Jershon and the Enchanted Forest

One sunny afternoon, Jershon and his friends, Job and Jaison, stumbled upon a hidden path leading into a strange, glowing forest. The trees shimmered with golden leaves, and the air smelled sweet like honey.

As they ventured deeper, they met a talking owl named Ollie, who warned them of an ancient curse. “The forest is slowly losing its magic! Only those brave enough to solve three riddles can save it.”

Jershon, with his sharp mind, led the way. The first riddle appeared in a whispering voice: “I grow but never walk, I drink but never eat. What am I?”

Jershon thought hard. “A tree!” he said confidently. The forest smiled, and the path opened further.

The second riddle awaited them: “I’m always running, but never get tired. What am I?”

Jaison excitedly shouted, “A river!” The trees glowed brighter as the river beside them sparkled.

Finally, the third riddle came: “The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?”

Job, who had been quiet, whispered, “Footsteps…”

The forest erupted in light, and the magic was restored! Ollie hooted with joy. “You’ve saved the Enchanted Forest! Its magic will live on because of your bravery.”

From that day on, Jershon, Job, and Jaison became heroes of the forest. They returned home, knowing they had done something incredible.

List of vocabulary with meaning

Here is the list of vocabulary from the story, with their meanings:

  1. Ancient: Very old; belonging to the distant past.
  2. Curse: An evil spell or a wish for someone to suffer.
  3. Brave: Ready to face danger or pain; showing courage.
  4. Riddle: A question or statement requiring ingenuity to find its answer or meaning.
  5. Glowing: Giving out a steady light.
  6. Shimmered: Shone with a flickering or wavering light.
  7. Magic: The power of influencing events using mysterious or supernatural forces.
  8. Hero: A person admired for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
  9. Path: A route or course along which something travels or moves.
  10. Forest: A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth.
  11. Whispering: Speaking very softly using one’s breath rather than one’s throat.
  12. Erupted: Burst forth suddenly and violently.
  13. Sparkled: Shone brightly with flashes of light.
  14. Joy: A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
  15. Bravery: Courageous behavior or character.

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