All posts by Jomon John

Duolingo Describe an image (Speaking) Man eating at a table

Describe image – speaking

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Speaking Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
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Time: 01:30
Words Spoken: 0
Minimum Words Required: 30

In this captivating image, a man is depicted in a moment of pure enjoyment, fully immersed in the pleasure of a hearty meal. He sits at a table, his posture relaxed yet engaged, with a plate of what appears to be delicious fried chicken before him. In his right hand, he holds a piece of the crispy, golden-brown chicken, his fingers delicately poised as if savoring the anticipation of the bite to come. His mouth is slightly open, conveying his eagerness and delight in the dining experience.

In his left hand, he clasps a glass filled with a vibrant orange-colored drink, adding a splash of color to the scene. The contrast between the warm tones of the food and the cool hue of the beverage enhances the visual appeal of the composition. The man’s appearance is notable for his fair complexion and his hair, which cascades in a mix of brown, black, and golden shades, lending a touch of casual elegance to his demeanor.

Dressed in formal attire—a smart, full-sleeve black shirt—he embodies a blend of comfort and sophistication, suggesting perhaps a moment of leisure amidst a busy day. The background, softly blurred to keep the focus squarely on him, enhances the sense of intimacy and immediacy in the moment captured.

Overall, this image invites viewers to share in the man’s pleasure, to appreciate the simple joys of a well-prepared meal enjoyed in good company. It encapsulates a moment of culinary bliss, where every detail—from the textures of the food to the expressions of satisfaction—is beautifully portrayed, making it a truly captivating visual narrative.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Joyfully: In a manner expressing happiness or delight.
  2. Hearty: (Of a meal) substantial and satisfying.
  3. Seemingly: So as to give the impression of having a certain quality; apparently.
  4. Fried: Cooked in hot fat or oil.
  5. Comfortably: In a relaxed and pleasant manner.
  6. Grasps: To take hold of something tightly with the hands.
  7. Orange-colored: Having the color of orange.
  8. Complexion: The natural color, texture, and appearance of a person’s skin, especially of the face.
  9. Fairly: To a moderately high degree.
  10. Hues: A color or shade.
  11. Formal attire: Clothing suitable for formal events, often characterized by conservative and dressy garments.
  12. Full-sleeve: A shirt or garment with sleeves extending from shoulder to wrist.
  13. Blurred: Unable to see or be seen clearly.
  14. Main subject: The primary focus or central figure in a picture or scene.
  15. Clear: Easy to perceive, understand, or interpret.
  16. Well-lit: Illuminated in a way that makes it easy to see.
  17. Intriguing: Arousing one’s curiosity or interest; fascinating.
  18. Captivating: Capable of attracting and holding interest; charming.
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Duolingo – Image description

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Speaking Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
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Time: 01:30
Words Spoken: 0
Minimum Words Required: 30

Duolingo Describe an image (Speaking) Artist:

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Speaking Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
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Time: 01:30
Words Spoken: 0
Minimum Words Required: 30

Describe image – speaking

In this mesmerizing scene, a distinguished painter is deeply engrossed in adding the final touches to his masterpiece. His focused determination is palpable as he skillfully maneuvers a paintbrush in his right hand, while his left arm cradles a palette of vibrant colors. The canvas, positioned elegantly on a sturdy wooden easel, awaits the artist’s creative flourish with eager anticipation.

The painter exudes an air of sophistication, adorned with a chic hat that adds a stylish touch to his appearance. His attire, a subdued or dim-colored tunic, underscores his commitment to his craft without distracting from the vibrant hues of his artwork.

The backdrop serves as a striking contrast, featuring a rich, dark green wall juxtaposed against a pristine expanse of off-white. This harmonious interplay of colors not only enhances the visual impact of the scene but also draws attention to the focal point—the artist and his mesmerizing creation.

Every detail in the composition is meticulously arranged to capture the essence of creativity and expression. From the intricate brushstrokes on the canvas to the subtle nuances of light and shadow, each element invites the observer to delve deeper into the artist’s world of passion and craftsmanship.

