All posts by Jomon John

OET Listening test # 43 Brayan Harris answers

1. External Fixation On The Wound For Healing Fractures
2. Skin Grafting
3. Clostridium Difficile
4. Flagyl
5. Pancreatic Cancer.
6. S3, S4, Or Gallop
7. Split Thickness Skin Graft Closure
8. Gluteal Folds On The Left Side
9. Down Lower On The Calf Area
10. Comes Out Laterally On Left Thigh
11. Sense Of Trauma To Right Posterior Leg
12. Chemical Cauterization

13. Vascular Surgery
14. Exploratory Laparotomy
15. Cholecystectomy
16. Daptomycin
17. Colace
18. Hyperpigmentation
19. Right Medial Malleolar Area
20. Erythema Extending Proximally
21. Wound Edges Are Poorly Defined
22. 64% Neutrophils
23. Pseudomonas
24. Daptomycin And Primaxin Iv

25. B
26. B
27. C
28. B
29. C
30. B

31. B
32. C
33. B
34. A
35. A
36. B

37. B
38. A
39. C
40. A
41. C
42. B


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Describe an image – Duolingo – Bird – (Speaking)

Speaking Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Your speech transcript will appear here…
Time: 01:30
Words Spoken: 0
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

This picture exquisitely captures a delicate, tiny bird perched gracefully on a rugged tree bark that is lavishly adorned with a profusion of vibrant flowers in shades of pristine white and rich red. The solitary bird, resplendent in its alluring blue plumage, stands out vividly against this colorful and natural backdrop, creating a striking visual contrast.

In the background, a serene pale blue sky stretches endlessly, partially veiled by a scattering of drifting, snow-white clouds that move gently across the horizon. This interplay of sky and clouds adds a dreamy, ethereal quality to the scene, enhancing its tranquil beauty.

The overall composition is a harmonious blend of vivid colours and serene elements, evoking a profound sense of wonder and admiration. The juxtaposition of the vibrant flowers, the strikingly blue bird, and the tranquil sky creates an enthralling visual narrative that captures the essence of nature’s beauty and serenity.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Exquisitely – Beautifully or delicately.
  2. Captures – Represents or records accurately in words or pictures.
  3. Delicate – Fragile or fine in quality.
  4. Tiny – Very small.
  5. Bird – A warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrate distinguished by feathers.
  6. Perched – Rested on something high or narrow.
  7. Gracefully – Elegantly and smoothly.
  8. Rugged – Having a rough, uneven surface.
  9. Tree – A woody perennial plant.
  10. Bark – The outer covering of a tree.
  11. Lavishly – In a rich, elaborate, or luxurious manner.
  12. Adorned – Decorated.
  13. Profusion – An abundance or large quantity.
  14. Vibrant – Full of energy and life.
  15. Flowers – The reproductive structure in flowering plants.
  16. Shades – Degrees of lightness or darkness of a color.
  17. Pristine – In its original condition; unspoiled.
  18. Rich – Strong or vivid in color.
  19. Solitary – Alone; without companions.
  20. Resplendent – Attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous.
  21. Alluring – Attractive or charming.
  22. Plumage – A bird’s feathers collectively.
  23. Vividly – Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
  24. Colorful – Having much or varied color.
  25. Natural – Existing in or derived from nature.
  26. Backdrop – The background of a scene.
  27. Striking – Attracting attention by being unusual, extreme, or prominent.
  28. Visual – Relating to seeing or sight.
  29. Contrast – The state of being strikingly different from something else.
  30. Serene – Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
  31. Pale – Light in color.
  32. Stretches – Extends over a large distance or area.
  33. Endlessly – Without end.
  34. Partially – In part; not completely.
  35. Veiled – Partially concealed or hidden.
  36. Scattering – A small, dispersed amount of something.
  37. Drifting – Moving slowly, especially as a result of outside forces.
  38. Snow-white – Pure white.
  39. Clouds – Visible masses of condensed water vapor floating in the sky.
  40. Gently – With a mild or kind manner.
  41. Horizon – The line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet.
  42. Interplay – The way in which two or more things have an effect on each other.
  43. Dreamy – Having a magical or pleasantly unreal quality.
  44. Ethereal – Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
  45. Quality – A distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.
  46. Scene – A place or setting of an event.
  47. Enhancing – Intensifying, increasing, or further improving the quality.
  48. Tranquil – Free from disturbance; calm.
  49. Composition – The way in which something is put together or arranged.
  50. Harmonious – Forming a pleasing or consistent whole.
  51. Blend – A mixture of different things or qualities.
  52. Vivid – Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
  53. Elements – Parts or aspects of something abstract.
  54. Evoking – Bringing or recalling to the conscious mind.
  55. Profound – Very great or intense.
  56. Sense – A feeling or perception produced through the senses.
  57. Wonder – A feeling of amazement and admiration.
  58. Admiration – Respect and warm approval.
  59. Juxtaposition – The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.
  60. Narrative – A spoken or written account of connected events.
  61. Essence – The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something.
  62. Serenity – The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

