Interlocutor Role Play Card Setting: Home Visit
Patient: You are a 64-year-old who underwent a left total knee replacement three weeks ago. At the time of discharge, you were advised to use a walker and to adhere to the recommended physiotherapy exercises at home until your follow-up appointment in a month. You stopped using the walker yesterday evening.
Tell the nurse why you stopped using the walker (makes you feel disabled/old. can now walk independently, knee healing well).
Insist you have been compliant with the recommended exercise regime and you do not want to be dependent on anything for routine activities.
Admit it is sometimes painful if you put weight on the knee for extended periods of time
Reluctantly agree to use a walker until your follow-up appointment.
Candidate Role Play Card Setting: Home Visit
Nurse: You are visiting a 64-year-old patient who underwent a left total knee replacement three weeks ago. This visit is to monitor the patient’s progress before his/her follow-up appointment scheduled in a month, the post-discharge instructions included using a walker for mobility and compliance with the recommended physiotherapy. During your visit, you notice that the patient is not using the walker.
Find out when and why the patient stopped using the walker « Advise the patient on the importance of physiotherapy and using the walker (e.g. physiotherapy increases range of motion/strength. Walker assists with balance, reduces risk of falls, lessens weight/pressure put on weakened muscles of knee, etc.).
Find out if the patient has been experiencing pain.
Encourage the patient to use a walker until his/her follow-up appointment (reduction in pain, shortened recovery time, etc.). Corrected.

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