An Inspirational Person

Question 15: Describe someone who has inspired you. You should say:

      – Who is this person, and how did you come to know them?

      – What qualities or actions about them are inspiring?

      – How have they influenced your life?

      – Have you ever met or communicated with them?

Sample answer by Lifestyle Training Centre

The person who has inspired me the most is my high school English teacher, Mrs. Johnson. I first came to know her when I was in the 10th grade, and she became my teacher for two consecutive years.

Mrs. Johnson possessed several remarkable qualities that made her an exceptional inspiration. Firstly, her dedication to teaching and genuine passion for literature were palpable. She had an incredible ability to make even the most complex literary works come alive in our classroom. Her enthusiasm for the subject was contagious, and it ignited a love for literature in all of her students.

What truly set Mrs. Johnson apart, however, was her unwavering belief in her students’ potential. She saw something special in each of us and encouraged us to reach for the stars. She was patient, supportive, and always available to provide guidance and mentorship.

Under Mrs. Johnson’s influence, I developed a deep appreciation for literature and writing. Her encouragement led me to explore creative writing, and I eventually started contributing articles to our school newspaper. This newfound passion for writing played a pivotal role in shaping my academic and career choices.

While I have not had the opportunity to meet Mrs. Johnson in recent years, her impact on my life is immeasurable. Her lessons in literature extended far beyond the classroom, teaching me about perseverance, the importance of mentorship, and the transformative power of education.

In conclusion, Mrs. Johnson, my high school English teacher, is the person who has inspired me the most. Her dedication, passion, and belief in her students left an indelible mark on my life, influencing my academic and career journey and instilling in me a lifelong love for literature and learning.

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