Describe the image (Typing)

Click here to access typing practice.

Duolingo – Image description

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Describe an image – Duolingo – Theatre (Speaking)

Reload Page Button

Note: Works on iPhones and laptops. Android is not compatible yet. Please practice on a computer for accurate result. Thank you.

Speaking Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Your speech transcript will appear here…
Time: 01:30
Words Spoken: 0
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

This image captures the ambiance of a theatre, where a diverse audience is immersed in a film experience. In the foreground, a striking woman is completely absorbed by the movie. She holds a box of popcorn in her left hand and, with her right hand, leisurely enjoys a handful of kernels. Next to her, a distinguished gentleman leans back in his chair, his gaze fixed intently on the screen, clearly captivated by the unfolding story. In the background, several other audience members are similarly enthralled, their faces softly illuminated by the flickering light of the screen, revealing their engagement and fascination. The dimly lit room contrasts with the glowing screen, creating a warm, immersive atmosphere that draws viewers into the cinematic world

List of vocabulary used

  1. Absorbed – Fully concentrated or engrossed in something.
  2. Audience – The group of people watching or listening to a performance or film.
  3. Backdrop – The background scenery or setting for a scene.
  4. Captivated – Attracted and held the interest of someone completely.
  5. Clasp – To hold tightly or firmly, often used for fastening.
  6. Enchanted – Under a spell or charm; fascinated.
  7. Engaged – Involved or occupied with something.
  8. Engrossed – Completely absorbed or focused on something.
  9. Fore – The front part or area of something.
  10. Gorgeous – Very beautiful or attractive.
  11. Gentleman – A polite or refined man.
  12. Glow – A steady light or brightness.
  13. Immersive – Deeply engaging or involving.
  14. Illuminated – Lighted up; made visible by light.
  15. Leans – To rest or recline against something.
  16. Lit – Lighted or illuminated.
  17. Popcorn – A type of snack made from heated corn kernels.
  18. Reflection – The image or light bouncing off a surface.
  19. Snacking – Eating small amounts of food casually.
  20. Stare – To look fixedly at something.
  21. Theatre – A place where movies or plays are shown.

Duolingo – Image description

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Describe an image – Duolingo – Theatre (Typing)

Image Description Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Time: 01:00
Words Typed: 0
Typing Speed: 0 words per minute
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The image depicts a theater where an audience is engrossed in a film. In the foreground, a woman, captivated by the movie, holds popcorn in one hand while snacking with the other. Beside her, a man leans back, equally absorbed. In the background, the faces of other viewers are lit by the screen’s glow, all visibly engaged in the film. The dark room enhances the immersive experience.

