All posts by Jomon John

Describe an image – Conference – Duolingo (Speaking)

Speaking Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
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Time: 01:30
Words Spoken: 0
Minimum Words Required: 30

View model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

This photograph beautifully captures the essence of a prestigious conference, where a captivated audience, dressed in sharp business attire, is fully engaged in a compelling lecture delivered by a commanding speaker on stage. The room is impeccably organised and bathed in bright, even lighting, emphasising the attendees’ focus and seriousness. The speaker, exuding confidence, stands at the forefront of a grand stage, framed by an enormous screen showcasing dynamic visuals that enhance the depth and relevance of the presentation. The room’s design is both modern and striking, with sleek dark flooring that contrasts elegantly against the warm orange walls, while the ceiling features sophisticated projection lights that add a touch of refinement. This scene radiates an aura of professionalism, intellectual rigour, and high-stakes discourse, making it an image that truly resonates with the energy and importance of the event.

List of vocabulary and meaning:

  1. Photograph: A picture made using a camera.
  2. Captures: To take or record an image or scene.
  3. Prestigious: Having high status or respect due to success or quality.
  4. Conference: A formal meeting for discussion, often on professional or academic topics.
  5. Audience: The group of people who gather to watch or listen to a presentation or performance.
  6. Business: Related to commerce, trade, or professional activities.
  7. Attire: Clothing or garments, especially formal or distinctive ones.
  8. Engaged: Fully involved or absorbed in an activity or subject.
  9. Lecture: A formal talk given to an audience, usually on an academic subject.
  10. Speaker: The person delivering a lecture or presentation.
  11. Stage: The area where a speaker or performer presents to an audience.
  12. Grand: Impressive and large in scale or appearance.
  13. Screen: A flat surface on which images or videos are projected.
  14. Visuals: Images or graphics used to support or enhance information.
  15. Dynamic: Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
  16. Depth: The quality of being intense or profound, often in terms of meaning or understanding.
  17. Room: A space enclosed by walls, used for various activities.
  18. Modern: Relating to the present or recent times, typically involving new or advanced technology.
  19. Design: The arrangement or planning of elements in a space or object.
  20. Dark: Lacking light or brightness; often used to describe colors or lighting conditions.
  21. Flooring: The material or surface covering the floor.
  22. Warm: Having a moderate or comfortable temperature; also used to describe colors that are cozy or inviting.
  23. Orange: A color between red and yellow.
  24. Walls: Vertical structures that enclose or divide a space.
  25. Sophisticated: Highly developed, refined, or complex.
  26. Projection: The act of displaying images or information onto a surface.
  27. Lights: Devices that illuminate a space.
  28. Professionalism: The competence or skill expected in a professional context.
  29. Intellectual: Relating to the mind or the ability to think and understand.
  30. Engagement: The state of being involved or participating actively in an activity.
Duolingo – Image description

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Describe an image – Conference (Duolingo) Typing

Image Description Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Time: 01:00
Words Typed: 0
Typing Speed: 0 words per minute
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

This photograph captures a packed conference room where attendees in formal attire listen intently to a speaker on stage. The well-lit space features dark flooring, orange walls, and a ceiling adorned with projection lights. A large screen behind the speaker enhances the presentation, creating a professional and engaging atmosphere.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Packed: Completely full, with no empty space.
  2. Conference: A formal meeting for discussion, typically one lasting several days.
  3. Attendees: People who are present at an event, meeting, or function.
  4. Formal attire: Clothing suitable for formal occasions, typically including suits, dresses, etc.
  5. Intently: With great concentration or attention.
  6. Well-lit: Brightly illuminated.
  7. Space: A particular area or room.
  8. Dark flooring: Flooring material that is dark in color.
  9. Projection lights: Lights used to project images or illuminate specific areas, often used in presentations or events.
  10. Screen: A flat panel where images or data are projected or displayed.
  11. Enhances: Improves the quality or value of something.
  12. Presentation: A talk or speech in which information is given to an audience.
  13. Professional: Relating to or characteristic of a profession or professional person; showing great skill or competence.
  14. Engaging: Attracting or holding interest or attention.

Duolingo – Image description

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Describe the image – Duolingo – Bird – (Typing) Describe the Image

Image Description Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Time: 01:00
Words Typed: 0
Typing Speed: 0 words per minute
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

