An Interesting Animal

Question 12: Describe an interesting animal you’ve encountered. You should say:

      – What type of animal was it?

      – Where did you encounter it?

      – What made it interesting?

      – How did you feel about the encounter?

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

During my visit to the picturesque beaches of Goa, I had the remarkable opportunity to encounter a pod of playful dolphins. The encounter left a lasting impression on me for several reasons, making it a truly memorable experience.

The type of animal I encountered was the common bottlenose dolphin, known for its friendly and sociable nature. Goa’s coastal waters are renowned for being home to these majestic creatures, and witnessing them in their natural habitat was a unique privilege.

The encounter took place during a boat ride in the Arabian Sea, just off the coast of Goa. As our boat cruised through the azure waters, it wasn’t long before the dolphins made their appearance. The sight of their sleek, grey bodies gracefully breaking the surface, with occasional leaps and flips, was nothing short of mesmerizing.

What made this encounter particularly interesting was the sheer curiosity and playfulness of the dolphins. They seemed to revel in our presence, swimming alongside the boat and leaping in and out of the water in an acrobatic display. Their joyful antics and the way they effortlessly glided through the waves were captivating.

The feeling of witnessing these intelligent creatures in their natural environment was truly exhilarating. It filled me with a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty of the natural world. It was a moment of connection with nature, a reminder of the incredible biodiversity our planet holds, and a sense of responsibility to protect these magnificent animals and their habitat.

As I reflect on this encounter, I can’t help but be reminded of the idiom “a fish out of water,” which symbolizes feeling out of place. In contrast, here in Goa, it was the dolphins that seemed perfectly in their element, and I felt incredibly fortunate to share that moment with them.

Encounters like these serve as a profound reminder of the beauty and wonder of our natural world and the importance of preserving it for future generations. This experience in Goa has left an indelible mark on my appreciation for marine life and the need to protect our oceans and the creatures that call them home.

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