List of vocabulary used

  1. Absorbed – Fully concentrated or engrossed in something.
  2. Audience – The group of people watching or listening to a performance or film.
  3. Backdrop – The background scenery or setting for a scene.
  4. Captivated – Attracted and held the interest of someone completely.
  5. Clasp – To hold tightly or firmly, often used for fastening.
  6. Enchanted – Under a spell or charm; fascinated.
  7. Engaged – Involved or occupied with something.
  8. Engrossed – Completely absorbed or focused on something.
  9. Fore – The front part or area of something.
  10. Gorgeous – Very beautiful or attractive.
  11. Gentleman – A polite or refined man.
  12. Glow – A steady light or brightness.
  13. Immersive – Deeply engaging or involving.
  14. Illuminated – Lighted up; made visible by light.
  15. Leans – To rest or recline against something.
  16. Lit – Lighted or illuminated.
  17. Popcorn – A type of snack made from heated corn kernels.
  18. Reflection – The image or light bouncing off a surface.
  19. Snacking – Eating small amounts of food casually.
  20. Stare – To look fixedly at something.
  21. Theatre – A place where movies or plays are shown.

Describe an image (Speaking)

Duolingo – Image description

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Part A

1. C

2. 0

3. B

4. D

5. D

6. B

7. C

8. Almost 40%

9. 77.9V

10. 1500g

11. Carbon monoxide

12. Julie Mannella

13. Carbon monoxide

14. Deterioration

15. Smoker

16. Caffeinated drinks

17. Cigarette smoke

18. Air-trapping

19. Neuro stimulatory effect

20. Linear regression

Part B

1. B

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. C

6. D

Part C (Text 01)

1. D

2. C

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. A

7. C

8. D

Part C (Text 02)

1. B

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. D

6. B

7. C

8. A


We hope this information has been valuable to you. If so, please consider a monetary donation to Lifestyle Training Centre via UPI. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Would you like to undergo training for OET, PTE, IELTS, Duolingo, Phonetics, or Spoken English with us? Kindly contact us now!

📱 Call/WhatsApp/Text: +91 9886926773

📧 Email: [email protected]

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Visit us in person by following the directions on Google Maps. We look forward to welcoming you to the Lifestyle Training Centre.

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test fill in the blank

Complete the text below by typing the missing letters:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy .
She sells sea by the .
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck ?

PTE Listening

PTE Listening (Part 3)

This part of the test is 30–43 minutes long and it contains eight different question types.

The questions are based on audio or video clips, which begin to play automatically. You hear each audio or video clip once. You are allowed to take notes.

1. Summarise Spoken Text

For this item type you hear part of lecture. You need to write a 50 to 70 word summary on what you heard. You have 10 minutes for this task. The word count at the bottom of the screen count the number of words. You write make sure to write a minimum of 50 words but no more than 70.
Task: After listening to a recording, write a 50–70 word summary.
Prompt Length: 60–90 seconds
Skills Assessed: Listening and writing
Time to Answer: Not applicable
2. Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers.

For this item type, you need to listen to the recording. Answer the multiple-choice question by selecting all the correct responses. To select an option, click on it using the left button on your mouse. Click on it again to deselect it.
Task: After listening to a recording, answer a multiple-choice question on the content or tone of the recording by selecting more than one response.
Prompt Length: 40–90 seconds
Skills Assessed: Listening
Time to Answer: Not applicable
3. Fill in the BlanksTask: A transcript of a recording appears on the screen, with several gaps. After listening to the recording, type the missing word in each gap.
Prompt Length: 30–60 seconds
Skills Assessed: Listening and writing
Time to Answer: Not applicable
4. Highlight Correct SummaryTask: After listening to a recording, select the paragraph that best summarises the recording.
Prompt Length: 30–90 seconds
Skills Assessed: Listening and reading
Time to Answer: Not applicable
5. Multiple Choice, Single AnswerTask: After listening to a recording, answer a multiple-choice question by selecting one response.
Prompt Length: 30–90 seconds
Skills Assessed: Listening
Time to Answer: Not applicable
6. Select Missing WordTask: After listening to a recording, select the missing word that completes the recording from a list of options.
Prompt Length: 20–70 seconds
Skills Assessed: Listening
Time to Answer: Not applicable
7. Highlight Incorrect WordsTask: The transcript of a recording appears on the screen. While listening to the recording, identify the words in the transcript that differ from what is said.
Prompt Length: 15–50 seconds
Skills Assessed: Listening and reading
Time to Answer: Not applicable
8. Write from DictationTask: After listening to a recording of a sentence, type the sentence.
Prompt Length: 3–5 seconds
Skills Assessed: Listening and writing
Time to Answer: Not applicable