Overall, this captivating composition beckons viewers to immerse themselves in the beauty of artistry, offering a glimpse into the artist’s process and inviting appreciation for the intricate details and harmonious elements that define this moment of creative inspiration.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Captivating: Holding the attention or interest of someone in an enthralling manner.
  2. Distinguished: Esteemed or respected, often due to notable achievements or qualities.
  3. Delicately: Done with care, precision, and sensitivity.
  4. Masterpiece: A work of outstanding skill, artistry, or craftsmanship.
  5. Focused: Paying close attention and concentrating on a specific task or goal.
  6. Determination: Firmness of purpose; the quality of being resolute or unwavering.
  7. Manoeuvres: Skilful movements or actions, especially in achieving a particular goal.
  8. Paintbrush: A tool used by artists for applying paint, typically consisting of bristles attached to a handle.
  9. Palette: A flat surface used by artists for mixing and holding paints.
  10. Easel: A stand used for holding and displaying an artist’s canvas.
  11. Adorned: Decorated or embellished with ornaments or accessories.
  12. Timeless: Not affected by the passage of time; enduring or eternal.
  13. Chic (ഷീക്ക്): Stylish and fashionable in a sophisticated way.
  14. Sophistication: Elegance and refinement in style, taste, or manner.
  15. Complemented: Enhanced or completed by the addition of something else.
  16. One-piece: Referring to something made or consisting of a single piece, without separate parts or components.
  17. Tunic: A loose-fitting garment, typically reaching from the shoulders to somewhere between the hips and the knees.
  18. Subdued: Having a softer or less intense appearance, often characterized by muted or restrained colors or tones.
  19. Dim: Lacking brightness or clarity, having a faint or subdued quality in terms of appearance or illumination.
  20. Hue: A shade or tint of colour.
  21. Backdrop: The background against which something is viewed or set.
  22. Juxtaposed: Placed close together or side by side for contrasting effect.
  23. Contrast: The state of being strikingly different from something else.
  24. Expanse: A wide and open area or surface.
  25. Pristine: In its original condition; unspoiled or untouched.
  26. Interplay: Interaction or relationship between contrasting elements.
  27. Accentuate: To emphasise or highlight.
  28. Focal point: The central point of attention or interest.
  29. Immersion: Deep engagement or involvement in an activity or experience.
  30. Crook: The curved or bent part of something, in this context, referring to the arm, where the palette is cradled.
  31. Poised: Balanced, composed, or ready for action.
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Duolingo – Image description

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Duolingo: Describe an image (Speaking) – Cows

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Speaking Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
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Time: 01:30
Words Spoken: 0
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

This image showcases a breathtaking countryside scene with a vast green pasture stretching endlessly into the horizon. The lush grass covers the ground like a vibrant green carpet, inviting viewers to imagine the freshness and tranquility of the setting. In the midst of this natural expanse, around half a dozen cows can be seen, happily grazing. Their black and white coats create a striking visual contrast against the green pasture, making them stand out beautifully.

These cows, with their gentle demeanor, add a sense of calm and contentment to the scene as they indulge in their meal. The peacefulness of their grazing reflects the overall serenity of the countryside. In the background, a massive mountain rises majestically, its peak reaching toward the sky and brushing against the floating clouds. The mountain adds a dramatic backdrop to the scene, enhancing the dreamlike quality of the image.

The combination of the grazing cows, the green pasture, and the towering mountain creates a picture of utter tranquility and natural beauty. This captivating and serene countryside scene invites viewers to imagine themselves standing there, breathing in the fresh air, and feeling the peacefulness wash over them. It’s a reminder of the simple, yet profound, beauty of nature and the calm it can bring to our lives.

Describe an image (typing)

List of vocabulary used:

