A Valuable Skill IELTS speaking task 2 question and answer


Model answer by Lifestyle Training Centre:

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Embarking on a journey to transcend my introverted nature and conquer limited communication skills, I delved into the intricacies of the English language about five years ago. Not claiming to be the sharpest tool in the shed, I honed my English speaking skills with dedication and persistence, knowing that it could give me an edge, not only in the professional arena but also in forging meaningful connections with a diverse array of individuals.

This linguistic prowess, particularly in English, I deem as a coveted skill, a veritable ace up the sleeve in the realm of effective communication. The dividends reaped from this proficiency have been manifold.

First and foremost, navigating interviews became a breeze after mastering the art of eloquent expression. The facility to articulate thoughts seamlessly has proven invaluable not only in professional settings but also in addressing diverse audiences and engaging in spontaneous, free-flowing conversations. Gone are the days of hesitation and stumbling over words.

Is this linguistic finesse essential for others to acquire? Absolutely. In an era where the world is a global village, English stands as the lingua franca. Students, in particular, stand to gain significantly as English serves as the conduit for international communication and academic discourse.

Now, let’s delve into the roadmap for cultivating this linguistic finesse. Mastery begins with an understanding of grammatical nuances, encompassing the labyrinth of tenses, verb forms, and subject-verb agreements. Weaving these threads of knowledge together, one can fashion a tapestry of articulate expression. Furthermore, the auditory senses play a pivotal role; regular exposure to native English speakers through podcasts, films, or conversations can be likened to a linguistic workout, enhancing proficiency.

In the tapestry of life, the skill of articulate English speaking can be likened to a vibrant thread that weaves connections, bridges gaps, and opens doors. It’s not merely a skill; it’s a passport to a world of opportunities. So, one can embrace the challenge, navigate the linguistic labyrinth, and let the eloquence of their words become a symphony that resonates across borders.

List of vocabulary used:

  1. Transcend – To rise above or go beyond something (e.g., limitations or difficulties).
  2. Conquer – To overcome or gain control over something.
  3. Sharpest tool in the shed – An idiomatic expression meaning to be the smartest or most capable person.
  4. Dedication – The quality of being committed to a task or purpose.
  5. Persistence – Continuing to do something despite difficulties or delay in achieving success.
  6. Edge – An advantage or benefit.
  7. Diverse array – A wide variety of different things or people.
  8. Prowess – Skill or expertise in a particular area.
  9. Coveted skill – A highly desired or sought-after skill.
  10. Ace up the sleeve – A hidden advantage or secret strength.
  11. Dividends – Profits or benefits received from an investment or effort.
  12. Manifold – Many and varied.
  13. Breeze – Something that is easy to do.
  14. Eloquent expression – The ability to express oneself clearly and effectively.
  15. Facility – Ease or ability to do something.
  16. Diverse audiences – A wide range of different people or groups.
  17. Spontaneous, free-flowing – Natural, unplanned, and effortless.
  18. Hesitation – A pause or delay due to uncertainty.
  19. Stumbling – Tripping over words or ideas, often due to nervousness or lack of preparation.
  20. Finesse – Skill and subtlety in handling something.
  21. Lingua franca – A common language used for communication between speakers of different languages.
  22. Conduit – A medium or channel through which something flows (e.g., communication).
  23. Roadmap – A plan or guide for achieving something.
  24. Nuances – Subtle differences or variations.
  25. Labyrinth – A complex or intricate system or structure.
  26. Tapestry – A complex and intricate combination of things.
  27. Auditory senses – The ability to hear and process sounds.
  28. Work out – To engage in physical or mental exercise to improve or practice a skill.
  29. Passport – A figurative term for a key or means to access something, usually opportunities.
  30. Symphony – A harmonious combination of elements.

Idioms and Phrases:

  1. Sharpest tool in the shed – Refers to someone who is very clever or capable.
  2. Ace up the sleeve – A hidden advantage or secret strength.
  3. Breeze – Referring to something that is very easy to accomplish.
  4. Spontaneous, free-flowing – Refers to something that is natural, unplanned, or effortless.
  5. Taken for a ride – To be deceived or tricked.
  6. Hard pill to swallow – Something that is difficult to accept or understand.
  7. Cover my bases – To take all necessary precautions or steps to ensure success or avoid problems.
  8. Get back to me – To respond or contact someone later.
  9. Take a deep breath – To calm oneself, often before taking action.
  10. Let the words become a symphony – Metaphor for speaking beautifully, fluently, or eloquently.

Tenses used:

Let’s break down the speech and identify the tenses used for each part, sentence, and phrase:

1. Embarking on a journey:

   – Present participle (gerund): “Embarking”

2. I delved into the intricacies:

   – Past simple: “delved”

3. Not claiming to be the sharpest tool in the shed:

   – Present participle (gerund): “claiming”

   – Present simple: “am”

4. I honed my English speaking skills:

   – Past simple: “honed”

5. Knowing that it could give me an edge:

   – Present participle (gerund): “Knowing”

   – Present simple: “could give”

6. This linguistic prowess, particularly in English, I deem as a coveted skill:

   – Present simple: “deem”

7. The dividends reaped from this proficiency have been manifold:

   – Present perfect: “have been”

8. Navigating interviews became a breeze:

   – Past simple: “became”

9. The facility to articulate thoughts seamlessly has proven invaluable:

   – Present perfect: “has proven”

10. Gone are the days of hesitation and stumbling over words:

    – Present perfect: “are”

11. Is this linguistic finesse essential for others to acquire?:

    – Present simple: “Is”

12. English stands as the lingua franca:

    – Present simple: “stands”

13. Students, in particular, stand to gain significantly:

    – Present simple: “stand”

    – Infinitive: “to gain”

14. Now, let’s delve into the roadmap:

    – Present simple: “let’s delve”

15. Mastery begins with an understanding:

    – Present simple: “begins”

16. Encompassing the labyrinth of tenses, verb forms, and subject-verb agreements:

    – Present participle (gerund): “Encompassing”

17. Weaving these threads of knowledge together:

    – Present participle (gerund): “Weaving”

18. One can fashion a tapestry of articulate expression:

    – Present simple: “can fashion”

19. Furthermore, the auditory senses play a pivotal role:

    – Present simple: “play”

20. Regular exposure to native English speakers through podcasts, films, or conversations can be likened to a linguistic workout:

    – Present simple: “can be likened”

21. The skill of articulate English speaking can be likened to a vibrant thread:

    – Present simple: “can be likened”

22. It’s not merely a skill; it’s a passport:

    – Present simple: “It’s”

23. So, one can embrace the challenge, navigate the linguistic labyrinth:

    – Present simple: “can embrace,” “navigate”

24. And let the eloquence of their words become a symphony that resonates across borders:

    – Present simple: “let become,” “resonates”

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