1. Summarise Spoken Text

Writing a Summary of an Audio Recording


  1. Task Overview:
    • For this item type, you will hear an audio recording and need to write a 50–70 word summary of what you heard.
  2. Listening to the Audio:
    • The audio begins to play automatically.
    • You are only able to listen to the audio recording once.
  3. Writing the Summary:
    • You have 10 minutes to listen and write your summary.
    • Make sure to write a minimum of 50 words, but no more than 70 words.
    • The Word Count at the bottom of the screen counts the number of words you write.
  4. Using Editing Tools:
    • Cut: Select text from your answer that you wish to remove and left-click “Cut.”
    • Copy: Select text from your answer that you wish to copy and left-click “Copy.”
    • Paste: Place the cursor where you wish to paste the cut/copied text and left-click “Paste.”

Make sure you summarise the main point and include the supporting points

While you listen to the recording, make sure you note down the supporting points as well as the main idea in your erasable noteboard booklet. From your notes, you can then summarise the main point and refer briefly to the essential supporting points, which will gain you good marks for content.

Remember to check grammar, spelling and punctuation

In your 50-70 word summary, you will be scored on the enabling skills of grammar, spelling and vocabulary. So leave yourself one or two minutes after you have written your summary to check your sentences for things like subject/verb agreement, tenses and word order.

Use grammatical structures that you can use confidently, and words that you are sure you have spelled correctly. Finally, check your punctuation: check full stops and commas, and make sure you have begun each sentence with a capital letter.

How this question is scored

Your response for Summarize Spoken Text is judged on your ability to comprehend, analyze and combine information from a lecture, and then summarize the key points in writing. You are also assessed on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points in the lecture.

Your score is based on five factors:

Content: Does your response summarize the main points in the lecture?

Content is scored by determining if all the key points of the lecture have been addressed without misrepresenting the purpose or topic. If your summary misinterprets the topic or the purpose of the lecture, you will not receive any score points for your summary on any of the five factors.

Your summary will be scored zero. The best responses clearly summarize the main points and condense essential supporting points. They focus on the topic and include only key information and essential supporting points.

Form: Does your response meet the length requirement of between 50 and 70 words?

Form is scored by counting the number of words in your response. You will receive full credit if your response is between 50 and 70 words.

Writing fewer than 50 words or more than 70 words will decrease your score. If your summary contains fewer than 40 words or more than 100 words, you will not receive any score points for your summary on any of the five factors. Your summary will be scored zero.

Grammar: Does your response demonstrate correct grammatical usage?

Grammar is scored by determining if the basic structure of the sentences is correct. The best responses use concise sentences that clearly communicate the intended meaning.

Vocabulary: Does your response demonstrate correct and appropriate word choice and Usage?

Vocabulary is scored according to its relevance to the lecture and its appropriateness in an academic environment. The appropriate use of synonyms is also scored. The best responses use words from the lecture appropriately, demonstrate an understanding of the context and use synonyms effectively to show variety in language use.

Spelling: Does your response demonstrate correct and consistent use of a single spelling convention?

PTE Academic recognizes English spelling conventions from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. However, one spelling convention should be used consistently in a given response.