1. Countryside: The rural areas outside of cities and towns, typically characterized by open land, farms, and natural scenery.
2. Vast: Extremely large or wide in area or extent.
3. Pasture: A large area of land covered with grass, especially one used for grazing by livestock.
4. Scenic: Having beautiful natural scenery or views.
5. Descriptive: Providing detailed information or vivid imagery.
6. Essence: The fundamental nature or quality of something; the intrinsic nature of something.
7. Nature: The physical world and everything in it that is not made by people, including plants, animals, mountains, oceans, stars, etc.
8. Grazing: The act of animals, particularly livestock like cows or sheep, feeding on grass in a pasture.
9. Lush: Growing thickly and abundantly; characterized by green and luxuriant vegetation.
10. Indulging: Allowing oneself to enjoy the pleasure of something.
11. Meal: Food consumed by animals or humans to provide nourishment.
12. Massive: Very large and heavy; imposing or impressive in scale or scope.
13. Mountain: A large natural elevation of the earth’s surface, typically with steep sides and a peak.
14. Sky: The region of the atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth; the upper atmosphere or heavens.
15. Brushing: Making contact or coming into gentle contact with something, typically in a light or fleeting manner.
16. Floating: Suspended or moving freely in a liquid or gas without sinking or falling.
17. Dreamlike: Resembling or characteristic of a dream; having an unreal or fantastical quality.
18. Captivating: Holding the attention or interest of someone; enchanting or enthralling.
19. Serene: Calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil.
20. Tranquil: Free from disturbance or turmoil; calm and peaceful.
21. Adorned: Decorated or embellished with something, often for aesthetic purposes.
22. Contrasting: Displaying a marked difference or dissimilarity, often in color, tone, or style.
23. Hues: Colors or shades, especially when referring to variations in color.
24. Striking: Attracting attention or impressing the observer due to its notable qualities or distinctiveness.
25. Visual: Relating to sight or the sense of vision; pertaining to what is seen.
26. Backdrop: The background against which something is seen or viewed.
27. Green pasture: A field or meadow covered with lush, green grass, typically used for grazing livestock.
28. Cows: Female cattle, often raised for their milk or meat.
29. Contrast: The state of being strikingly different from something else, often used to highlight distinctions or differences.
30. Aesthetic: Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty, often referring to visual appeal.

31. Paints a picture of: This phrase is often used metaphorically to mean describing something vividly.

32. Stretching out: Describing something as stretching out implies that it extends over a large area.

33. Capturing the essence of: This phrase means accurately representing the fundamental nature or quality of something.

34. Rises up: This phrase emphasizes upward movement or ascent.

35. Touches the sky: This is an idiom used to describe something that is very tall or reaches high into the air.

36. Brushing against: This phrase conveys a gentle or light contact with something.

37. Dreamlike sight: This idiom describes something that resembles or feels like a dream, often referring to its surreal or fantastical quality.

38. Utterly captivating: This phrase emphasizes how completely engaging or enthralling something is.

39. Tranquil countryside setting: This phrase combines “tranquil” (meaning calm and peaceful) with “countryside setting” to describe the peaceful rural environment depicted in the image.

Phrases and idioms used

A few tips:

Observe and Analyse: Spend some time observing various images, noting the key elements and details. Practice analyzing what you see and how you can effectively describe it.

Expand Vocabulary: Work on expanding your vocabulary to include descriptive adjectives, verbs, and idiomatic expressions. This will help you paint a more vivid picture with your words.

Practice Description: Regularly practice describing images, either by describing photographs, illustrations, or even scenes from movies or videos. Try to capture the essence of what you see in clear and engaging language.

Focus on Structure: Pay attention to the structure of your descriptions. Start with an introductory sentence that provides context, then move on to describe the main elements of the image in a logical order.

Utilise Imagery: Incorporate imagery and sensory details to make your descriptions more immersive and engaging. Consider how you can evoke the sights, sounds, and even feelings associated with the image.

Time Management: Practice delivering your descriptions within a limited time frame, similar to the 20-second preparation and 90-second speaking period in the Duolingo English Test. This will help you develop the ability to organise your thoughts quickly and deliver your description efficiently.

Seek Feedback: Ask for feedback from teachers, peers, or language partners on your descriptions. Pay attention to areas where you can improve, such as clarity, coherence, or vocabulary usage.

Review and Reflect: After completing a description, take some time to review and reflect on your performance. Identify strengths and weaknesses, and set specific goals for improvement in future practice sessions.

By following these instructions and consistently practicing your description skills, you can enhance your ability to effectively communicate about images, ultimately improving your performance on tasks like the “describe image” question in the Duolingo English Test.

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Duolingo – Image description

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Listen and type updated with typing speed Duolingo Test Practice

Listen And Type

You will listen to a person speaking a statement and then transcribe what you hear.

1 minute


Type the statement that you hear.