This picture captures a delicate bird perched on a tree bark adorned with a profusion of vibrant white and red flowers. The solitary bird, dressed in striking blue plumage, stands out vividly against the natural canvas. In the background, a pale blue sky is partially veiled by drifting, snow-white clouds, adding a serene and picturesque quality to the scene. The overall composition is a captivating blend of colours and tranquility, evoking a sense of wonder and admiration.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Picture – An image or photograph.
  2. Captures – Represents or records accurately in words or pictures.
  3. Delicate – Fragile or fine in quality.
  4. Perched – Rested on something high or narrow.
  5. Bark – The outer covering of a tree.
  6. Adorned – Decorated.
  7. Profusion – An abundance or large quantity.
  8. Vibrant – Full of energy and life.
  9. Flowers – The reproductive structure in flowering plants.
  10. Solitary – Alone; without companions.
  11. Dressed – Covered or adorned with clothing or something that covers.
  12. Striking – Attracting attention by being unusual, extreme, or prominent.
  13. Plumage – A bird’s feathers collectively.
  14. Vividly – Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
  15. Natural – Existing in or derived from nature.
  16. Canvas – The background or setting for a scene.
  17. Background – The part of a scene or picture that is farthest from the viewer.
  18. Pale – Light in colour.
  19. Partially – In part; not completely.
  20. Veiled – Partially concealed or hidden.
  21. Drifting – Moving slowly, especially as a result of outside forces.
  22. Snow-white – Pure white.
  23. Clouds – Visible masses of condensed water vapor floating in the sky.
  24. Serene – Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
  25. Picturesque – Visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.
  26. Quality – A distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.
  27. Scene – A place or setting of an event.
  28. Composition – The way in which something is put together or arranged.
  29. Captivating – Capable of attracting and holding interest.
  30. Blend – A mixture of different things or qualities.
  31. Tranquility – The state of being calm and peaceful.
  32. Evoking – Bringing or recalling to the conscious mind.
  33. Sense – A feeling or perception produced through the senses.
  34. Wonder – A feeling of amazement and admiration.
  35. Admiration – Respect and warm approval.

Describe an image – Bird – Speaking

Duolingo – Image description

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Image Description Test
Time: 01:00

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Your speech transcript will appear here…
Words Spoken: 0
Minimum Words Required: 30

OET Listening test # 43 Brayan Harris answers

1. External Fixation On The Wound For Healing Fractures
2. Skin Grafting
3. Clostridium Difficile
4. Flagyl
5. Pancreatic Cancer.
6. S3, S4, Or Gallop
7. Split Thickness Skin Graft Closure
8. Gluteal Folds On The Left Side
9. Down Lower On The Calf Area
10. Comes Out Laterally On Left Thigh
11. Sense Of Trauma To Right Posterior Leg
12. Chemical Cauterization

13. Vascular Surgery
14. Exploratory Laparotomy
15. Cholecystectomy
16. Daptomycin
17. Colace
18. Hyperpigmentation
19. Right Medial Malleolar Area
20. Erythema Extending Proximally
21. Wound Edges Are Poorly Defined
22. 64% Neutrophils
23. Pseudomonas
24. Daptomycin And Primaxin Iv

25. B
26. B
27. C
28. B
29. C
30. B

31. B
32. C
33. B
34. A
35. A
36. B

37. B
38. A
39. C
40. A
41. C
42. B


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Describe an image – Duolingo – Bird – (Speaking)

Speaking Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Your speech transcript will appear here…
Time: 01:30
Words Spoken: 0
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

This picture exquisitely captures a delicate, tiny bird perched gracefully on a rugged tree bark that is lavishly adorned with a profusion of vibrant flowers in shades of pristine white and rich red. The solitary bird, resplendent in its alluring blue plumage, stands out vividly against this colorful and natural backdrop, creating a striking visual contrast.

In the background, a serene pale blue sky stretches endlessly, partially veiled by a scattering of drifting, snow-white clouds that move gently across the horizon. This interplay of sky and clouds adds a dreamy, ethereal quality to the scene, enhancing its tranquil beauty.

The overall composition is a harmonious blend of vivid colours and serene elements, evoking a profound sense of wonder and admiration. The juxtaposition of the vibrant flowers, the strikingly blue bird, and the tranquil sky creates an enthralling visual narrative that captures the essence of nature’s beauty and serenity.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Exquisitely – Beautifully or delicately.
  2. Captures – Represents or records accurately in words or pictures.
  3. Delicate – Fragile or fine in quality.
  4. Tiny – Very small.
  5. Bird – A warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrate distinguished by feathers.
  6. Perched – Rested on something high or narrow.
  7. Gracefully – Elegantly and smoothly.
  8. Rugged – Having a rough, uneven surface.
  9. Tree – A woody perennial plant.
  10. Bark – The outer covering of a tree.
  11. Lavishly – In a rich, elaborate, or luxurious manner.
  12. Adorned – Decorated.
  13. Profusion – An abundance or large quantity.
  14. Vibrant – Full of energy and life.
  15. Flowers – The reproductive structure in flowering plants.
  16. Shades – Degrees of lightness or darkness of a color.
  17. Pristine – In its original condition; unspoiled.
  18. Rich – Strong or vivid in color.
  19. Solitary – Alone; without companions.
  20. Resplendent – Attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous.
  21. Alluring – Attractive or charming.
  22. Plumage – A bird’s feathers collectively.
  23. Vividly – Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
  24. Colorful – Having much or varied color.
  25. Natural – Existing in or derived from nature.
  26. Backdrop – The background of a scene.
  27. Striking – Attracting attention by being unusual, extreme, or prominent.
  28. Visual – Relating to seeing or sight.
  29. Contrast – The state of being strikingly different from something else.
  30. Serene – Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
  31. Pale – Light in color.
  32. Stretches – Extends over a large distance or area.
  33. Endlessly – Without end.
  34. Partially – In part; not completely.
  35. Veiled – Partially concealed or hidden.
  36. Scattering – A small, dispersed amount of something.
  37. Drifting – Moving slowly, especially as a result of outside forces.
  38. Snow-white – Pure white.
  39. Clouds – Visible masses of condensed water vapor floating in the sky.
  40. Gently – With a mild or kind manner.
  41. Horizon – The line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet.
  42. Interplay – The way in which two or more things have an effect on each other.
  43. Dreamy – Having a magical or pleasantly unreal quality.
  44. Ethereal – Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
  45. Quality – A distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.
  46. Scene – A place or setting of an event.
  47. Enhancing – Intensifying, increasing, or further improving the quality.
  48. Tranquil – Free from disturbance; calm.
  49. Composition – The way in which something is put together or arranged.
  50. Harmonious – Forming a pleasing or consistent whole.
  51. Blend – A mixture of different things or qualities.
  52. Vivid – Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
  53. Elements – Parts or aspects of something abstract.
  54. Evoking – Bringing or recalling to the conscious mind.
  55. Profound – Very great or intense.
  56. Sense – A feeling or perception produced through the senses.
  57. Wonder – A feeling of amazement and admiration.
  58. Admiration – Respect and warm approval.
  59. Juxtaposition – The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.
  60. Narrative – A spoken or written account of connected events.
  61. Essence – The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something.
  62. Serenity – The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