  • Partial credit scoring applies to Summarize Spoken Text. No credit is given for no response or an irrelevant response. This question type affects the scoring of the following: listening; writing; grammar; spelling and vocabulary.
  • Your speaking skills are not tested by this question type, and your reading skills are only used to read the instructions.
  • For more information download the Score Guide

2. Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers

PTE Reading

This part of the test is 29–30 minutes long and it contains five different question types. Because PTE Academic is an integrated skills test, one item type (‘Reading and Writing: Fill in the blanks’) also assesses writing skills.

PTE Reading (Part 1)

Understand each question type

1. Reading & Writing: Fill in the Blanks

For this item type, there is a passage with some missing words. Beside each gap there’s a button with a drop-down list. Left click on this button to reveal the list of options for that gap. Select the word you think Beth feels the gap

Task: You will see a text with several gaps. Choose words from a dropdown menu to fill in the gaps.
Prompt Length: Text up to 300 words
Skills Assessed: Reading and writing
Time to Answer: Not applicable
2. Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer

Choose multiple answers. For this item type, you need to read the passage and answer the multiple-choice question. There’s more than one correct response you need to select all the answers you think are correct.
Task: After reading the text, answer a multiple-choice question on the content or tone of the text by selecting more than one response.
Prompt Length: Text up to 300 words
Skills Assessed: Reading
Time to Answer: Not applicable
3. Re-order Paragraphs

For this item type you need to restore the original order of the tax by selecting text boxes and dragging them across the screen. Select the text boxes drag them across the screen and use the arrows to reorder them.
Task: Several text boxes appear on the screen in a random order. Put the text boxes in the correct order.
Prompt Length: Text up to 150 words
Skills Assessed: Reading
Time to Answer: Not applicable
4. Fill in the Blanks

For this item type, you’ll see a text some missing words. You need to drag and drop her across the screen to correctly fill in the gaps in the text. You have a list of words in the box that you can use to fill in the gap in the text. There are more words than gas so we will not use all the words provided
Task: The text appears on a screen with several gaps in it. Drag words from the box below to fill the gaps.
Prompt Length: Text up to 80 words
Skills Assessed: Reading
Time to Answer: Not applicable
5. Multiple Choice, Single Answer

For this item type, you need to read the passage and answer the multiple-choice question. There are several possible response options, but only one is correct. To choose an answer, click on it using the left button on your mouse; click on it again to the selected, or click on a different answer.
Task: After reading the text, answer a multiple-choice question by selecting one response.
Prompt Length: Text up to 300 words
Skills Assessed: Reading
Time to Answer: Not applicable


1. Reading & Writing: Fill in the Blanks


  1. Task Overview:
    • For this item type, you need to select the most appropriate words from a drop-down list to restore the text.
  2. How to Complete the Task:
    • Identify the Gaps: There is a passage with some missing words.
    • Reveal Options: Beside each gap, there is a button with a drop-down list. Left-click on this button to reveal the drop-down list of options for that gap.
    • Select the Best Option: Review the options in the drop-down list and select the word that you think best fills the gap.
  3. Changing Your Selection:
    • If you change your mind, left-click on a different option from the drop-down list.

For this item type, you need to select the most appropriate words from a drop-down list to restore the text.

There is a passage with some missing words. Beside each gap, there is a button with a drop-down list. Left-click on this button to reveal the dropdown list of options for that gap. Select the option you think best fills the gap. To change your mind, left-click on a different option.

Skim for overall meaning to help you choose the correct word

Understanding the meaning of the whole text helps you choose the correct word for each blank. For example, if you skim the passage below, you will find key ideas and words which point to a main topic of ‘change’.

When you click on the drop-down arrows, you may find options that are also related to the main topic. You can then check grammar and overall meaning to see whether the words fit the blanks:

Read before and after the blank to help you identify the correct word

The choices in the drop-down menus may look quite similar but will have different meanings and usage. Looking at the surrounding context will help you choose the appropriate word. In the example below, only ‘access’ fits in the phrase ‘gained ………… to technologies’; pick words that match the meaning (gain access) and grammar (‘access to’). Reading either side of the blank will help you narrow down the choices you have to make:

Scan the text for the repeated words. Then read around them to find the answer more quickly:

How this question is scored

Your response for Reading & Writing: Fill in the Blanks is judged on your ability to use contextual and grammatical cues to identify words that complete a reading text. If all blanks are filled correctly, you receive the maximum score points for this question type. If one or more blanks are filled incorrectly, partial credit scoring applies.