Number of replays left: 3

Words typed: 0

Typing speed: 0 WPM

Accuracy: 0%

Listen And Type Duolingo practice test 1

Duolingo Test Practice

Listen And Type

You will listen to a person speaking a statement and then transcribe what you hear.

1 minute


Type the statement that you hear.


Number of replays left: 3

Word Count: 0

Typing Speed (WPM): 0

Accuracy: 0%

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Describe an image – Paddy field and houses

Image Description Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Time: 01:00
Words Typed: 0
Typing Speed: 0 words per minute
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

This image appears to depict a rural scene with a body of water, likely a pond or paddy field, in the foreground. A narrow earthen path winds around the edge of the water, leading to a group of buildings. The buildings have a mix of styles and materials, with some having a traditional look while others appear more modern. The sky is overcast, suggesting a cloudy or rainy day. In the background, there are rolling hills or mountains, adding to the scenic and tranquil rural setting.

Describe image – Speaking

The image portrays a picturesque rural landscape featuring a large body of shallow water, likely a pond or paddy field, prominently in the foreground. An earthen path, narrow and winding, traces the perimeter of the water, guiding the eye towards a cluster of buildings in the distance. These structures exhibit a blend of architectural styles; some exude a traditional charm with their rustic appearance, while others have a more contemporary design. The sky above is overcast, indicating a cloudy or perhaps rainy day, which adds a certain moodiness to the scene. Beyond the buildings, the landscape extends into rolling hills or mountains, providing a serene and majestic backdrop. The overall atmosphere is tranquil and bucolic, capturing the essence of rural life with its simple yet captivating beauty.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Rural: Relating to the countryside, typically characterized by agricultural or natural surroundings.
  2. Scene: A view or landscape, especially in terms of its visual impact or appearance.
  3. Body of water: A significant area of water, such as a pond, lake, or river.
  4. Paddy field: A flooded parcel of land used for growing rice.
  5. Foreground: The part of a view or scene that is nearest to the observer, especially in a picture or photograph.
  6. Path: A way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading.
  7. Earthen: Made of earth or soil; relating to the ground.
  8. Winding: Moving in a twisting or curving course.
  9. Buildings: Structures with a roof and walls, such as houses, factories, and offices.
  10. Mix: To combine or blend into a whole.
  11. Styles: Distinctive forms or mannerisms, especially in art, literature, or fashion.
  12. Materials: The matter from which a thing is or can be made.
  13. Traditional: Following long-established customs or styles.
  14. Modern: Relating to the present or recent times; contemporary.
  15. Overcast: Covered with clouds; cloudy.
  16. Suggesting: To propose or imply something as a possibility.
  17. Cloudy: Full of or covered with clouds.
  18. Background: The part of a picture, scene, or design that forms a setting for the main figures or objects.
  19. Rolling hills: Gentle, undulating countryside, typically with grass or crops.
  20. Mountains: Large natural elevation of the earth’s surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill.
  21. Adding: Join (something) to something else so as to increase the size, number, or amount.
  22. Scenic: Providing or relating to views of impressive or beautiful natural scenery.
  23. Tranquil: Free from disturbance; calm.
  24. Bucolic: Relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and rural life.
  25. Capturing: To take control of; to seize.
  26. Essence: The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.

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Describe an image – Duolingo – boat at sea

Image Description Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Time: 01:00
Words Typed: 0
Typing Speed: 0 words per minute
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The image captures a beautiful coastal scene with people enjoying a sunny day. A sleek blue boat, anchored near the sandy shore, is equipped with a wakeboarding tower. A boy in a blue outfit is boarding the boat, helped by a man in dark blue. A woman in a white top and green skirt smiles from the beach, while a man in pink and beige watches calmly. A lush palm tree and crystal-clear water enhance the tranquil, tropical ambiance. Overall, it’s an intriguing and captivating image.

Describe an image – Speaking

The image captures an idyllic coastal scene where a group of individuals relishes a delightful day by the waterfront. Dominating the right side of the frame is a sleek, state-of-the-art blue boat, anchored gracefully near the sandy shore. The boat, outfitted with a robust wakeboarding tower, exudes modernity and appears meticulously maintained, tailored for aquatic adventures and leisurely pursuits.