Describe the image (Typing)

Click here to access typing practice.

Duolingo – Image description

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Describe an image – Duolingo – Theatre (Speaking)

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Speaking Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Your speech transcript will appear here…
Time: 01:30
Words Spoken: 0
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

This image captures the ambiance of a theatre, where a diverse audience is immersed in a film experience. In the foreground, a striking woman is completely absorbed by the movie. She holds a box of popcorn in her left hand and, with her right hand, leisurely enjoys a handful of kernels. Next to her, a distinguished gentleman leans back in his chair, his gaze fixed intently on the screen, clearly captivated by the unfolding story. In the background, several other audience members are similarly enthralled, their faces softly illuminated by the flickering light of the screen, revealing their engagement and fascination. The dimly lit room contrasts with the glowing screen, creating a warm, immersive atmosphere that draws viewers into the cinematic world

List of vocabulary used

  1. Absorbed – Fully concentrated or engrossed in something.
  2. Audience – The group of people watching or listening to a performance or film.
  3. Backdrop – The background scenery or setting for a scene.
  4. Captivated – Attracted and held the interest of someone completely.
  5. Clasp – To hold tightly or firmly, often used for fastening.
  6. Enchanted – Under a spell or charm; fascinated.
  7. Engaged – Involved or occupied with something.
  8. Engrossed – Completely absorbed or focused on something.
  9. Fore – The front part or area of something.
  10. Gorgeous – Very beautiful or attractive.
  11. Gentleman – A polite or refined man.
  12. Glow – A steady light or brightness.
  13. Immersive – Deeply engaging or involving.
  14. Illuminated – Lighted up; made visible by light.
  15. Leans – To rest or recline against something.
  16. Lit – Lighted or illuminated.
  17. Popcorn – A type of snack made from heated corn kernels.
  18. Reflection – The image or light bouncing off a surface.
  19. Snacking – Eating small amounts of food casually.
  20. Stare – To look fixedly at something.
  21. Theatre – A place where movies or plays are shown.

Duolingo – Image description

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Describe an image – Duolingo – Theatre (Typing)

Image Description Test

Describe the Image

Description of the Image
Time: 01:00
Words Typed: 0
Typing Speed: 0 words per minute
Minimum Words Required: 30

Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The image depicts a theater where an audience is engrossed in a film. In the foreground, a woman, captivated by the movie, holds popcorn in one hand while snacking with the other. Beside her, a man leans back, equally absorbed. In the background, the faces of other viewers are lit by the screen’s glow, all visibly engaged in the film. The dark room enhances the immersive experience.

List of vocabulary used

  1. Absorbed – Fully concentrated or engrossed in something.
  2. Audience – The group of people watching or listening to a performance or film.
  3. Backdrop – The background scenery or setting for a scene.
  4. Captivated – Attracted and held the interest of someone completely.
  5. Clasp – To hold tightly or firmly, often used for fastening.
  6. Enchanted – Under a spell or charm; fascinated.
  7. Engaged – Involved or occupied with something.
  8. Engrossed – Completely absorbed or focused on something.
  9. Fore – The front part or area of something.
  10. Gorgeous – Very beautiful or attractive.
  11. Gentleman – A polite or refined man.
  12. Glow – A steady light or brightness.
  13. Immersive – Deeply engaging or involving.
  14. Illuminated – Lighted up; made visible by light.
  15. Leans – To rest or recline against something.
  16. Lit – Lighted or illuminated.
  17. Popcorn – A type of snack made from heated corn kernels.
  18. Reflection – The image or light bouncing off a surface.
  19. Snacking – Eating small amounts of food casually.
  20. Stare – To look fixedly at something.
  21. Theatre – A place where movies or plays are shown.

Describe an image (Speaking)

Duolingo – Image description

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