  • This question type affects the scoring of reading and writing.
  • Your listening and speaking skills are not tested by this question type.
  • For more information download the Score Guide

2. Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer

Answering Multiple-Choice Questions with Multiple Correct Responses


  1. Task Overview:
    • For this item type, you need to read the passage and answer the multiple-choice question. There is more than one correct response.
  2. How to Complete the Task:
    • Read the Passage: Carefully read the passage provided.
    • Review the Question: Understand the multiple-choice question that follows the passage.
    • Select All Correct Responses: Choose all the response options you think are correct from the list of possible options.
  3. Selecting and Deselecting Options:
    • To select an option, click on it using the left button on your mouse.
    • If you change your mind, left-click on the option again to deselect it.
    • The options you select are highlighted in yellow.


Make sure you know how the task is scored

Read the instructions carefully. Remember that more than one option is correct in this type of multiple-choice item. You will score marks for any correct options but you will lose score points for any incorrect options.

These include options that you have clicked on as correct but which are wrong. If you click on all the options because you do not know the answer, you will lose score points. This applies to Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers item types for reading and listening.

Note any repeated words in the options

Quickly read through the response options and note any words that are repeated, particularly adjectives (e.g., ‘multigrade’) or nouns (e.g., ‘classes’). If the same noun phrase occurs in a lot of the options, the answer is probably related to this phrase.

Scan the text for the repeated words. Then read around them to find the answer more quickly:

How this question is scored

Your response for Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers is judged on your ability to analyze, interpret and evaluate a short reading text on an academic subject. If all responses are correct, you receive the maximum score points for this question type.

If one or more response options are incorrect, partial credit scoring applies.

This is the first of three question types where you can lose points if you choose any incorrect options. For any wrong options chosen one point is deducted, whilst correct options are given one point. Make sure you are confident in your choices.


  • This question type affects the scoring of reading.
  • Your listening, speaking and writing skills are not tested by this question type.
  • For more information download the Score Guide

3. Re-order Paragraphs

Restoring the Original Order of the Text


  1. Task Overview:
    • For this item type, you need to restore the original order of the text by selecting text boxes and dragging them across the screen.
  2. How to Move the Text:
    • Method 1: Drag and Drop
      • Left-click on a box to select it (it will be outlined in blue).
      • Hold the left mouse button down and drag the box to the desired location.
    • Method 2: Use Arrow Buttons
      • Left-click on a box to select it.
      • Then left-click on the left and right arrow buttons to move it across.
      • On the right panel, you can also use the up and down arrow buttons to re-order the boxes.
  3. Deselecting a Box:
    • To deselect a box, left-click elsewhere on the screen.


Read all the text boxes quickly before you start re-ordering them

Read the text boxes in order to understand the main idea of each one. You can do this by noting the key words. Next, use the key words to form an overall idea of what the original text is about. This will help you find the logical order for the ideas in the text boxes.

Find the topic sentence first

Every well-written paragraph has a topic sentence. It is usually a clear statement about the topic, and all the other sentences are related in some way to this sentence.

The topic sentence can stand alone; it does not begin with a linker or a pronoun that refers back to something or someone (e.g., ‘he’ or

‘this’), nor does it does refer back to information or actions previously mentioned through the use of things like passive verb tenses (e.g., ‘No link was found’):

How this question is scored

Your response for Re-order Paragraphs is judged on your ability to understand the organization and cohesion of an academic text. If all text boxes are in the correct order, you receive the maximum score points for this question type. If one or more text boxes are in the wrong order, partial credit scoring applies.