In the center of the image, a vibrant tableau unfolds: a young boy, clad in a vibrant blue shirt and matching shorts, is in the process of boarding the boat. A man standing on the boat, dressed in a dark blue shirt and shorts, extends a helping hand, ensuring the boy’s safe boarding.

At the beach, a woman stands barefoot on the sand, her attire consisting of a crisp white top paired with a bright green skirt. She watches the boy with a gentle smile, embodying a sense of care and enjoyment. Further back, another man, attired in a pink shirt and beige shorts, wearing shades, stands with a relaxed demeanour, observing the unfolding activities with an air of tranquility.

The backdrop is adorned with a lush palm tree, which amplifies the tropical essence of the locale. The water, serene and crystal clear, gently caresses the shore, adding to the soothing ambiance. The overall scene is a picturesque portrayal of relaxation and joy, capturing the essence of a sun-drenched day spent in a beautiful coastal paradise.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Idyllic: Extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.
  2. Coastal: Relating to or located near the coast.
  3. Relishes: Enjoys greatly.
  4. Delightful: Causing delight; charming.
  5. Waterfront: A part of a town or city that is next to an area of water such as a river or the sea.
  6. Dominating: Having a commanding position or influence over others.
  7. State-of-the-art: Incorporating the newest ideas and the most up-to-date features.
  8. Anchored: Secured (a boat) in position with an anchor.
  9. Gracefully: In an elegant and smooth manner.
  10. Sandy: Covered in or consisting mostly of sand.
  11. Robust: Strong and healthy; vigorous.
  12. Wakeboarding: A water sport in which a rider is towed behind a motorboat on a wakeboard.
  13. Modernity: The quality or condition of being modern.
  14. Meticulously: Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
  15. Maintained: Kept in good condition.
  16. Aquatic: Relating to water.
  17. Adventures: Exciting or unusual experiences.
  18. Leisurely: Acting or done at leisure; unhurried or relaxed.
  19. Pursuits: Activities engaged in regularly.
  20. Vibrant: Full of energy and life.
  21. Tableau: A picturesque grouping of persons or objects; a striking scene.
  22. Clad: Clothed or covered.
  23. Attire: Clothes, especially fine or formal ones.
  24. Crisp: Fresh, clean, and looking new or attractive.
  25. Gentle: Mild in temperament or behavior; kind or tender.
  26. Embodies: Gives a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling).
  27. Care: The provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.
  28. Enjoyment: The state or process of taking pleasure in something.
  29. Attired: Dressed in clothes of a specified kind.
  30. Demeanor: Outward behavior or bearing.
  31. Tranquility: The quality or state of being calm and peaceful.
  32. Backdrop: The setting or background of an event or scene.
  33. Adorned: Made more beautiful or attractive.
  34. Lush: Growing luxuriantly.
  35. Amplifies: Increases in size, volume, or significance.
  36. Locale: A place where something happens or is set.
  37. Serene: Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
  38. Crystal clear: Completely transparent and unclouded.
  39. Caresses: Touches or strokes gently or lovingly.
  40. Soothing: Having a calming or relieving effect.
  41. Ambiance: The character and atmosphere of a place.
  42. Picturesque: Visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.
  43. Portrayal: A depiction or description of someone or something.
  44. Sun-drenched: Receiving a great deal of sunlight.
  45. Paradise: A place of extreme beauty, delight, or happiness.
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Duolingo – describe an image – Cow and dog

Image Description Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Time: 01:00
Words Typed: 0
Typing Speed: 0 words per minute
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

In the image, a brown cow and a white dog with black patches stand in a verdant field. They face each other, their noses touching tenderly, exuding a sense of curiosity and mutual affection. The backdrop features a picturesque landscape with dense trees and a rustic wooden fence, adding to the peaceful and serene rural ambiance. The cow’s tranquil demeanour and the dog’s alert posture capture a heartwarming moment of interspecies connection and harmony.

Describe image – Speaking

This picture depicts a tranquil rural scene where nature’s calmness envelops everything. In this idyllic setting, a brown cow and a white dog with black patches stand in a lush green field. Their noses meet gently, conveying a sense of curiosity and mutual affection. The background, featuring dense trees and a rustic wooden fence, enhances the peaceful atmosphere of this rural haven.

