their fashion choices. This essay explores the underlying reasons for this trend and its potential consequences.

There are myriad reasons why youth emulate esteemed personalities, primarily driven by the belief that by imitating successful figures, they too can achieve similar success and prosperity. This phenomenon extends beyond mere imitation of actions to adopting the very style and mannerisms that epitomise these revered individuals. A prime example is the global emulation of figures like Leonardo DiCaprio, where young people emulate his dress sense and lifestyle choices.

While imitating successful individuals is not inherently negative, it carries significant risks. For instance, it’s unrealistic for average individuals to sustainably mirror the lavish lifestyles and exquisite wardrobes of their idols without substantial financial resources. This could inadvertently push young people towards financial dependency on their families or even towards illicit means of acquiring wealth. Moreover, many celebrities harbour darker aspects of their lives, including substance abuse or involvement in immoral behaviours such as verbal and sexual misconduct. Blindly following these aspects can lead youngsters into irreversible situations.

In conclusion, while it’s natural for young people to be inspired by accomplished individuals, they must exercise caution in their emulation. Focusing solely on positive attributes can serve as a powerful motivation towards personal growth and success. However, overlooking the potential pitfalls of blind imitation can lead to financial instability, involvement in criminal activities, or even the adoption of harmful habits. Therefore, it is imperative for youth to choose role models wisely, ensuring they emulate traits that contribute positively to their own development and society at large.

List of vocabulary used

1. Emulate: To imitate or follow as an example.

2. Admiration: Respect and approval for someone.

3. Behaviours: Actions or conduct.

4. Dress codes: Specific styles of clothing.

5. Idols: People admired and emulated.

6. Rationales: Reasons or explanations.

7. Trend: General direction in which something is developing or changing.

8. Ramifications: Consequences or results of actions.

9. Plagiarised: Copied or imitated without authorization.

10. Eminent: Distinguished or famous.

11. Paragon: Perfect example or model of something.

12. Stature: Status or position achieved in society.

13. Luxurious: Extremely comfortable or elegant, often associated with wealth.

14. Exquisite: Extremely beautiful or carefully selected.

15. Credulous: Willing to believe or trust too readily, often without proper evidence.

16. Financial crises: Situations involving severe financial difficulties.

17. Involvement: Participation or engagement in something.

18. Dark sides: Negative or hidden aspects.

19. Substance abuse: Misuse of drugs or alcohol.

20. Immoral: Contrary to accepted principles of right and wrong.

21. Scrutinise: Examine or inspect closely.

22. Role models: People looked up to as examples to emulate.

23. Motivation: Reason or incentive for action.

24. Development: Growth or progress.

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