  • This question type affects the scoring of only reading.
  • Your listening, speaking and writing skills are not tested by this question type.
  • For more information download the Score Guide

4. Fill in the Blanks

Answering Drag-and-Drop Fill-in-the-Blanks Questions


  1. Task Overview:
    • For this item type, you need to drag and drop words across the screen to correctly fill in the gaps in the text.
  2. How to Complete the Task:
    • Identify the Gaps: There is a passage with some missing words.
    • Review the Word List: You have a list of words in the blue box that you can use to fill the gaps in the text. Note that there are more words than gaps, so you will not use all the words provided.
  3. Select and Drag Words:
    • Left-click on a word to select it.
    • Keep the left mouse button held down and drag the word to the gap where you want to place it.
    • You can also drag words between gaps if needed.
  4. Remove Words from Gaps:
    • To remove a word from a gap, drag it back to the blue box.


Think about words that you often see or hear together

Remember that some words often go together to form a familiar phrase.

This is called ‘collocation’. Using collocation can help you recognize the correct word for each blank.

For example, the phrase ‘the general public’ is a common collocation, so you can quickly see that ‘public’ might be a good choice for the first blank in the sentence below:

Use your knowledge of grammar to help you select the correct word

Read around the blank in the text and decide what part of speech the missing word is. In the example below, ‘beginning to’ tells you that an infinitive verb form is missing ‘to + verb’. Next look at the answer options provided and rule out any words that are not the right part of speech, e.g., ‘world’ is a noun and ‘formal’ is an adjective. Also, rule out any verbs that are not in the infinitive form.

Finally, choose the word that has the correct meaning from the words that are left: ‘view’ and ‘look’ mean ‘see’, but we ‘quote’ or ‘cite’ references, so only ‘cite’ fits the blank.

How this question is scored

Your response for Reading: Fill in the Blanks is judged on your ability to use context and grammatical cues to identify words that complete a reading text. If all blanks are filled correctly, you receive the maximum score points for this question type. If one or more blanks are filled incorrectly, partial credit scoring applies.


  • This question type affects the scoring of only reading.
  • Your listening, speaking and writing skills are not tested by this question type.
  • For more information download the Score Guide.

5. Multiple Choice, Single Answer

Answering Multiple-Choice Questions with a Single Correct Response


  1. Task Overview:
    • For this item type, you need to read the passage and answer the multiple-choice question.
    • There are several possible response options, but only one is correct.
  2. How to Complete the Task:
    • Read the Passage: Carefully read the passage provided.
    • Review the Question: Understand the multiple-choice question that follows the passage.
    • Select the Correct Option: Choose the one response option you think is correct from the list of possible options.
  3. Selecting and Deselecting Options:
    • To select an option, click on it using the left button on your mouse.
    • If you change your mind, left-click on the option again to deselect it, or left-click on a different option.
    • The option you select is highlighted in yellow.


Note the key words in the prompt before you read the text

The prompt for this item type may be a question or a sentence that you have to complete. Whatever type of prompt you get, read it carefully because it will tell you what information you need to find in the text.

If you focus on the key words in the prompt, you will find the answer more quickly and spend less time reading the text.

Evaluate the response options

The response options may be words, phrases or sentences. Use your own knowledge to decide whether any of them are unlikely to be correct, or likely to be correct. You can do this before you read the text.

If you read the text but cannot answer the question, choose the option that you think is most likely to be correct. This strategy also applies to multiple-choice questions with more than one answer.

How this question is scored

Your response to Multiple Choice, Single Answer is judged on your ability to analyze, interpret and evaluate a short reading text on an academic subject.

Your response is scored as either correct or incorrect. No credit is given for no response or an incorrect response. This question type affects the scoring of reading.


  • This question type affects the scoring of only reading.
  • Your listening, speaking and writing skills are not tested by this question type.
  • For more information download the Score Guide

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PTE Speaking & Writing

PTE Speaking & Writing PART 1

This part of the test is 54–67 minutes long and it contains seven different question types. It is the longest section of the test. You will be tested on your speaking and writing skills, using English you might hear in an academic environment. It is important that you understand each question type.