As we take in this touching moment, the cow’s serene demeanor and the dog’s attentive posture highlight a wonderful example of interspecies connection and harmony. This tender interaction between the two animals reminds us of the simple yet profound bonds that can form between different beings, offering a glimpse into the gentle and compassionate side of nature. It brings a sense of peace and unity, showing how diverse creatures can share a moment of mutual respect and understanding.

This image encourages us to think about the beauty of such connections and the tranquility that nature offers. It serves as a reminder of the importance of harmony in our lives, urging us to appreciate and foster the relationships we have with all living beings. It also suggests how affection can be exchanged, transcending genes, species, colour, without uttering a single word.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Depicts – Represents or shows something in a picture or story.
  2. Serene – Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
  3. Rural – Relating to the countryside rather than the town.
  4. Tranquility – The quality or state of being calm and peaceful.
  5. Picturesque – Visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.
  6. Verdant – Green with grass or other rich vegetation.
  7. Field – An open area of land, especially one planted with crops or pasture, typically bounded by hedges or fences.
  8. Noses touch – The act of two animals’ noses coming into contact with each other.
  9. Tenderly – With gentleness, kindness, and affection.
  10. Curiosity – A strong desire to know or learn something.
  11. Mutual – Experienced or done by each of two or more parties towards the other or others.
  12. Affection – A gentle feeling of fondness or liking.
  13. Backdrop – The setting or background for a scene, event, or situation.
  14. Dense – Closely compacted in substance.
  15. Rustic – Relating to the countryside; rural.
  16. Fence – A barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire, enclosing an area of ground to control access or egress.
  17. Ambiance – The character and atmosphere of a place.
  18. Calm demeanor – A composed and peaceful manner.
  19. Attentive stance – A position or attitude of being alert and focused.
  20. Interspecies – Occurring between different species.
  21. Harmony – The quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole.
  22. Interaction – Reciprocal action or influence.
  23. Simple – Easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty.
  24. Profound – Very great or intense.
  25. Bonds – Strong connections or relationships.
  26. Beings – Living creatures.
  27. Compassionate – Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.
  28. Peace – Freedom from disturbance; tranquility.
  29. Unity – The state of being united or joined as a whole.
  30. Reflect – Think deeply or carefully about.
  31. Beauty – A combination of qualities that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially sight.
  32. Nurture – Care for and encourage the growth or development of.
  33. Relationships – The way in which two or more people or things are connected.
  34. Living beings – Organisms that are alive.
  35. Idyllic – Extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.
  36. Haven – A place of safety or refuge.
  37. Touching moment – A brief period filled with emotional tenderness.
  38. Wonderful – Inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration; extremely good; marvelous.
  39. Gentle – Having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character.
  40. Offers – Present or proffer (something) for someone to accept or reject as desired.

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

📱 Call/WhatsApp/Text: +91 9886926773

📧 Email: [email protected]

🗺️ Find Us on Google Map

Visit us in person by following the directions on Google Maps. We look forward to welcoming you to the Lifestyle Training Centre.

Follow Lifestyle Training Centre on social media:

Thank you very much!

Duolingo – Image description

Free Duolingo Sponsorship Invitation from Lifestyle Training Centre! Add LTC to your DET profile for faster results and exclusive benefits.

IELTS listening test. Removal booking confirmation ANSWERS

Answer keys

1. 0263799785
2. Avalon Drive
3. Jasper Avenue
4. Wednesday
5. (next) Saturday

6. 2
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. C

11 public performances
12 horizontally across
13 experienced musicians
14 lead guitar
15 beginners

16 songwriters
17 B/E
18 B/E
19 B
20 C
21 А

22 C
23 B
24 B
25 2 years
26 on average
27 sandy soil
28 sunlight

29 plastic sheets
30 from frost
31 ripen
32 grown
33 B
34 B

35 С
36 cooking method
37 Fat-soluble
38 regularly replaced
39 deteriorates
40 regular basis

We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

📱 Call/WhatsApp/Text: +91 9886926773

📧 Email: [email protected]

🗺️ Find Us on Google Map

Visit us in person by following the directions on Google Maps. We look forward to welcoming you to the Lifestyle Training Centre.

Follow Lifestyle Training Centre on social media:

Thank you very much!