All posts by Jomon John


Answer keys:

1 Broken arm
2 7am
3 swinging from
4 left elbow
5 left thigh

6 ice pack
7 bag of frozen peas
8 cycling
9 skating
10 further advice I GP
11 sling
12 refer to GP

13 choking sensations
14 swallowing
15 sound of voice
16 a stroke
17 dysphagia
18 coffee mornings

19 walking with friends
20 infrequently/ occasionally
21 Prunes
22 eating different foods
22 breathing pattern
23 Thickener

Part B

25 A
26 C
27 C
28 A
29 A
30 C

Dr Jessica Day Part C

31 B
32 A
33 C
34 A
35 B
36 B

Dr Christine Ford Part C

37 A
38 B
38 C
40 C
41 B
42 C

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IELTS Listening Test – Nursery school admission form ANSWERS

Answer keys:

1 3
2 Maurice
3 Thursdays
4 6pm
5 yellow

6 breakfast
7 gluten
8 Heath
9 Preston
10 month

11 Australia
12 horses
13 furniture
14 ovens
15 mobile
16 less than 1400kg

17 electricity and water
18 roads are wider
19 remote
20 dressing rooms
21 A. dull
22 A. is interesting
23 C. Mary challenged him
24 900 AD
25 liquid

26 water
27 bitter water
28 food
29 religious ceremonies
30 taxes
31 C/D
32 C/D
33 C. getting the full benefit of university

34 B. a librarian
35 A. library research skills
36 access information quickly
37 dates and events
38 expanding
39 request books
40 search for sources

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Bernadito OET listening test ANSWERS

Part A

Extract 1: Questions 1 to 12

1. Heartburn
2.Greasy Food
4.Sour Taste

6.Strange Metallic Taste
7. Only During Pain
9.Gastrointestinal System

Extract 2: Questions 13 to 24
14.Chief Accountant
15.Eighteen Months

16.Optic Nerve
17.Visual Field Analysis
18.Thin Wavy Structures Floating
19. Dense And Plentiful
20. Vitrectomy
22. Dominance Of Floaters
23.Magnesium 24Collards

Part B

29. C

Part C

35.. B

38. A
39. B
40. A

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

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IELTS Listening test- Accommodation ANSWERS


Section 1

1. 435
2. Kitchen
3. Washing machine
4. Inconvenient
5. TV and VCR

6. Washbasin
7. Noisy
8. Lamp
9. Evening meals
10. Bathroom

Section 2

11. Waterproof
12. Building
13. Overfill
14. Heavy
15. Plastic

16. Open
17. 4 weeks
18. Traffic
19. Businesses
20. Stones

Section 3

21. Note system
22. Scientific research
23. Scientific journals
24. Information from the Internet
25. Double-space
26. Italics

27. Typed
28. Top right
29. 3.25
30. ID number

Section 4

31. Safe and reliable
32. Scarce
33. Washing
34. Lakes and dams
35. Air pollution

36. Pure and safe
37. Contamination
38. Drinking
39. A
40. B

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

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Part A

Extract 1: Questions 1 to 12

1. Loss Of Consciousness
2.: Saturation 97%
3. Intercostal Retraction
4. With No Rhonchi
5. 5ics In The Mcl

6. S1 And S2 Are Easily Audible
7. Abdominal Aorta Is Not Palpable
8. Femoral Pulses Are 3+
10. Umbilical Or Groin Hernia
11. Hematoma In The Forehead
12. Scalp Laceration

Extract 2: Questions 13 to 24

13.Apical Ischemia
14. Cardiac Catheterization
15. Proximal Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery
16. Anterior Descending Coronary Artery Lesion
17. Circumflex Lesion Of 80%
18.Left Ventricle Function

19. Luminal Irregularities
20. Stenosis
21.Patent Ductus Arteriosus
22. Rest Anginal
23.Nexium 40 Mg Once A Day
24. Plavix 600 Mg

Part B

25. B
26. A
27. C
28. B
29. C
30. B

Part C

Questions 31 to 36

31. B
32. A
33. B
34. B
35. C
36. A

Questions 37 to 42

37. C
38. A NOTE: Question should be “which is correct”
39. A
40. B
41. B
42. C

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

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Section 1

1. Southwest
2. Double
3. office
4. lounge
5. A

6. B
7. B
8. Amyes
9. Thursday
10. 3 hours

Section 2

11. A
12. C
13. A
14. B
15. C

16. B
17. B
18. paper
19. package labels
20. 2 to 10

Section 3

21. B
22. D
23. C
24. A
25. F
26. E

27. pink and yellow
28. subject
29. universities
30. labeled blue folder

Section 4

31. B
32. A
33. C
34. A
35. C

36. 8
37. depth
38. fear
39. attack
40. migration patterns

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

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Daniel OET listening test answers