1. Personal Introduction

This question does not contribute to your score and is for familiarisation purposes only. 
You will have 25 seconds to read the prompt and prepare your response, and then 30 seconds to record your response. You are only able to record your answer once.

The Personal Introduction is an opportunity for you to get familiar with PTE test technology and to help you prepare for your speaking and listening questions. 

2. Read Aloud

Instructions: Do not start speaking before the tone because your voice will not be recorded.
Speak before the progress bar reaches the end and the word “according” changes to “completed.”
Task: Text appears on the screen. Read the text aloud.
Prompt Length: Text up to 60 words
Skills Assessed: Reading and speaking
Time to Answer: Varies by item, depending on the length of text.

3. Repeat Sentence

When the audio finishes, the microphone opens.
There’s no short tone, so speak into the microphone immediately and repeat exactly what you heard.
Task: After listening to a recording of a sentence, repeat the sentence.
Prompt Length: 3–9 seconds
Skills Assessed: Listening and speaking
Time to Answer: 15 seconds
4. Describe Image

For this item type, you need to describe an image. The recording status box displays a countdown until the microphone opens. You have 25 seconds to study the image and prepare your response. You will hear a short tone. After the tone, start speaking immediately.
Task: An image appears on the screen. Describe the image in detail.
Prompt Length: Not applicable
Skills Assessed: Speaking
Time to Answer: 40 seconds
5. Re-tell Lecture
Re-tell Lecture

For this item type, you need to re-tell what you heard.
The audio begins to play automatically. You may also see an image related to the audio.
After the audio finishes, you have 10 seconds to prepare.
The recording status box displays a countdown until the microphone opens.
You will hear a short tone. After the tone, start speaking immediately.
Important Points:
Do not start speaking before the microphone opens because your voice will not be recorded.
You should speak clearly. There is no need to rush.
Finish speaking before the progress bar reaches the end. The word “Recording” changes to “Completed.”
You are only able to record your response once.
While the audio is playing, you can take notes on the erasable noteboard provided.
Task: After listening to or watching a lecture, re-tell the lecture in your own words.
Prompt Length: Up to 90 seconds
Skills Assessed: Listening and speaking
Time to Answer: 40 seconds
6. Answer Short Question

For this item type, you need to reply to the question in one or a few words.
The audio begins to play automatically. You may also see an image.
When the audio finishes, the microphone opens, and the recording status box shows “Recording.”
Speak into the microphone immediately (there is no short tone) and answer the question with one or a few words.
Important Points:
You should speak clearly. There is no need to rush.
Finish speaking before the progress bar reaches the end. The word “Recording” changes to “Completed.”
You are not able to replay the audio. You are only able to record your response once.
Task: After listening to a question, answer with a single word or a few words.
Prompt Length: 3–9 seconds
Skills Assessed: Listening and speaking
Time to Answer: 10 seconds
7. Summarise Written Text
For this item type, you need to write a summary of the text in one sentence.
You have 10 minutes to write your summary.
Make sure to include the main points of the reading passage in a full, single sentence of no more than 75 words.
The word count at the bottom of the screen counts the number of words you write.
There are also cut, copy, and paste buttons which you may use while constructing your summary.
Task: After reading the text, write a one-sentence summary of the passage.
Prompt Length: Text up to 300 words
Skills Assessed: Reading and writing
Time to Answer: 10 minutes
8. Essay

For this item type, you need to write a 200–300 word argumentative essay in response to a prompt.
You have 20 minutes to write your essay.
The Word Count at the bottom of the screen counts the number of words you write. Make sure to write a minimum of 200 words, but no more than 300 words.
There are also cut, copy, and paste buttons which you may use while constructing your response.
Task: Write a 200–300 word essay on a given topic.
Prompt Length: 2–3 sentences
Skills Assessed: Writing
Time to Answer: 20 minutes