Answers: PART A

Extract 1: Questions 1 to 12

1. Surgical Attempts for Weight Loss
2. Orthopedic Knee Surgery
3. Hypertension And Stroke
4. Crestor, And Tricor
5. Wheezing Bilaterally

6. 1+ Pitting Edema
7. Laparoscopic Roux-en-y
8. H. Pylori Testing
9. Glycosylated Hemoglobin
10. Pulmonary Embolism
11. Gastrojejunal-anastomosis
12. Bowel Obstruction

Questions 13 to 24

13. Tiara
14. Apnea Monitor
15. Peak Expiratory Flow Is 175 Liters Per Minute
16. Forced Expiratory Flow
17. Borderline Normal Lung Volumes
18. Airway Reactivity

19. Dyspnea With
20. Rhinitis Probably Vasomotor
21. Albuterol Hfa As Proair and Proventil
22. Vigorous Exercise
23. Claritin 10 Mg Or Zyrtec 10 Mg
24. Sudafed 30 Mg

Part B

25. B
26. B
27. A
29. A
30. B

Part C

Questions 31 to 36

33. C
34. B
35. B


Questions 37 to 42

37. B
38. C
42 B

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

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CHONG WALTON OET Listening test answer KEYS

1. Arthroscopy
2. Decompression And Epidural Steroids
3. Inguinal Hernia
4. Low Back Surgery For Spinal Stenosis
5. Methadone 10 Mg Twice A Day

6. Levaquin And Cipro
7. Causes An Unknown Reaction
8. Range Of Minus 10 Degrees
9. 30 Degrees Of Flexion
10. Lachman’s And Posterior Drawer

11. Patellofemoral Joint With Large Osteophytes
12. Secondary To Spinal Stenosis
13. Small Ulcer After Dropping Hematocrit
14. Pneumatosis And Cecum
15. Ischemic Colitis
16. Multiple Bowel Movements

17. Epigastric Pain
18. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
19. Microcytic Anemia
20. With Atrial Fibrillation
21. Pneumatosis In The Cecum
22. Worsening Of Pneumatosis
23. Evaluate The Liver Lesions
24. Intubation

25. A
26. C
27. A
28. C
29. C
30. A

31. A
32. B
33. C
34. A
35. B
36. A

37. C
38. A
39. B
40. C
41. A
42. A

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

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DANIEL ANDERSON OET listening test answers

Listening Part A: Answer Key

1 a bit more tired / more tired / tireder
2 couple of/two/2
3 big glands / glands felt quite big / swollen glands / glands bigger
4 noticeable
5 at rest

6 of asthma
7 terrible
8 4 or 5 cups / four or five cups / 4 cups / four cups / 5 cups / five cups / 4-5 cups / 4 to 5
cups / four to five cups
9 normal / fine
10 anaemia/ blood disorders / anemia / of anaemia / of blood disorders / of anemia

11 brother
12 related to glandular fever / glandular fever
13 gout
14 2 or 3 / two or three / 2-3 / 2 – 3 / two to three
15 steroids / prednisone / prednisone 30mg
16 after Christmas / after Xmas
17 second toe / the second toe

18 left
19 the outside / outside
20 big toe / the big toe
21 a week / one week / 1 week / 7 days / seven days
22 pain
23 stress fracture / stress-fracture
24 carry on / continue

Part B

25. c
26. b
27 . c
28. c
30 .a

Part C1


Part C2


We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

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HIROMICHI OET Listening test answers

Answer keys:
1. Upright Position
2. Frequent Urination
3. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
4. High Cholesterol
5. Brain Cancer

6. Metformin 500mg Twice A Day
7. Pantoprazole 40 Mg Daily
8. Flomax 0.4 Mg Daily
9. Advair Diskus 100/50 Mcg
10. Pneumonitis
11. Mid Body Tail Aspect

12. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
13. Lumbar Spine And Pelvis
14. Numbness In The Bottom Of Foot
15. Chest Port Placement
16. Celebrex 200 Mg Once Daily
17. Neurontin 300 Mg Three Times

18. Warfarin 1mg Daily
19. Lumbar Lordosis
20. Lower Lumbar Facet
21. Sacroiliac Joint Regions Bilaterally
22. Heterogeneous Bone Marrow Signal
23. Peripheral Neuropathy Of Left Foot
24. Cymbalta

25. B
26. A
27. C
28. B
29. A
30. B

31. B
32. B
33. C
34. A
35. A
36. B

37. B
38. A
39. B
40. C
41. A
42. B

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

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